Catch the Beak Beast

Wang Fugui’s disdainful eyes seemed to be saying Xiao Mian, I believe you are a ghost, you are a poor ghost.

And Wang Yu frowned, his eyes fixed on Li Xueyang’s head, but he still didn’t see the black line that Bai Yue said.

Looking at Bai Yue strangely, Wang Yu thought to himself, could it be because of the tears of the void.

Then he suddenly said: “Bai Yue, can you see the black lines on their heads?”

Bai Yue said: “I can see it, do you believe me?”

Wang Yu settled down for a while, grabbed the mahogany sword in his hand, and directed a green lotus sword energy towards Li Xueyang’s head.

The speed was so fast that none of the people present could react.

After the sword qi reached the sky above Li Xueyang’s head, it was as if there was something in the void. The sword qi stayed in place for a second before swipe across.

And Wang Yu obviously felt that something was smashed by the sword energy, and there was a hint of understanding in his eyes.

It’s a strange feeling, this is the first time he has encountered this kind of power.

“Interesting, how did that monster form.” Wang Yu whispered to himself. The mood has improved a lot, because he found that his Qinglian sword energy can hurt the opponent.

In the sky above the hospital, a huge beaked beast was lying on the ground, looking at Wang Yu in bewilderment.

I never expected that I would meet another person who could hurt it.

With its fat belly constantly rising and falling, the Ebon Beak felt like it was going to explode.

That woman couldn’t beat her by herself, but this little one also provoked me. Is it true that the beaked beast has no temper?


The beaked beast was angry. It was very angry, and the consequences would be serious.

“Be careful, those black lines are running towards you.” Bai Yue reminded loudly.


Wang Yu looked puzzled, and suddenly felt his body tighten, as if something was binding him.

Secretly saying something bad, Wang Yu didn’t dare to keep it. Countless streams of tiny sword energy burst out of his body, breaking free from the black thread in an instant.


Slapping the windshield with one palm, Wang Yu got out in an instant.

When you reach the Golden Core Realm, you can stay in the void for a short time and walk in the void.

The golden core in the body was constantly rotating, and the void around Wang Yu showed a twisted wave.

Staying in the air, Wang Yu is now like a bird flying in the air. It is very natural, as if everything is as it should be.

“I want to see what the hell it is.” Wang Yu snorted coldly and flew up quickly.

Completely forget about my fear of heights.

At this moment, several black lines appeared from somewhere in the sky and shot towards Wang Yu.

It’s just that he opened it too easily.

It quickly flew towards the position where the black line appeared, and the Evil Beaked Beast also noticed him.

A large wave of black lines was thrown at him. Wang Yu kept waving the long sword in his hand, but the black lines seemed to be endless, and there were more and more black lines.

The higher you go, the bigger the obstacles.

“Damn it, I can’t go on like this.” Wang Yu cut off a wave of black lines again, a little annoyed.

When I first watched this episode, I glanced over it and didn’t pay much attention to this monster.

Staring at the sky carefully, he finally found something wrong.

He found that the locations where the black lines appeared were all in the same area.

“Is that where it is?” Wang Yu looked up at the void at least 50 meters above, and the black line came out from that direction.

Running the golden core, Wang Yu rushed upwards quickly.

The true qi in his body can’t last long now, so he must make a quick decision.


With a silent roar, a circular black hole appeared in the sky. Two huge tentacles drilled out of it.

The tentacles are blue, each as thick as an elephant’s leg.

“Are you in a hurry?” Wang Yu became more determined in his thinking and urged the golden core to increase his speed by another layer.

The mahogany sword in his hand chopped on the tentacles. To his surprise, he passed through without any obstacles.

When Wang Yu was in a daze for a moment, countless black threads suddenly emerged from the tentacles.

“not good!”

Wang Yu was shocked and hurriedlyTo draw the sword.

It’s just that the mahogany sword was tightly entangled with many black threads, and he couldn’t pull it out no matter what.

Even the Qinglian Sword Qi can cut off the black thread, but the black thread seems to be endless. After cutting a few, more black wires came out.

The black lines are like long snakes, dexterously and quickly dancing in the air. Wrap Wang Yu up, and it looks like a black egg from the outside.

Using the sword to cut off a group of black lines again, Wang Yu took advantage of this effort to take a breath: “No, if this continues, the true energy will not be supplied at all.”

