The Legend of the Witch Girl

Chapter 212: Little white mad

Xiaobai's expression was painful, but he couldn't move because he was anchored by Bai. I thought it was a bit of a hassle here, and Xiaobai's strange situation for no reason must have to be tossing again.

Who knows, it slowly quieted down over time, and only heard heavy gasps near it. Could it be said that Xiaobai restrains himself strongly in his own **! That said, the situation is not getting better, at least it can try to control.

Bai Ye quickly developed ecstasy in his heart. For a moment, he forgot to think more, and then released the witchcraft on Xiao Bai. If Ziqin was in Tingding, it would have to be said that Bai Zhi had no brain.

"Ah ... hiss ..." Bai Yan exclaimed.

Xiaobai was suddenly relieved after witchcraft was unraveled, but instead flew to Bai Yan with a thunderbolt, and quickly ran up her shoulder, taking a bite on it.

When Bai Zhi was in pain, and wanted to catch it again, Xiao Bai turned around and jumped down, and ran into the bamboo forest as soon as he smoked.

Looking at the figure of Xiaobai Paoyuan, Bai Yan was helpless. Support the ground with one hand and cover the wound with one hand.

Thinking of the scene just now, Bai Ye always felt suspicious. how could be? Why would Xiaobai suddenly show his nature and go crazy under normal circumstances? And she didn't even recognize her, especially the eyes she had just noticed, it was actually covered with scarlet! No, there must be something wrong. How could it mutate so quickly.

The villagers were frightened by this sudden change. They never thought that this little thing would be so fierce. "Here, white girl, this little white ..."

Bai Zheng glanced at the crowds and knew what they were worried about. After all, they are just ordinary villagers, and they are helpless in the face of mad and unknown Xiaobai.

For the sake of today, let's figure out why Xiaobai suddenly went crazy. After thinking about it for a while, I said, "Notice everyone, don't step into this forest until you find Xiaobai. Please ask a doctor to check the food here."

As for the injuries on her own, she can handle them herself, and now the most important thing is to sort out the little things first.

Although everyone was puzzled, no one would be so stupid as to go to the woods to find their own hardships. They did not see the scene of Xiaobai's madness just now, but now they all infiltrate when they remember it. You can only do as Bai Yan said.

Soon, villagers came with a raw face. The man staggered, but his face was full of energy. With a thin cane and a sheep's beard, his eyes never saw motion, but he looked straight ahead, blind?

"This is the doctor?" Bai Ai couldn't help but wonder.

These words were obviously asked of the villagers. But without waiting for the villagers to answer, the old man who seemed to have been in a gargoyle sneered: "Can it be me or a fortune teller?"

In fact, Bai Ye really guessed that way, but this one's question asked clearly answered her doubts. I didn't worry about it anymore, I just talked about the general situation, and brought out the food that Xiao Bai had eaten tonight, and even the water that I drank. Let this weird doctor try to find out why.

I saw the doctor touch this, smell that. Then stuff it directly into your mouth and eat. Everyone watched him eat all these things. Bai Ye was completely speechless, but the villagers looked so strange that Bai Ye could only speak silently. When he drank the last bowl of water, let ’s sip it twice, and sip it again, then he said leisurely: "The little beast was because of eating Osmanthus fragrans. It is mixed with female yellow, which can regulate the body. Animals will be very excited when they eat them, and blood riots, not to mention that your animal is born with an evil nature and likes blood. "

When the strange doctor didn't see the waves of words, the waves in the villagers' hearts stirred up the waves— "What! Love blood. Isn't that a vampire?"

"Such beasts should have been slaughtered early!" The villagers said wryly.

"Yes, it doesn't kill us if we keep it."

"That's it, so that we are always in danger."


In a short period of time, a very harmonious group of people who had been together had blasted the pot and all pointed their fingers at Xiaobai. After all, a beast is nothing to them. Seeing the scene becoming more and more uncontrollable and crumbling, Bai Ye gradually became the target of criticism. At this moment, she just felt that her head was getting bigger.

"Enough!" Just then, the old man who had been holding the sidelines suddenly yelled.

Everyone was wondering what happened to Doctor Kong? Nothing to shout.

Everyone thought that he was intermittently nervous, and was planning to get hot again, but he spoke again. "That's not just an ordinary beast, it's a spirit beast. Hey, a god, it's immovable."

Everyone was shocked, not to say how superstitious, but that Dr. Kong never made jokes with people, and was rarely so serious. In this case, it seems that Xiaobai's matter is really not easy. This also made Bai Yi relieved and had no time to sneak in, and quickly hit the railroad while he was hot: "Don't panic. Although Xiao Bai is naturally bloody, but he has given up evil and done good. There are reasons for this madness, and I will enter Finding it back in the woods will not hurt it. In the meantime, don't let anyone approach the woods. "


The temporary uprising of this incident has also been temporarily subsided. In the next few days, Bai Zhiran ran into the forest every day, but she still had no news. This could make her even more worried. Xiao Bai was always active, but there was no movement in these days.

On the third day, Bai Ye stepped into this bamboo forest again to look for Xiao Bai. It was almost noon. She walked to a stream and looked at the face reflected in the water. I haven't slept well these days, and my face is a bit shaggy. She folded her hands and held up some water and pounced on her face. Be sober, sometimes no news is probably the best news, Xiaobai is a spirit beast, how could something happen easily?

She stood up, shook the water from her hand, and glanced around casually.

Suddenly, the flowing eyes were fixed on a small and familiar figure in the distance. Too late to think, she hurried up the slope. She was even happier when Yu got closer, and finally found it! But when she got closer, she realized that something was wrong. The group seemed to be stained with a lot of bright red, and there was no movement. Thinking of a bit of fear in Bai's heart, he accelerated his steps and went straight there.

Looking at Xiao Bai's eyes closed tightly, a lot of blood was stained on the body, Bai Zhi shivered and touched his neck.

Okay! And rhythm!

Great, she knew Xiao Bai wouldn't get into trouble easily. Looking around, the steep walls are covered with vines, and there is an inconspicuous small hole in front. It seems that Xiaobai should be thinking about hiding himself to avoid harming others. She knew it was kind.

Looking at the little thing in her arms, Bai Ye felt a little guilty again, because she didn't take care of it. Shake the confused mind, you still have to go back to treatment first. Sighing, holding it up, he walked back.

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