The King

Chapter 128: War Locust

  The little girl's words made the caravan speed up. As if some taboo had been touched, the old man couldn't even take care of business.

   Maybe it has something to do with these businesses not making money, and it has nothing to do with it.

   After all, the old man's business vision is as accurate as ever. Being able to maintain a balance of payments depends on "luck".

   In his own words:

   "The big money-making business has long been taken over by big shots.

  Ordinary people who want to get involved in it will only invite disaster for themselves.

   Earn some hard money and be safe and sound, that's the most important thing. "


  As night fell, the old man who left the convoy instantly changed his image.

  The old skin became rounded, and the wrinkles on the face gradually disappeared, as if suddenly 30 years younger

   "Holy Lord, we have completed the task you ordered.

   The locusts were lured and dispersed, and they were sprinkled all the way to the southeastern province according to your instructions. At this moment, the army of locusts is continuously gathering there.

   It's just that the group of nobles reacted quickly, and now they have arrived in Arbor County, and it seems that they are going to hunt the insect king halfway.

  The strength of this noble team is very strong. The magisters and earth knights, who are rarely seen in the world, have appeared now.

   It can be boldly guessed that the high-end combat power of the entire southeastern province has been gathered at this moment.

  The magicians who participated in the operation are the least powerful and are also senior magicians. The strength of the knights is also the big knights, and these guys also carry monsters.

  With the cooperation of the army organized by the local nobles in Qiaomu County, no one can say whether the insect king can break through the blockade. "

  The middle-aged man reported nervously.

   Witnessing the background of the nobility with his own eyes, the arrogance of the middle-aged man has long since disappeared without a trace. If it weren't for this locust plague, maybe I wouldn't have had the chance to see it in my life.

  Skull and Bones' small fights are simply not enough to make people go all out. Just the power put on the bright side can suppress them countless times.

   "Karliss, don't be fooled by temporary success or failure.

  It doesn't matter if you succeed, or you fail.

   This is not our fight, and the nobles are not our real enemies. Their strength is strong, which is a good thing for us.

   It's just a transaction, the locust plague has reached this point, it is enough for those **** to go back and ask for rewards.

  Even if the insect king fails to enter the southeastern province, the scattered locust army alone is enough to achieve our goal.

  The sights of the nobles are distracted, and they won’t be able to trouble us in the short term. Your next task is to find the Horn of the Blood Moon.

  Dadeer City was the last place where the Blood Moon Horn appeared, and the nobles who entered the city last year to suppress the rebellion were all suspected.

  This time is the best opportunity to act, you must keep a low profile, and don't cause trouble until you find the Blood Moon Horn. "

  An anti-Holy See organization is lurking in the ranks supported by the Holy See. It has to be said that it is a kind of irony.

  The more dangerous the place, the safer it is. Against the Skull and Bones' anti-armor, it covers up all reasonable and unreasonable actions.

  Cult organizations, they never act according to the rules. No one will find it strange to change the style.

  It looks suspicious, it's just normal operation. If there is no problem, is it still a cult organization?

   "Holy Lord, we have done things so cleanly, why don't we leave a trace and let the nobles and the Holy See dogs bite the dogs?"

  Kallis asked suspiciously.

  To stir up conflicts between the Holy See and the aristocratic group, this is the plan they all dream of accomplishing. But when the opportunity presented itself, the Skeleton Lord in front of him did the opposite.

   Not only did not expose the existence of the Holy See, but even deliberately washed away the man-made traces and concealed it as much as possible.

   "Karliss, your thinking is too simple. Although the Holy See is corrupt, it doesn't mean that those guys are really stupid.

  Deliberately leaving traces, isn’t it exposing us to their eyes?

   Now is not the time to fall out. We cannot do without the support of the Holy See until we get the support of new big forces.

   Even if no trace is left, those nobles will still find the Holy See. Evidence has never been a problem for big forces.

  Just doubts are enough to make them draw conclusions.

   Last time, didn’t you suffer a loss? "

  The words of the Skeleton Lord embarrass Karlis.

   Only those who work in the middle and lower levels regard evidence and clues as important.

  Being carried away by one's own cognition, and bringing one's own ideas into other people's decision-making, how can one not suffer.


  Arbor County, after a simple regional division, several bigwigs led their own people to take charge of an area.

