: Order


Morgana can be sure that the magic in this girl’s body has a great restraint effect on demons.

She saw with her own eyes that Rorschach was deflated in front of Lacus. This was absolutely true. Morgana felt that Rorschach’s body melted quickly in front of Lacus’s light like butter meeting a flame.

Morgana finally found a way to deal with Rorschach.

But Morgana kept her composure. She didn’t rush to contact Lacus and asked her to help her deal with Rorschach. Doing so would not only make Lacus fall into chaos, but also make Rorschach anxious.

Morgana is not sure that she can trap Rorschach directly. If Rorschach escapes in front of Lacus, it will be as difficult as heaven to find a demon who is good at hiding.

Morgana had to wait for the opportunity, wait for the opportunity to push Rorschach into a corner.

After the dinner party, Le Stara continued her lecture in hell. It seems that she is ready for a protracted battle. [Source; Group]: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0′. 5,,8″5.;6 Prepare, and even prepare everything for the girls to spend the night here [Resource; Source’Group]: 9? 8;0;2?.0′. 5,,8″5. ;6 Ready, with a look of not giving up until they are all reformed from the depths of their souls.

Sona stayed with them all the time, while Morgana pretended to be sleepy and wanted to rest first.

Actually, it was Rorschach who was calling her.

Morgana returned to her room, only to see two people already lying on her bed.

Rorschach, who lost an arm, was being held in Evelyn’s arms.

Both demons revealed their real bodies. The bodies of Rorschach and Evelyn were as dark as the night, and they seemed to be completely integrated with the darkness in the dark room without lights.

Morgana saw that there was still a little glimmer of light on Roscharo’s severed arm, and there were several other scars on his body, which seemed to be left when he attacked Sona.

Rorschach had Evelyn’s nipple in his mouth, and was sucking her milk. Morgana saw that Rorschach was actually absorbing Evelyn’s power to repair his injured place. Taking Evelyn’s power, but Evelyn is not only not dissatisfied, but very happy, it seems that dedicating herself to Rorschach can bring her a great sense of accomplishment.

“Will the devil sacrifice himself…” Morgana thought that the devil was an absolute egoist who would do anything to satisfy her desires, but Evelyn seemed to be very special, she put herself even lower than Rorschach.

Moreover, Evelyn didn’t seem to be very resistant to submitting to Rorschach like Morgana, but Evelyn seemed more willing.

Morgana closed the door behind her back, walked to the window, and knelt down: “Master.”

The ink patterns on Rorschach’s mask were very calm, like ink blots dripping on paper: “Morgana, you did a good job today.”

Morgana bowed her head: “And Quinn didn’t leave her alone.”

“She’s not important anymore.” Rorschach laughed softly, “Hehehe, Sona, Kashina, Lacus…hehehe…these three women are very interesting…”

Morgana frowned. Rorschach was so hurt that he smiled instead of angry. This didn’t match the irritable and violent Rorschach she knew.

“The devil’s emotions are so hard to figure out… Sure enough, it’s still impossible to guess the devil’s thoughts from the perspective of ordinary people…” Morgana thought to herself.

“First is Sona.” Rorschach said, “That girl possesses a very special kind of magic… noIt’s not so much magic, it’s better to say it’s a blessing… In short, she seems to be blessed by this world, and anyone who is malicious to her touches her will be counterattacked by her blessing…”

Morgana listened quietly.

Evelyn said: “Isn’t Sona from Ionia? I’ve been to that place too, it’s full of magic, and it’s normal to have a few people who are blessed by nature.”

“Hehehehe… Sona aside, Lacus and Kashina are more interesting…” Rorschach laughed, “One has magic enough to hurt me, and the other… seems to have something to do with your sister Ah, huh, Morgana?”

Morgana didn’t raise her head, and said, “Kashina does have the power from my sister, but I haven’t seen my sister for many years, so I don’t know her current situation.”

“Justice protoss…hehehehehehe…” Luo Xia smiled strangely.

Morgana faintly felt that Luo Xia was going to do something, and she felt vigilant in her heart.

“Morgana, come here.” Rorschach’s voice became very gentle.

“Yes, master.” Morgana climbed onto Rorschach’s bed and knelt between Rorschach’s legs.

Morgana originally thought that Rorschach would let her serve him, but she didn’t expect Rorschach to just touch her face, and the expression on the mask was also elusive.

“Morgana, Morgana, there is one thing I want you to do.” Rorschach said.

“Yes, you can tell me.” Morgana said expressionlessly.

Rorschach pulled Morgana’s face in and whispered in her ear, “I want you to go and kill Kashina.”

Morgana’s heart sank.

“Master, I don’t understand.” Morgana said, “Don’t you want to put them in the House of Pleasure?”

“I’ve changed my mind.” Rorschach said, “The fate of Sona and Lux ​​is yet to be determined. That light made Kashina receive the blessing of the Guardian God of Flying Wings, and the Guardian God of Flying Wings is the god of Demacia. , since I already have the capital to challenge the gods, why don’t I kill Kashina to challenge the Guardian God of Flying Wings? If she can show up, wouldn’t it be a good thing for you sisters to reunite?”

Morgana had nothing to say.

She didn’t want to see her sister at all.

“I have nothing to do with her…” After a long time, Morgana said.

“How could it be? You are sisters, so you should really want to see each other.” What Luo Xia said at this time seemed not like a devil, but like a kind-hearted person.

Section 551

“No, her and I…” Before Morgana finished speaking, Rorschach pinched her face.

“You are my slave, Morgana. Whatever I ask you to do, you just do it.” Rorschach said in a calm voice, “My mother and I will go back to the House of Pleasure to heal our wounds before dawn tomorrow.” Come back and bring me Kashina’s head when the time comes.”

Morgana took a deep breath: “If you let me kill her like this, you will be exposed…”

“You don’t need to worry about this. That guy Sacco is very good at teaching makeup and acting skills. I can just find a woman who looks like Kashina from the House of Pleasure to replace her. I guarantee her parents won’t find out.”

Morgana’s heart sank to the bottom, and Rorschach finally manipulated her to kill someone.

Morgana wanted to resist, but she knew that if she resisted, Rorschach would manipulate her body to accomplish that, and it was pointless to do so.

“I see…” Morgana whispered.

“Very good.” Rorschach smiled brightly, “This is my good girl.”



“Ahhhh… Come and kill me…”

—— Kashina who was tortured by Lestara and went crazy

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