That’s right, the person who came was the Daoist Yexing.

Suddenly, Ye Xing knelt down in front of the old master.

There was no warning.

Zhang Zhiwei was instantly stunned by his action.

who am I?

Where am I?

What happened?

The three philosophical questions appeared in Zhang Zhiwei’s mind.

Frowning, Zhang Zhiwei’s heart skipped a beat. Could it be that Ye Xing caused trouble?

The more I thought about it, the more I realized it was possible. Otherwise, why would he come at this time, and kneel down to him without saying a word.

What a disaster.

Zhang Zhiwei couldn’t help but start thinking about it. Could it be that Yexing colluded with all-sex monsters? He remembered that during the day, Lu Jin and the others seemed to have captured someone related to Quan Xing.

And it seems to be ready to catch a big fish.

Could it be that Ye Xing got some news and came to him to surrender himself. Or maybe Ye Xing was originally a full-fledged undercover agent, and now he was here to assassinate him.

The reason why he knelt down as soon as he came in was probably to paralyze him so that he could make a sneak attack…

Can’t! This Ye Xing is usually dumbfounded, how could he be a whole-sex demon.

Could it be…

His image all this time has been pretended?

If it’s really his talent, it’s really frightening!

Zhang Zhiwei squinted his eyes and looked at the kneeling Taoist Yexing.

Suddenly, he noticed that Ye Xing’s body was shaking slightly all the time.

What’s going on, is there a murder weapon hidden in his arms?

No, he, Zhang Zhiwei, has all his strength on display here, and just relying on an unknown murder weapon, how can he withstand him.

If Ye Xing was really an undercover agent, then Lao Lu and the others arrested their people, and maybe the whole group thought they were exposed.

Therefore, it is not impossible to send Ye Xing to assassinate him.

The point is, it’s impossible not to know his full strength. Then why Pai Yexing came, even at the expense of the other party being exposed.

Could it be that… Ye Xing has any support to absolutely kill him.

Secretly tightening his body, Zhang Zhiwei did not act rashly.

The enemy does not move, I do not move…

Looking secretly at Ye Xing, a trace of heaviness flashed in his eyes.

And Ye Xing, who was kneeling on the ground, suppressed the joy in his heart, and his body kept shaking.Look what he said.

As expected, the old heavenly master was waiting for him. I didn’t see that the old heavenly master didn’t speak now. Isn’t this just testing his temperament?

Those evil juniors still said no, they were obviously jealous that he could get the inheritance of the old master.

No wonder the old heavenly master asked him to learn more about history a few days ago. For this reason, he specially read the history book Journey to the West.

Sure enough, the old heavenly master had planned to pass on his magical powers a long time ago, but I didn’t expect that I, Yexing, would have what I have today.

Do you want to look up now?

No, the old celestial master hasn’t spoken yet, Ye Xing, you must hold on.

This is the final test of the old celestial master. Ye Xing, who is firm in his belief, keeps bowing his head and kneeling like this.

However, his body trembled from time to time. The more silent the old master was, the more excited Ye Xing was.

Even more afraid to raise his head, he knelt there obediently.

Zhang Zhiwei: “…”

What should I do? Why do I feel that he is excited? Could it be that he is ready to do something?

Time passed by every minute and every second, and half an hour had passed in the blink of an eye.

One of the two sat cross-legged on the bed, and the other knelt on the ground. Neither of them moved. The scene was very strange for a while.

Zhang Zhiwei: “┗(T﹏T)┛”

It can’t be done, the muscles have been tensed for a long time, and the legs have been pressed to the point of numbness. He was still kneeling, master, but he didn’t expect that Ye Xing was really a master hiding on Longhu Mountain.

If Ye Xing heard what the old heavenly master was thinking, he might cry on the spot.

Because it was quite painful for him to kneel, his legs were already numb, and the clothes on his back were already wet a lot.

Oh my god, when will the old Heavenly Master’s test end?

One minute, two minutes…

After another half an hour, Zhang Zhiwei’s whole body tensed up, and he lost all feeling in his legs sitting cross-legged. Because of the tightness of the legs, coupled with sitting cross-legged, the legs are originally stacked up and down.

The blood in the legs that are compressed will not flow smoothly, and the nerves in the legs will naturally become numb due to the compression.

His eyes widened, and a trace of sweat appeared on Zhang Zhiwei’s forehead.

But Ye Xing himself is almost dying. If he raises his head now, he will find that his face is pale and his eyes are dull.

