Guess the name

“I’ll give you three chances, Morgana, three chances to guess my real name.” Rorschach said to Morgana, “This is the last chance for you to defeat me, but if you fail, you will have to Help me bring your dear sister to Demacia, my next goal is to corrupt that mighty winged patron saint, is it a deal?”

Morgana was not surprised. Since Rorschach had already obtained her, it was impossible for a greedy demon to be satisfied, and he was bound to target the next person.

Rorschach might think that conquering Morgana and her sister, a team of sisters with the power of gods, is a very fulfilling thing.

Morgana didn’t hesitate at all: “Deal.”

This is her last chance to defeat Rorschach, and Morgana cannot let it go.

Although Morgana doesn’t want to see her sister very much, she is not worried that Rorschach can easily conquer her sister. Morgana knows what kind of person her sister is. She and Rorschach are almost two extremes. Rorschach If it is pure evil, then she is pure justice, a justice that cannot tolerate a speck of sand in her eyes.

If even she can be controlled by Rorschach, then maybe this world is really hopeless.

Morgana thought so.

“Very good.” Rorschach clapped his hands in satisfaction. He patted the buttocks of a girl with big breasts. The girl walked towards Morgana with a smile, and took out a ribbon-sealed scroll from her cleavage.

“What is this?” Morgana asked. She had seen Tahm Kench give Varieva the same scroll, but that scroll was directly torn into pieces by Varieva.

“Contract.” Rorschach smiled, “Tam Kench is my subordinate, he is a very reputable businessman, he opened a trade center called Gluttony Market in Bilgewater, and often People do business. It’s this contract from the spiritual realm that he uses,”

“Let me guess,” Morgana said, “Tahm Kench likes to sign contracts with people who are broke, desperate, or desperate for something, give them money, and then use their greed to make them have nothing again , and finally eat them in one bite when they are most desperate, right?”

“Completely accurate [resource; source’ group]: 9? 8; 0; 2?. 0′. 5,, 8″5. ;6 indeed. Rorschach said, “It seems that you already know a lot about demons, Morgana.” ”

“The devil itself has no form, and your appearance serves its purpose.” Morgana said, “Tahm Kench’s appearance is a polite creature with a big mouth in a dress. The dress symbolizes his commitment to the transaction.” It is true that he is very trustworthy, but his bloody mouth shows that he is the most greedy person in the transaction, so greedy that he will eat up the transaction object.”

“Very good, the reasoning is very good.” Rorschach was not stingy with his praise, “You must have guessed the real names of many demons, but you must know that it is meaningful to guess mine. Alright , now sign the contract.”

The girl with big breasts untied the ribbon and revealed the content of the contract to Morgana.

Morgana carefully looked at the words on the contract. She was wary that Rorschach would play word games, but Rorschach seemed really confident that Morgana would not be able to guess his real name and did not do anything wrong with the contract.

Morgana had three chances to guess Rorschach’s real name.

If Morgana has not guessed Rorschach’s real name after three times of exhaustion, then part of her divine power and memory will be kept in the spiritual realm forever, making her forget everything that happened here, and will bring Rorschach her sister.

But if Morgana succeeds, she will be equivalent to grabbing Rorschach’s lifeblood.

“I agree.” Morgana said.

As soon as she finished speaking, Morgana’s name appeared on the contract.

The girl with big breasts returned to Rorschach’s side,

“Very good.” Rorschach played with the contract in his hand, “Let’s start guessing now, Morgana, I hope you can surprise me.”

Morgana calmed down, she only had three chances, and she had to seize them firmly.

The words of the female spider Elise echoed in Morgana’s ears: “The devil’s real name is the source of his desire.”

“Lust.” Morgana said the word first.

In Morgana’s mind, Rorschach was undoubtedly an extremely lustful demon.

He set up a house of pleasure, had sex with all kinds of beautiful women almost every day, and used them as a tool to vent his desire. If you want to ask Rorschach what the most likely desire is, Morgana will think of it immediately would be lust.

Rorschach didn’t respond.

As soon as he clapped his hands, all the beautiful women around him disappeared in an instant. He said at the same time: “Wrong, you still have two chances.”

“Really…” Morgana was not surprised. If Rorschach’s real name was really “Lust”, it would be too simple.

Morgana asked, “Is your purpose of building the House of Pleasure just to confuse the public and make your enemies think that your real name is related to lust?”

