The Liberal Assassin

Chapter 78 - Ditching Responsibility

It wasn't as chaotic as it was noisy. The plan devised by Khronos was fairly simple and Io was more than willing to help. The reporter stood outside of my door, talking over the loud crowd. Spencer was at the front line, restraining the mob that demanded my release from the official arrest. Their chanting grated on my ears after hearing the same thing for hours.

It was time. The door to my apartment remained the only barrier between the Night Walker and the rest of Luna. It was one small step for Titus Crowley and one big step for Luna. I can do this, after all, it was my last day as Titus Crowley.

"... as you can see, the situation is tense. The Night Walker has yet to make his appearance but we are certain he will surrender soon. The head of Patrol Guards, Spencer Creed, is ready to arrest Titus Crowley – the Night Walker and former CEO of Luna Services. Mr Creed, what do you have to say about the situation?"

Spencer barely glanced at Io or the camera focussed on ensuring his orders were being carried out with his most serious expression.

"We need to bring Titus Crowley in for questioning about his crimes. Murder is a first-degree offence punishable by death. Regardless of the situation, if it is true, he will be judged according to the law."

Hearing that, I took the cue and opened the door. The reaction was instant.

The rowdy crowd from before fell silent at once and the Patrol Guards fell into formation with Spencer leading them. Like rehearsed, Spencer stood in front of me and brought out a pair of flimsy looking handcuffs.

"Titus Crowley, you are under arrest for suspected murder and unauthorised access to restricted information. Please surrender and follow us for a public interrogation."

Wiping all expressions off my face, I schooled a look of indifference and stepped forward. The cuffs snapped shut with a clink and I was led out slowly. Spencer paved the way and two guards trailed behind as we passed the now silent crowd. It was an unreal moment.

The four pairs of footsteps grew to six, then thirteen and eventually I couldn't help my curiosity. The silent crowd walked behind the two guards behind me. Spencer paid no heed to them but I noticed how their eyes burned with resolution and hunger.

The lift closed as we made our way down my apartment and the silent crowd ran for the stairs. If I thought they had given up, I was wrong. Another group of citizens waited for us by the wheeler that Spencer readied.

This group parted for Spencer to make his way to the wheeler. As we got in the vehicle, the crowd surrounded us and began walking. Spencer grumbled at the slow pace set by the large escort outside and I frowned at the unusual behaviour. These protesters were too organised.

It took five times longer for us to reach the destination and I was slightly surprised at the destination. I expected the boring courthouse scene so the stage and podium setting puzzled me.

"Why are we at Sable's Slum tour concert venue?"

Amus.e.m.e.nt twinkled in Spencer's eyes. "I thought we decided to leave the Campbell siblings to plan it? Alastair was in charge of the crowd instigation. I've never seen a petition submitted any faster in my life."

Somehow the new information made me feel uneasy. Then again, if Spencer had surprises like that, he should be ready for what I'm planning to do. Khronos and the rest of the team were informed about it but from Spencer's behaviour, I doubt they've told him anything.

It didn't really matter as we got out of the wheeler and walked up to the podium on stage. This was really it, the ending of my history as Titus Crowley and a new start for Titus Skinner.

Giving a speech at the podium was really different from giving a speech to the board. It was more nerve-wracking and I wasn't sure if I could pull it off without stuttering. Luckily, Spencer had to address the crowd first and that gave me enough time to collect my scattered nerves.

"Ladies and gentlemen, citizens of Luna and survivors of the Great Explosion, I am Spencer Creed, head of the Patrol Guards. Much has transpired over the past few months and change is the only constant, hopefully for better."

The crowd grew larger and I counted roughly three thousand people packed into the clearing. More were arriving as Spencer continued his speech.

"Today I stand before everyone in answer to your petition. The man, who brought change to us, also known as the Night Walker – Titus Crowley, will be questioned and judged for his crimes accordingly. The Patrol Guards will judge as fairly as possible and should there be any dissatisfaction with the judgement, please resolve your discontentment in a peaceful manner much like the petition received. With that, I shall have Titus Crowley give his statement."

The microphone was passed to me and it weighed a lot more than it should when I took it. By now, about fifteen thousand pairs of eyes were looking at me from every direction and possibly more from unseen locations. Stage fright didn't come to someone as ostentatious as me but the pressure from hopeful gazes made it harder to breathe.

"Greetings, citizens of Luna, I'm Titus Crowley as you might already know…"

A wave of chuckle helped ease the tension in my shoulders. I glanced back to Spencer who only gave me a reassuring nod. There was no going back, I was going to give it my all. Let this be the greatest moment in my history or the most humiliating one.

"I am aware of how privileged I am to be here. Your voices have reached me and I am thankful for your petition asking the law to pardon my crimes and more importantly, asking for me to become your leader."

The applause echoed through the chilly air and I took in the smiles on their faces. The sight was heartwarming. How long has it been since I wanted to see people smiling freely from the bottom of their hearts regardless of social differences? I couldn't remember.

"I, Titus Crowley, accept your sentiments to become the new… no, the first leader of Neo Luna. Luna shall be reborn from this moment forth with a system that will not discriminate. Instead, we will build it upon the strength and gifts of every individual. Information will be shared equally and wealth will come to those who work in earnest. Let us lose the selfishness and fear of becoming outcasts for the old system is no more! In Neo Luna, let us help one another become better and with the strength of numbers, let us rebuild our home together. Let us recreate what was ruined by corruption by coming stronger, better and kinder."

Looks of disbelief, uncertainty and doubt clashed with those of admiration, joy and determination. Spencer surely had his work cut out for him.

"As the leader of Neo Luna, I hereby abolish the old system. There will be no borders separating Luna. There will be no Slums or Inner City, every person on Luna is a citizen. Use your gifts wisely to contribute to a better future. Monoliths! Your first task is to help rebuild the infrastructure of Neo Luna using the abundant resources you have. There shall be no more withholding of information, use what you have gathered over the years and become our foundation."

I saw jaws hang wide open at the huge announcements, I felt slightly bad for the people.

"As the leader you have elected, I want to make my last and final announcement. As much as I understand your feelings, I am just a man who barely stepped into the a.d.u.l.t world. My ignorance and naivety could cost Neo Luna dearly in the future and as such, I would like to elect a man who is more capable of leading it. You know him well. He has been fighting the darkness of Luna and its corruption for years way before I was born. His work goes unnoticed and his efforts unknown. Today I will acknowledge the things he has done for us and with the wisdom of battling corruption over the years, I would like to announce Spencer Creed as the new leader of Neo Luna."

Loud waves of murmurs and confusion erupted from the stunned crowd as I stepped down from the stage, escorted away by Spencer who was unpredictably silent. It wasn't until we were back in the wheeler that Spencer turned to me with a conflicted look in his eyes.


For a moment I didn't know how to word my answer. All those years of neglect on his end, my wanting to become closer to him, his dedication to Janon and Luna, my wanting to retire from Night Walker were valid reasons but not quite what I wanted to say.

"Why not?" I smiled, simplifying everything in two words.

We locked gazes and Spencer seemed to be satisfied with what he was searching for in my eyes. The sad smile on his face piqued my interest.

"You're just like him," Spencer sighed with a faraway look in his eyes.

The remaining journey was silent as he escorted me back to my apartment to pack up. Titus Crowley has done his job. The story of the Night Walker was finished. Now Titus Skinner gets to start his life and there was only one place to go to.

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