"You look good too." Feng Zi's face turned red from Mu Ru Yue's actions. After she said that, she turned around and said, "I still have matters to take care of. I'll be leaving first."

Mu Ru Yue was shocked by his attitude. When she saw his red ears, she couldn't hold back her laughter. He pulled him back and asked, "Is the prince shy?"

"Nope." Feng Zi had her back facing Mu Ru Yue. His heart was beating so fast that he wanted to dig out his heart and stop beating.

"Does Your Highness have time tomorrow?" Mu Ru Yue asked again.

"No, I'm afraid there's something I have to take care of tomorrow. What's the matter, Princess?" Feng Chen asked in confusion.

"It's nothing. I originally wanted to go to the Buddha with you. Since you can't go, then I'll go by myself." Mu Ru Yue released Feng Chen's hand as she spoke. As her hand was suddenly released, the temperature of her palm dropped to the air. Feng Chen felt a little disappointed and frustrated. However, when he thought of what happened tomorrow, he helplessly said, "Then be careful along the way." This king will definitely do his best to resolve Miss Wan's problem so that you won't have to worry about it anymore. "

"I'm not troubled." Mu Ru Yue explained.

"You don't like me?" When Feng Chen heard that Mu Ru Yue wasn't worried about Lady Wan, she instantly became anxious. A trace of anger flashed through her beautiful peach blossom eyes. She looked at Murong Yue as if she was going to fight to the death with her if she were to say that.

Mu Ru Yue laughed again as she was teased by Feng Xu. "If you are someone who has a different mindset, then I naturally don't like you. I don't even like you anymore, why should I care about people who like you? If you are not, then that woman is just a clown. Why should I care about a clown? "

What Mu Ru Yue said made Feng Xu speechless. However, what Mu Ru Yue said confused Feng Chen. Did she really like him? Love her at first sight like he did? Feng Chen shook his head.

When he said this, even he didn't believe it.

After thinking it through, Feng Zhi walked away dejectedly. Her head was hanging down and she was indescribably pitiful. Mu Ru Yue's gaze was slightly complicated. She did not say these words out of impulse, but in order to draw a clear line between herself and him.

I do like her, but I don't need to be that close to her. At least, not until he was certain of his next step.

With Phoenix Seep's order and Lady Wan locked in her own yard, the butler brought Xiao Bai here very quickly. The imperial physician followed closely behind him. Mu Ru Yue looked at Xiao Bai being carried to Xing'er's bed. This little girl's birth was similar to Xing'er's.

It was very pleasing, but his face was pale, and the wounds all over his body couldn't be ignored.

"Princess, these injuries were brought by this young lady when she first arrived." Princess, these injuries were brought by this young lady when she first arrived. When the butler saw that Mu Ru Yue's expression wasn't too good, he asked carefully. They were afraid that Mu Ru Yue would think that they were the culprits.

Mu Ru Yue nodded when she heard that. Looking at these wounds, they didn't seem like they were caused just now. There were already signs of scabs forming on the exposed parts of the wound, but because there was no medicine, it was very slow. This led to something very scary.

The imperial physician was indeed the imperial physician. He quickly treated and bandaged Lil 'White's wounds. He then gave Mu Ru Yue another pill.

"Doctor, do you know which weapon injured this benefactor of this concubine's?" Mu Ru Yue asked.

"It's mostly whip marks, and …" The imperial physician was in a difficult position.

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