The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 86 The Principals' Argument

It was a sunny, breezy afternoon.

The freshmen of Gryffindor and Slytherin are standing on the grass of the Quidditch pitch with great interest... looking forward to their first flying lessons in their lives.

Many of them have never touched broomsticks, while others are looking forward to showing off their skills in front of their new classmates!

A boy who looked about their age came running from the other side of the Quidditch pitch; he had short dark brown hair and grey eyes, and he looked delicate.

"Notice, this flying lesson has been cancelled!" the boy shouted loudly, "Mrs. Hooch has encountered something temporarily!"

"What's the matter?" Romilda Vanney screamed.

"It's temporarily cancelled, it's that simple." The boy shrugged at him: "It's changed to Sunday morning!"

After being informed of the news, the boy has already walked towards the castle.

"He's not joking!" Several Gryffindor first-year girls gathered together and whispered.

"It shouldn't be... It's a quarter past two now, and Mrs. Hooch should have come to class a quarter of an hour ago!"

While discussing, the freshmen of Gryffindor and Slytherin walked into the castle in twos and threes.


Mrs. Rolanda Hooch appeared on the eighth floor of the castle, in front of an extremely ugly giant stone beast, holding a parchment in her hand.

"Password?" The stone beast asked lazily.

"Scene!" Mrs. Hooch replied.

An automatic spiral staircase behind the stone beast was opened!

At the end of the spiral staircase is a gleaming oak door with a brass knocker in the shape of a griffin.

Behind the door is a large, beautiful circular room full of funny little voices.

"Good afternoon, Rolanda!" Professor Albus Dumbledore looked away from the "Daily Prophet" in his hand and looked at the "intruder".

"Hello, Headmaster Dumbledore, I'm sorry to disturb you!" After greeting Mrs. Hooch, she quickly showed the parchment in her hand: "These data were organized by a student... At the same time he Also made some comments on the rules of Quidditch!"

"Really?" Dumbledore's eyes skipped line after line of data and looked at the bottom of the parchment:

The portraits of the old school principals, who were still snoring softly in their respective frames, quickly gathered into a portrait on Dumbledore, and dozens of heads were instantly crowded into a frame...

"He's crazy!" roared Dexter Fusco, who looked like an angry donkey: "He's ruining Quidditch by trying to remove the Snitch and Seeker. sports!"

The wizard who served as headmaster of Hogwarts from 1642 to 1711, was a good Seeker in his youth... He captained the England national team to the World Cup title in the 1622 Quidditch World Cup , which is also the only time England has won the championship record so far.

"That's right!" Principal Phineas Black also said angrily: "A second-year, Muggle-born student dared to propose changes to the Quidditch competition rules that have been maintained for hundreds of years... He is ignoring The power of tradition! When you let me be the principal, let him have a good taste of flogging!"

"How do you know he's a Muggle-born sophomore?" Principal Darise-Derwent asked gently.

"Didn't you see the signature on the back... Jon Hart..." Phineas Black rolled her eyes at her: "Dumbledore has mentioned him several times, a second-year mud...!"

"Don't say that word!" Several other principals quickly blocked his mouth with objects and threw him into a picture frame next door.

"Oh, I saw it!" Dalice-Dewent smiled and blinked: "I also remember him, a very talented Hufflepuff freshman; I support his advice, very interesting and very logical... …Actually, back in September 1755, I had the idea of ​​changing the Quidditch rules…”

"Shut up, Dyris!" Dexter Fusco growled. "Are you trying to destroy Quidditch?"

"Please be respectful, Dexter!" Although Dalice-Dewent was a girl, she didn't show any weakness.

The two of you started yelling at each other... Phineas Black also looked like he wanted to join the fight, but unfortunately his mouth was blocked with a sock and he couldn't speak. .

"Enough!" Dumbledore roared, interrupting their argument.

All the principals returned to their respective portraits, pretending to be asleep again.

"Yes, some very thoughtful suggestions!" Dumbledore's eyes returned to the parchment: "For example, a glove for the batsman, and a protective magic for the goalkeeper are good ideas... ...Right, Dexter?"

Principal Dexter Fusco reluctantly opened his eyes: "Yes, if it's limited to these two points, it's not bad!"

"As for the other two points, it's debatable!" Dumbledore continued: "For example, the time limit on the ball for the Quaffle, Rolanda, I think you should talk to the captains of the various Quidditch teams and chase the ball. The hands have discussed it, and after the discussion is approved, after a buffer period of one or two years, it will be promoted in the Quidditch Cup!"

"You're right, Headmaster!" Mrs. Hooch nodded thoughtfully. "And the last one... about Seekers and the Golden Snitch."

The entire headmaster's office was suddenly silent, and all the headmaster portraits held their breaths, secretly staring at Dumbledore's face from the corner of their eyes.

"Honestly, I think this idea is the most interesting and well-founded!" Smiling, Dumbledore waved his finger lightly, a few thick lines about the Seeker and the Snitch. Cross out those lines:

"But even if I am the honorary president of the International Quidditch Federation, I am not qualified to express too many opinions on this... So, whoever makes a suggestion, just wait for him to solve it himself in the future!"

Dexter Fusco breathed a sigh of relief.

Dalys-Dewent snorted coldly and closed her eyes completely.

Dumbledore returned the parchment to Mrs. Hooch: "By the way, Rolanda... After these suggestions from Mr. Hart, is there any request?"

"Request?" Mrs. Hooch was stunned, and then slowly said: "He seems to say...if the proposal is passed...he hopes to receive a special contribution award for this, if possible..."

"Really!" Dumbledore's blue eyes flashed, and then a piece of parchment flew in front of him.

"No, Albus!" Phineas Black finally got rid of the sock in his mouth, and he wailed: "You can't be so playful, and issue a special contribution award; this is every student, Hogwarts' highest honor, which can only be won once in seven years..."

"Perhaps our previous judging criteria are different, Phineas!" Dumbledore said calmly: "In my opinion, these are enough!"

He slowly wrote on the parchment:

"For outstanding contributions to Quidditch, Jon Eric Hart is awarded the Hogwarts Award for Special Contribution (1993)!

Headmaster of Hogwarts: Albus Dumbledore"

Phoenix Fox fluttered his wings and flew over... She printed a footprint next to Dumbledore's signature.

"Albus, do you need me to contact him and help him make a medal?" Dalys-Dewent asked with a smile.

"No need..." Mrs. Hooch said quickly, "Mr. Hart said he didn't want to over-publicize it!"

"Okay..." Dalys-Dewent looked disappointed.


Mrs. Hooch left the office with the award certificate.

Phineas Black's mouth was blocked by a sock again, because just now in anger, he almost uttered the word "mudblood" again.

"Oliver?" Dumbledore's eyes turned to the top portrait.

In the portrait is a middle-aged principal in military uniform with an extremely serious expression.

"What's the matter, Albus?" Principal Oliver Cromwell asked calmly.

"I'm not very familiar with the Hogwarts rules you made..." Dumbledore asked with a smile: "But I'm curious, besides being an honor, does the Special Contribution Award have any other function?"

"Article 67 of the Hogwarts School Rules!" Oliver Cromwell recited coldly: "Students who have made outstanding contributions to any course can be exempted from a caning punishment by the teacher of that course!"

"The caning punishment was abolished fifty years ago, and now this school rule seems to be changed to one exam exemption!"

"Okay, thank you, Oliver!"

"You're welcome, Albus!"

Thanks to the book friends 20190215221345394, Xiuji Zeshang, Mao in the mage tower, flying pigs and book friends 20170128005617277 for their tips.

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