
Rat Hunting Assassins Guild.

Katerina lay bored on the leather chair, staring at the wooden table with her slender legs, flicking a blade in her hand.

This knife is not small, the length of the blade is as long as Katerina’s forearm, and the weight is naturally not light, but it flies between Katerina’s slender fingers very unreasonably, like a bird flying among flowers butterfly.

Katerina is quite a glamorous woman. Although she is quite young from the outside, she has a shocking beauty.

Katerina’s bright red long hair was not tied up, and was loosely scattered behind her head. Her clothes are quite revealing, with only a leather corset on her upper body and tight leather pants on her lower body. Usually there are only two kinds of women who dare to dress so boldly outside—prostitutes who want to attract customers, or strong men who are not afraid of being missed by perverts.

Judging from the row of bright knife sets hanging around Katerina’s waist, she is obviously the latter.

The two assassin corpses under her leather chair also proved this point. These two idiots became lustful after seeing Katerina. In this remote and remote empire border, it is a rare thing to meet such a beauty in a hundred years. They didn’t control their lower body, and approached Katerina rashly, wanting to kiss Fangze.

In the end, the only thing they got to kiss was Katerina’s blade.

The head of the Rat Hunting Assassin’s Guild was covered in sweat. Not only was there no obscenity in his eyes looking at Katerina’s gorgeous body, but there was even full of fear. It took him half his life to sit on the chair of the president, and this girl had only been here for a day, so he had to give up his seat, and he bowed his knees in front of her.

“Damn it! Why did such a big man come to us…” The president kept cursing inwardly. He was able to sit in the chair of the president, of course he was not a person without vision. After seeing Katerina’s extreme murder After doing the trick, he knew that the young woman in front of him was something he could never afford to mess with.

“Why is your guild called Rat Hunter?” Katerina asked suddenly, her voice was as sharp as a blade.

The president trembled all over: “This guild mainly takes the task of assassinating Demacians. We usually call them mice. Demacia is completely banned from magic, and there are often mages who smuggle into Noxus. will put them…”

“Kill.” Katerina raised her eyebrows.

The president laughed wryly: “You’re joking, these stowaways generally don’t have any money on them, and we capture them and sell them to nobles or the army.”

“Cut, it’s boring.” Katerina threw out the throwing knife, the blade brushed past the president’s face, and stabbed into the wooden wall behind him.

The president’s back was completely wet in an instant, his face was slightly hot, and a shallow wound slowly opened.

“With this group of garbage in your guild, you can also catch mages. I don’t think any mages in the army can come and wipe you out.” Katerina stepped on the corpse under her feet.

The president swallowed his saliva: “You are joking, the mages in the army are naturally not something we can deal with. Those Demacian mages who smuggled away have not received magic training in their country, and all of them use magic blindly. Very easy to deal with.”

“No wonder.” Katerina yawned, “Sure enough, only pedantic countries can raise incompetent people, and Demacia is nothing more than that.”

“Yes yes yes…” the president smiled apologetically.

“Father, what are you asking me to do in such a boring place?” Katerina stood up and stretched her waist. The extremely sexy body made her lower body ready to move. He hurriedly leaned forward so that Katerina wouldn’t notice. .

Katerina dragged her cheeks and thought for a while, “Father doesn’t know how long it will be. Your guild should have an intelligence network? Get me a few Demacia targets to pass the time.”

The president repeatedly said yes, but in his heart he was even more afraid of this girl who took murder as a pastime.

This is not a girl, she is clearly a butcher.

The president took down a map from the bookcase, and held the map with both hands with a smile on his face: “It’s not every day that there are stowaways. This map marks the places that stowaways must pass through. You can go to keep thereWait for the rabbit. ”

“Okay, I’m going to try my luck today and see how many people I can kill.” Katerina glanced at the map, but didn’t take it, as if she had memorized all the contents, “I’ll be back before tomorrow morning, give me the [ Resource; source’ group]: 9? 8; 0; 2?. 0′. 5,, 8″5. 6. Prepare a good room, with a bathtub of clean hot water, a table of your specialties, and two maids to serve me. By the way, I still need to give me [resource; source group]: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0′. 5,,8 “5.;6 Prepare the incense, I just want the white sand incense from Shurima, do you understand?”

The president was taken aback for a moment. Katerina’s sudden demands made him feel dazed.

“I don’t like repeating my words.” Katerina took out a throwing knife from her waist.

“Understood, I understand!” The president nodded his head, “I’ll go to the [source; source’ group]: 9? 8; 0; 2?. 0′. 5,, 8″5. ; 6 prepare. ”

“Very good.” Katerina retracted the throwing knife, twisted her slender waist and walked out the door.

“Well, Miss…” The president rubbed his hands and asked cautiously, “Can I ask, who is your father who sent you here…”

Katerina smiled slightly, and her red lips curled up in a beautiful arc: “You’d better, don’t ask too many questions that you shouldn’t ask.”

With a flick of Katerina’s fingertips, a throwing knife flew towards the president’s crotch.

The president was so frightened that he fell to the ground, and the throwing knife penetrated into the wooden floor in front of his crotch, less than half an inch away from the root of his life.

Katerina smiled all over her face: “If it’s still so dishonest the next time you see me, I’ll cut it off.”

After finishing speaking, Katerina opened the door and walked out.

The president lay powerlessly on the ground, breathing violently. , Only then did he realize that he wet his pants.

Quinn was driving the carriage, and Hua Luo was flying above her on guard.