  Each team is evenly distributed, with mages, knights, and private troops of local nobles who came to cooperate.

   It is really just cooperation, the noble private army who pulls the net to catch locusts, the main task is to report the trace of the insect king immediately.


   No matter how weak a monster is, it is still a monster, and it is not something ordinary people can deal with.

   What's more, creatures like the insect king can fly so fast that even the fastest horses can't catch up, let alone ordinary people.

  As the youngest team leader, no matter where he goes, Hudson has the highest return rate.

   It is conceivable that after experiencing this wave, he will become a "child of other people's family" in the eyes of more parents.

  Looking at all kinds of equipment to deal with locusts, although the tools are a bit crude, they are generally experienced.

  In addition to various nets, what Hudson likes the most is the prepared smoke. Thick smoke to drive away locusts should be the most effective means for ordinary people under the existing technological means.

   Magicians are not counted. Although I don’t know how to use all kinds of magic devices, my intuition tells Hudson that these inconspicuous gadgets must be quite lethal to locusts.

  In addition to physical means, there are also locust repellent potions made by alchemists temporarily.

  Efficacy is similar to that of insecticide, and it works well on small swarms of locusts. Once it encounters an army of locusts commanded by the insect king, it loses its effect instantly.

  Hudson is also very confused in this regard, as if the insect king has a unique talent. The locusts driven by it will not only increase their drug resistance, but even their combat effectiveness will increase dramatically.

  If there is an insect emperor, the situation will be even worse. I heard that under the command of the insect emperor, these vegetarian locusts would not spare even meat.

  Once the worm emperor is born, all the people and animals will be extinct, and very few creatures can survive.

  In name, he is the team leader, but in fact, Hudson doesn't need to direct anything.

   All the strong men participating in this operation have their own areas of responsibility, and the magician is also equipped with knight protection.

  The noble private army that came to cooperate was naturally commanded by the noble lord himself.

  As the commander in name, the main task is to rush to capture alive or kill the insect king immediately after discovering it.

  In order to improve efficiency, there are two Griffon cavalry who take turns to patrol the sky with Hudson.

  Choose a small stream to stop, Hudson, who was bored, quietly watched Bear Stearns playing in the water.

  The bear child is at the most curious stage of his life, and everything he sees feels fresh.

  Catch crabs for a while, catch fish and shrimps for a while, and show off to Hudson from time to time.

  In order to let the little guy work harder, Hudson directly turned into an enthusiastic big brother, constantly affirming the bear boy's record.

   "Om, um..."

  The sound of flapping wings sounded, and Hudson's expression suddenly became serious, and he finally came.

  Under the efforts of the magician, the rising thick black smoke seemed to have long legs, and went directly towards the army of locusts.

  The war has begun.

  He reached out and patted the cub on the shoulder, Hudson said with a smile:

   "Bear Stearns, time to work.

   Get me all these nasty little bugs, but don't hurt your own people. "

  Bear Stearns, who was disturbed, rolled his black eyes, waved his bear paw and slapped the ground, causing the whole earth to tremble.

   This guy was definitely intentional. Before he could blame Bear Stearns for doing something wrong, he heard the voice of "Shu Shua...".

  With the cub as the center, wherever Hudson could see, locusts kept falling from the sky as if they were drunk.

   "Gravity Field?"

   Hudson asked uncertainly.

   Vaguely, he did feel that his body was a little heavier, but this increase was not large.

  The serf soldiers pulling nets nearby to catch locusts were not affected either. If it weren't for the locusts falling constantly, Hudson would have almost ignored the past.

  Such a small power does not match the name of "gravity field" at all.

   Seemingly aware of his thoughts, Bear Stearns said angrily: "Is it worth using all your strength to deal with a group of small bugs?

   Besides, there is still your contract partner. In case you are accidentally squeezed into a meat paste, who will take care of me..."

   Seemingly aware of a slip of the tongue, Bear Stearns swallowed back the words.

   Bragging, that's all.

  In case the long-term meal ticket is stimulated, and then gnaw on the black and hard iron lump bread, that is not the life of a bear.

   It is not so easy to find a partner who can take care of food and help it improve its strength.

   Except for being a little weaker, in other respects, Hudson's partner fully meets the requirements of the Bears.

