The Encounter of Fate

For the first time in his life, he was surrounded by a group of beautiful women. Hearing their chirping voices, Wang Yu suddenly felt that his life had reached its peak.

Meng Erfei looked at Wang Yu who was surrounded by all the girls, then at Wang Fugui beside him, and murmured, “Young master, I’m afraid your title of “Picking Girl King” will be given away.”

Fan Qishou nodded deeply.

Wang Fugui’s expression froze all of a sudden, what’s going on, he made such a perfect debut.

Could it be that in their eyes, Master Ben is no longer the prettiest kid on the street?

Wang Fugui was sour. He had a feeling that this cousin who appeared out of nowhere stoleIt should belong to his fan group.

Bai Yuechu, who was a poor ghost, exploded his potential of being poor for seventeen years.

There was blue flames all over his body. Looking carefully, it was formed by the condensed air of resentment.

Anyone who gets close to him will be haunted by his resentment.

The soaring resentment cheered up the audience. There was no wind and waves in the air, and there were raging fire in his eyes, staring at him with bitterness and hatred.

“Wang Yu…my perfect plan! It’s about to succeed, but it was ruined by this laxative of yours!”

“Take your life!”

With a dark face and deep resentment, Bai Yue rushed towards Wang Yu.

Wang Fugui and his two subordinates quickly covered their heads with their arms, only to hear Fan Qishou shout: “What is this thing, it doesn’t look like mana at all.”

Meng Erfei looked at the blue resentment wrapped around Bai Yueyue’s body, as if he had thought of something, he hurriedly said, “I remembered, this is resentment. It is rumored that only people who have been bullied all the year round, who suffer from hardship, and are extremely narrow-minded , a powerful negative force that will emerge.”

“Young master, we couldn’t have done it, could we?” Meng Erfei asked Wang Fugui with a sad face.

Wang Fugui vehemently denied it and said, “How is it possible? We are helping him. Besides, the young master is so amiable, how could he do such a bullying thing?”

After Fan Qishou heard about it, he said quietly: “Young master, you really rarely bully him, but it seems that the young master let us bully him.”

“If he becomes powerful, will he take revenge on us?”

“Er…it should be!”

When Wang Fugui thought of Bai Yue’s narrow-minded look, he might really retaliate.

When Bai Yuechu rushed over, Wang Yu had already noticed that something was wrong with Bai Yuechu’s situation.

Without any hesitation, Wang Yu jumped up and grabbed the mahogany sword in the hands of Bai Ling who was sitting under the audience stage. The mahogany sword seemed to have a spirituality, and it flew up instantly.

“Here comes the sword!”

Holding the long sword in his hand, Wang Yu’s confidence suddenly increased.

A stream of green lotus sword energy emanated from the sword, and shot at Bai Yue’s fist all at once.

It was easy to cut off the resentment wrapped around him, and Bai Yue regained his sanity for a short time. The secret channel made a bad sound, and a talisman paper appeared in his hand.

“Golden Light Curse.”

The body was instantly enveloped in golden light, and the sword energy slashed on the golden light, making a ping sound.

“Okay, come again!”

Wang Yu let out a long roar, and there were two more green lotus sword qi.

“I wipe, I hide!”

Bai Yue looked at the sword qi that was coming at him rapidly, and couldn’t be provoked. He slapped the two talisman papers on his legs and jumped away in an instant.

Wang Yu took a deep breath, and only used three green lotus sword qi, half of the mana in his body was consumed. This is only half of the sword intent, if it is 50%, 10%, I am afraid that he will be drained before a sword intent is released.

Looking up at the white moon floating in the sky, Wang Yu was very envious. If he wants to do that, no matter what, he needs to be at the Golden Core stage.

After Bai Yue in the air came to his senses, he kept shouting, “My golden light talisman, my volley talisman, are very expensive, you know!”

Maybe it was stimulated by something, the resentment in Bai Yue’s body reappeared, and it was more than ten times stronger than before.

The closed field was suddenly enveloped by a wave of resentment.

Suddenly, a piece of gravel fell from the sky and accidentally hit Bai Yue on the head.


Bai Yue, who was smashed, fell to the ground in an instant.

“It’s finally here. The first goal is here.”

On the roof, there was a little loli’s voice.

“Huh? Uh? Ah!”

The shed suddenly burst, and Tu Shan Susu fell down.

Wang Yu looked at the direction, and the place where he fell should be on Bai Yue.

By the way, do you want to stop it?

just forget it.