Keeping this posture for a long time, he was almost desperate.

This is more painful than practicing meditation. The key is that Ye Xing dare not use Qi. Who knows if this is also the test of the old heavenly master.

Just like that, both of them were able to speak to each other.

The scene was very quiet for a while.

In the end, Ye Xing couldn’t support himself first, and his already fat body fell to the wooden board with a bang.

The person has passed out.

Zhang Zhiwei: “…”

Could it be that he guessed wrong?

No matter how you look at it, this guy doesn’t look like he’s here to kill people.

Suddenly, there was a slight sound of walking in Zhang Zhiwei’s ear.

Then I heard a few knocks on the door, “Old Master, we are disciples on patrol, did something happen?”

Zhang Zhiwei glanced down at the unconscious Ye Xing, and confirmed that the other party really didn’t bring any murder weapon.

“It’s okay, it’s just that the stool fell down accidentally.” Zhang Zhiwei said nonsense in a serious manner.

A few patrolling disciples outside the door believed it when they heard it. After all, it is what the old celestial master said, so can it be false?

Then he prepared to say goodbye and continue patrolling.

But Zhang Zhiwei’s eyes moved, as if he remembered something, and asked a few disciples outside the door: “Do you know anything unusual about your brother Ye Xing in the past few days?”

“No, I haven’t noticed any difference between Senior Brother Ye Xing and the usual.”

“Did you find anything?” The leading disciple on patrol asked the rest.

“I didn’t find out either.”


Several people shook their heads one after another, with unclear expressions.

Zhang Zhiwei frowned secretly, and without saying anything else, he was going to send them away.

Unexpectedly, a disciple said casually at this time: “If you want to say something different, I remember that during the daytime today, Senior Brother Ye Xing said that you hit him on the back of the head, Master Tian, ​​to tell him to go to the The room of the old celestial master, teaching him peerless magic skills.”

Zhang Zhiwei’s eyelids twitched, feeling that he had grasped some key point, “Then you know, why does your brother Yexing think so?”

“I remember Senior Brother Ye Xing had a book of Journey to the West on his bedside. Today Senior Brother Ye Xing asked me how much time it takes for one hour. He also said that Monkey King’s master Bodhi Patriarch used this method to open a small stove for Monkey King.”

Zhang Zhiwei understood immediately after hearing this, his face was gloomy, and he said in a somewhat unfriendly tone: “Okay, it’s none of your business, you go to patrol.”


Until a few patrolling disciples walked away, Zhang Zhiwei slowly moved his numb legs a few times, thinking about how to punish Ye Xing who made him fearful.

Corporal punishment?

No, as a highly respected old heavenly master, he absolutely cannot punish his disciples physically.

To convince people with virtue…

Doesn’t he like to read Journey to the West? Let him enjoy it. He copied the original text of Journey to the West ten times. This is not corporal punishment, but education of love.

Zhang Zhiwei turned around, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Compared with the future period of time, the Yexing Taoist priest will be forced to work hard. Ji Yun, his fellow countryman and good friend, chatted and laughed with Zhang Chulan in front of a bonfire.

It’s just that Zhang Chulan didn’t listen to what he said most of the time. Instead, her eyes kept drifting towards the opposite side of the campfire.

On the opposite side, Wang Yu closed his eyes expressionlessly.

A few beauties around him, headed by Lu Linglong, kept chirping around him.

“Brother Wang, your time is good during the dayhandsome! That Jia Zhengliang was knocked out by you with one punch. ”

“Brother Wang, can you add me as a friend, I want to discuss the style of that punch with you.”

“Brother Wang…”

Wang Yu resisted the urge to leave, what was the situation, why so many hands took the opportunity to anoint him.

If a beautiful woman oils her, he will bear it.

But why are those beauties acting so reserved, and the ones anointed are all ugly girls who are obsessed with their looks and are as confident as they are.

He put up with the sausage mouth with fat head and big ears, but…

Wang Yu carefully opened a slit in his eyes, and in his eyes was a scumbag girl with thick black leg hair and beard.

He almost spit out the overnight meal.

What? You don’t know what scumbag means?

A scumbag, as the name suggests.

It’s a woman with a stubble.


Wang Yu recited a Buddha’s name silently in his heart, and once again avoided the hand of that scumbag who wanted to anoint it with oil.

I really want to kill someone!


Wang Yu’s heart skipped a beat. How could he have such a terrible thought.

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