“There is a reason for this, but the bigger reason is for Evelyn.” Rorschach said, “The House of Pleasure was originally an organization created by Evelyn before I was born. The purpose is to let believers feel thatEndless pain followed by extreme pleasure. However, when the House of Pleasure is developing well, Evelyn prefers to let them make others suffer. You can regard the women of the Pleasure Plant as Evelyn’s tools and food reserves. ”

“Tools… stockpiling food… is really something a devil can do…” Morgana said.

“No way, Evelyn lost a lot of power after giving birth to me, because I took away a lot of her power, so that she couldn’t even change her shape significantly.” Luo Xia said, without the slightest hint of power in her tone. Sorry, “Okay, Morgana, go ahead, you still have two chances.”

Morgana’s eyes were fixed on Rorschach’s body.

The most likely “lust” is not Rorschach’s real name, Morgana must start from other angles.

“Rorschach claims to be the [King of Demons]…” Morgana’s heart surged with countless conjectures, “He has controlled so many demons… Is this what he wants to do? Could it be that his real name is ‘Control’ Or ‘conquer’?”

Morgana did not waste her second chance hastily, but thought about every detail since she knew Rorschach, including when the boy whose soul was taken away by Evelyn was by her side many years ago.

“He said…he wanted to dirty my feet…” Morgana thought in her heart, “No, his soul was taken away by Evelyn at that time, and there was no blood in his body when he said this. That part of ‘Rorschach’.”

Morgana remembered again that everything that happened before told her that someone divided the child into many parts. If each part symbolized a part of a complete person’s personality, Rorschach would undoubtedly be an ‘evil child’. ‘personality.

Morgana understands human beings. Everyone has an evil side in their hearts, no matter how righteous or kind.

Humans also have their dark side. Human beings without selfish desires do not exist.

Morgana’s sister hated the dark side of humans, so she went to an extreme. But Morgana believes that the dark side is also a part of a person, without this part, it is not enough to be called a “human”.

But there are too many dark sides of people. Morgana is not sure what is in Rorschach’s heart, or which one comes from Ferdinand.

What is the biggest dark side in the heart of the little boy of Realjord.

“Could it be… is…” Morgana raised her head and said to Rorschach, “Your real name is ‘Evil’.”

“No.” Rorschach still didn’t react at all, and ruthlessly refuted Morgana’s conjecture, “You disappointed me, Morgana, you didn’t even touch the edge. It seems that you are doomed to fail.”

Morgana was not affected by Rorschach’s words. Even though there was only one last chance left, she did not feel flustered or shaken at all, but continued to think.

Morgana originally thought that Rorschach claimed to be the “King of Demons” and that he could really control other demons, which meant that his real name itself had the power to make other demons fear him, otherwise Evelyn would not have cried I begged Rorschach not to leave her. You must know that Evelyn is a selfish demon without any altruistic emotions. She is so obsessed with Rorschach, which shows that Rorschach must be an extremely special existence among demons.

So Morgana guessed that Rorschach’s real name might contain all the “evil” in this world, so Stepping on Demons has such a special status.

But “evil”, which includes all the evil words, is not Rorschach’s real name, which made Morgana fall into deep thought again.

Lust is not Rorschach’s real name, and this name is obviously not enough to be called an existence that can be feared by all demons.

Evil encompasses all evils, and may be a real name worthy of the title of Demon King, but there is still no real name that is not Rorschach.

“What is his real name…” Morgana, who had only one last chance left, fell into deep thought.

She felt that the direction she was thinking should be right. Rorschach’s real name must be a very special one, especially to the extent that even if other demons don’t know what Rorschach’s real name is, they will feel the fear from the bottom of their hearts. .

The devil’s real name is the same as Desire, that is to say, Rorschach’s real name is what he wants to do.

Then what would Rorschach want to do?

Morgana recalled what Rorschach had done so far. He seldom directly killed a person alone, and mostly let Evelyn do it. Even making Shivana fall, Rorschach also let Mo Ganna to replace

He finished it.

He doesn’t seem to be interested in this kind of petty evil.

As for his first work, Silas in Biangou Town, this incident claimed dozens of lives as soon as it happened, and caused the entire Demacia to fall into a huge panic towards mages.

Once Rorschach made a move, it must be an event that made a wide range of people feel fear and despair.

Morgana felt as if she had caught something.



“Ah…my dear…your name…is so…so hopeless…”

– Evelyn masturbating

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