   "Stop talking nonsense here, who doesn't know what kind of bear you are? There are still many annoying bugs, follow me to patrol the defense zone."

  While speaking, Hudson was already on the bear's back.

   Obviously, he has long been immune to Bear Stearns' bragging.

  Theoretically speaking, Bear Stearns has indeed awakened all the innate abilities of the Earth Bear. It's just power, it's hard to say.

   In the field of gravity, if the range of application is compressed within a few meters, it may be possible to take Hudson away.

   After the scope of the display is expanded, it is not bad to be able to drop the locusts.

   At the very least, Hudson saw many bugs fall to the ground, struggled again, and then fell again.

  If it can be solved in one go, with this guy's pretentious style, this situation will never happen.

   But it is enough to bring down the locusts. Occasionally there is a fish that slips through the net, and it doesn't hurt too much.

  It's a pity that there is only one Earth Bear, there must be dozens of them. Put it in front of the locust army, and keep it safe that no locust can leave alive.

  Riding on the back of Bear Stearns' bear, patrolling his own defense area all the way, the locust army landed one after another along the way, and one person and one bear instantly became the most beautiful scenery on the battlefield.

   After a preliminary estimate, the range of Bear Stearns' gravity domain was affected, but the result surprised Hudson.

   Within a radius of one mile, not a single locust can fly. Most of the locusts, after suffering a sudden heavy blow, ended their life with two thumps.

  Even if one life is recovered, it will soon be replaced by the army of serfs. The arrangement is clear.

   Going further, the thin locusts will fall down, while the strong locusts can still stand firm.

  In short, the closer the locust is to the cub, the more miserable it is. It takes roughly two or three miles to get rid of the influence of the gravity field.

  The brilliant record made Hudson want to ride a cub for a stroll among the locust army. Just by closing and releasing the gravity domain, and tossing and turning several times, the locusts in the area covered by the domain can be strangled seven or eight times.

  In terms of insecticidal efficiency, this is more efficient and environmentally friendly than any pesticide. No matter how large the locust army is, it can be tossed down.

   Just remembering the purpose of this time, Hudson finally suppressed this tempting idea. After such a toss, the locust army dispersed, but the culprit, the insect king, also slipped away.

   For a race like locusts, whose reproduction speed is against the sky, as long as there is one insect king left, it won't be long before there will be another army of locusts.

  Become the insect king of Warcraft, but the life span and wisdom are double increased.

  Let them live in the world for a while longer, and their IQ level may be able to catch up with humans. At that time, it will be even more difficult to deal with.

   If the tossing time is long, the insect king who has absorbed a lot of disaster energy will have a chance to advance to become the insect king.

  It has developed to the stage of the insect emperor, and the destructive power of the locust army has reached the level of destruction.

  The best way to deal with it is to find the insect king and immediately use thunder to kill it, so as not to give it a chance to set off a plague of locusts.

  At this point, the locust army has formed a large scale, and it is even more important to kill the insect king.

  According to the news from the Governor's Mansion, there are slightly more insect kings in this locust plague. Many worm kings were hunted and killed in several neighboring provinces, but the army of worms still did not disperse.

   Now the capital has ordered to catch as many alive as possible. Obviously, there are more stories behind this locust plague.

   Hudson, who didn't want to get angry, didn't dare to destroy the bug-catching plan of the big shots at this juncture.

  The locust extermination war is still going on, and it’s not just the Earth Bear who stands out on the battlefield. Although other monsters are not so easy, they also brought wonderful performances to everyone.

  Earl Pierce's flame lion is equivalent to the saliva of magma, and when it is sprayed out, it is a flamethrower.

  The flames tens of meters long, and the aroma emitted by the roasted locusts can float for several miles. Seeing the army of serfs, it was drooling.

  If it weren't for the noble lord who witnessed all this repeatedly emphasized: locusts cannot be eaten. Guessing about these guys, I couldn't help but taste them.

   The magician Yuli who disliked Hudson the most also killed all sides on the battlefield. Not only is there a magic circle specifically for locusts, but the performance of his Warcraft mount is also surprising.

  Even if everyone plugged their ears, their scalps were still numb from the weird cry.

  The "Sound Beast", which specializes in making noise, has the most powerful talent and supernatural power to make noise, and the strongest attack technique is also noise.

