Revenge from the Evil Beak

Xu San didn’t seem to be surprised by Liu Yanyan’s attitude.

He said calmly, “You disappeared after you ran away from home a few months ago. Your family members contacted our local branch.”

“But they never imagined in their dreams that you are looking for someone from the All-Sex faction!”

“It’s just nonsense!” Xu San suddenly shouted with a serious expression: “You know as much as you know about them, so you dare to join them!”

Zhang Chulan was frightened by his sudden yelling.trembling.

“Tch, I don’t know much about Quanxing, but I know a lot about you. Under the guise of a courier company, I specialize in taking trouble from strangers.”

Liu Yanyan said with a look of disdain: “Look at your power and arrogance all over the country, even my old man is obsequious to you. Are you under the cover of your superiors? Or are you established by the superiors at all!”

Liu Yanyan stared at Xu San, and said sarcastically.

“Eh? Really?”

Zhang Chulan looked at Xu San.

Xu San snorted coldly and said, “She’s right. We are the so-called relevant departments for strangers like them.”

“How about this, you tell us the full details of this action, and we’ll give you a break,” Xu Sandao said.

“No way, I won’t tell you what you can do to me.” Liu Yanyan shrugged, not intending to tell them at all.

“Have you figured it out? Quanxing won’t come to save you.” Xu San was very unhappy. What’s so good about Quanxing? It’s worth it that a newcomer like her has reached this point, so she doesn’t even want to say it.

Liu Yanyan said: “If you think about it clearly, I won’t say anything.”

Xu San said helplessly: “I really don’t understand, you are just a complete newcomer!”

“Hmph! What do you know? I don’t want to talk to you. Someone will come to save us anyway.” After Liu Yanyan finished speaking, she closed her eyes and stopped talking.

“You…” Xu San became short of breath for a while, but finally he didn’t have an attack.

Sighing, he was about to interrogate Lu Liang next door. Although he knew, Lu Liang would definitely not say it.

“I said Xu San, you are really a waste…you can’t even handle a little girl.”

There was a sudden voice at the door.

Liu Yanyan opened her eyes, and a white-haired man appeared at the door. With his hands in his pockets and a cigarette in his mouth.

Walking over with arrogant figure-of-eight steps, she slowly walked over.

“Xu Si? Why are you here?” Xu San was stunned for a moment, feeling a little unhappy.

“How did I come here? The higher-ups were afraid that you might not be able to handle it, so I came here.” Xu Si pushed Xu San away impatiently.

Come to Liu Yanyan.

“Hey, little girl, tell me your purpose.” Xu Si lowered his head and stared at Liu Yanyan with an extremely cold expression.

“Hmph! I’m too lazy to talk nonsense with you.” Liu Yanyan gritted her teeth and insisted.

After hearing this, Xu Si smiled disdainfully: “Very well, I don’t like nonsense either.”

As he spoke, he raised his right hand, his expression became colder, and he slapped Liu Yanyan suddenly.

Slapped Liu Yanyan from the stool to the ground.

“Hey! Xu Si, what are you doing!” Xu San shouted in dissatisfaction.

Zhang Chulan: “Wow!”

At this time, Xu Si, who had finished slapping him, stood there in a daze.

Staring at his right hand, Xu Si kept saying to himself, “No, it doesn’t feel right.”

Zhang Chulan’s eyelids twitched, and she thought to herself: Damn! This is no one, it still feels wrong after the fight.

She looked at Xu Si with contempt.

“Xu Si, you bastard, who told you to beat someone?”

Xu San, who has a more reasonable personality, pointed to Xu Si’s nose on the spot and kept asking questions.

If it was normal, Xu Si would have quarreled with him long ago.

But now, he doesn’t have the heart to quarrel with Xu San at all.

Instead, he looked solemnly at Liu Yanyan who was slapped to the ground by him, and said with a very serious expression: “It’s a strange feeling, my slap didn’t even hit her in the face.”


Xu San and Zhang Chulan were stunned on the spot.

As for Feng Baobao, he has been in a daze.

Liu Yanyan subconsciously closed her eyes, thinking that the slap would be painful. But I didn’t expect that after waiting for a while, there was no feeling on my face.

Slowly opened his eyes and sat on the ground.

Liu Yanyan touched her face strangely, there was no swelling or pain.

Could it be that Xu Si was just trying to scare her?

