Silas of Biangou Town

“Little girl, why are you looking for me today?” Galio stretched out his huge palm and placed it beside Lacus, “Are you going to talk to me about that barbarian boy you like again? Xin Na’s best friend?”

“No.” Lux stood on Galio’s palm with a blushing face, and said, “I want to talk to you about something else today… I want to ask you something…”

“What?” Galio raised his hand and brought Lux in front of him, “Let me tell you first, I’m just a stone statue, I don’t understand human emotions, and I don’t know how to solve the problem. The boy I like has already fallen in love with someone else.” girls’, ‘how to achieve love across countries’.”

“Hey big man, do I only ask you these two questions every day?” Lacus said dissatisfiedly.

“Isn’t it?” Galio thought for a while, “I’m sure my memory is correct. You asked the first question 862 times and the second question 777 times.”

“Eh…” Lacus was speechless, and finally could only say helplessly, “Is your memory not that good?”

“I haven’t forgotten this ability. I will remember everything I see.” Galio said honestly.

“Sigh…” Lacus decided not to argue with this upright stone statue anymore. She couldn’t compete with it. “Big Galio, listen to me. I want to ask you something very important.”

“Speak, little girl, I’m listening.” Galio said.

“Do you know… Silas from Biangou Town?” Lux asked cautiously. When she said the name, she was unconsciously cautious, as if speaking loudly would bring danger.

“Sylas of Biangou Town…” Galio thought for a while, “I heard someone mention this name when I was awake, but I couldn’t hear it very clearly when I was asleep, it seems to be someone who killed many people. Are you the criminal?”

“Hmm…” Lacus nodded, “He was a demon seeker when he was young, but he was convicted in Biangou Town for harboring a mage. He violently killed dozens of demon seekers and was arrested, which is the most vicious mage criminals.”

“Sounds really bad.” Galio nodded, “Then why are you asking him?”

“I…” Lacus lowered her voice, “I have had contact with him recently…”

“Have you had contact with criminals?”

“I came into contact with it by accident…he was imprisoned in the high tower prison, and I am a member of the Crown Guard family, so I can go in and out there…” Lacus looked a little guilty, “I was there…heard his words story.”


“He actually didn’t want to kill people at all.” Lux said, “He has a strong sense of magic, so the magic seekers hired him to hunt down mages, but he found that the mages he helped the magic seekers catch were severely punished.” The treatment of people…”

“Forcibly destroy demons?” Galio asked.

“Yes.” Lux sighed, “Those who were forcibly abolished by demons… didn’t live very well afterwards, either physically or mentally disabled…”

Lux was silent for a while, and then continued: “Silas told me that the mage he found that day was a girl who was not yet eight years old… He looked at the child’s face and hesitated… He couldn’t do it, so he shielded the kid.”

Galio didn’t interrupt, it listened quietly.

“But things still came to light. The demon seekers loudly accused Silas of betraying them, but in fact they never believed Silas, because he was actually a mage, and the demon seekers were just using one mage to get rid of other mages. So…” Lux pinched her fingers, and said, “So when Silas watched the demon hunters approaching him one by one with weapons, he ran away as if he heard the whisper of the devil.”


After a long time, Lux asked Galio, “Do you think Silas is guilty?”

“He killed someone, of course he is guilty.” Galio affirmed.

“But I think his heart is good.” Lacus said, “Did you know? His eyes are very similar to my brother’s, and they are full of righteousness.”

“Can humans tell a person’s character by looking at their eyes?”

“No…but I really don’t think he’s a bad person, he just wants to protect those who are infected with demons?

It’s not… and it’s not their fault… to be infected with demons… ”

“Hmm…” Galio thought for a while, his huge head didn’t seem to be very good at thinking about complex issues, and he said after a long time, “I understand why Demacia banned magic, the magic I saw on the battlefield It’s really scary, scary enough to shatter the earth. But I don’t think magic is evil, because I’m made of a magic stone. Every time magic enters my body, I can move. I know that power itself doesn’t It invites disaster, and the only ones who can invite disaster are those who use it.”

“That’s the reason!” Lux said, “Do you still remember the story of Fossbarrow that I told you?”

“Did you give your first kiss to that barbarian boy’s story? I’ve heard it a hundred and seventy-four times.”

“It’s not that part!” Lacus said angrily, “It’s the part where a man is bewitched by a demon and kills his own family.”

“Oh, that part.” Galio scratched his head with the other hand, and said, “Do you want toSay, Silas may also be bewitched by the devil, right? ”

“I can’t rule out this possibility. And Silas told me that he really didn’t feel like himself at the time. When he came to his senses, there were already corpses around him.”

