Zhuge Qing and Wang Ye’s Friendship Battle

“I really didn’t expect that Zhang Chulan could do such a thing.” Wang Yu felt a lot about it.

“I’ve never seen such a brazen person.” Zhuge Qing said.

Wang Ye: “It’s really worthy of not shaking Bilian and Zhang Chulan. I can’t do this kind of thing.”

However, their words clearly reached Zhang Lingyu’s ears.

Zhang Lingyu’s complexion turned black, and anger flashed faintly in her eyes.

“Master is wrong. Sure enough, this idiot should not be allowed to enter the gate of Longhu Mountain.”

What a shame!

In the future, I will never admit that I am his little uncle.

Zhang Lingyu made up her mind and resolutely prevented him from joining the Tianshi Mansion.

Seeing that everyone’s attention was focused on Zhang Chulan, Zhang Lingyu left silently.

He couldn’t afford to lose that person.

Early the next morning, Zhang Chulan was stunned after waking up.

“Damn it! I played Dafa yesterday!”

There was sweat on her forehead, and Zhang Chulan didn’t know how to describe her mood at the moment.

“Wow, hahaha, you are really the number one person in all time when you ran all the way to the Tianshi mansion to walk the birds!” Xu Si almost laughed out loud while hugging his stomach.

Zhang Chulan said angrily, “Get out, you think I want to! Damn it, who encouraged me to drink?”

Then, Hidden Dragon came over from a distance and greeted Zhang ChulanSaid: “Hi! Zhang Chulan, good morning!”

Good morning, you big-headed ghost!

Zhang Chulan remembered that it was the hidden dragon in front of him who was feeding him wine.

what to do? How about keeping your mouth shut.

Zhang Chulan thought maliciously.

But before you silence me, first ask if you have taken any pictures.

Squeezed out an ugly smile, “Dude, didn’t you take a picture?”

“No, no, how can we be so wicked…” Hidden Dragon denied.

Zhang Chulan breathed a sigh of relief.

“However, we recorded it.”

Zhang Chulan: “…”

“Fatty man, quickly give me your phone!”

Zhang Chulan yelled, and a thunderbolt shot out.

“Damn it!”

Hidden Dragon was startled, turned around and ran away.

“Don’t chase after me, I lied to you just now, we didn’t shoot at all.”

“I believe in you!” Zhang Chulan, who was ashamed, did not believe it. How could this fat dragon let go of such a big incident yesterday, the video must still be on his mobile phone at this time.

Absolutely want to catch him, Zhang Chulan had a ferocious expression, “Fat Long, give me the phone quickly.”

“I can’t give it to you! There are precious memories of me and Linglong in the phone.”

Lu Linglong: “…”

What is he talking about?

Hua’er, who was wearing glasses at the side, knew exactly what hidden dragons should do. Looking at the confused Lu Linglong, she said, “That fat dragon must be secretly photographing you.”


Lu Linglong was taken aback. The thought of someone inexplicably secretly taking pictures of herself in the dark made Lu Linglong even less fond of Hidden Dragon.

Think about whether you have done anything that would damage your image when you were alone these few days.

Well, yesterday I was walking alone on the road, and suddenly my nose felt very uncomfortable, and I didn’t bring a tissue. Seeing that there was no one around, I couldn’t help picking it up twice with my hands.

Could it be that this was also photographed?

Lu Linglong’s face turned pale, not afraid of ten thousand but just in case. Who knows if Hidden Dragon was secretly following her at that time, if it was captured…

If her image is seen by her male god Zhang Lingyu, he will probably leave her.

Clenching her fists tightly, Lu Linglong absolutely cannot allow this kind of thing to happen.

Ever since, there was one more person chasing Hidden Dragon.

Wang Yu got up, bored, empty and lonely…

So, he got up very early.

“Morning, Wang Ye.”

Seeing Wang Ye who was also in a daze, Wang Yu said hello.


Then, there is no more.

The two came to the gate of the martial arts arena and looked up at the groups above.

A happy expression suddenly appeared on Wang Yu’s face. The person he was going to fight this morning was called Feng Shayan.

“Just wait, I’ll teach you how to be a bad girl today.” Wang Yu muttered.

Then seeing Wang Ye’s opponent, he burst out laughing.

“Haha… Wang Ye, your opponent is actually Zhuge Qing?”

Pointing at Wang Ye, Wang Yu was in such a happy mood.

On the other hand, Wang Ye’s face didn’t change much, he just sighed softly, “Hey! This is a poor man who will die of exhaustion!”