   It is famous throughout the continent of Aslant for making a lot of noise.

  The most fair evaluation given by the outside world on the cry of the "Cracking Sound Beast" is: Those who hear it can't wait to skin it;

   Not only is it notorious in the human world, but it is also disgusted by beasts and beasts in World of Warcraft. The specific manifestation is: after hearing the cry of the crackling beast from afar, Bear Stearns wanted to go over and hammer it.

   This move was approved by Hudson, but in the end he restrained his emotions. After all, they are still teammates now, and they can't kill each other, making the locust see a joke.

   It is estimated that there are quite a few monsters with similar performances. Who made this guy amplify his moves and entertain them regardless of enemy or friend.

  A pit is a pit, but the power of the sound wave skill is really powerful. Anyway, after coming here all of a sudden, the dense army of locusts in Hudson's sight disappeared.

  The most legendary thing is that two insect king warriors rushed out of the locust army, and ran directly to a duel with the "Sound Beast". The result was naturally to help the aristocratic camp achieve zero breakthroughs.

   The enemy is dizzy with anger, and the power of the noise attack can be imagined. Regrettably, killing one thousand enemies also cost five hundred.

  Not to mention the serfs who fell to the ground and wailed loudly, even a determined man like Hudson kept rubbing his ears.

   This is still a colleague who is far away from the two sides and close to each other, and they don't know how miserable they were.

  If someone insists on going his own way and declines the reminder to plug his ears, he probably feels absolutely sour now.

  Frankly speaking, it is really a miracle that such a hated monster has not been exterminated until now.

  Now Hudson understands Magister Yuli a little bit. It is understandable to deal with such monsters every day, and to be tossed out of mental illness.

  Afraid of comparison in everything, seeing a crowd of otherworldly monsters vying to make their debut, Hudson suddenly felt that Bear Stearns was really good.

  Although I'm a little bit lazy, a little bragging, rude and uneducated... But overall it's tolerable.

  If it was replaced by the Cracked Beast, Hudson couldn't guarantee that he would kill it if he suddenly made such a voice when he was in a bad mood.

  Fortunately, the ultimate move of "Sound Beast" is limited. After doing this, he needs to rest for a few days. Otherwise, let it continue to toss, Hudson is very afraid that he will not be able to help running away.

  The black dots that appeared in the sky pulled Hudson back from his wild thoughts. I have to admit that the locust army is determined, and dare to continue after being so tossed.

  If they were in a normal army and knew that the front was so scary, they would have already scattered and fled.

   "Bear Stearns, you have seen the worm king. Pay attention to it.

   After finally coming out, I can't let others take all the credit. If it gets out, it will also disgrace your Earth Bear clan. "

   Hudson worked hard to encourage the bears.

  But Bear Stearns didn't buy it. Instead, he turned his head to look at him, and stretched out a huge bear paw as a gesture—to share the bill.

  Too high an IQ is not a good thing at first sight. Bear Stearns is not so good at clearing accounts. In order not to be cheated, he even learned to read the books.

  Glanced at the distance, Hudson spread his hands and said: "Don't worry, two ones add five. We will split all the profits in half, and we will never treat you badly!"

  Looking at the immobile bear paw, he knew this plan, but the cub didn't approve it.

  My own bear is getting harder and harder to cheat. Hudson was very helpless, who would have thought that this lazy guy would grow his wisdom so fast.

   "Okay, the one thousand gold coin reward is also yours. Don't rush to refuse, although you will do the most to catch the insect king next.

   But this deal, but I came forward to follow. For the follow-up rewards, I have to come forward to negotiate with them.

  Each bug king allows you to get an extra thousand gold coins, which is already interesting enough. If I ask for more, wouldn't I be busy in vain?

  Think about it, one thousand gold coins can buy hundreds of sheep, which can produce milk every day..."

  There is nothing that cannot be linked to animal milk. Once the unit of measurement is changed, the brain circuit of the cub will change.

  This time is no exception. Bear Stearns began to calculate how many sheep and how many cows he could exchange, and quickly withdrew his bear paws, turned his head, and focused his gaze on the army of locusts.

  The fiery eyes make people afraid. It was as if what it saw at the moment was not an army of locusts, but pots of animal milk with honey.

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