
While Su Chen was working hard to develop Blue Star, there was chaos outside.

The six empires were suddenly robbed of three law gems, and all civilizations were horrified.

The terrifying strength of the black robe is unforgettable.

deep impression.

Recently, the Zerg tribe in the Milky Way has been in full-scale uprising, attacking in all directions, and the insect wave is sweeping in from the edge of the Milky Way.

All civilizations were extremely frightened and migrated towards the center of the galaxy.

The apocalyptic crisis is coming, and the stars are shattered everywhere on the edge of the galaxy, which is extremely terrifying.

This scene continues to extend inward with the insect tide.

The galaxy is being swallowed step by step by the insect tide.

The doomsday prophecies have been verified, and people of all races are panicking.

In the center of the Milky Way, the six empires are firing on all cylinders, constantly using galaxy weapons to carry out long-range attacks on the outer insect swarms.

Gamma ray bursts frequently light up the starry sky.

The galaxy shattered and the void collapsed.

Countless Zerg races were wiped out.

The spread of the insect tide slowed down.

But at this moment, on the outskirts of the Sovia galaxy, the geniuses of the Six Nations were noisy.

“I can’t believe what Su Chen said. How can there be such a powerful weapon of the law of cause and effect?” ”

I agree, isn’t Su Chen proficient in the six supreme laws? How could he be so easily tricked?”

“Su Chen and the mastermind behind the robbery of the law gems must be acting. Double act.”

“Why do the Zerg keep attacking the Suovia galaxy? It’s terrifying to think about it.” ”

Hiss, why does this method feel so familiar.”

“I understand, this is a pretext to kill by the Yanhuang tribe.”

“I’m just afraid of Su Chen . They secretly colluded with the Zerg, and we will be in trouble.”

“The familiar taste, the familiar formula, it is exactly the same as when Di Ji colluded with the Zerg.”

The geniuses of the Six Nations, you and I analyzed the current situation. and the location of the Three Laws Gemstones.

I feel that Su Chen and the Yanhuang tribe have sinister intentions.

Designed to lead the armies of the Six Nations to the Sovia Galaxy, so that they could use the Zerg to wipe them all out.

Grace still trusted Su Chen in her heart and did not believe that Su Chen would collude with the Zerg aliens.

“I think all this is probably a Zerg conspiracy.”

“The person behind the robbery of the Law Stone should have nothing to do with Su Chen. It is more likely that it is the Zerg.”

Grace analyzed.

Hearing this, all the geniuses were astonished.

Unexpectedly, Grace trusted Su Chen so much.

You must know that the six empires and the Yanhuang tribe have deep grudges and are mortal enemies.

If it hadn’t been for the insect tide, the two sides would definitely have fought when they met.

“Princess Grace, the Zerg don’t seem to understand the Law of Destiny.”

“Indeed, there is no record of the Zerg using causal weapons in historical records.” ”

The Law of Destiny is so weird that it is impossible for the Zerg to master it.”

“I agree, it won’t be that powerful. The Zerg appears.”

“Without the help of the Destiny Stone, it is almost impossible to understand the law of destiny.”

All the geniuses questioned Grace’s speculation.


While the geniuses of the Six Nations were discussing countermeasures, the insect wave from the outer reaches of the Sovia galaxy struck again.

Everyone was shocked when they saw the scale of the insect wave.

Rubbing his eyes wildly, unbelievable.

Overwhelming and endless.

No affiliated Zerg appeared, all were pure Zerg.

They are simply the elite of the Zerg race.

The legions of the Six Nations were surrounded.

This is the largest insect wave they have encountered so far.

It was also the largest insect wave recorded in the history of the galaxy.

The insect tide is boundless and its strength is hard to estimate.

The soldiers of the Six Nations swallowed wildly and were shocked.

“Hiss, are the Zerg going to have a decisive battle with us?”

“It’s too scary. I didn’t expect the Zerg to develop to such a scale.” ”



The insect swarm launched an attack, and the two sides fought fiercely.

The Sovia galaxy was once again attacked by a wave of insects, and all civilizations were stunned.

Focus together.

“Oh my god, the scale of this insect wave is too big!”

“Hiss, the insect wave at the edge of the galaxy is nothing compared to it.” ”

My dear, this is simply a decisive battle.”

“The end of the world . The battle is so terrifying!”

“This battle is related to the life and death of all civilizations in the galaxy. We must win.”

“The entire army attacks to support the Sovia galaxy.”

“The armies of the six countries cannot fail, adjust their direction of advance, and rush to the rescue. Wei Ya Galaxy.”

The migrating civilizations of all races are moving closer to the Wei Ya Galaxy.

The scale of the insect wave is beyond imagination. Only by uniting can we survive this apocalyptic crisis.

Swish, swish…

Laser cannons crisscrossed the sky.

The dark starry sky was illuminated with light.

The armies of the Six Nations fought fiercely with the front army of the insect tide.


The Star Destroyer fleets of both sides opened fire on each other, and the battle was extremely fierce.

Zebubu’s army, the invincible electromagnetic wave shield is opened.

Rampage all the way, trying to break through the defense line of the Six Nations army.

Swish, swish, swish…

The anti-matter energy cannons of the six-nation army opened fire, bombarding Zebubu’s army.


The invincible electromagnetic wave shield was broken, Zebubu’s army suffered large casualties, and the attack was blocked.

Zeuda Legion’s biological recovery skills were fully activated, Zebubu was resurrected one after another, and continued to attack the defense line of the Six Nations army.

The warriors of the Kree Empire used the Dark Staff to suppress the Law of Life against the Zeuda Army.

The two sides went back and forth, and the battle was extremely fierce.

When the battle was tense, a group of more than 10,000 Zerg came out of the rear base.

Dressed in silver-white, his face is particularly similar to the civilization of all races.

This team of Zerg is Dracion.

Dracion is the top Zerg royal family and has always followed the leader, the Queen of Blades.

The least in number, yet the most noble.

Her status among the Zerg is second only to the Queen of Blades.

Mastering the law of fate is extremely strange.

More than 10,000 Dracions joined the battlefield, which seemed insignificant.

Like a drop of water in the ocean, so small that it can be ignored.

Red light flashed on Dracion’s chest, and balls of doom were inspired.

Smashed towards the front line of the Six Nations army.

Anyone who is hit by the light ball of bad luck will have bad luck again and again in the next period of time.

Many soldiers from the Six Nations fell into the trap without knowing it.

Their nightmares ensue.

The front line of the Six Nations army was in chaos for an instant.

The geniuses of the Six Nations who were watching the battle at the rear base were stunned.

“What the hell, what’s going on? Why did our Star Destroyers collide with each other?”

“Mary Gobi, who is that? Why are you firing on your own people?”

“Hey, why are so many aircraft malfunctioning?”

“Wori, Who fired the black hole cannon? How did the black hole cannonball fall on our side?”

“What the hell? Why did so many fleets cease fire?”

Grace Thain and the other six peerless geniuses were equally confused.

“Report, a large number of soldiers on the front line have suddenly become ill and can no longer fight.”

“Report, a large number of aircraft on the front line have malfunctioned and require emergency repairs.”


Abnormalities on the front line continue to occur, and the rear headquarters keeps receiving reports.

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