The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 93 Christmas Presents

The next morning, Jon woke up from his sleep.

After a simple wash, he habitually came to Hufflepuff's common room.

What surprised him a little was that the place was rarely empty.

He quickly realized that the Christmas break was coming... Aside from him, there seemed to be only one first-year girl left among the Hufflepuff students who remained at the school, whom he couldn't even name.

This is good news! Since there is no one disturbed in the common room, I can read and study by myself, so I don't need such cold weather, so I ran to the Room of Requirement on the eighth floor.

Jon hurriedly moved several thick books and a roll of parchment into the common room. He stayed in the common room every day, and when he was hungry, he ran to the kitchen next door to get something to eat. Recently, the food provided by the house-elves was quite rich.

Meanwhile, in the rest of the castle, the usual Christmas decorations are ready.

Although few students remain on campus, the hallway walls are covered with holly and mistletoe festoons, and the auditorium is filled with the usual twelve Christmas trees with golden stars shining on them.

There is still plenty of Christmas atmosphere on campus!

On the day before Christmas, Jon prepared many presents and brought them to the Owl Shack.

He had sent owls to Diagon Alley and London to buy them a few days earlier.

He sent his parents a pair of gloves and scarves that used magic to keep warm, so that they could still stay warm even in colder weather.

The house elf in the kitchen, he sent a lot of pairs of children's shoes, although giving house elf clothes is taboo, but the shoes are still fine.

As for Astoria, he sent a set of inexpensive Icarus cosmetics.


On Christmas morning, Jon was woken up by the alarm clock.

A small pile of packages had appeared at the foot of the bed.

He got up lazily, put on a sweater, and turned his attention to the packages.

"It's time for the annual gift opening again!" Jon muttered to himself.

As he spoke, he opened the top one, which was a black cardigan... It looked like it was sent by Judy.

Eric's gift was a set of photo albums with photos of him growing up each year from the age of one to thirteen.

Jon carefully put the two gifts in the cupboard and opened the next one, which Astoria sent him - a chocolate cake in the shape of a Christmas tree with the words "Merry Christmas, Jon".

It must have been made by Astoria... Jon took a bite and it tasted just average, no house elf did it well.

Put the cake in the closet, the next gift is small. Inside is a long, fine gold chain with a spinning gold roulette in the middle; the gold pendant is wrapped in a long piece of parchment.

On the parchment, lines of blessings were written densely, with almost a hundred sentences and different handwriting; the signature of the blessing on the top was "Klein".

A gift from the house-elves!

Jon couldn't help feeling a little moved, and carefully put the parchment in the innermost compartment of his suitcase, and then hung the pendant around his neck.

There are many more gifts in the next room, Professor Sprout's gift, Zacharis' gift, and Hannah's gift... After Jon read it once, he put them away one by one.

"Bang! Bang!" The noise outside the window caught his attention.

Jon walked over and opened the frost-covered window.

A dark-brown owl fluttered into the room, and then panted heavily.

A letter was tied to the owl's right foot, and Jon quickly took it off and opened it:

"My dear student;

Long time no see, how are you, how are you doing with what I taught you?

I'm in Corsica right now, having the warmest Christmas of my life!

The distant relatives of those werewolves have recently changed their targets, and the principal's friends have also given me a lot of help, and my life has finally settled down a little!

Good luck to you too!

Also: Merry Christmas!


Jon smiled knowingly at the short, messy letter.

There is no doubt that it was sent by Gilderoy Lockhart... After nearly a year, he finally received the news from Lockhart.

Although Lockhart was a liar, he helped himself a lot and taught himself the "Forgetting Curse"; Jon was grateful to him.

Jon is also thankful to learn that the pursuit of Lockhart's Dementors has slackened considerably due to Blake's escape.

He took out a pen and a note and started replying:

"Dear Professor;

Thank you for your concern, the spell you handed me is in good hands!

I am very happy to hear from you that you are out of danger!

I wish you an early return...  

Also, Merry Christmas!


Then he put the letter into the metal tube tied to the dark brown owl's right foot.

"Bring it to the person who sent the letter!" Jon whispered to the owl.

Feed the owl a little bread crumbs, and in the icy snow, the owl flies to the sky again!


Packing up all the presents, Jon walked out of the Hufflepuff common room for the first time in the entire Christmas holiday.

At noon on Christmas Day, there was a very sumptuous meal.

At the entrance of the hall, Jon happened to meet Hermione Granger! The Salvation Trio didn't go home and stayed at Hogwarts this Christmas.

"Merry Christmas, Hermione!" Jon greeted her with a smile.

"You... hello..." Hermione greeted absently.

She hurried forward, passing Jon.

"Professor McGonagall!" Jon heard her shout.

Then, Hermione and Professor McGonagall were in the corner of the hall, talking very seriously... Jon vaguely heard keywords such as "Christmas present", "Black", "Firebolt".

Then, Professor McGonagall hurriedly followed Hermione, left the hall, and walked towards Gryffindor Tower.

After a moment of silence for Harry's Firebolt, Jon walked into the hall.

In the hall, the four long tables were moved to the wall, and there was only one table in the center of the room for a dozen people to eat. Professor Dumbledore looked comical by replacing his pointy wizard hat with a millinery decorated with flowers.

Jon took one of the seats.

"Would you like some of this sausage, Jon... it's delicious." Dumbledore, wearing a millinery, enthusiastically pushed a plate in front of Jon.

"Thank you, Professor!" Jon took it quickly.


Thanks to the book friend 20170926005526767 and the reward for the good book.

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