Behind the bronze door, there is a wide cave with a large number of stalactites dripping water.

On the ground of the cave, there are also some unknown white bones.

Du Kang directly summoned all the summons.

Corpse soldiers, zombies, velociraptors, stegosaurus, triceratops, spinosaurus, crested dragon, pterosaurus.

A total of six hundred and fifty summoners surrounded Du Kang.

Du Kang didn’t dare to be too careless, after all, he didn’t know how powerful the monsters in the Shura-level copy were.

To be on the safe side, Du Kang naturally had to be fully prepared.

The summoner opened the way in front, and Du Kang followed.

Soon, ten Tyrannosaurus rex that were eight meters tall appeared in front of Du Kang.

[Tyrannosaurus Rex (Level 40 Elite Monster): A predator at the top of the pyramid among dinosaurs, with a strong bite force].

“Ten elite monsters?” Seeing this, Du Kang was a little surprised.

There were ten elite monsters when the door opened, which made Du Kang feel a little strange.

After all, he has also cleared a lot of copies now, and he has never seen such a big battle.

But this is also good, which is completely in line with Du Kang’s wishes.

The stronger the quest monster, the better the burst will be.

Du Kang directly ordered an attack, and an army of six hundred and fifty summoners rushed forward.

Even with ten level 40 elite Tyrannosaurus Rex, Du Kang had absolute confidence and felt that the summoned army could kill them.

But the result was completely unexpected by Du Kang.

These level 40 elite Tyrannosaurus rex are extremely powerful, they can easily kill Du Kang’s summons, and their defenses are also very strong, and the corpse soldiers, as well as the velociraptors, crowned dragons, spinosaurs and pterosaurs, cannot hurt them at all.

Only zombies, stegosaurs, and triceratops can hurt them.

However, it only hurts them, causing a little skin trauma, which is completely harmless for Tyrannosaurus rex.

When Du Kang saw this scene, he couldn’t help but laugh bitterly.

With so many summons, he couldn’t even kill ten Tyrannosaurus rex, so he had to take action personally.

Du Kang held the sword ridge of the magma stegosaurus with both hands, and then raised it flatly, and his body began to turn.

Blade Storm!

Epic skills!

With Du Kang’s current strength, the distance of the sword blade storm was already thirteen meters.

Du Kang turned directly over, and ten Tyrannosaurus rex quickly died under the attack of the blade storm.

Du Kang gained a lot of experience as a result, and he was closer to upgrading again.

But what made Du Kang feel strange was that the ten Tyrannosaurus rex actually didn’t explode anything.

It can’t be that the ‘Invincible Lucky Star’ talent is invalid, then there is only one possibility, these ten Tyrannosaurus rex will not drop anything.

If the mob doesn’t drop something, then it means that the boss will inevitably drop something.

Du Kang couldn’t help but have some expectations in his heart.

The four-winged dragon was given the experience of ten Tyrannosaurus rex, and the level directly soared to level 15.

When the owner kills a monster, the pet can get 30% of the monster’s experience points, and the experience points required for pets to upgrade are several times lower than those of human players, so the four-winged dragon can level up so quickly.

After the ten Tyrannosaurus rex guarding the gate were killed, Du Kang continued to move forward.

After walking about 100 meters, Du Kang saw ten Tyrannosaurus rex in front of him, and a larger Tyrannosaurus rex with a red skin color.

[Bloody Tyrannosaurus Rex (Level 45 General Monster): A more bloodthirsty Tyrannosaurus rex, with super bite power, and powerful life, if you want to kill it, you must be prepared to pay the price of your life].

“General-level monster?” Du Kang saw the information of this red Tyrannosaurus rex, and his eyes showed a look of surprise.

This was the first time he had encountered a general-level monster, which reminded him of the 120-level king-level octopus in the Pacific Ocean.

“Ordinary monsters, elite monsters, general-level monsters, king-level monsters, and are there higher level monsters after that?” Du Kang thought secretly in his heart.

However, Du Kang did not have much information for reference for the time being, and he was too lazy to think about it.

The immediate priority is to solve the eleven Tyrannosaurus rex in front of him first.

Unsure how powerful this bloody Tyrannosaurus rex really was, Du Kang summoned the Steel Licker out of caution.

Du Kang is now level 22, and the Steel Licker is an elite-level boss at level 42.

Thirty steel lickers, which is completely enough to crush.

Du Kang directly ordered the attack, and thirty steel lickers rushed forward.

Ordinary Tyrannosaurus rex in front of the steel licker, is completely dead, after all, the steel licker is an elite-level BOSS, and the Tyrannosaurus rex is only an elite-level monster, plus the level of the steel licker is higher, completely crushed.

As for the Bloody Tyrannosaurus Rex, even if it was a level 45 general-level monster, it fell on the spot in less than ten seconds under the siege of the Steel Licker.

However, the bloody Tyrannosaurus rex did not die, naturally Du Kang planned to mend the knife.

Du Kang walked over and directly slashed at the head of the bloody Tyrannosaurus rex, killing it.

The Bloody Tyrannosaurus rex turned into white light and disappeared, but the Bloody Tyrannosaurus Rex didn’t burst out anything.

Du Kang didn’t care either, and moved on.

Along the way, Du Kang encountered several waves of Tyrannosaurus rex, and he was too lazy to make another move, after all, he didn’t explode things, and he didn’t have the need to mend the knife, so he directly let the steel lickers besiege, pushing all the way!

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