On the super power gene

When he understood what happened, Liu Chuang was completely angry.

“Willis, it’s him!”

Staring at the screen, standing on the high platform, and constantly launching declarations to incite the hearts of the people, Willis, Liu Chuang now even has the heart to kill him.

This damn guy actually dares to do things under his responsibility. This is challenging his authority.

The main mission of Great Wall One is to defend the interior of the earth, such as demons, gluttons, etc. that suddenly appeared in a certain city on the earth.

Tianren No. 7 is mainly outside, and it is a team that mainly faces aliens.

Liu Chuang is the main person in charge of Great Wall No. 1, but unfortunately, he can’t control Willis’ behavior.

Because Willis is a human being, not a demon, let alone an alien.

Naturally, a certain professional department on Earth is responsible for this matter.

Liu Chuang is very aggrieved now. On the one hand, this matter is not within his scope of responsibility. On the other hand, Liu Chuang, as a soldier of the Xiongbing Company, would only make things worse if he stood up.

“Captain Liu Chuang, here is a call from Chief Lianfeng.”

A responsible soldier said.

After Liu Chuang answered the phone, he didn’t know what he had said to Lianfeng. In the end, he said helplessly: Got it.

After hanging up the phone, Liu Chuang’s face was quite ugly.

Qilin asked, “What does Chief Lianfeng mean?”

Liu Chuang didn’t answer her. Instead, he looked at Wang Yu, who was about to watch the play, and said, “Boy Wang, what did Chief Lianfeng have just now?”

“How would I know…” Wang Yu rolled his eyes, the phone is in your hand, how could he know what the woman said.

“Guess? It’s about you.”

Wang Yu: “???”

Related to him?

“Is it about the second lieutenant?” Wang Yu thought for a while. At this time, Chief Lianfeng called, so it was naturally impossible to chat nonsense.

And something related to him.

Except for beating up that Second Lieutenant named Willis before leaving Tianren No. 7, Wang Yu couldn’t think of any reason for Chief Lianfeng to mention him.

It is impossible to pursue the responsibility for those photos. If that is the case, he will drag Liu Chuang into the water no matter what he says.

Anyway, Liu Chuang also has a part in it.

Liu Chuang said with a bad face, “That’s right, it’s because of Willis. He applied for a resignation report the next day and is now a commoner.”

Wang Yu was surprised, and said, “No way, aren’t we a legion system? How can we leave just by resigning? What’s more, we are still on Tianren No. 7!”

He felt a little nonsense.

But Eh Willis is on Earth now, and he has to admit that Eh Willis seems to have really left Tianren Seven.

“Well, normally speaking, if you haven’t reached the limit, it’s not something you can leave with a resignation report. It’s just that the guy resigned voluntarily if he said it nicely, but he was fired if he said something ugly.” Liu break through.

Actually, this is something that Lianfeng only heard about later.

Lianfeng has the right to fire a staff member on Tianren 7, but she has to report to the leaders of Earth.

There must be sufficient reasons.

Expelling Willis, according to Lianfeng’s secret disclosure just now, it is very likely that a certain leader on Earth opened the mouth.

Liu Chuang’s words made Wang Yu and others instantly understand that Willis had committed public outrage.

Qi Lin and the others, who were still not quite clear about the situation, kept asking what happened.

Liu Chuang could only briefly describe what happened on Tianren No. 7 yesterday.

Especially the part where Wang Yu beat Willis violently, Qi Lin and Rui Mengmeng’s eyes widened and they looked at him in disbelief.

Wang Yu: ~O_~O

Qi Lin said: “Boy, I can’t tell, you have a sense of justice.”Rui Mengmeng nodded.

He had obviously never met Qiangwei, but he was able to uphold justice for her. Wang Yu, a teammate, seemed to have grown a lot taller at this moment.

Wang Yu chuckled, but didn’t answer.

He admitted that he still has a sense of justice, but it’s not as much as they saw.

In Qiangwei’s time, he was still in school, and he could only hear about Qiangwei on the Internet.

I haven’t seen it at all.

Most of the reason why he beat that Willis in the end was not to bring justice to Qiangwei.

They are not familiar with each other. If they want to seek justice, no matter how they say it, it will not be his turn.

When thinking about beating him, Wang Yu hesitated for a while.

Until Willis said that all supernatural beings are demons, which completely angered him.

Only then did the scene where Wang Yupang beat Willis happen later on.

It is simply nonsense that a person with supernatural powers has a demon gene in his body.

Although the potion for researching the awakening ability is extracted from the genes in the devil’s body, it is not the genes of the devil’s body.

It’s those Morgana who blessed some demons, allowing them to master the super genes of various abilities.

The researchers of the Super Seminary analyzed this special gene from the demon corpses with special abilities, which can be fused with all biological genes.

That is to say, no matter if it is a human being, a demon or an angel, all of them can fuse this gene.

Angel Yan’s ability to control lightning is due to the fusion of this super gene in his body.

Therefore, they restored the mysterious gene and injected it into the human body to further awaken superpowers.

It’s just that the genes of the human body cannot be compared with the devil’s genes after all.

The genes of an ordinary human body are too fragile, and if this super gene is fused with the human body, it will cause severe pain.

The cells of the whole body are torn apart, fused, decomposed, and are forming independent gene chains.

This process, if it is not good, will easily release the evil in the human body, and if it can’t stand it, it will turn people into demons.

This is because in the setting of this super gene, Morgana prepared it for the devil. After human beings inject it, bad consequences will naturally occur.

In the current Super Seminary, there is no way to modify this setting.

However, once the fusion fails, it will naturally transform into a demon.

But after success, you will get huge gains.

At least, for humans.

This kind of genetic medicine that can awaken various abilities is exactly what they need.

So, this super gene is indeed related to the demon king Morgana. But it’s not what Willis said, the awakened person contains the devil’s gene in his body.

If that’s the case, the leaders of Huaxia will not promote this medicine.

For this research, the Super Seminary once extracted the super gene in Zhi Xin’s body.

The conclusion reached is that the super gene in Zhixin’s body contains the power of flames.

Once the human body is fused, although it will gain various abilities, if it fails, the loser will become a different kind of angel.

Two identical super genes, the result of failure, one is to become a devil, and the other is to become an angel.

The leaders of Huaxia finally chose the devil, a genetic medicine.

Not for anything else, just because after the losers become demons, they can directly kill each other.

But what if the loser becomes an angel?

Can they still attack and kill?

What’s more, they cannot use this super gene without the approval of the Queen of Angels.

The internal setting of this gene is to better protect this super gene.

If there is no risk, just grab an angel at random, extract the super gene in the angel’s body, integrate it into itself, and obtain super powers.

Even if angels are one of the most powerful forces in the universe, they might be besieged.

In the end, he became a bereaved dog and was hunted and killed wantonly.

So this kind of super ability can only be possessed by a small number of angels.

The same is true for demons. Only the demon king Morgana can bestow this ability on others.

The reason why the Super Seminary released this super gene is because they found another usage of this super gene.

Thoroughly fused, let this super gene actively promote the evolution of human genes.

Because they discovered that human genes and this super gene are not equivalent at all.

Even if this super gene has been weakened by them without limit, it is still not something ordinary people can bear.

When this super gene was first extracted, they conducted countless simulation experiments, all of which ended in failure.

All the genes in the human body will be completely devoured by this super gene, turning them into demons.

Later, after the addition of Ge Xiaolun’s galaxy power, this super gene was weakened to the limit of the human body’s ability to bear it.

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