They have successfully bypassed the Demacia border guards and the Noxus border guards. Although it was not easy, with the help of Valor in the air, Quinn easily found a breakthrough and entered the In Noxus territory.

After entering the country, Le Stara chose to take the main road, which will be safer and faster. Although it is possible to be stopped by the Noxus army that he encountered by chance, Le Stara has already prepared [ Resource; source’ group]: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0′. 5,, 8″ 5.; 6 prepared.

“The military discipline of the Noxus army is far less strict than that of Demacia.” Lestara sat in the carriage and said to Lothar, “Emperor Darkwill of Noxus is an ambitious man. It is said that as long as the army can achieve its goals, military discipline and style are secondary. If we are interrogated by the army, a little bribe will usually let us go.”

Lothar’s face was pale. Even though he had come to a warmer valley, the season was approaching winter, and the leaves of the woods on both sides of the road had already lost half of their leaves. Lothar was unbearably cold, and even a slight movement of his joints would cause severe pain.

“She’s a kind-hearted nobleman.” Lothar thought to himself while looking at the beautiful woman who was eloquently telling him about the situation in Noxus, “She’s just a bit talkative.”

“Luosha, do you have a lover?” Le Stara asked suddenly.

Lothar didn’t realize it all at once, so he was distracted for a while, why did the topic suddenly jump to this.

“No…no, I can’t remember.” Lothar replied after pretending to think hard.

“Ah!” Lestara covered her mouth, “Aren’t you Ionians mature late? There are a lot of people in Demacia who are married at your age.”

Lothar really didn’t want to continue this topic: “What about Quinn, is she married?”

Quinn outside the carriage frowned slightly. The boy actually directed the fire on her.

“Sigh.” Le Stara exaggeratedly sighed, “This child knows how to run into the wild all day long, and this is even more so after joining the army. If this continues, she may become an old girl.”

Lothar laughed, reluctantly agreeing with Le Stara.

Le Stara seemed to be excited, and kept gossiping to Lothar: “The eldest daughter of the Laurent family, Fiona, has rejected all suitors, and it has been going on for almost five years. The daughter of the defending family, Lak Shanna made a declaration of not getting married a few years ago, which caused the entire aristocratic circle to explode. There is also the widow of the rich man, Wayne Shawna. I heard that many young talents went to propose to her, and all of them were rejected. Get out!”

The corner of Lothar’s eyes twitched. He actually heard the names of two acquaintances from Lestara’s gossip.

Lestara had a sad face: “Our daughters of Demacia are self-improvement and beautiful, but they are all too assertive, and they don’t think about the future because they are young. The last time I met His Majesty the King, I entered I have warned you that the trend of not marrying must not be allowed to prevail in Demacia. Compared with Noxus, our population in Demacia is not large, so we must ensure that there are prosperous descendants.”

Quinn’s mouth twitched when she heard it outside the carriage. She knew that it was impossible for Le Stara to say so much to Luo Xiao, an outsider whom she had just met. Le Stara’s purpose was to tell herself.

Lothar also understood the meaning of Le Stara’s long words. He glanced at the curtain of the carriage, and Quinn’s slender back was printed on the curtain, which was really beautiful.

The relationship between Le Stara and Quinn seems to be unusual. They are like relatives and friends. Le Stara trusts Quinn very much, but Quinn has always respected Le Stara.language, indicating that there is an identity gap between them.

Le Stara noticed Lothar’s gaze: “Luosha, what do you think of this girl, Quinn?”

Lothar and Quinn felt tense at the same time.

“How about it?” Lothar slandered inwardly, “Manly woman, wild girl, mean woman… You can’t say these things…”

Section 71

In order to make his life during this journey easier, Lothar decided to lie against his conscience: “Quinn is very good, she is beautiful and has her own opinions.”

No matter how Quinn heard it, she felt that Luo Sha’s words were perfunctory, but surprisingly, it sounded quite pleasant to her ears.

Le Stara’s eyes lit up: “Then are you willing to marry her?”

The rein in Quinn’s hand was almost broken.

Lothar smiled wryly, and after a haha ​​he didn’t answer the question. He was afraid that if he continued talking, this nosy noble lady would really act as a matchmaker for himself and Quinn on a whim.

“Do all self-reliant women have their own opinions…” Lothar recalled the women he had met in his life, “This is true, but they are more difficult to deal with than one…”


A loud eagle cry made the hairs of everyone in the carriage stand on end.

That was Hua Luo’s cry.

Quinn stopped the carriage and whispered behind him: “Mrs. Lestara, please don’t get out of the carriage, Hua Luo noticed something strange.”

Le Stara nodded: “Well, Luo Xiao and I are waiting for you inside.”

Lothar felt very bad. He felt a strong breath. He had felt this kind of breath many times.



There are a large number of assassin guilds in Noxus.

These guilds exist for a variety of purposes. Some are responsible for receiving vendettas, some are responsible for hunting foreigners, and some are responsible for assassinating nobles. They do not have a unified manager and basically only recognize money.

The existence of the Assassin’s Guild is not in line with the Noxus constitution, but it is also not bound by the law. Therefore, in Noxus, it is very common to buy murders to kill people.

But what’s interesting is that most people don’t object to the existence of the Assassin’s Guild. Although the Assassin’s Guild undoubtedly threatens the safety of the general Noxian people, they unexpectedly accept such a risk.

——Excerpt from “Valoran Travel Notes: Noxus

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