“Are you under pressure again?” Wang Yu gloated and said, “There is still a while before the competition, why don’t you try the strongest body training method I taught you yesterday, and I guarantee that you will easily defeat Zhuge Qing.”

Wang also stared at him quietly with a pair of dead fish eyes, “You are trying to trick the poor to death. After practicing your tricks, I might as well just admit defeat.”

At this time, Zhuge Qing brought his younger brother Zhuge Bai to the front of Wang Ye and his younger brother.

Squinting his eyes made Wang Yu feel like a male version of Tu Shan Rongrong.

“Brother Wang Ye, don’t be merciful for a while.” Zhuge Qing smiled, “I really want to know the real method of Brother Wang Ye.”

Wang also bowed his waist, looked sideways at Zhuge Qing and said, “There will be a chance. I also want to learn about Zhuge Wuhou’s unique skills.”

Zhuge Bai: “…”

I’m here to make soy sauce, don’t talk to me.

“Yes, please take your place!”

Following the referee’s shout, the four arenas started at the same time.

Members of Group 1:

Zhuge Qing played against Wang Ye,

Feng Baobao played against Xiao Xiao,

Feng Xingtong played against Deng Youfu,

Wang and the night owl.

As for Wang Yu being assigned to the second group, he will not be able to play until the first group is over.

“Game start!”

Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing’s martial arts competition.

“Oh! I didn’t expect us to be the first match.” Wang also had a depressed expression.

Zhuge Qing smiled, “Isn’t that good? Anyway, it’s a matter of time. How about it, let’s do it? The king is also the Taoist leader.”

“Okay, then come on.”

Lifting the eyes of the dead fish, Wang also said casually.

“Sigh… I admire Daoist Wang Ye’s strength, but it’s a pity that he always looks unmotivated.” Zhuge Qing shook his head.

“Why are you bored? That’s right…” Wang also thought a lot. With little money left in his pocket, he is still a single Taoist priest at the age of twenty-six. The only thing that is different from ordinary people is Fenghou Qimen, but after using it, the mild one will lose essence and vomit blood, and the severe one may consume lifespan.

Although it is also very good, but there are too many restrictions, and more importantly, it is easy to go crazy.

Missing the happy life before becoming a monk, Wang Ye laughed at himself, and looked sideways at Zhuge Qing, “But there is one thing you said wrong…”

“Oh? What’s wrong?”

Wang also lowered his head slightly, his body suddenly exploded, and he quickly approached Zhuge Qing.

“Then we have to distinguish, to whom!”


With a wave of his hand, he hit him.There was a “whoosh” in the air.

Zhuge Qing didn’t show any panic on his face. He took a step back and easily dodged Wang Ye’s attack.

“Bang bang bang bang…”

Wang also kept waving his palms to attack, but Zhuge Qing avoided them one by one.

“I knew that Qing is the most powerful.”

Zhuge Bai grabbed the railing excitedly, his eyes full of little stars.

Wang Yu took a look at the kid and felt that the opponent’s strength seemed to be pretty good.

I seem to remember that this kid also participated in the competition. Could it be that he was eliminated by that great god?

“Hey, brat, who eliminated you?” Wang Yu asked.

Zhuge Bai: “…”

Although I am young, he will never say such a shameful thing.

Resolutely ignore this bad guy who called him a brat.

Not long after, a colorful lollipop was handed to him.


Zhuge Bai swallowed fiercely, and kept looking at the lollipop gleaming in the sunlight from the corner of his eye.

Suppressing the desire to speak, Zhuge Baiyanlu struggled, and finally looked forward without squinting.

“I will never be bought off by a lollipop, absolutely not!” Zhuge Bai gritted his teeth.

Wang Yu watched the music, and he could bear it if he could. If one didn’t work, he would have two.

Zhuge Bai’s eyes wandered, and his expression was very unnatural.

Three lollipops stretched out before Zhuge Bai’s eyes, dangling back and forth non-stop.

With the shaking of the lollipop, Zhuge Bai’s little eyes almost straightened. However, he has been hesitant, and subconsciously looked at Zhuge Qing in the arena.

Wang Yu just thought about it for a while, and then he understood what was going on, and immediately said temptingly: “Don’t worry, I won’t tell others.”

Zhuge Bai thought for a while, but still shook his head, “No, Qing and the others won’t let me eat it, saying it’s bad for my teeth.”

“It’s okay to eat one once in a while, and your brother won’t notice.” Wang Yu continued to seduce with snacks, “Look, you just need to tell me who eliminated you? All three of mine are yours.”

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