
Lothar sat by the bonfire in some embarrassment. He was covered with a warm blanket, but he was still trembling slightly, facing the direct scrutiny of the two beautiful women.

The blue-feathered falcon was drooling over the barbecue on the fire, and had no intention of intervening in the disputes among the humans.

“Tell me, who are you.” The young girl in light armor folded her arms and asked aggressively.

“Quinn, you will scare him like this.” The mature and beautiful woman dressed in simple clothes, but still could not hide her aristocratic temperament, kindly handed Lothar a cup of hot water, “Don’t worry, child, speak slowly, you see You caught a cold.”

Lothar took the water, and his thoughts quickly became active: “Should I tell them my real name? But after the incident at Fossbarrow, it is hard to guarantee that Demacia will not want me. Neither the names Lothar nor Rorschach can Tell them, if they know that I am from the Freljord…”

Lothar gave a grateful smile to the mature woman: “My name… I forgot…”

“Forget.” The girl called Quinn showed obvious distrust in her eyes, “Then where are you from?”

Of course Lothar couldn’t name the Freljord, and neither could Demacia. He also knew that Noxus had been at war with Demacia all year round, so there was only one place he knew.

“Ionia.” Lothar nonsense said, “I’m from Ionia.”

“Ionia” Quinn heard an extremely unfamiliar word, and thought it was a remote place name, but couldn’t understand where it was for a while.

“Ionia!” The mature woman’s eyes lit up, “Really! You are from Ionia!”

Lothar himself was taken aback by the beautiful woman’s reaction, but he could only bite the bullet and say, “Well, that’s right.”

Confusion was written on Quinn’s face: “Mrs. Lestara, where is Ionia?”

“Wait!” Lestara happily trotted to her horse and took out a book from her luggage.

“Look, this is Ionia.” Lestara showed Quinn and Lothar the contents of the book.

The two of them took a closer look, and found that the contents of the book were not densely packed text, but many brightly colored landscape paintings.

“Draw” Quinn asked.

Le Stara nodded: “I bought this from a travel painter. He traveled in Ionia, and the paintings on it are what he saw and heard.”

Lothar looked at these paintings with great interest. The content on them was very complicated. In addition to the landscape paintings, there were also many pictures of creatures that Lothar had never seen before.

“Do you know all these things?” Quinn tested Lothar.

“Some remember, some forget.” Lothar desperately recalled what Udyr told himself about Ionia. He pointed to a shaved man in the painting, “This is a monk.”

Le Stara said happily: “That’s right! That painter told me that too!”

“Could it be that he’s really an Ionian?” Quinn’s doubts subsided a little.

Lothar flipped through Le Stara’s book. He said he remembered some paintings that matched what Udyr said, and said he had forgotten all the others he didn’t know.

Halfway through the book, Quinn temporarily let go of his doubts about the Lothar Ionians.

“But according to what you said, Ionia is far, far away in the east.” Quinn continued to ask, her eyes were very sharp, “Why did you appear here in a piece of ice? Marcian”

Lothar sat closer to the fire: “I don’t know, I don’t remember.”

“Then what do you remember?”

“have no idea……”

Quinn was so angry that he almost didn’t let HuaLuo pecked him, but Lestara pressed Quinn: “Don’t force him like this, he must be an Ionian, and he looks like an Ionian. Ionia is separated from us in Demacia. It’s so far away, it’s definitely not a spy or something, so you don’t need to be too vigilant.”

“But he might be a mage.” Quinn reminded the lady not to take it lightly. “Can ordinary people appear in a piece of ice and then fall from the sky?”

“Mages are both good and bad.” Lestara retorted.

“Magic itself is dangerous.” Quinn will never give in on this point.

Lothar moved closer to the fire, and he didn’t listen to the conversation between the two women at all. His hands were as close to the flame as possible, almost touching the flame.

“What are you doing!” Quinn noticed Lothar’s strangeness, and hurriedly grabbed Lothar’s hand.

With this grasp, Quinn discovered something unusual.

“Why is your body so cold?” Quinn touched Lothar’s neck and armpits again. These places that should be the warmest are still cold, even colder than ice.

“I… I don’t know…” Lothar’s lips were trembling all the time, he felt countless cold air stagnated in his body, but unlike the ice magic that Lissandra gave him, the cold air in Lothar’s body at this moment did not listen to him at all Order.

Lothar instinctively wanted to drive the cold out of his body, and a layer of frost condensed on his body surface, which not only made him feel warmer, but made him colder.

