One Punch Sanren Wang Yu

In fact, Zhang Chulan is very happy now.

Do you think he really came to wake Wang Yu up?

How is that possible? He’s not Lord Rabbit.

His main purpose this time is to show off.

You heard me right…

He specially brought Feng Baobao today. Originally, both of them were going to the new martial arts arena.

During this period, I met Zhang Lingyu again.

When Zhang Chulan thought that the other party was not a virgin, Zhang Chulan’s heart became cold.

Therefore, Zhang Chulan, who was stimulated, deliberately abducted her back and came to Wang Yu to find a sense of existence.

Feng Baobao was brought along to seek comfort.

After all, no matter how you say it, Feng Baobao is still a woman, even though she is a bit sloppy. But Feng Baobao, who has been dressed carefully for the past two days, is still very beautiful.

Of course, this is not the point. Zhang Chulan, who believed that Wang Yu was an old virgin, killed him proudly.

Of course, Wang Yu, who had just obtained an incarnation outside his body, didn’t think about it.

If you know that Zhang Chulan came here with this kind of thinking in mind, make sure to scold him for being careless in making friends.

Then he cut out all his golden light spells and lightning techniques.

After tidying up his clothes, Wang Yu followed Zhang Chulan to the martial arts arena.

Along the way, Zhang Chulan mentioned Feng Baobao intentionally or unintentionally.

And put his hands on Feng Baobao’s shoulders several times, raised his eyebrows at Wang Yu provocatively.Unfortunately, Wang Yu, who had been focusing on the avatar, didn’t notice it.

This made Zhang Chulan suddenly feel a sense of frustration.

I was speechless all the way.

Wang Yu carefully observed the incarnation consciously, and knew that the strength of this incarnation should be in the early stage of transformation.

According to the system, the specific number of Huashen is in his noumenon system.

And this time the rewards are issued from Ontology, it is only responsible for receiving them.

Even if there is no specific data, it does not affect Wang Yu’s mood at this time.

This avatar is a unique avatar made of Wang Yu’s body and Li Baifeng Qiuhuang’s skin as a model.

However, this avatar rewarded by the system has a big shortcoming. Then you can’t learn skills, you can only use his unique abilities.

Phoenix Yufei (Passive): Can walk against the wind, blessed by the power of the wind. It can summon a white phoenix by itself, which can be driven at will.

Apart from being passive and Wang Yu’s body’s superimposed mana from drinking, he is quite a tall, rich and handsome man.

Regarding his drinking capacity, Wang Yu could only smile shyly.

His drinking capacity is extremely poor. It turns out that there are only three or four bottles of beer, let alone liquor.

It might be exaggerated to say it’s poured in one gulp, but it’s not enough to drink a few sips.

So Wang Yu has always regarded the passiveness of drinking as if he didn’t have it.

For grandma, you can imagine that Wang Yuhe and others can fight halfway, and then suddenly call to stop. Then I saw Wang Yu took a few sips of white wine, and then he didn’t know anything.

He could use his strength to dissipate the smell of the wine, but it would be better not to drink it.

This passive is to use alcohol to superimpose mana. If you dissipate the alcohol, how can you superimpose mana.

So this is an endless loop.

Just like Wang Yu’s fear of heights, if he doesn’t overcome it, he won’t be able to do it at all.

For a moment, Wang Yu was a little envious of his ability to become an avatar.

Soon, the three of them came to a huge field.

Wang Yu looked around subconsciously, good guy, four arenas that are about the same size as yesterday’s one stood there impressively.

And above the auditorium, there are four huge display screens.

Facing the four arenas.

Zhang Chulan looked at this place in shock, even though she heard from Xu San that the venue was changed to a new one today.

He heard Xu Si whispering in his ear this morning, saying that there were a lot of accidents last night and he asked the staff to help.

But I never expected that there would be four more venues of this size overnight.

Compared to Zhang Chulan’s shock, Feng Baobao and Wang Yu were much calmer.

Feng Baobao still looked like he was not interested in anything.

And Wang Yu really didn’t notice.

I thought it was already there.

“Hi! I finally found you!”

After being patted on the shoulder, Wang Yu subconsciously grabbed the hand back, turned around and punched the person who came by.

He used at least half of his strength for this punch. To put it bluntly, if this punch hits a person, it will definitely make it not even scum.

