Fude had no choice but to order someone to serve some steamed buns and vegetables to Wang Ye.

Wang Ye sat down on the ground, grabbed a steamed bun and ate it, still muttering to the food delivery man: “Brother, do what I do, and give Zhang Chulan a piece too.”

Afterwards, he ignored them and started to eat big mouthfuls.

That way, it looks like a starved ghost reincarnated.

Soon, the same meal as Wang Ye was served in front of Zhang Chulan.


Zhang Chulan was stunned, standing there at a loss.

Wang also cast a glance at him, “Don’t stand still, eat, if you don’t, I’ll slap you to death.”

In the end, there were two steamed buns left on Wang Ye’s plate, and only one steamed bun left on Zhang Chulan’s.

In this game, Zhang Chulan won the game very dramatically.

“Next match, Wang Yu will face Zhang Lingyu!”

“Brother Dark Horse, come on!”

Hearing a familiar voice, Wang Yu noticed that Lu Linglong was sitting in a wheelchair and waving at him at some point.

In a hidden place, Liu Yanyan, who had changed her appearance, stood in the corner of the auditorium.

Around, many familiar auras were scattered among the crowd.

“A whole-sex person…”

Wang Yu lowered his head slightly, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

It seems that they can no longer sit still.

I don’t know what their purpose is, and Wang Yu didn’t ask.

It doesn’t matter, these are small things.

Wang Yu cared more about the Great Qin Kingdom than the purpose of Quanxingpurpose of the teacher.

As a time traveler, the other party is very likely to know the development track of this world, which is what we commonly call the plot now.

He has always paid attention to letting nature take its course here. Since he doesn’t know the development of the plot, he has always been in a playful attitude.

The only goal is to collect enough stunts and exchange them for mission points.

However, the sudden appearance of Wang Jian made him realize that the other party had a clear purpose in Longhu Mountain.

And it is even more likely that it was the idea of ​​the Great Qin State Teacher.

What the other party’s purpose is, he has no idea.

Touching his forehead, Wang Yu felt that he had been too sentimental recently.

there is always a solution to a problem.

Just know that the other party doesn’t know that he is also a time traveler.

“Game start!”

Wang Yu and Zhang Lingyu stood beside each other, their white clothes rising against the wind…

Wang Yu was the first to speak: “Really Lingyu, don’t hold back for a while!”

Zhang Lingyu was silent, “Don’t worry, the poor will not hold back.”

“Brother Dark Horse will win!”

Lu Linglong shouted excitedly.

Zhang Lingyu: “…”

His face darkened. If he read correctly, that Lu Linglong seemed to be his last opponent, and he seemed to be his fan.

Bah, scumbag.

Pindao patiently took pictures and videos with you, and finally did not hold back according to your request. The first shot was Lei Fa, but he didn’t expect to betray him.

Sure enough, what the teacher said was right, but villains and women are difficult to raise.

There was a hint of bad luck in Zhang Lingyu’s eyes.

“Heaven and Earth Xuanzong, the root of all qi.”

In an instant, Zhang Lingyu’s whole body was shrouded in golden light, and her face was indifferent.

“Cultivate thousands of kalpas extensively, and prove my supernatural powers!”

“Golden Light Curse.”

Lin -!

With a low growl, Zhang Lingyu quickly approached Wang Yu, and punched him with a golden fist.

But Wang Yu seemed to be stupid at this time, standing still in place.

“It’s over.” Lu Linglong quickly covered her eyes, unable to bear to watch the next scene.


A series of explosions sounded on the field.

After an unknown amount of time, Lu Linglong was sitting in a wheelchair with her eyes still closed.

“Hua’er, did brother Heima lose?”

Hua’er on one side said, “No.”

“No? Was he beaten to death? It’s over, Brother Heima is gone.”

The corners of Hua’er’s mouth twitched. The young lady of hers thought very dangerously.

“Linglong, your dark brother isn’t dead yet.” Hua’er adjusted her glasses subconsciously, looking at Zhang Lingyu who kept attacking Wang Yu.

At this time, Zhang Lingyu had already transformed into a golden light, and her attack speed was getting faster and faster.

Because of the distance, she couldn’t see clearly the changes in Wang Yu’s face.

It just feels that the other party is very relaxed.

Yes, it’s very easy.

Hua’er was taken aback by this thought, how could it be possible. Zhang Lingyu’s strength is frighteningly strong.

Who is that Wang Yu?