“You really are a mage!” Quinn’s eyes turned cold.

But Le Stara held Quinn back: “Wait! Look at him, he is obviously in pain, we should help him!”

Quinn looked at Lothar vigilantly: “It’s the job of the demon seekers and demon destroyers to help mages, and I’m going to send him there.”

“But he is an Ionian, not under the control of Demacia.”

“He is in the land of Demacia, so he will naturally be subject to the laws of Demacia.”


A muffled sound interrupted their dispute, and Lothar fell to the ground.

“What’s going on?” Lestara knelt down and touched Lothar’s skin with his hands. “His whole body is frozen! We need to save him!”

Quinn stood where he was, looking at the boy lying motionless on the ground like a sculpture, with some hesitation in his eyes.

“Garrah!” Hua Luo yelled at Quinn, flapping his wings.

“Alas.” Quinn sighed, “Mrs. Lestara, I have a towel in my tent. I’ll use hot water to wipe his body.”

Quinn carried Lothar, who was frozen all over, into the tent, pulled out a towel and soaked it in hot water.

Le Stara snatched the towel from Quinn’s hand: “Let me come, you have been in the girl army for so long, how do you know how to take care of people?”

“However, your identity is not suitable…”

“It’s not suitable, it’s saving people, there is no more noble act than this.” Le Stara laughed, and began to take off the clothes on Lothar, “You go out first, you are not married yet , it’s not suitable to watch these.”

“Actually, I’ve seen him all over…” Quinn thought to himself, and silently exited the tent, sat outside the curtain and waited, throwing peanuts to Hua Luo to pass the time.

The sound of rustling towels wiping his body came from the tent, and Quinn was seriously thinking about how to deal with this mage boy.

“Quinn, have you visited your brother’s grave this year?” Le Stara in the tent asked.

Quinn’s mood dropped a little: “Well… I went…”

“He will be very proud to see that you have become such an excellent ranger now.”

“I’m just a rookie, I don’t even have a military rank yet.”

Le Stara laughed: “I’ve never heard of a rookie soldier in Demacia who disobeyed the commander’s orders all day long like you.”

“I’m just not used to following large troops…”

“Okay, let’s not talk about this.” Le Stara changed the subject, “Do you know why I came to you today?”

“to chat with”

“I hope you can do me a favor, you must promise me.”

“As long as your request does not violate my principles, I will naturally not refuse.”

“That’s good. I hope you can escort me to Ionia.”

Quinn was startled: “Ionia, what are you doing so far away?”

“Go find someone.”

“Will you bring other guards?”

“I plan to go low-key and only bring you an escort.”

“No! It’s too dangerous!” Quinn directly refused, “Going to Ionia will definitely pass through Noxus! How can you go to the enemy’s territory with your identity!”

“Please, Quinn, I have to go. This is very important to me.” Le Stara said almost in a begging tone.

“But…then you shouldn’t look for me. You should look for the Sergeant Chiefs in the Fearless Vanguard. They are much better than me.”

“I can’t tell others that I’m going to Ionia, so I came to you.” Lestara said softly, “I believe you can protect me, Quinn, you saved my life once, I believe in your abilities.”

Quinn was silent for a long time.

Mrs. Le Stara was kind to Quinn and helped her a lot. If Le Stara hadn’t personally vouched for her, it would have been impossible for Quinn to join the Rangers according to Quinn’s disobedient personality.

“Oh…” Quinn sighed a long time, “I promise you.”

“Really! That’s great!” Le Stara in the tent made a joyful voice.

She hummed an elegant tune, and a hot towel brushed Lothar’s chest.

Lothar quietly looked at the top of the tent. In fact, heHe kept awake all the time, and he listened to all the conversations between Le Stara and Quinn.

With the hot towel being wiped, the frost on Lothar’s body surface was slowly melted, but the coldness in his body still took root in the flesh and blood, and Lothar couldn’t get rid of them.

“Ionia…” Lothar said weakly.

“Well, what did you say?” Le Stara didn’t hear clearly, and leaned over to bring her ears closer.

“Ionia…” Lothar said slowly, “I’m going too…”


Magic is very dangerous. It will obey people’s will, and it will also go against people’s will.

It is like a flame. You can use flames to accomplish many things, but if you are not careful, you will be burned yourself.

Be in awe of magic and keep studying it, magic will eventually eat back the disrespectful and the foolish.

——Excerpt from “Noxus Military Magic Training Textbook Volume 1: Preface”

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