: The Ending

Using all his strength to cast the golden light on the ground, after nearly an hour, he finally reached his destination.

In front of his eyes, a huge black egg came into view.

However, to his surprise, someone was one step faster than him.

“You are, Space Principal?”

Wang Yu looked at the cloud of mist in front of him, and could clearly feel the breath of life inside.

The reason why he recognized him was because in his memory, there was a segment of Reina’s conversation with the space principal.

Sucking his nose, the moment he saw Principal Space, he seemed to understand something.

The space principal in front of him seems to have merged into Heaven in a special way.

Just like the Taoist ancestor in the myth, but it seems to be different.

“Fellow Daoist, are you from another world?”

Facing Principal Tian’s question, Wang Yu was not surprised, and admitted frankly.

“Fellow Daoist, is there a way to destroy this devil fetus?”

After some exchanges, Wang Yu learned that, many years ago, the headmaster of the space accidentally obtained some inheritance of the Pangu civilization, and learned the news of the devil’s embryo from there.

After finding this place, I tried my best to delay the birth time of the Heavenly Dao Demon Embryo.

But treating the symptoms is not the root cause. If there is no external influence, sooner or later, the devil fetus of heaven and dao will be born.

Moreover, Wang Yu also learned the truth about the demise of the Pangu civilization from the headmaster of Space.

Everything is for the sake of transcendence. Some Pangu stars smashed the way of heaven and tried to achieve the realm of transcendence. They are so-called saints.

But this world, after all, is not the top-level Great Thousand World of Honghuang. To put it bluntly, this world is just a fake Great Thousand World, which cannot bear the power of a saint at all.

The highest can only carry Da Luo, so some Da Luo powerhouses standing at the top joined forces to smash the heaven that imprisoned them.

However, despite its success, it also forced the Pangu civilization to perish.

Although for those kind of peak powerhouses, the way of heaven is something that confines their strength, but for this world, the way of heaven is like a server that carries the entire game.

Some game characters try to smash the server in the game, one can imagine what the consequences will be.

That kind of cause and effect is not something Da Luo can bear, but this world will never lack smart people.

When the Dao of Heaven was shattered, some Da Luo powerhouses directly left this world and went to another world.

In the end, leave the stall to other people from the Pangu civilization.

This Heavenly Dao Devil Embryo is a fragment of the Heavenly Dao, condensed into a Devil Embryo.

And Principal Sky is a treasure that other powerhouses of the Pangu civilization collected scattered pieces of the Dao of Heaven and condensed into a treasure.

Principal Tian gave up his body and integrated his soul into the pieces of the Dao of Heaven, so as to achieve an effect similar to that of the Dao ancestors.

Wang Yu frowned, looking at the devil’s fetus in his eyes, like aLike a heart, it kept beating, and there was a breath of breath on it, which made him tremble with fear.

Once born, even if the creature inside is not a saint, it is still a demi-saint.

Of course, Wang Yu didn’t think that this Heavenly Demon Embryo would be a saint.

If that’s the case, there is no reason not to remind him of the Tongtian sage who came to this world as an incarnation not long ago.

However, even a quasi-sage cannot be dealt with by a golden immortal.

However, at this moment, another message came from the system.

“A strange ability has been detected, the system is absorbing…”

Wang Yu: “???”

Wang Yu, who was in a daze, looked at the shrinking Heavenly Dao Demon Embryo.

Depend on!

No wonder there is no reward, it’s so simple? !

When I saw the task just now, I thought it was so difficult, but after working on it for a long time, it was just like this…

Principal Sky: “…”

Although he didn’t know what happened, he could feel that the Heavenly Dao Demon Embryo was being weakened little by little.

I don’t know how long it took, the Heavenly Dao Devil Embryo was completely absorbed by the system, leaving Wang Yu with a silent face and Principal Sky with a bewildered face.

“It looks like it’s time to go…”

Wang Yu’s voice was a little emotional, but when he thought about meeting Yaya, he felt a little excited…

Ending speech

This book is the author’s first contracted novel. Before that, the author has bought five or six novels in a row, so the author cherishes this book very much.

However, due to the author’s insufficient preparation, the mid-term combat power of this book collapsed.

In fact, this book can continue to be written. There is absolutely no problem in writing more than 1,000 chapters, but the author thought about it and found that it is meaningless.

I am very grateful to all the readers for their company along the way.

Thanks to those book lovers who gave rewards and voted.

Actually, I have read every comment you wrote, even though most of them are scolding…


The author also knows that this book has many poisonous points.

The author will learn from it, and the next book will definitely not commit these poisonous points.

Cough cough cough…

The author is actually a single dog. I can’t write that kind of feeling about those feelings, love and so on.

So that’s it, this book has been with the author for a whole year, and there are expectations and disappointments in it. For writing, the author doesn’t think he is very talented.

Everything depends on a little bit of groping.

For the next book, the author will polish it well and strive to write a novel that satisfies everyone.

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