The Landlord And His Wife

Chapter 39: : dowry list

    Second Young Mistress didn't buy her hands to cover her children in the end, but bought some silk flowers, sachets, etc., and left after calculating the money.

    Liu Xuer was extremely disappointed, she really had high hopes that she could sell this hand cover to the second young grandmother, it seems... sigh, nothing is so easy, not thinking How can it be done.

    The shopkeeper sent off the second young grandmother, turned to see the disappointment on the face of the young master, and the little girl standing beside the young master was even more disappointed and looked like she was about to cry, she couldn't help smiling. Dao: "Some people have suddenly become rich, and they have money, but their eyes on things are still the same as before, especially the eyes on new things, which they don't have. Only when they can see the eyes of others have This thing, they think it's a good thing, otherwise..."

    Before he finished speaking, a guy came up and whispered: "The shopkeeper, the boss told you to finish your work and hurry over, I'll be looking for you."

    The shopkeeper nodded quickly, looked at Shi Cheng again, gave him a nod and then left.

    Shicheng was really disappointed, seeing Liu Xuer just about to persuade him, Liu Xuer already figured it out and sighed: "I'm not uncomfortable, I didn't want to sell it. Everything that can be sold is not that easy.”

    "Yes!" Shicheng nodded.

    Liu Xuer glared at him at this time: "I said at the time that you looked at the right price, I thought you would order one or two at most... Why are you so cruel?!"

    Shi Cheng smiled and said in a low voice: "These upstarts will not be too expensive, but not too expensive! So...cough, forget it, I don't have time to explain it to you at length."

    Liu Shu also saw the hand covering the child just now, and saw that it was the willow Xuer, and then whispered: "Xu'er, is that your hand covering the child?"

    Liu Xuer nodded, no need to stay in the store, pulled the willow tree out and said: "I did it, Shicheng's mother often buys things here, the shopkeeper knows Shicheng, and promised to put it in them Consignment in the shop... It doesn't take up space anyway."

    The willow tree was a little puzzled, and looked at Shicheng who came out, Shicheng nodded hurriedly: "Yes! That's it."

     Willow believed it, he was just a child, he didn't have so much heart.

    After that, they got on the carriage and waited for Shi Cheng's father, Liu Xuer was really disappointed, and the mood on the way back was not very high.

    When I got home, I told Liu Changgeng and He's. After the doctor gave two taels of silver, Liu Changgeng and He were very upset and kept complaining that Liu Xuer shouldn't accept the money. Liu Shu talked about the situation at that time, and after listening to Uncle Quan's words, the two nodded. They only added two taels of silver for no reason, and they were pleasantly surprised.

    Liu Shu said again about returning the money to Uncle Quan, Liu Changgeng nodded again and again: "Yes, yes! Since Uncle Quan paid the money for the last medical treatment, it should be returned to him as soon as possible! People also work hard for money.”

    He also nodded, holding the small piece of silver handed over by Willow and the remaining more than one hundred yuan in his hand, smiled happily and said to Liu Xuer: "You earned this silver! I Xu'er is really capable, and she can make money with such a small amount of money!"

    Liu Xu'er was also energized at this moment, and said with a smile: "What's the matter, my little rabbit can make me a lot of money!"

    He sneered: "Are you settling with your mother? Shouldn't you stop you from buying rabbits?"

    Liu Xuer was stunned for a moment, then laughed, climbed up on the kang and smiled: "Mother, look what you said! I just said it with joy... That hand covering the child is valuable, not because it is inside Rabbit hair?"

    Liu Changgeng also smiled and said: "Yes, yes, let's just say that Xu'er is the most sensible and won't spend money arbitrarily! In this way, Xu'er will earn the money to buy rabbits all at once. came back…"

    He scolded him: "You will be good at being a good person, it's my fault that you dare to be affectionate, I'm a bad person!"

    Liu Xuer is busy making peacemakers: "My parents are good people, great people!"

    Senzi originally lowered her head to play with herself, but now she raised her head and said: "Moriko is also a good person!"

    The whole family was amused, Liu Xuer went over and hugged him and kissed him: "Moriko is the best child, I like it the most!" He took a closer look at Moriko's face , and red blood on his face. I don't know if I have eaten too much meat these days or what, but my face is a bit round. Liu Xuer gave him another kiss on the face.

      Much quieter.

    However, they just moved here this year, and they cleaned up before moving in. The house is still very clean, and there is no need to tidy up. As for the food and drink, only the hard-working Liu Gao And Liu Hong over there.

    However, Liu Gao is very busy and very happy. He came to their house three times in two days and delivered a lot of cooked braised pork, some steamed wowo, and rolled noodles. . This was prepared for Xiao Nian tomorrow, and told Liu Xu'er: "Tomorrow, there will be guests from the milk, you can eat these hot, and your mother should tell her to stay on the kang less."

    Liu Xuer hurriedly agreed and put things in the cupboard.

    Liu Gao saw that she was in good order, and she was relieved. She came out of the kitchen to dust off the flour on her body, and came to the main room happily and took out something for her son and daughter-in-law to see: "You guys see this."