With Bai Yue in charge, Susu should be fine.

Bai Yue, who stood up dizzily, looked up in a daze, and was taken aback: “Who are you…?”

“Ah!” Afterwards, Bai Yue screamed.

Suddenly thick smoke billowed from the scene.

When the smoke dissipated, Tu Shan Susu was lying on Bai Yueyue’s body, clutching her head in pain: “It hurts so much!”

A lump appeared on her forehead. Tu Shan Susu frowned uncomfortably, and took out a piece of paper from her body with her mouth pouted.

He said happily: “Wow! It’s really here! Great, I found this place.”

Bai Yue sat up suspiciously, looked at the ears of Tu Shan Susu who fell from the sky, and secretly said: “You monster, she is still a woman, fate has not abandoned me.”

Pretending to be a big brother, he cared for Tu Shan Susu: “Little sister, it hurts from the fall, it’s so pitiful.”

“No…it’s okay.” Tu Shan Susu replied somewhat stammeringly.

“Come on, hold this marriage stone with me, and it won’t hurt anymore.”

“No, stop him!”

Wang Fugui shouted.

“Huh? Where are the stones?”

Bai Yue looked at his empty hand.

Tu Shan Susu squatted on the ground, pointed at the broken stone and said, “You mean this? I hit this just now, and my head hurts!”

“∑(‘艸’;)!!” at the beginning of the white month

Bai Yueyue trembled all over, and screamed strangely: “Ah~”

“Everything is God’s will, wow ha ha ha ha…” Wang Fugui held his stomach and laughed endlessly.

Bai Yue had a ferocious expression, staring at Tu Shan Susu with resentment all over her body.

“The treasure I bought with a huge sum of twenty yuan, how do you say you will pay for it!”

“Wow! It’s that terrifying momentum again.” Meng Erfei and Fan Qi shouted in unison.”Yes, I’m sorry, I’ll just pay you.”

Tu Shan Susu said while sweating profusely.

“Hey, let me say, can you be a little promising?” Wang Yu stood up helplessly.

Depend on! I’ll have to deal with Fan Yunfei later, but I can’t spend all my mana on you.

“Are you forcing me to come up with a unique move?” Wang Yu looked at Bai Yue calmly, a sneer appeared on the corner of Wang Yu’s mouth.

Bai Yue snorted and said, “I’d like to see what unique moves you have. Your moves are really powerful, but your mana is too weak.”


Wang Yu put his left hand into his pocket and said, “If I’m not wrong, you should be a poor ghost, right?”

“So what?” Bai Yue admitted generously. Anyway, everyone knew it. Then, clutching his chest, he inexplicably took off the suit.

He was wearing a blue school uniform and a white T-shirt inside. “Get rid of poverty” was written on the front and “get rich” was written on the back, showing his strong desire to get rid of poverty.

“Hey, how did you take off your clothes?” Wang Yu asked curiously like a baby.

He has always been very curious. The second dimension seems to grab the collar with his hands, and take off the clothes with a brush.

It’s completely unscientific.

“Hey, this shouldn’t be the focus of your attention!” Bai Yue roared.

“Forget it, since I don’t say it, let’s see that I am super invincible in the universe, loved by everyone, and a must-have magic weapon in the world!”

Wang Fugui and the others muttered to themselves, “It sounds so tall.”

“Sight treasure!” Wang Yu shouted loudly, and a red light and shadow flew into the air.

“this is……”

Bai Yue squinted his eyes, his pupils dilated violently, and with a swipe, he rushed towards the light and shadow.

Because Wang Fugui was staring at the light and shadow, and because of his high speed, he didn’t see clearly what kind of treasure it was.

“Don’t be afraid, baby, I’m coming!”

Bai Yue hugged Guangying in his arms, and his body fell to the ground freely.

Everyone looked at Bai Yueyue curiously, wondering what the magic weapon Wang Yu was talking about would be.

Quietly staring at Bai Yue’s arms, seeing Bai Yue’s ecstatic face, they all felt puzzled.

Bai Yue turned to Wang Yu and said, “Is this for me?”

Wang Yu nodded.

“My God! This is a hundred-dollar bill. I’m so lucky today.”

Trembling, Bai Yue took out the 100-yuan red bill from his bosom, very excited.

Everyone: “∑( ̄□ ̄;)”

They feel that their IQ has been greatly insulted.

Wang Fugui wiped the cold sweat off his brow with an awkward smile, and said, “Hehe, this fits his personality very well.”

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