The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 6 Preparation before school starts

Mr. Ollivander was paid eight Galleons, and Jon took his wand and hurried away.

Although he wasted more than an hour in Ollivander's wand shop, he was very satisfied with the wand he got.

Because it is made of green bamboo, it is quite comfortable to hold in the hand; and its toughness and strength are much higher than ordinary wood, and it can even be used as a melee weapon in an emergency.

Next, he found Eric at Mrs. Malkin's robe shop... Eric had already helped him buy most of the items on the list.

He was carrying a large bag full of clothing, including three plain work gowns (black), a plain peaked hat (black) for daytime wear, a pair of protective gloves (made of dragon skin or similar material), and a Winter cloak. There is also a cauldron (of pewter, standard size 2), a set of crystal vials, a telescope, and a brass balance.

The only thing left to buy is textbooks.

Jon opens the list:

Standard Spells, Elementary, by Miranda Goshak

A History of Magic, by Bathilda Bagshot

The Theory of Magic, by Adebe Waughlin

The Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration, by Emory Swich

A Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi, by Philedas Pohl

Magic Potions and Potions, by Arseny Giger

"Break With a Ghost" by Gilderoy Lockhart

Swim with the Ghoul by Gilderoy Lockhart

"Vacation with the Dominatrix" by Gilderoy Lockhart

"Walking with the Trolls" by Gilderoy Lockhart

"Traveling with the Vampire" by Gilderoy Lockhart

Wandering with the Werewolves by Gilderoy Lockhart

"A Year with the Tibetan Yeti" by Gilderoy Lockhart

There are 13 textbooks in total, and Jon is a bit big to read... Especially the pile of "books" by Lockhart at the back, each of which is extremely expensive, adding up to twenty Galleons.

But there is no way, Jon gritted his teeth, he can't go to school without textbooks... Put this pile of books into the shopping basket.

He bought three additional extracurriculars: Quentin Trimble's Guide to Defense Against the Dark Arts, Newt Scamander's Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, and Libash Barracch's Advanced Potions Preparation".

After buying so many things, there are only less than forty left of the previous hundred Galleons... If it wasn't for the cash, Jon would definitely buy a few more books on Defense Against the Dark Arts and potions.

Fortunately, Hogwarts does not have to pay tuition and accommodation fees, and even a first-year freshman can't go to Hogsmeade. Forty Galleons can be used for a year without much problem.

He declined Eric's suggestion to buy him an owl (an owl costs ten Galleons), after all, poverty makes people sane.


During his last month at 86 Eastleigh Road, Jon was immersed in the pile of magic books.

He flipped through more than a dozen books, including the "adventure novels" written by Gilderoy Lockhart.

He converted the smallest room at 86 Eastleigh Road into an animal room, containing several cages of experimental mice.

There is a small loophole in the Reasonable Restraining of Underage Wizards Act, which does not restrict young wizards who have not yet begun to learn magic, but who have already received a wand (and they are not registered by the Ministry of Magic).

So Jon took advantage of this loophole and took advantage of this month to use his wand to cast spells at home.

It's a pity that the results obtained seem to be somewhat unsatisfactory!

On the night of August 31, Jon appeared in the animal room with a wand

"Stupefy!" He raised his wand and aimed it at a rat cage.

The stun spell, a common spell used by members of the Ministry of Magic and the Order of the Phoenix, is also a very practical spell, which can be very effective in causing the target to temporarily lose consciousness, and even have a certain effect on giants and dragons. Jon finds out how to use it in the final pages of the Defence Against the Dark Arts Guide.

At this stage, when the Unforgivable Curse is completely disabled, the Stun Curse is undoubtedly one of the most lethal single-target spells.

A faint red light flashed and hit the mouse in the cage.

"Squeak..." The guinea pig let out an exclamation, and then quickly moved to a position, but that was all.

Jon smiled helplessly. This effect was the best he had done in the whole summer vacation. If you hit the enemy with this spell, you can only make the enemy feel a little itchy at most.

Stunning spells, as well as most spells, are fairly easy to cast, but it's very difficult to actually have an effect.

There are many spells in this world that do not require in-depth study, but rely heavily on the emotions of the wizard.

Just like releasing the Unforgivable Curse, one must be ruthless; when releasing the Patronus Curse, one must think of something truly happy... The release of the Stunning Curse also requires the wizard to generate a desire to stun the target from the bottom of his heart.

Jon feels that if he is in the DND worldview, he is not a mage at all, but a blood warlock.

Because of his maturity, Jon rarely has too many emotional fluctuations; such stable emotions are not conducive to the release of many spells.

However, not every spell he could master.

Raising his wand again, Jon aimed at the guinea pig:

"Petrificus Totalus!"

In an instant, the expression on the mouse's face and the movement of the body solidified at the same time. It seemed to be petrified, unable to move, only its eyes were spinning around.

The release of the petrification spell does not depend on emotions, and even young wizards can use it perfectly... After a month of practice, Jon has mastered it very well.

However, the flaws of the petrification spell are also obvious. It takes several seconds from when the spell hits the target to when the target is completely petrified... If the opponent reacts quickly, he can cancel the spell by himself and launch a counterattack at the same time.

Putting away his wand, Jon took a nostalgic look at the animal room in front of him.

Tomorrow I will go to Hogwarts, and this animal room will lose its meaning until I turn seventeen.

He came to a corner of the room and found a glass cage that was almost abandoned here.

Two red South African spiders lay quietly in the glass cage, with the remains of many mealworms and crickets beside them.

This is the "pet" Jon asked Eric to buy for him two weeks ago.

Carefully wrap the glass cage with cotton, put it in the carton, and then put the carton in the suitcase.

Near the carton is a small bag of realgar that he went to a drugstore to buy.

And an alarm clock in the shape of a rooster, which he also bought in a supermarket in Southampton not long ago... It is said that a rooster's crowing is recorded, and it will sound when it rings, and Jon also specially brought a few more sections. Battery.

After everything was ready, Jon also fell asleep in bed, and soon fell asleep...

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