It shouldn’t be! Obviously felt that his slap hit the face.

She was knocked off the chair by the inertia of this slap.

Just when everyone was puzzled.

The beaked beast that had been lying on Liu Yanyan’s head was sleeping.

The stomach rises and falls, and when it rises, Liu Yanyan’s head is completely covered in its stomach. When I lay down, I just lay on her hair.

Xu Si’s slap came just when the Ebill’s stomach was rising.

That slap was honored to be slapped on the belly of the beaked beast.

Originally, Xu Si’s slap couldn’t slap the beaked beast that had turned into an incorporeal body.

But a hundred secrets and one sparseness, the slob of the Ebeak Beast, in order to let him sleep so as not to delay the important matter of protecting Liu Yanyan.

A black thread that can control living things protruded from the belly, and it was inserted into Liu Yanyan’s head silently.

The black thread will wake up Liu Yanyan when her emotions are strongly stimulated.

So the moment Xu Si stretched out his palm and patted it, the Evil Beaked Beast woke up.

Have you ever experienced being woken up with a slap when you were soundly asleep?

The great Ebon Beast was furious.

This damned white-haired brat dared to disturb the sweet dream of Lord Ebill Beast.

Who would have thought that it was dreaming that it devoured the fruit of the tree of bitterness, and its power increased greatly.

Turned over to become a landlord, sitting on the tall throne, staring down at the humble Wang Yu who was kneeling on the ground.

As soon as the screen changed, the Ebeak Beast held a small leather whip in its left hand and beat Wang Yu continuously.

But Wang Yu kept begging for mercy.

Just when it was about to punish him in another way, it was woken up by a beating.

So, Xu Si is going to be unlucky.

Of course, Xu SiThey can’t see the beak beast.

I saw Xu Si rubbed his hands together, and said in his mouth, “Whatever it is, no matter what method you used just now, if it doesn’t work once, then I will slap you again.”

“Hey, Xu Si, don’t mess around.” Xu Sandao said.

“Xu San, don’t worry about it, I’m higher than you.” Xu Si rolled his eyes at Xu San, who you didn’t get along with, and said angrily, “People who have sex with them don’t need to reason.”

“Little girl, since you don’t explain, don’t blame me for being cruel.” Xu Si said with a gloomy expression.


In the quiet room, there was a sound of something breaking.

“What sound?” Xu Si raised his head and looked in the direction of the sound.

The chandelier on the roof suddenly broke.

Directly towards Xu Si below, he fell quickly.

Xu Si was startled, and turned around to avoid it.

Unexpectedly, her foot slipped suddenly, and when she looked down, it turned out to be a piece of banana peel.

Immediately, the whole person fell like a dog eating shit.

“Xu San, save me!”

Seeing that the chandelier was about to hit him, Xu Si could only ask Xu San for help.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Xu San used his thoughts to control the chandelier.

Let the chandelier be suspended in the air.

After the crisis was resolved, Xu Si breathed a sigh of relief. Then he yelled: “Don’t let me know who threw the banana peels, or I will play him badly!”

Zhang Chulan inadvertently looked at Feng Baobao who was on the side.

I saw her eating bananas as if nothing had happened, as if everything had nothing to do with her

Just when everyone thought everything was fine, the suspended chandelier suddenly exploded.


I only heard Xu Si let out a long howl, and shouted in grief: “My ass!”

It turned out that the moment the chandelier exploded. Xu San felt that something was wrong, the chandelier seemed to be controlled by a mysterious force.

Although he tried his best to use his mind power, he controlled most of the chandelier fragments.

But it couldn’t hold up too many fragments, and a few fragments still flew out.

Just like that, Xu Si’s butt was severely injured.

Seeing the extremely unlucky Xu Si, Zhang Chulan suddenly realized that the world is so beautiful. It turned out that he was not the only one who was unlucky, and there were others worse than him.

“Xu Si, how are you?” Xu San came to Xu Si with concern. Even though they often quarreled together, the relationship between the two was actually very good.

Xu Si lay on the ground, took a deep breath with a distorted expression, “No, Xu San, I don’t feel any sensation in my butt.”

Zhang Chulan took a look with her head, and saw that several fragments were pierced into several thick parts of him.

Maybe she didn’t see her guess, Zhang Chulan shook her head and said, “It’s not bad luck, there is no Millennium Killer.”

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