The Great Thief Bai Qiuen

A pavilion made of pure gold, the ground is paved with pure silver at first glance, and it keeps shining under the sunlight.

Wang Yu: “…”

“Why do I feel like I’m still a poor ghost?” Wang Yu’s eyelids twitched a few times. He dared to swear that there must be mines in this Qi Dao League.

Wang Yu took a deep breath and tried his best to calm down his tone: “Qingtong, I have a question for you. Is gold and silver worthless here?”

Qingtong’s expression was blank at first, then she looked at Wang Yu with a little embarrassment, shook her head and said, “Master, I didn’t often appear in human cities before, so I don’t know the prices here.”

“But in Tushan, gold and silver are still very valuable.”

For a while, Wang Yu fell into autism.

“Okay, here we are.”

It wasn’t until Hongzhong spoke suddenly that Wang Yu noticed that several people had arrived in front of an ancient pagoda.

The ancient pagoda is about 15 meters high, with five floors and eight corners.

A small golden bell hangs from each corner of the ancient pagoda, shining bright golden light in the sunlight.

The entire tower body is tall and straight, simple and majestic, giving people the inspiration of strength and the feeling of beauty.

“The Magic Treasure Pavilion?”

Wang Yu stared at the three ancient characters on the plaque, and suddenly said: “Brother Hongzhong, this is clearly a pagoda. What is a pavilion?”

Hongzhong didn’t expect Wang Yu to ask this question, and was at a loss for words for a while.


Hongzhong looked cold on the outside, but bitter in his heart: “I don’t know why it’s called a pavilion and not a tower. What it’s called is a matter for high-level officials. How can I, a demon policeman, know why?”

But he couldn’t say that.

Just thinking about what should be done in the redHe answered without losing face.

I saw a middle-aged man wearing a yellow Taoist robe and a mustache walking out of the ancient pagoda cautiously.

“You are Meng… Ugh!” Hong Zhong was very surprised in his eyes, pointing at him as he was about to speak, the middle-aged man was startled, and quickly covered his mouth to prevent him from speaking.

Looking around vigilantly, he whispered: “I’m the manager of the Magic Treasure Pavilion now, don’t reveal my other identity, do you understand?”

After hearing this, Hongzhong nodded, and signaled that she understood.

Hong Zhong wiped the sweat off his head, and introduced to Wang Yu: “This is the steward of our Magic Treasure Pavilion. In the Magic Treasure Pavilion, he has the greatest power.”

After finishing speaking, he added a sentence in his heart: “And the power in Yiqi Daomeng is also the greatest.”

“Haha, where is it, low-key, low-key.” The middle-aged manager waved his hand, raised his head and laughed.

Wang Yu squinted his eyes. For some reason, after seeing this person, he felt very upset and felt the desire to beat him up.

As soon as this thought came out, he was very surprised. Judging from his appearance, he should have never seen him before.

Why does Mao have such an idea?

Wang Yu was very puzzled. Looking at the smile of Butler Ming, he suddenly realized, and said to himself, “It turns out that this smile makes me unhappy.”

For some reason, that old bastard Bai Qiuen suddenly appeared in his mind laughing.

Gradually overlapped with the person in front of him.

Wang Yu shook his head, probably because he thought too much. This person has a slender head and a pair of long ears. The one with this feature in Yiqi Daomeng should be Wang Fugui’s father.

Why did he suddenly think of Bai Qiuen? Sure enough, he was thinking too much.

The man glanced at the three of them: “You are here…”

“We are here to buy magic weapons.” Wang Yu said.

The person who was suspected to be Wang Fugui’s father had a very strange expression, and said nonchalantly, “That’s it! You go ahead and pick it out. I just finished using the toilet and haven’t had time to wash my hands.”

“What! Didn’t wash your hands?” Hong Zhong’s face darkened, thinking of the other party covering his mouth with his unwashed hands after going to the toilet.

The acid water in his stomach kept churning, and then, Hongzhong rushed towards the bathroom recklessly.

“Hey, what’s the matter with him?”

While digging his nostrils, the man looked blankly at the back of Hongzhong’s departure.

Wang Yu looked at this person, his eyes moved, and he secretly turned on the system.

“Mission Point-8, detection begins.”

“Bai Qiuen: Patriarch of the Bai family.”

“Level: ???”

“Abilities: Baijia Town Demon Stick Technique, Seventy-two Changes, Swallowing Heaven and Earth, Borrowing Heaven and Kun, Sealing Technique, Dream Control Technique, Earth Walking Technique…”

Wang Yu’s face couldn’t help twitching a few times. It really was this old ghost. No wonder he had the urge to beat him up.

