The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 458: Lethal FLAG

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"Running Male Tenth, Fifty City ratings break 5%?"

Zhou Xun blinked when he saw the data sent by the assistant. "What does this mean?"

The assistant smiled very happily: "Do you know that" Good Voice of China "has already sold international copyrights? Several episodes of" "have been introduced. The night of the peak of good voice is 5%, and maybe the male can also sell it. International copyright! Of course, if you include Internet clicks in the next month, and CCTV's reruns of running men at other times, there may be more than 200 million or even 300 million people watching this program in a month. It will be longer and sooner or later.

Zhou Xun was shocked. 200 million people watched the program? If 200 million people watch movies through the Internet and movie theaters, wouldn't the box office properly exceed 3 billion? Oh no, TV is different from the film industry. TV is free, and the rural population accounts for half of it. If you think about it, even if 100 million people watch a running man, would n’t one of every five or six urban residents watch this program? ? This influence is too great!

Sister Zou, the person in charge of the next operation department, took the opportunity to say: "We think you need to open Weibo, the sooner the better, the company's mailbox and the phone of the agent have been crowded out, and a lot of Internet users on the Internet need to find a place to vent, um, Most of them are positive remarks. Everyone likes your acting skills in running men. They also say that you are a rare female star in China. "

Not contrived?

The compliment sounds good, she likes it.

Zhou Xun was happy and worried: "What if I do n’t play Weibo? Samsung asked me to go to their new product launch last time. I said that I do n’t play Weibo, and now I open it again, would I say contrived?"

Sister Zou is very embarrassed. What did she mention about it?

Samsung opened a very large flagship store in Shenzhen two years ago. Zhou Xun cut the ribbon as a guest. The president and product manager of Samsung China explained to her various electronic products. When introducing a tablet, the president said, "You play micro This is the best way to use blogs. As a result, Zhou Xun asked, "I don't have Weibo. Really, why do I have to have Weibo?" The president was embarrassed on the spot and had nothing to say. Later, several major domestic Weibo suppliers were quite Embarrassed, can only pretend to be invisible.

Sister Zou still patiently persuaded: "Weibo is a double-edged sword. It is very useful and helpful. Brother Xun, you still have one. We will take care of it daily, and the reason for opening Weibo is Yang An. I'll help you figure it out, just to promote running men, let's see! "

Looking at the tablet that Sister Zou handed over, the page displayed was Zhang Yishan's Weibo. The first one said: "Sister Xun, please quickly open Weibo, your army of fans is about to drown me! I ... I ... I am pained and happy! "

Zhou Xun sneered, Zhang Yishan, Zhang Yishan, should this episode of the spy special show him a stain on his life, or a springboard for his life to take off? To be normal, Zhang Yishan may never meet her all her life. They are people from two worlds. But now, they are both familiar with their brothers and sisters, and she has no dislike for this intimacy!

"You point back and turn forward." Sister Zou reminded.

Zhou Xun continued, these pages are all male members, all of them were enthusiastically inviting her to open Weibo, and finally an email from Yang An with the phone numbers of managers of two different companies.

Sister Zou said: "These are the two largest Weibo products in China. When they first opened Weibo a few years ago, they rushed to compete for the market and contacted us when they burned money to pull stars. Now the market situation has been set and they will no longer sponsor money. , But I have contacted these two companies, they have a set of publicity programs worth at least 5 million, including resource swaps, invitations to important annual meetings, soft text publicity no less than twice a month, etc., two All directors have expressed their willingness to come to the company to talk in person. "

Zhou Xun groaned and finally decided: "Okay, arrange a time, I'll talk to them!"

Everyone was relieved and smiled. This incident finally fell to the ground. Zhou Xun is one of the very few top actresses in China who are stubborn and ca n’t open Weibo. If it opened a few years ago, she would definitely have tens of millions of fans The value may even increase.

But if this time through the running man, maybe the pay in the second half of the year may break through 100 million? Everyone is excited, and the pay is 100 million. Which actress in China can reach this height? This shows that Zhou Xun is terrific, and the running man is also terrific!

After getting the data that the tenth installment of the running men's tenth episode broke through 5%, several people in the domestic TV stations were speechless.

It's only been three years, and Yang An has made another variety show with the same ratings as "Good Voice of China", and it has a completely different style, which is also incredible!

Like Shenzhen City TV, Dongshan TV, and even Ziyan TV and Blue Ocean TV, because everyone ca n’t get Yang An ’s authorization, and even if they cheque, they ca n’t buy Yang An ’s programs, so everyone can only create outdoor real people. Show.