Just when the punch was about to hit the person’s face, Wang Yu, who came back to his senses, was startled and stopped by him.

A trace of cold sweat broke out on his body. He is not a murderous person, and it is impossible to kill someone just because of this.

And that person seemed to be frightened, with a look of horror in his eyes.

Putting away his fists expressionlessly, after seeing the person coming, Wang Yu found out that it was a beautiful girl he didn’t know, and frowned: “You misidentified the person, I don’t know you.”

After finishing speaking, I will follow Zhang Chulan in.

Turning around without thinking, Wang Yu couldn’t help showing contempt when he saw Zhang Chulan looking at the woman with an idiotic expression.

This is really a pretty girl I haven’t seen before!

Ignoring him, Wang Yu went straight in.

Before the entrance, Xia He stayed where his heart was beating. It was so scary, just for a moment, she felt like she was going to die.

Until staring at Wang Yuyuan’s back, Xia He hesitated whether to chase after him.

Feeling Zhang Chulan’s fiery gaze, Xia He smiled softly, “Little brother, is sister good-looking?”

“Ah? So… good looking!” Zhang Chulan’s face turned reddish, and she scratched her head in embarrassment.

Inadvertently noticed Xu Si and the others who were walking slowly, their pupils shrank. Xia He wanted to tease Zhang Chulan’s heart, so he sank.

“Little brother, I’m going to chase that handsome guy just now! Goodbye.”

Before leaving, Xia He gave Zhang Chulan a flying eye.

Immediately, Zhang Chulan was elated.

But when Zhang Chulan heard that such a good-looking girl was chasing Wang Yu, it was as if someone had poured cold water on her.

No, that Wang Yu is just average in appearance, so he’s not so handsome.

With her head drooping, Zhang Chulan looked very decadent.

When Xu Si and the others came to Zhang Chulan, Xia He had already entered.

So I didn’t notice, otherwise, no matter how Xia He changed his disguise, Xu San, an old opponent, couldn’t be clear about Xia He’s anger.

This is why Xia He wanted to avoid them.

After all, it’s not suitable to be exposed now. If exposed here, even Xia He might not be able to get away with it.

“Hey! Zhang Chulan, why don’t you look awake?” Feng Xingtong jumped out from behind Xu San.

“Huh? Why didn’t I wake up, I was obviously hit!”

Zhang Chulan said with a dejected expression, “Why! Even Wang Yu has a good-looking girl chasing after him, why don’t I have one!”

“Ah? This…”

Feng Xingtong rubbed the back of his head, and looked up and down the clothes of a gray employeeThink about Wang Yu’s white ancient costume yesterday.

Still don’t hit him.

Although Feng Xingtong didn’t want to hit him, some people didn’t realize it.

Zhang Chulan grabbed Feng Xingtong’s shoulders and kept shaking them: “Tell me, I’m worse than him!”

Feng Xingtong, who was a little dizzy from being shaken, said repeatedly: “Okay, stop shaking, it may be because your titles are different.”

“What title?”

Zhang Chulan was taken aback.

“I know this.” Xu Si said with a cigarette in his mouth, “This title is only given to a few dark horses in this competition.”

“That’s right, I’m actually a dark horse too!” Zhang Chulan’s face was a little excited.

“Tell me, what is my title?”

Xu Si gently spit out four words: “Don’t shake Bilian!”

Zhang Chulan’s face darkened: “Fourth brother, why are you scolding me?”

“What? No!”

“I heard it. You scolded me for not shaking Bilian.” Zhang Chulan pointed at him and asked everyone, “Did you hear that just now?”


Several people said in unison.

“You… poof!”

Zhang Chulan clutched her heart and looked at them in grief.

Faded! Feeling faded!

At this time, a passer-by happened to pass by. After seeing Zhang Chulan, he greeted him consciously: “Good morning, don’t shake Bilian Zhang Chulan.”

“Huh? This is the unshakable Bilian from yesterday? She really looks poor.” A plain-looking, well-dressed woman sized him up with disdain.

Zhang Chulan’s body instantly petrified.

After a long time, he twisted his stiff neck and looked at Feng Xingtong: “What is that Wang Yu called?”

Feng Xingtong replied, “Wang Yu is a loose man with one punch.”

Zhang Chulan: “…”

Heart hurts!

Two lines of tears flowed down her cheeks.

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