All races gather together

“If Zongzu builds a singularity destruction device, how should we deal with it?”

Su Chen asked unwillingly.

On the seventh floor of the Gate of Hell, he personally verified the horror of the singularity destruction device.

That destructive power can destroy even the universe, let alone the Milky Way.

“Once the Singularity Destruction Device is built, Zongzu will have supreme power. At that time, you can only be sure of winning by sacrificing the golden finger.” ”

But in that case, you will die.”

The Lord of Galaxy City said calmly .

Su Chen felt chills all over his body when he heard the words, and his hair stood on end.

Unbelievable, unbelievable.

The little girl in front of him, who looked harmless to humans and animals, actually knew that he had a golden finger.

Oh my god, the system is exposed.

Su Chen was restless at this moment, his brain was spinning rapidly, thinking about countermeasures.

His biggest trump card has been discovered, how is that possible!

Su Chen stared directly at the Lord of Galaxy City, feeling the urge to kill.

If this were placed in the Milky Way, he might take action.

“Hmph, what’s that look in your eyes? You don’t think I’m coveting your broken system

, do you?” “I don’t even want that piece of rubbish.”

“Okay, you know everything you need to know. It’s easy to go, no. Send it away!”

The Lord of Galaxy City said with a look of contempt, waved his hand and sent Su Chen out directly.


Su Chen was stunned by the little girl’s ability to move people out with a wave of her hand.

So awesome, he deserves to be the Lord of Galaxy City.

Su Chen’s mouth twitched as he thought about being despised for his golden finger.

This spiritual sea world is definitely created by high-dimensional civilization.

This trip was not in vain, as he figured out Zongzu’s conspiracy.

Zongzu actually wants to build a singularity destruction device to destroy the galaxy.

He would never allow it.

There are so many people he cares about in the galaxy who must not fall victim to Zongzu evolution.

Everything possible must be done to prevent Zongzu from building a singularity destruction device.

Su Chen mastered the principle of singularity and knew that there was only one place in the galaxy where a singularity destruction device could be built.

That is the white hole at the center of the Milky Way.

That white hole is super huge, too big to be imagined.

It is the most important celestial body that maintains the existence of the Milky Way.

The mass of the white hole at the center of the Milky Way accounts for 99% of the total mass of the entire Milky Way.

Once Zongzu builds a singularity destruction device there, the galaxy will be over.

No wonder Zongzu let Thanos lurk in the Eternal Empire. It turns out that his first step is to control the center of the galaxy.

No wonder the prophet Di Ji of the Yanhuang tribe was attacked by the Zerg. It was she who seriously hindered the progress of the Zongzu plan.

The residence of the Yanhuang tribe in Linghai Realm.

After Su Chen came out of the city lord’s mansion, he called everyone for a meeting.

He told everyone Zongzu’s conspiracy, which shocked everyone.

Su Yiyi: “Zongzu is so bad. He wants to destroy the Milky Way. We must get rid of him.”

Liu Jia: “The Singularity Destruction Device is too scary. Why is there such a powerful weapon in the world?”

Li Ruoxue: “Absolutely. We cannot let Zongzu build a singularity destruction device. We should gather all civilizations to regain control of the center of the galaxy.”

Yang Mi: “I agree, we must stop Zongzu.”

Ayesha: “I didn’t expect that Zongzu planned to be so… Shen, it seems that the doomsday prophecy is indeed correct.”

Grace: “It’s time to go to war with the Zerg, we can’t let them destroy the galaxy.”

After learning about Zongzu’s conspiracy, everyone began to discuss countermeasures.

This Zongzu is really cunning and has released so many smoke bombs.

Let the insect tide rage around the galaxy to divert the attention of all civilizations.

It also led the armies of the Six Nations to the Sovia Galaxy and inflicted heavy damage.

And took the opportunity to attack and kill the five prophets inside and outside, and gathered the six law gems.

Then seized control of the center of the galaxy.

This plan is really insidious.

After some discussion, Su Chen decided to gather the power of all civilizations to attack the center of the galaxy.

To regain control of the center of the galaxy, Zongzu must not be allowed to build a singularity destruction device.

Soon, the news of Su Chen’s rally call spread throughout all civilizations.

Su Chen announced Zongzu’s conspiracy to the public and called on all civilizations to gather in the Sovia galaxy to jointly destroy Zongzu’s conspiracy.

After the people of all ethnic groups learned the news, they were in an uproar.

Extremely shocked.

They all responded to the call and rushed to the Sovia galaxy to gather.

“Mary Gobi, it turns out that the Zerg’s plan is so vicious, they must be stopped.” ”

The Zerg actually mastered the super weapon that can destroy the galaxy. It’s too scary.” ”

Hiss, Zongzu is so insidious. He doesn’t care about the life of his clan for the sake of his own evolution. .”

“The Milky Way is destroyed, and the Zerg must also be destroyed. Why do the Zerg still implement Zongzu’s plan?”

“Go to the Sovia galaxy with all your strength, and we must stop Zongzu’s plan.” “At

this critical moment of life and death, everyone must work together. Assemble to the Sovia Galaxy as soon as possible.”

“I agree with Su Shen’s idea, all civilizations must gather to fight against the Zerg.”

The assembly call was issued, and all civilizations rushed to the Sovia Galaxy.

Many civilizations in the outer reaches of the Milky Way were already on their way to the Sovia Galaxy in order to avoid the insect tide.

In order to speed up the gathering, Su Chen established an operational navigation system for the civilization of all races.

Higher civilizations that are closer can help lower civilizations migrate.

The Yanhuang tribe also responded one after another to shorten the assembly time.

Su Chen requested that the assembly must be completed within one month.

At the same time, various attack weapons were ordered to be constructed at full speed to make full preparations for the final decisive battle.

The assembly horn sounded, and the final battle was about to begin.

All civilizations are busy.

The starry sky is full of scenes of migration, which is very spectacular.

Blue Star, the headquarters of Huazhi Group.

Su Chen gathered the girls together and held another team-building activity.

But this event, everyone felt heavy.

Su Chen didn’t take any protective measures this time, which surprised Liu Jia and others.

An uneasy feeling arose in my heart.

“Brother Chen, are you hiding something from us?”

“It’s okay, you are too worried. We will win this time.”

Su Chen clenched his fists and said with confidence.

He did not tell Liu Jia and the others the worst outcome.

If the sky falls, there will be someone high to hold it up. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

The galaxy is now facing an apocalyptic crisis. Regardless of righteousness or personal reasons, he must stand up.

Why should a man be afraid of death? ! !

“Hehe, Brother Chen is so great, I want to work hard to get twin babies.”

“I want triplets!”

“I want quadruplets!”


When Su Chen heard this, his face was full of black lines, as if he had taken him for something.

But men can’t say no.

A lot of wind and rain, and several battles between heaven and man.

What should be given must still be given, and what should be satisfied must be satisfied.

“Grace, you’ve watched thousands of movies in vain, and your moves and skills are definitely Nambowan’s!”

Grace was so embarrassed by Su Chen’s praise.

“Humph, Suchen! How am I worse than her?”

Ayesha and Grace asked dissatisfiedly as they were not very good at dealing with each other.

It made Liu Jia and his daughters burst into laughter.

This made Su Chen look embarrassed and did not dare to praise others casually.

If a woman becomes jealous, it will really turn the world upside down.

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