“But why did he come out here in the form of Patriarch Wang.” Wang Yu secretly guessed.

“Could it be that he came to steal something?”

Wang Yu’s gaze towards Bai Qiuen gradually became more strange. It took him eight mission points, but the system didn’t even detect the opponent’s level.

And Bai Qiuen, who became the head of the Wang family, suddenly became cold, and a chill hit his face!

Bai Qiuen thought to himself: “What the hell? Why is it so cold? Could it be that the fox demon from Tu Shan is here?”

He looked around vigilantly, but he was relieved that he didn’t find the fox demon.

Bai Qiuen was startled when her eyes glanced over Wang Yu inadvertently. Isn’t this the boy Wang Yu who had an affair with that fox demon Tu Shan?

You must know that the last video made him a small fortune, but he has now become Tu Shan’s wanted criminal.

She had to hide in Tibet. Even though she was so careful, she was still found by Tu Shan Yaya. Not only was the small profit lost, but a lot of money was lost.

Even the treasure gourd he hid in his crotch was sold by Tu Shan Rongrong to Yiqi Daomeng.

Today, he got reliable news that his beloved treasure gourd is placed in this magic treasure pavilion.

Therefore, Bai Qiuen became the head of the Wang family and successfully sneaked in.

It should be known that the Wang family and the Bai family are feuds. The so-called one who knows oneself best is often the enemy, and vice versa.

Relying on his years of observation, the head of the Wang family that he became was not discovered by anyone.

Bai Qiuen inadvertently touched Wang Yu’s playful eyes, and felt guilty in his heart: You won’t be discovered, right?

Turning his eyes, Bai Qiuen found an excuse to sneak away.

“Then what, I still have something to do, so I won’t…”

Before he finished speaking, he stared straight at the one hundred yuan bill in Wang Yu’s hand, secretly drooling.

Wang Yuruo said pointedly: “This is the first time we come to the Magic Treasure Pavilion, and we don’t know which magic weapon is easy to use. Brother Hongzhong won’t be able to come back for a while. Hey, what should we do?”

With a disappointed expression, he said: “If there is a kind person who helps us, I will give this one hundred yuan to him.”

Qingtong’s eyelids twitched as she listened, and she was speechless towards Wang Yu.

Although she rarely appears in human cities, she also knows the value of one hundred yuan. The other party is the Patriarch of the Wang family, and it is appropriate to describe him as rich and invincible.

How could she care about this one hundred yuan…

Damn it!

Just when Qingtong was considering whether to remind the young master, she saw the Patriarch of the Wang family staring at the one hundred yuan with staring eyes, and kept swallowing.

Qing Tong had a question in her mind, I don’t know if I should say it or not. Could it be that the rumors are wrong, isn’t it that the Patriarch of the Wang family is not interested in money?

At this time, Bai Qiuen was conflicted in his heart, and reason told him that now is the best time to leave.

But whenever he wanted to take a step, his eyes couldn’t help looking atThe one hundred yuan bill in Wang Yu’s hand.

It is so bright, so noble, and so amiable…

Bai Qiuen gritted his teeth: “Bai Qiuen, you can’t be bribed for a mere hundred yuan, so leave now.”

“Oh no! My right hand is out of control, and my feet are out of control!” Bai Qiuen had a grim expression, and he swore that his heart was rebellious.

Wang Yu looked at Bai Qiuen, who was struggling with his hands and feet slowly moving towards him, and felt it was funny.

This is to be very honest in body despite unwillingness in heart.

Wang Yu has concluded that the father and son Bai Qiuen and Bai Yueyue are people who want money without risking their lives.

This trick is absolutely unfavorable.

Sure enough, Bai Qiuen’s trembling hand touched a hundred yuan, and he grabbed it in an instant. Like stroking a lover, with an idiotic expression.

The key is that Bai Qiuen is now acting like the head of the Wang family. Wang Yu is lucky to say that he has never met the head of the Wang family after all.

But Qingtong is different. She has met Patriarch Wang a few times before, and this is completely different from what she remembered.

Qingtong felt that her world view had completely collapsed. Patriarch Wang was actually a person who wanted money like his life.

For a while, Qing Tong fell into autism.

Something is wrong today. Is it because of the way she got up? Or is she in her dream right now.

Without noticing Qingtong, Wang Yu’s gaze stayed on Bai Qiuen.

Excitedly, he carefully put the money into a yellow toad-shaped wallet.

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