Assembly (Part 2)

Graves looked resentfully at Fitz who was running around on the deck, with a displeased expression on his face.

“Don’t think about it.” Drizzt patted his partner on the shoulder, “How many times have I told you, don’t think about the yordles, even if the yordles can sell for more money, don’t even think about it, it’s a waste of life, Haven’t we already suffered a big loss at the hands of the yordles?”

“I know.” Graves patted Drizzt’s hand away irritably, “I was thrown into the sea twice by that little guy, and I just held my breath in my heart. Sooner or later, I will find the place and tell the little guy Guy who is the boss.”

“Have you met other yordles before?” Yasuo stopped fishing, and held a jug on the side of the boat while drinking and watching the sea. He was bored, so he joined the chatting of the crowd.

“I’ve met them, quite a lot. I caught a whole bunch of yordles that time. If I sell them all, I’ll give them away.” Graves sighed.

Drizzt chuckled lightly: “But in the end, another yordle with a big hat and a staff appeared, and beside him was an elf and a little fat bird with purple feathers. The little yordle cast a spell Graves turned into a swamp frog, and it took a lot of money to find someone to disenchant him.”

“That dead yordle.” Graves gritted his teeth angrily. “It looks like a purple garlic. Next time I see that little thing, I’ll…”

“What do you do?” Drizzt asked.

Graves took out a piece of seaweed from his hair and threw it into the sea: “I’ll just take a detour, can’t I?”

“A wise choice.” Yasuo took a sip of his wine and said, “Yordles are residents of the spiritual realm. They are born with extremely pure souls. It would be unwise to make enemies with them.”

“But that man named Lothar was able to find a yordle…” Drizzt narrowed his eyes, looking at Lothar who was playing with Fitz playfully, “Who the hell is he?”

“Brother of Ionia, do you know?” Graves asked Yasuo.

“I don’t know.” Yasuo said calmly, “But having such a friend is better than having such an enemy.”

“Why do you big men gather together like a group of gossips to gossip?” Sarah came over at this time. She had just directed her crew to hire a boatman to clean up the boat that was smashed out by the dragon shark. Fill the hole.

“Girls, don’t meddle in men’s business.” Graves said angrily.

Miss Fortune directly put the muzzle of the gun on Graves’ forehead.

Graves immediately raised his hands in surrender: “I was wrong.”

“Hmph.” Miss Fortune snorted coldly and retracted the gun, “Look at all of you slacking off. If Soul Eater Night comes, I really doubt whether you will be useful.”

“Please don’t worry about this.” Drizzt made a gentlemanly gift, “We haven’t received the money yet, and we will definitely do our best.”

“I hope so.” Sarah said.

“Will Soul Eater Night really come?” Graves said suspiciously, “I don’t think it looks like a sign of coming.”

“I also hope that I won’t come.” Miss Fortune turned her head and looked at the sea in the distance, “But if it does come, I’ll make sure when the time comes. 0′.5,,8’5. ;6 It’s too late to prepare. ”

At this time, two more people came up from the boat ladder.

Everyone turned their heads and saw that it was a tall and strong man holding a totem pole.The strong woman, with mysterious sea beast decorations all over her body, was Illaoi.

“Baru’s sea beast priest is here.” Miss Fortune warned everyone in a low voice, “You all have to be honest in front of her.”

“Understood.” Drizzt had a very understanding expression on his face, “Don’t offend the Baru people.”

“Baru…” Yasuo took a sip of his wine and looked sideways, “The man next to him… looks like he’s from the Freljord.”

Next to Illaoi, there was a man who was taller and stronger than her.

The man was bald, with a very neat and thick mustache, a very huge belt, and a huge thing that looked like a canoe wreck in one hand.

“You can see it?” Sarah asked Yasuo.

“I went to the Freljord when I was young, and experienced myself there.” Yasuo said.

“Why is he holding a boat?” Drizzt was puzzled.

“His beard is trimmed beautifully…” Graves stroked his messy beard, “Maybe I should grow that kind of beard too.”

“Bron! You’re here!” Lothar walked over and hugged the bald man, as if they were very familiar.

Lothar brought Bron and Illaoi to the crowd and introduced each other.

“Bron, isn’t it?” Miss Fortune couldn’t help her curiosity, and said to the strong man in front of her who looked kind and friendly, “Why did you bring this… boat plank?”

“Hohohoho! That’s because Braum is good at using shields, very big shields!” Braum clapped the boards on his hands proudly, but he immediately said in frustration, “But Braum’s original shield fell into the sea Bloom has been searching for it for a long time but couldn’t find it, so he can only use a broken ship’s plank instead.”

Everyone was ashamed, the plank of the boat was used as a shield, which was unheard of.

Sarah couldn’t help but think of the Olaf who was with Lothar a few years ago, that Freljord man was also very strong, so strong that it didn’t make sense.

“Lothar said that this man is no weaker than Olaf…” Sarah thought to herself, “There are all kinds of warriors around him…”

Sarah was a little envious in her heart. Although she is now the pirate queen of Bilgewater and has many subordinates, she has never been able to find a strong person who is willing to follow her.

“Is it because I don’t have the charisma to attract strong people to follow me?” Sarah began to doubt herself.

During the exchange, everyone talked about their origins, goals, and what they were good at. After Fitz saw a fluffy snow-white little Poro behind Bron and at his feet, he was immediately amazed and ran to talk to the little Poro.

Luo played.

“So this is our team?” Miss Fortune looked around and said to Lothar, “An Ionian swordsman, a Baru priest, a yordle, a Freljord warrior, and a Blood Harbor Ghost, two bounty hunters who don’t know if they can be used, and you.”

“Not satisfied?” Lothar smiled, “I think our team is very suitable.”

“It’s up to me to decide whether it’s suitable or not.” Illaoi said suddenly, and she placed the sea beast totem heavily on the deck, “You all have to accept the trial of Naga Kabulos.”



The trial of the snake mother is to distinguish between strong and weak.

——Baru Mantra

Section 643

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