Shenzhen City TV has a photography team who has taken "Following Bell's Adventures", plus his original "China's Most Beautiful Child Voice" and "Baby Rush Forward". His experience on outdoor reality shows is particularly rich, but also Failed to break through the siege, their highest ace variety show "Big Star Birthday Party", the ratings also reached less than 2%.

Ziyu TV and Blue Ocean TV are Yang An's old friends, and old friends have no privileges. They ca n’t get Yang An ’s programs, they can only imitate, and each has a program. Fortunately, their own platforms are solid and the ratings are broken. 2 %, But just broke 2%, I can't see how promising the future can be. The mixed period is the first period.

As for Dongshan Satellite TV, it can only be vulgar all the way to the end. The reality show + eyeball show completely abandoned the depth, and turned into a program to pass boring time and help you late at night.

Another TV station felt depressed, and that was CCTV itself.

"Super Challenge" has just been purchased by CCTV, and the price will not be said. It is scary and low. CCTV is very experienced in this area. The knives are grinded and the yellow entertainment tree is scattered. The team was demobilized, some core production teams in China were collectively dug up their feet, CCTV ate the fattest and tenderest meat, and the rest of the mess was not seen.

But this is the fattest piece of meat.

CCTV's "Super Challenge" has two factions. One is the old team from Xuanhuang Entertainment, and the other is an old man who followed the filming of "The Great Challenge" and learned a lot from Yang An. Both sides are thinking. Conflict is a conflict between domestic originality and overseas experience, and a conflict of power.

Internal consumption is the most troublesome thing. When the rating of "Running Brothers" broke 5%, the rating of "Super Challenge" has dropped to 2.5%, which is less than half of others. This makes CCTV embarrassing.

"Super Challenge" is taken care of by mothers and mothers, and various sub-channels are advertising it, but the ratings are still not up. They can only follow the running man to eat ashes, which stimulated them more or less.

In short, everyone in the industry agrees that the success of Yang An and Run Brothers cannot be copied!


Just after the Children's Day, a group of people from Enron went to Shanghai. This time, the company did its best. All eight outstanding programs were shortlisted for the Magnolia Primary.

At the mobilization meeting before the departure, Yang An said: "I can't get Magnolia this year, so I won't come back!"

I laughed and sprayed a group of people at that time, because generally speaking people who said this kind of thing had only one ending and really couldn't do it.

"If you don't mix well, I won't come!"

I don't know how many good men who have gone out and worked hard in this advertisement for Menswear.

But no one knows, did the buddy come back? This can never be said blindly. The death is very convincing. In case the Magnolia Award is not awarded to Yang An, he can only become a tribe.

However, Yang An and Rong Feifei first went to Zhongjing. After they finished the work, they flew from Zhongjing to Shanghai. They joined Guan Xiaotong in a seminar at Nortel. After the meeting, they met with Nortel teachers and students. The representative went to the hospital to visit Li Nier.

Li Nier is planning to leave the hospital next week and move to her hometown for cultivation.

"My hometown doesn't have Zhong Jing Gao. We have business with our couple. My grandmother can take care of it when I go home. With relatives and friends to help, it's better than here."

Father Li is still a strong man. As a small boss who has been in business for many years, he knows the rules of this society. The result of his daughter is irreversible. He did not fight, but he tried to find ways to put himself on the weak side as much as possible. The daughter has accumulated a little more money in the second half of her life. If he could wait until the moment when his daughter opened his eyes, he would be thankful.

Yang An asked: "Are all kinds of compensation in place?"

Father Li kept nodding ~ ~ but hesitated in the end.

The atmosphere in the ward changed all of a sudden, and Yang An's voice became cold: "Anyone dare to make things difficult for you?"

Guan Xiaotong and the school representative were also angry. This was an iron case. Sinners had been in jail for several months. There were moths?

Father Li woke up and quickly explained: "No, no, Songhua TV, as well as the newspaper, Xuan Huang, and more than 4 million compensations are in place. In addition, we also received donations from various sectors of the community, and many celebrity trustees gave money. Over here, we have all counted, we have counted every minute, and we thank everyone who helped us, but ... "

Mother Li said touchedly: "Just a lot of people came to see Nier and threw away the money, not to mention who it was. Most of them were middle-aged people who threw 50,000 cash. I couldn't stop them ... How can we thank kind people? "

The people were relieved. The Li family was also very loyal and helped. They also wanted to pay back as much as possible in their lifetime. However, many people wanted to help from the bottom of their hearts. confused.

Yang An thought for a while: "In this way, I will be a wicked man!" (To be continued.)

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