A flash of determination flashed in his eyes. Wang Yu looked at the black line rushing towards him again, and drew a sword circle on the spot. Surprisingly, the black line passed through Wang Yu’s chest easily.

If anyone is here, they will find that this is Wang Yu and this is a phantom.

“It’s now.”

Standing in the sword circle, Wang Yu’s body has already escaped into the void, and he saw the Ebibeak hidden in the black hole.

Without any hesitation, Wang Yu raised his sword and stood up.

“Qinglian Sword Song!”

Looking from a distance, a huge blue lotus bloomed in the void where no one could see.

A stream of sword energy gathered in the direction of the lotus.

Where the sword energy swept across, there were cracks in the void.

And the Ebeak Beast located in the center of the lotus is about to cry. Every sword energy here will take away a lot of its strength.

Every time a sword energy is consumed, the body of the beaked beast becomes a little smaller.

The beaked beast let out a wail, and a cyan lotus flower made of sword energy bloomed instantly.

One after another sword energy passed through the hall, carrying traces of immortal green lotus sword intent, and the body of the Evil Beak Beast shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Wang Yu, who stayed in the void, turned pale. When the sword energy dissipated, he saw a small thing in his eyes, gritted his teeth and reached out to grab it.

Afterwards, his body returned to the sword circle again. Wang Yu looked at the little thing in his hand and heaved a sigh of relief.

“It’s so dangerous, I almost let you run away.”

He squeezed the blue Evil Beak that was as big as a rag doll in his hand, ignoring its struggle.

Wang Yu controlled the mahogany sword with his mind, stepped on it, and slid down.

Stepping on the mahogany sword, Wang Yu obviously felt that it consumed much less energy than stepping on the void.

When Wang Yufei reached the ground, the hospital building was gone. In its place is a huge pile of poop-shaped sand.

Wang Yu: “…”

“what happened?”

Landing on the ground, Wang Yu curiously asked Wang Fugui who was supported by Fan Qi.

“It’s hard to describe.”

Wang Fugui covered his mouth with one hand, tears streaming down his face.

“Um, what happened?”

Wang Yu scratched his hair, wondering, why are you still crying?

Meng Erfei came to Wang Yu’s side, and said in a low voice, “Master was pressed under that fat woman over there just now, and then he was kissed. Now he is dying.”

Following the direction of his finger, Wang Yu saw a fat girl. It was the boss of the group of robbers, covering his face with his hands shyly, and said: “Young Master Wang, I will belong to you from now on.”

“Boss, don’t you want us?”

His fellow robbers asked with reluctance in their eyes.

“Pfft! Cough cough…”

When Wang Yu heard it, he almost burst out laughing, and was accidentally choked.

“Cousin…you’re still laughing!”

Wang Fugui blushed and stared at Wang Yu resentfully.

Wang Yu coughed lightly to cover up, and said, “Cousin, you are lucky, you can’t escape.”

“By the way, what happened to Li Xueyang and the others?” Wang Yu couldn’t bear Wang Fugui’s eyes, and changed the subject.

Meng Erfei pointed behind Wang Yu and said, “I was buried in that pile of strangely shaped sand.”

Wang Yu turned around and saw Bai Yue and Tu Shan Susu standing there looking at something.

Stepping forward, he greeted Tu Shan Susu and said, “Susu, do you still remember me?”

Tu Shan Susu turned her head and said in surprise, “It’s the big brother.”

“Huh? Does your face look familiar? Have we met somewhere?” Bai Yue looked at Wang Yu, feeling like he had met somewhere.

The corner of Wang Yu’s mouth twitched, saying that he seemed to have ruined Bai Yue’s perfect plan that time. If you recognize it, it will be a little troublesome.

So she resolutely denied it and said, “It’s your illusion. I’m just a popular face. It’s normal for me to look familiar.”

“Is that so?” Bai Yue Yue scratched the stupid hair on his head, but he didn’t bother with a problem anymore. Instead, he said to the sand fox Xiaoli who was only half of her body on the ground:

“Hey, the problem with your prince and concubine should have been resolved. Don’t forget about my reward then.”

“Don’t worry, as long as our prince goes back and inherits the throne, the money will be given to you.” Xiaoli said indifferently.

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