Sixteen Awakening

Lothar felt some heat flowing into his mouth, he instinctively wriggled his throat and swallowed the heat into his body.

It’s cold, dizzy, and painful, but it seems… there is something soft and fragrant around her.

This is how Lothar feels now.

He opened his eyes with difficulty, and in front of him was the appearance of the girl he liked, who was sending hot soup into Lothar’s mouth with a wooden spoon.

“It seems that the situation is not too bad.” Lothar thought.

“You’re awake!” Aixi said in surprise when she saw Lotha open her eyes. She put the bowl aside and hugged Lotha tightly. “You’re finally awake!”

Lothar smelled the girl’s pleasant smell, like the scent of hemp feather flower and edelweiss mixed and crushed.

He and Ashe were sitting in a pile of ruins, the sky was groggy, and it was impossible to tell whether it was day or night. Ashe lit a bonfire, and beside him was the True Ice dug out of the stone pile. bow. A pot of soup was boiling on the fire, and several squirrels were roasting, sizzling with oil.

“Is this the world after death? I was actually hugged by you.” Lothar’s voice was hoarse and weak.

Ashe shook her head, eyes full of pain: “This is a village. After I took you down the mountain, I found that this place has been destroyed by the Ice Son tribe. The tribe… all died.”

There was no sadness in Lothar’s heart. He didn’t care about the life and death of anyone in the Avarosa tribe except Aixi, but he felt a little sad when he saw Aixi’s sad appearance.

He knew what the demise of the tribe meant to Ashe, it was the death of all close relatives.


“Why are you apologizing…” Ashe hugged Lothar, “It’s not your fault.”

“Cough, cough, cough!” Lothar coughed violently, possibly because Ashe exerted too much force.

Ai Xi quickly let go of Lothar, and said with concern: “I’m sorry…you should speak in a low voice, so as not to disturb the wound.”

Section 10

Lothar nodded. He wanted to move his body, but found that his right arm was empty.

He looked at his right arm, there was nothing there.

Ashe’s eyes were full of heartache and guilt: “You have touched that True Ice Bow, I can’t help it…”

“It’s okay…” To Ashe’s surprise, Lothar didn’t seem to be too shocked. He said in a mosquito-like voice, “I still survived by touching the Zhenbing weapon, so I earned… a hand It’s just, if it’s gone, it’s gone…”

“Lotha…” Ashe felt that Lothar was comforting herself. She put her hand on Lotha’s cheek and stroked it gently.

“When did you treat me so well?” Lothar looked at Ashe suspiciously, “Falling in love with me.”

Ashe hugged Lothar’s back with one hand, helped him up, and put his head on her lap: “Maybe.”

Lothar’s eyes widened. This was the first time he got a non-negative answer from Ashe to this question.

“What do you mean?” Lothar felt his feeble heart beat a little faster.

“It means…” Ashe’s cheeks were stained with a layer of blush, I don’t know if it is a reflection of her mood, or it was just reflected by the fire, “If you ask me to be my blood… I should… …wouldn’t say no to…”

Lothar was so surprised that he almost bit off his tongue: “Are you serious?”


“It’s really true”

Ashe was a little ashamed, and raised her hand to hit Lothar, but when she thought that Lothar was still injured, the slap turned into a gentle caress, and landed on Lothar’s face.

“Have you ever seen me tell a lie?” Ashe said angrily.

“Occasionally.” Lothar was very honest.

Ashe looked at the boy helplessly. Even with such a serious injury, he could still make Ashe’s teeth itch with anger.

“Okay, let me be straight. I promise to make an oath with you. Now you eat well and take care of your injuries.” Ashe picked up the soup bowl again.

Speaking of injuries, Lothar looked at his empty right arm: “Are you sure? Make an oath to a useless person like me.”

“You are not a useless person.” Ashrou said, “You are the hero who protected me. If you hadn’t accompanied me to the top of the mountain, I might have died.”

“But I lost my hand. I can’t even do hunting, the only thing I’m good at.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Ashe shook her head, and lightly touched the bandager on Lothar’s right arm”This broken arm is a sign that you have protected me. I, Ashe, swear, I will spend the rest of my life protecting you.”

Lothar was dumbfounded. He opened his mouth, but he didn’t say anything.

The people of the Freljord value oaths very much. Since Ashe said so, she will definitely do so.

Ashe fed Lothar a mouthful of soup.

“Do you know.” After a long time, Lothar spoke again, “The way you said this is like the people in the story who are blinded by love, and their end is miserable.”

Ai Xi laughed angrily: “Why do you use your bad mouth to say something that makes me want to hit you every time you do something that touches me?”

Lothar tilted his head innocently.

Ashe took a deep breath, as if she had made up her mind, she bent down, like a snow cicada flying over snowflakes, and kissed Lothar’s lips softly and quickly.

“Do you believe it now?” Ashe blushed, which was very cute in Lothar’s eyes.

“I believe it, I believe it!” Lothar kept nodding like a silver squirrel gnawing on a nut, “So when will we make an oath?”

Ashe punched Lothar with the least effort: “What are you in a hurry for? We don’t even have a place to live now, we’ll talk about it later!”

“Hey…” Lothar was not in a hurry, “Then can I touch your chest now?”

Ashe’s fist landed on Lothar’s head.

“Thank you.” Ashe touched the bulging red envelope on Lothar’s head and said softly.

“Thank me for what? You still hit me.” Lothar looked aggrieved.

“That’s what you asked for.” Ashe said with a smile, “The tribe is gone… I’m really sad… But thank you… Thank you for staying by my side…”

“Your hair color has changed.” Lothar was a little uncomfortable with Ashe’s loving eyes, and hastily changed the subject. Looking at Ashe’s silver hair, he suddenly felt a bit similar to the witch in his dream.

“Hmm…” Ashe stroked her hair, “After touching that True Ice Bow, I became like this. I was also shocked.”

“Can Zhenbing weapons also change the color of hair?”

“It’s not just the hair, I feel that the whole person has changed… Full of strength.” Ai Xi said.

Lothar raised his eyebrows slightly: “This can’t be… really the throne of Avarosa?”


In the Freljord, severe disabilities are more terrifying than death in a certain sense. If a person loses the ability to survive due to disability, such as fighting, hunting, leather-making, etc., then the person’s status within the tribe will drop sharply. If they are not self-sufficient, they will soon fall to the bottom of the tribe, and in some tribes, they will even be outright abandoned.

——Excerpt from “Valoran Travels: The Freljord

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