“I see.” Galio nodded. “I don’t know if that Silas is a good person, but if you think he can be trusted, girl, you might as well trust him. Do you want to rescue him or something?”

“I… haven’t figured it out yet.” Lux sighed, “I have no ability to persuade the king to abolish the ban on magic. I am a mage myself, and my magic power is getting stronger and stronger. Sooner or later, I will be unable to control it… …”

Galio nodded in agreement: “Indeed, little girl, your light is getting brighter and brighter. Even when I’m asleep, I can feel your light getting stronger every day.”

“But I don’t want it to become stronger at all…”

“You have this kind of magical power, it is your talent, and it should not be your shackle.” Galio touched Lux’s head lightly with his thick fingers, “Do what you want, no matter what No matter what the result is, little girl, I will stand by your side.”

Lux felt warm in her heart. She never thought that in this huge Demacia, the thing that would give her the most sense of security was not her parents and brother, but a stone statue.

“I haven’t decided whether to help Silas.” Lux said, “I originally planned to ask him to teach me how to control and use magic, but he himself has never been a mage as a teacher, so he doesn’t know anything about it.”

“Magic teacher, unfortunately I can’t help you with this.” Galio said, “It should be difficult to find a magic teacher in Demacia.”

“Yeah…where should I find it…” Lacus was very distressed.

“You want to be my magic teacher?” Lacus was stunned.

The person who said he would teach her magic was actually Morgana, Robert’s distant cousin.

“Shh, don’t be too loud.” Morgana motioned Lacus to lower her voice, “I feel that your magic is getting stronger and stronger, but you don’t know how to control it. If this continues, you will have accidents, so I decided to help you .”

Lacus was surprised and excited at the same time, she didn’t know what to say.

Originally, Cousin Robert sent a letter saying that he and Sir Catherine would be away for a long time, and Fiona also went back to her family, so when she asked if Morgana could live with Lacus, Lacus I’m also very happy, she doesn’t often have peers to accompany her, Kashina has a lot of practice about the glow, very busy, plus Lux likes Morgana, a cute girl, so she doesn’t wait for her parents to agree accepted.

The whole family of the Mianwei family agreed. Although Morgana and the main family of the Mianwei family are far away, she is Robert’s cousin after all. Robert has been getting better and better in Xiongdu recently. After obtaining a certain status, the head of the Crown Guard family is also willing to do a little favor for the promising collateral children.

So Morgana successfully moved into the head of the Crownguard family and slept with Lux, but she didn’t expect Morgana to lock the door as soon as she entered Lux’s place, and said that she wanted to teach Lux magic.

“Are you a mage?” Lax asked in a low voice.

“Yes.” A wisp of black flame appeared on Morgana’s finger.

Lacus was stunned, she swallowed her saliva: “What’s going on?”

“Didn’t I tell you the story of my mother?” Morgana lied, “My mother is a very powerful and powerful mage. My sister and I inherited her power, so we have learned how to Master the magic.”

“So it’s like this…” Lacus couldn’t hide the horror in her eyes, “But…but you are a mage, why didn’t you leave Demacia and come to Xiongdu instead? If you were caught by the demon hunter…”

“Don’t worry, my magic control is very strong.” Morgana said, “I am confident that even if ten magic hunters circle around me, it is impossible to find that I am a mage, because I can control the magic power to a completely static state. State, I have already fooled countless magic seekers, and none of them became suspicious.”

“So powerful?” Lux didn’t believe it, but the flame in Morgana’s hand couldn’t be faked, the surprise in Lux’s eyes gradually faded, and more joy and hope emerged, “Then… I can also be like Do you, too, perfectly control my magic?”

“Perfect control is difficult to achieve in a short period of time.” Morgana put away the flame in her hand, “But it’s better to be able to control it than not to be able to control it, at least your body won’t glow at every turn.”

“So you found out…” Lacus was a little embarrassed, “I thought I had fooled you…”

“It’s okay.” Morgana said, “Not only to control your own magic, but I also want to teach you how to use magic to fight, protect others, and protect yourself.”

“Can I learn these too?” Lacus became even more excited. She never dreamed that the teacher who taught her magic would come to her door.

“You have to learn.” Morgana said softly, “Otherwise… you won’t be able to face the danger in the future.”

Lux thought Morgana was referring to the Demon Seeker, and readily agreed: “Yes! I will study hard! Thank you Morgana!”

“You shouldn’t thank me…” Morgana thought to herself.



The plan went well.

Section 559

—— Rorschach

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