Why did Zhang Lingyu easily resist every time he attacked.

She was far from the only one who couldn’t believe it.

Zhang Zhiwei’s face finally became serious, and he murmured to himself in puzzlement, “How is it possible, the strength of this physical body…”

“It’s so strong.” Lu Jin said what Zhang Zhiwei didn’t say.

Among the aliens present, the strength of the two of them is definitely the highest.

Compared to the audience, the two of them saw it very clearly. The young man named Wang Yu didn’t use his energy at all, and kept fighting against Zhang Lingyu with his physical body.

Zhang Zhiwei frowned, and finally sighed, “Lingyu lost!”

At this moment, Lu Jin said with a smile: “Haha, I thought the old heavenly master couldn’t see it.”

“The old man is not blind yet.” Zhang Zhiwei glanced at him in displeasure. He was already very displeased at being beaten up by him.

He even laughed at him. Normally, he would definitely teach old man Lu Jin to be a man.

However, his apprentice had just maimed his granddaughter, so he was still a little guilty at this moment.

Zhang Zhiwei could only hold back the suffocation in his heart, and watched the game sullenly.

At this moment of the game, Zhang Lingyu was already furious.

For some reason, when he saw Wang Yu’s relaxed expression, he suddenly became furious.

I just wanted to find something to vent.

And this candidate was Wang Yu in front of me at the time…

Resisting Zhang Lingyu’s golden light again, Wang Yu grabbed his right fist with one hand, and quickly grabbed his biceps with the other hand.

Turn around, twist your waist and send your hips, and grab the ground with your feet…

An over-the-shoulder fall would have knocked Zhang Lingyu to the ground.

Just when her face was about to touch the ground, Zhang Lingyu put her left hand on the ground, spun her feet in the air, and kicked towards Wang Yu’s head.

Seeing this, Wang Yu took two steps back, avoiding his legs.

“Master Lingyu, stop probing and show your true strength.” Wang Yu flicked his cuffs and said slowly, “This is not interesting.”

Zhang Lingyu’s face is heavy, it’s hard to deal with. I originally wanted to test his strength, but I didn’t expect it to be tested at all.

He originally thought that he would at least test out his Leifa-like attack, but he didn’t expect to be wrong.

In the fight just now, he didn’t even use his breath.

How tricky!

Zhang Lingyu felt that she might capsize this time.

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Lingyu said, “I have to say, your strength is really strong.”

Wang Yu nodded, “I know that, so far I haven’t met an opponent.”

Zhang Lingyu: “…”

He was just being polite.who! At this moment, Zhang Lingyu suddenly felt that Zhang Chulan’s unshakable title of Bilian should be given to this guy.

If Wang Yu knew what he was thinking, he would definitely shout that he was innocent. No one would believe the truth these days.

With a dark face, Zhang Lingyu’s golden light disappeared, revealing her white Taoist robe.

“Very well, since you want to see my true strength, then I’d rather obey than obey.”

A trace of black lightning condensed in his palm.

In a moment, a large cloud of black thunderballs condensed into one. Zhang Lingyu grabbed the thunder ball and pushed it out violently.

“The Yin Five Lightning Method – Palm Thunder!”

“That’s what makes it interesting.”

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, his right hand grabbed the thunder ball and squeezed it hard.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for comprehending part of the Yin Wu Lei method!”

Listening to the reminder from the system, Wang Yu licked his lips, it smells so good~

“This guy… is a monster.”

Xia He, who was hidden among the audience, had only one thought in his mind, that was Zhang Lingyu was going to lose.

I feel a little uncomfortable.

The little fresh meat that was conquered before was defeated by the little fresh meat that hadn’t been conquered yet, begging for her mood at this time.


“Ding, congratulations to the host for comprehending part of the power of Yin Wu Lei.” ×8

“Ding… Comprehend the complete method of Yin Wu Lei!”

Wang Yu was in no mood to respond to the system’s reminder.

Now he is playing to his heart’s content.

As expected of being a junior uncle of the Tianshi Mansion, he just resists beatings.

Whenever his fist was about to hit Zhang Lingyu, Zhang Lingyu’s Yin Wulei kept releasing his force.

“Huh…you are really scary.” Zhang Lingyu rarely showed a smile, but…

Wang Yu’s face twitched, “Well…you don’t laugh, we are still good friends.”

I can’t tell if it’s because I’m in a good mood or in a bad mood. Like a robot, it was originally cold, but suddenly showed a strange smile.

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