Free Meal Ticket

“do not you know?”

Wang Ye looked at Wang Yu strangely.

“What should I know?” Wang Yu asked strangely.

“It’s nothing.” Wang also sighed, and said quietly: “This time, most of the strangers are not here for the position of celestial master, but for the talisman.”

“That’s right, it’s the Tongtian talisman!”

A little fat man in a floral dress walked over slowly while eating KFC.

Wang Yu blinked: “What is Tongtianlu?”

“Damn it! Brother, are you a savage on the mountain? You don’t even know the famous Tong Tianlu!” The little fat man froze and looked at Wang Yu in surprise.

Immediately, his eyes lit up.

What a coquettish dress!

At this time, Wang also said weakly: “Hey, fat benefactor, there are not only savages on the mountain, but also Taoists.”

In one sentence, the relationship with Wang Yu was cleared up.

It should be said that when Wang Yu asked what Tongtianlu was, Wang felt that it was too embarrassing for him to follow.

The fiery eyes of the people around him stared at him in embarrassment.

“Tongtianlu, is it famous?” Wang Yu also felt the eyes of the people around him wanting to see primitive people.

“It’s not just famous, it’s simply famous, okay? You don’t even know this. I really don’t know which mountain you are from.”

The little fat man gave him a contemptuous look, and had no choice but to popularize knowledge for Wang Yu.

“Tongtianlu, that is one of the Eight Miraculous Skills. It is quite troublesome to know the technique of drawing talismans in Taoism. Sometimes it takes several hours to draw one piece, but it is different with Tongtianlu. It can speed up the time of drawing talismans , and it is said that if you practice to the extreme, you can draw talismans in the air.”

“It is said that the owner of the Tongtian Talisman, Mr. Lu, took the inheritance of the Tongtian Talisman as a reward for this Luotian Dajiao.”

“One of the Eight Great Miraculous Skills. It sounds so powerful.” Wang Yu pinched his chin and pondered for a while, drawing amulets in the air. It sounded likeThere are cool and powerful.

It must be obtained. After Wang Yu made up his mind, he began to casually test this little fat man who seemed to know a lot.

I learned from him that his name is Hidden Dragon and his hobby is collecting information.

According to him, he has recorded most of the famous strangers this time.

At this moment, Wang Ye also moved over curiously. After all, it is better to know yourself and your enemy than to be caught blind on the spot.

Although he possesses Fenghou Qimen, one of the Eight Miraculous Skills, he is conceited that few people in the younger generation can defeat him.

But when he thought of the hexagram he had calculated before coming here, Wang had no choice but to pull himself together.

His eyes inadvertently swept across a man wearing a black cloak and a bronze mask.

But I only paid a little attention to it, and didn’t care.

After all, there are so many different people in the world, there are always people with eccentricities. After all, it is people’s preference, and no one will meddle in their own business.

And that strangely dressed man walked into an alley very quickly.

Turn left and right, and come to a very remote coffin shop.

After knocking lightly on the wooden door four times, if anyone saw it, they would find that the person’s hands were not like the hands of a normal person at all.

The whole hand is bronze in color, with slender fingers and black nails. There is not much flesh in the whole hand, as if there are bones under the skin.

The door opened from the inside without keeping the man waiting for long.

In the dark room, there was no one to be seen.

The man in black, his face unchanged, walked in without any hesitation.

The moment he walked in, the wooden door was closed by some kind of force.

In the quiet room, it was pitch black.

Several coffins were faintly visible, placed in the center of the room.

“Come out!”

The hoarse voice of the man in black came out from behind the mask.


As soon as the words fell, the coffin on the far side was slowly opened from the inside.

An ugly old man crawled out from the inside with a hunched back.

This terrifying scene, if seen by ordinary people, would definitely scare people to death.

The man in black seemed to be used to it. He put his hands behind his back and watched quietly.

“Ahem… Is the ancestor still used to it?”

The old man coughed feebly and said.

“Can the ancestor find the descendants of my emperor?”

“No, but I saw a descendant of an old man.” The man in black had a little memory in his eyes.