    In order to make it easier for Mr. He to sit on the edge of the kang, he took it over and looked at it, and saw that it was a hard red paper, folded from the middle, opened it, and saw a big red There was still gold foam sprinkled on the paper, and the golden glittering did not know what to stick to it and could not fall off, and it was densely written with golden letters, which was equally glittering.

    He didn't know how to read, so he didn't know what it was after reading it for a long time, and handed it to Liu Changgeng in a daze: "What is this? It looks very rich."

    Liu Changgeng looked over and over for a long time and didn't know each other for a long time, and said strangely: "I can't see... Mother, what is this?" He asked Liu Gao directly.

    Liu Gao was just about to say proudly, when a little man came in from outside and climbed on the kang, reached out and took the thing, looked at it and called: "This is the dowry list, right? !" It was Liu Xuer.

    Liu Gao, Liu Changgeng and He were all surprised, Liu Gao exclaimed in surprise: "How do you know?! Your parents don't even recognize..."

    Liu Xuer smiled and pointed to it: "It doesn't say grate, boxwood comb... Dad, don't you even know the words 'wood' and 'zi'?"

    He patted her head and smiled and pretended to be angry: "You child! How did you talk to your father?"

    Liu Gao was still very surprised: "How did this child know words? How did you know it?!"

    Liu Xuer sighed casually: "Shicheng began to learn to write when he was three years old, and I also learned it, and I know a lot of characters! Now even my brothers know a few characters. ...but not as much as I know!"

    Liu Changgeng and He's both nodded, Liu Xuer learned to make contact with his mother at Shicheng's house, and sometimes followed Shicheng to recognize a few words, and when they came back, they told them that everyone in the family I know, I don't care too much.

    Liu Gao suddenly realized, but the look in Liu Xuer's eyes was completely different. She knew words, and knowing words was a very important thing for a person, but this In the country, if you tell ten people, about ten people will think that it is useless for girls to read. So the old lady didn't say anything, but her views on Xiao Xu'er were completely different from now on.

    He took the dowry list over and over and looked at it in surprise, and asked with a smile, "This is actually a dowry, yo, I've never seen such an exquisite dowry list, this is... this Is it really golden foam?"

    Liu Gao regained his energy, put other things aside first, and nodded with a heavy smile: "Do you know that the young master and son of the big family are hired by this way? The dowry list is exactly the same! Of course, some people's lists are long... Oh, let's not talk about others, just look at this dowry list, it can be seen that Yuan Hao values ​​this marriage! Sincerely!"

    He smiled and kept touching the golden characters on it carefully, and asked, "Mother, when did the characters meet?"

    Liu Gao said with a smile: "It was just a few days ago that the two sides got together. This morning, the matchmaker over there came to ask how the marriage was, and they said that they were a match made in heaven. I just said it's appropriate, and they took out the dowry list! It's also nice to say, let's take a look here. If the preparations are not thoughtful, I forgive them that there is no elder in their family. Hey, please don't blame us, tell them, they must be ready."

    He sighed 'tsk tsk tsk' after hearing this: "I don't blame people for being rich! It's just that they can talk and behave! Such people are not rich, how can you say that people can be rich?!"

    Liu Changgeng sneered with great disinterest: "It's superfluous to say this," he didn't care how rich the dowry list was, and he just asked Liu Gao's family: "The above What did you write? Mother, do you see anything wrong?"

    Liu Gao excitedly wanted to take it and read it, but after thinking about it, she handed the dowry list to Liu Xuer and said, "Xu'er, you will read it to your parents!"

    Liu Xuer stuck her tongue out in her heart, knowing that grandma was a literate person, and that she knew which words were uncommon and difficult, so she couldn't be too rash, so she picked it up and read a few stumbling and stumbling words, Then he lowered his head and said dejectedly: "The words on this are really hard to recognize! It is estimated that... even Shicheng doesn't know a few."

    Liu Gao took it with a smile, and said to her, "I thought you could do it very well!" Then he picked up the important ones and read them.

    Liu Xuer secretly stuck out her tongue, but she didn't blame grandma, grandma didn't mean to laugh at all, just teasing her child.

    How much employment silver, how many kinds of materials, and how many jewelry Liu Gao read, he was reading about things like ordinary employment, and then he closed the list and said to Liu Changgeng: " I think the order is pretty neat, this list is very good, and it gives Liu Hong enough face."

    Liu Changgeng heard this and said, "Why didn't you hear the three sacrifices and four fruits?"

    Liu Gao put out the dowry list and said: "I didn't read those things, there is no need to read those things, it's indispensable! Without those things, what would you be hired for? Don't worry, even if the Yuan family has no elders , it's impossible not to understand this, anyway, the two brothers above are both married wives!"

    Liu Changgeng nodded after hearing this: "That's fine... Okay, since it's a match, both you and your father feel good, and your son doesn't have any opinion."

    Liu Gao rolled his eyes at him and said, "Who asked your opinion, I'll bring it to you to read and make you happy too!" Then he carefully put up the dowry list , smiled and said: "Then you stay here, I'm going back, maybe I won't be able to come tomorrow, tomorrow's eldest brother and sister-in-law will come over as guests to discuss the wedding date!" He said without waiting for Liu Changgeng and He's presence After speaking, he left happily.

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