: Forsbarrow

Lacus was riding a snow-white horse, galloping down the mountain road.

She has been riding continuously for several days. After setting off from her relative’s house in Miriam City, Lacus has been going deep into the border area of ​​Demacia, heading for her destination – Fossbarrow.

The farther you went to the north, the temperature became colder and the air became thinner. The horse under Lux’s crotch was breathing very rapidly, and its nostrils were constantly spraying heavy white air.

“Persevere, Xinghuo.” Lux comforted the white horse’s mane, “We will arrive at the temple soon, and they will give you permission [source; group]: 9? 8; 0; 2? .0′.5,,8’5. ;6 Prepare abundant rice and warm stables, I promise. ”

The horse stomped its hooves impatiently and shook its head. It was already very tired, but it still faithfully carried its mistress forward along the rut.

Lacus wrapped the cloak tightly around her body: “How long has it been since I went to Forsbarrow, four or five years?”

Lux wasn’t sure, but she was sure this was the first time she didn’t have any family by her side.Accompanied by guards, a person came to such a remote place. Demacia’s lush fertile land and warm and kind people are getting farther and farther away from her. There are only barren wilderness eroded by wind and sand and ferocious beasts that come out of nowhere.

This is the closest part of Demacia to the Freljord, and it is also a desolate and lonely bad land.

There were several high-pitched and long calls from Lux’s head. It was a few silver-winged dragons chasing each other on the clouds, and only their calls reminded Lax that she was still standing on the land that belonged to Demacia. rather than any other country.

Lux looked at the majestic mountains in the distance. Large swaths of dark clouds shrouded them. There was no trace of the sun, and the air looked gray. The other side of the mountains was the Freljord.

“Is there any chance for me to take a look over there?” Lacus was thinking wildly, “The teacher in the college said that there are only bloodthirsty barbarians over there…but…”

The small town that appeared in the field of vision interrupted Lux’s thoughts.

“It’s finally here.” Lacus couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. The journey was really long and hard. Several times she had the illusion that she was lost.

Fossbarrow was built by the water, straddling both sides of the Mang River. The river flows down from the mountains, winds its way, and finally joins the sea from the west coast.

The appearance of the town is very ordinary. The flat granite city wall was built very high, undulating along the mountain. Lux knew that it was used to defend against the barbarians from the Freljord.

The white horse Xinghuo carried Lacus to the gate of the city, but the guards with bows and arrows stopped her: “Stop, traveler, it’s too late today, the gate of the city has been closed, and you won’t be allowed until tomorrow morning.” 】:9?8;0;2?.0′.5,,8″5. ;6 into the city. ”

Lacus lifted the hood of the blue cloak, her long golden hair spread out like a waterfall, and there was a pair of sea blue eyes on her young and attractive face, which shone extraordinarily bright in the gloomy weather.

“I’m Laxana Crownguard.” Lax said her full name in a serious tone, “As you said, it’s getting late. But I came all the way to worship my great-grandfather. I hope you can accommodate me Just a moment, and I’d be very grateful.”

The guards looked at the light shield on Lux’s left shoulder. In Demacia, no one knew what it meant.

“I’m very sorry, Miss Crownguard!” The guards saluted Lux ​​in fear, and called on their companions to open the city gate for Lux.

“It’s still so easy to use.” Lux touched her crown guard medal.

With the sound of heavy hinges turning, Fossbarrow’s door opened for Lacus.

Lacus pinched her legs and let go of the rein, Xinghuo slowly carried her into the city gate.

A courteous square team was welcoming her—a total of ten soldiers in leather armor, with a pair of winged sword brooches pinned to their blue cloaks, symbolizing that they were proud Demacian soldiers.

They each straightened their backs, striving to present the best mental outlook to Lux. But Lux could see the tiredness and laziness in their eyes, and one soldier even wore the brooch backwards.

“Welcome to Fossbarrow.” A middle-aged soldier saluted Lacus. “It’s an honor to see you again, Miss Laxana Crownguard.”

“You’ve seen me before.” Lacus was a little surprised.

The soldier replied: “There was a meeting many years ago. At that time, you accompanied other members of the Crown Guard family to Fossbarrow to pay homage to their ancestors.”

“How old was I when I came last time… Ten years old…” Lacus couldn’t help but look at herself, she felt that she should have matured a lot, she was a big girl, and she had grown a lot taller. Soon to be a real adult and still be recognized.

“Galen always said that once people look at me, they will never forget… I hope he doesn’t mean that I will never grow up like a little girl.” Lux sighed silently.

“Miss Crown Guard, can I send a team of soldiers to take you to the mansion of District Judge Giselle?” The middle-aged soldier suggested, “She will definitely feel very relieved.”

“Relief.” Lax felt that the soldier’s wording was a bit strange. She shook her head and said, “Thank you, but I already have an appointment with Sister Pernilla of the Lightbringer Temple. I just need to stay in the temple tonight.”

The soldier didn’t say anything, but his eyes flickered, as if he wanted to tell Lacus something, but he didn’t dare to say it.

“Do you have anything else to say?” Lux noticed the strangeness of the soldier.

“Miss Crownguard…” The soldier swallowed, “Are you here to end our nightmare?”

The Temple of the Lightbringer was warm and dry. Several apostles took over the spark from Lux, and they would give the exhausted horse a comfortable stable.

But Lux couldn’t be happier at all. She felt the black magic aura surging in the dark in this small town, and there seemed to be malicious eyes peeping at her from the shadows.

Lux walked quickly into the main hall, and a woman in the white robe of the Lightbringer was waiting for her.

“Laxana Crownguard” the woman asked.

“It’s me. Are you Sister Pernille?”


“Glow made Kashina aware of the rumors that Fossbarrow had signs of black magic, and she sent me here to investigate.” Lux looked serious, “Can you tell me what happened here, I met a few people on the street , everyone is devastated, and the situation seems to be worse than I imagined.”

Sister Pernilla sighed: “It’s been very uneasy these days. We caught two slaves today.Suspicious characters from the Freljord, not yet aware of their purpose. Judge Giselle’s child, Luca, also disappeared for two days, most likely captured by a black magician with malicious intentions. ”

“A black mage from the Freljord?” Lux thought about it, “What about the nightmare? The soldiers guarding the city seem to be being harassed by something.”

Pellaini gave Lacus a weary look: “Go to sleep, child, you will understand.”


Lacus is like a ray of gentle morning light. Although it may not be appropriate to say this as an older brother, anyone who has seen her will involuntarily want to get close to her.

– Galen

Section 22

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