“Oh? After the old man? Cough, cough, cough…” The old man coughed a few more times and calmed down for a while before saying, “I’m really curious about whose descendant it is. After all, it must be a famous person if it is the ancestor’s old friend. ”

“Jie Jie…”

“That’s right. That one is a generation of killers. Unfortunately, he actually denied His Majesty the First Emperor’s decision, and ended up committing suicide.”

There was a look of sarcasm in the eyes of the man in black, as if the old man he spoke of was that kind of fool.

“Killer?” There was a gleam in the old man’s cloudy eyes, “Could it be that one? But it shouldn’t be! Aren’t his descendants dead?”

The man in black snorted coldly: “You must know the three caves of the cunning rabbit. That little boy Liu Bang ordered to kill all the people with the surname Ying in the world, but he thought he could really make all the descendants of my emperor disappear. It’s ridiculous!”

“As long as my emperor can be resurrected, Daqin will not perish.”

Taking a deep look at the man in black, the old man shook his head, and climbed back into the coffin again.

the next day.

Wang Yu and Wang Ye rented a room together. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not because of anything else.

Just because the two of them came late, there is only one room left in the nearby hotel.

Most people make reservations in advance.

Fortunately, there are two beds inside. Otherwise, Wang Yu would rather sleep outside than share a bed with a man.

After barely sleeping through the night, Wang Yu was woken up early.

Turning his head to look at Wang Ye who had packed his equipment, Wang Yu yawned.

“I said, it’s no wonder that you look so exhausted. It’s not yet dawn. What are you doing so early?”

Wang Ye: “…”

His second uncle, he doesn’t know that the day’s plan lies in the morning!

Ignoring Wang Yu, Wang also went straight to the balcony and meditated on the spot.

The sun slowly rose, and Wang Yu woke up from hunger.

After a simple meal with Wang Ye, Wang Yu suddenly discovered that this humble Taoist priest turned out to be a local tyrant.

Looking at the shocked eyes of the girl who swiped the card, Wang Yu glanced at the black card that Wang Ye quickly collected.

I don’t know what I’m thinking.

“Hey, don’t hit me with cards.” Wang also seemed to have seen through Wang Yu.

Wang Yu: “Ahem, I’m a decent person, how could I do that kind of thing.”

Wang also looked at him deeply, as if he was saying: Not the best.

“Eh… let’s go, didn’t we invite that fat dragon to go up the mountain together?”


Not long.

At the agreed place, the three of them met up and headed to Longhu Mountain not far away.

“There are so many people so early?” Wang Yu looked at the steps of Longhu Mountain, and many people had already gone up.

“Of course, Dragon and Tiger Mountain will be very lively this time.” Hidden Dragon held a bag of potato chips and muttered while eating.

Wang was also on the side, hunched listlessly, and looked at Hidden Dragon’s round belly: “I said, fat benefactor, eat less fried food, it’s easy to gain weight.”

Hidden Dragon waved his hands nonchalantly: “It’s okay, I’m already so fat anyway, it doesn’t matter if I get a little fatter.”

“In life, you can be wronged about anything, but you can’t wrong your own stomach.””By the way, you guys go up first. I saw some acquaintances, and I will go up later.” Hidden Dragon said, and quickly disappeared into the crowd.

Wang Yu: “Damn! Leave this fat man alone, let’s go.”

“Wait, I seem to have overlooked something.” Wang also lowered his head and began to think.

What exactly did you ignore?

“That’s right! I remembered it!” Wang Ye clapped his hands suddenly, and looked at Wang Yu with an unfriendly expression.

The body slowly approached.

“Benefactor Wang, if Pindao remembers correctly, yesterday’s accommodation fee plus two meals seems to be paid by Pindao.”

Wang Ye stared at him sharply, “You can’t pay the money alone, right? Donor Wang is right?”

Wang Ye said with a threatening face, his eyes seemed to say, if you dare to refuse, I will dare to call the police.

Wang Yu looked calm and said, “What evidence do you have?”

The two looked at each other. In the end, Wang was also defeated by Wang Yu’s shamelessness.

“Forget it, don’t follow me anymore, I’ll be a poor man to save money and eliminate disasters.”

Staring at Wang Ye who was going up the mountain, Wang Yu secretly said, “How can you give up such a free meal ticket so easily?”

After touching the empty pockets in both hands, Wang Yu could only follow up with a stern expression.

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