: Orianna

“My wife, what have you been up to lately?”

“I’m doing the 9777th sleep simulation test.”

“Oh! Then did you succeed?”

“Unfortunately, it failed.”

“It’s okay, it’s okay! Wife, you are the most beautiful and smartest woman in the world! You can definitely do it!”

“Little fool…”

Wei looked bitterly at the other side of the table hugging each other, your idiots and mechanical dolls, and turned her head to look at Caitlin with difficulty: “I’m about to throw up…”

Caitlin was also having a hard time.

When a human and a mechanical puppet stay together like a couple in love in front of you, the strong sense of contradiction and tearing is simply not too strong. Kaitlyn has seen the most disgusting and tragic murder scene, but there is no The sight in front of her made her uncomfortable.

“By the way, I forgot to introduce it.” The fool hugged the mechanical doll and said to the two policewomen, “This is the wife I told you about. Her name is Orianna.”

Orianna gently stroked the fool’s head, her gesture was more like a mother or sister than a lover.

Orianna turned her head and smiled at the two policewomen, but her metal face seemed unable to make a very flexible expression. Although that smile was beautiful, it would be very suitable if placed in the window of the doll shop, and would attract everyone. A lot of people who like dolls flock to it, but at this moment, Caitlin and Wei only feel creepy.

They had never been looked at by a robot with such a human expression, and that strange sense of terror made them restless.

Giggs was humming a little tune and came up with hot meals. He was wearing a small apron and looked in a good mood: “Come and try my mashed potatoes.”

Orianna bowed apologetically to the two policewomen: “I’m sorry, but the cold room doesn’t have any fresh ingredients, because usually I’m the only one living here, and only a little vegetable is planted in the vegetable garden behind.”

Caitlin couldn’t stand a robot apology, so she hurriedly said no, even Wei, who was always impolite, was uncharacteristically polite to Orianna.

Everyone ate with their own thoughts. Fool and Ziggs ate heartlessly and happily, but Kaitlyn and Wei couldn’t chew their food, because Orianna, who didn’t need to eat, was staring at them while they were eating.

After the most difficult meal in their lives, Kaitlyn and Wei quickly got down to business.

After a detailed description, Orianna understood the whole story: “I understand, that’s why you little fools brought you to me for help.”

“Are you willing to make a move?”

“The little fool’s business is my business.” Orianna was very sure, “Whether it’s the Piltover family or the Alchemy Baron of Zaun, if you want to touch the little fool, you can’t do it.”

Orianna’s unique voice was pleasant, calm, and mechanical, but Caitlin and Wei heard a sense of determination, as if Orianna was telling a matter of course.

“You have to think about it, Orianna… miss.” Even Wei couldn’t help but began to choose his words carefully when facing Orianna, and even used honorifics for the first time, “What we are facing is a family Chasing soldiers, and we don’t know you…how capable you are.”

“My wife is very powerful!” The fool interjected, “Like the chariot that hit us last time, my wife can hit ten!”

Caitlin and Wei completely ignored the fool’s bragging. Ten Hex-powered chariots are enough to level a city. Of course, Orianna alone can’t do it.

Orianna said expressionlessly: “I’m not good at fighting, but it’s not like I’m powerless. If you really want to fight, I think I should be able to help you resist a Hex-powered chariot.”

Caitlin and Wei were startled, Orianna’s words sounded very credible, and that awe-inspiring gesture did not seem fake.

“Okay!” Orianna said suddenly.

“What’s wrong?” Everyone was shocked.

“I forgot that I should put on a confident expression when I said that sentence just now.” Orianna blinked her eyes, “What should I do with a confident expression…um…puff your chest…pull the corners of your mouth…”

As Orianna said, she began to pose step by step.

Caitlin and Wei looked at each other in blank dismay.

“Hey, my wife is cute.” The idiot looked smug, “She is learning how to express her emotions,

Because she almost forgot.

Wei couldn’t bear it any longer. She had to ask, “This…Miss Orianna, what kind of…what…what kind of existence are you?”

Orianna tilted her head. She has no neck, and her head is suspended directly above her torso by the electromagnetic force of Hex, so she tilted her neck more than ninety degrees, looking very horrified: “Are you What do you mean?”

“Please forgive my partner’s presumptuousness.Caitlin said, “Because we haven’t seen you before… a robot like you.” And we’re the police, and there’s something wrong with acting with an unknown person. If possible, can you tell us about your background, and your relationship with the fool? Of course, if you don’t want to say it, we also respect your privacy. ”

Orianna straightened her head: “It’s okay to tell you, this is not a secret that needs to be kept, but… I want you to promise me two things.”

Caitlin thought about it: “Please tell me.”

“First, I hope you don’t tell anyone else after you know my past. Although this is not a big secret, leaking it out will inevitably disturb my peaceful life.” Orianna said.

“It’s natural, please rest assured, we are the police, we won’t say anything nonsense.” Caitlin said. “Second.” Orianna continued, “I’m training for emotional recovery, but now I have encountered a few thresholds. If possible, I hope you can help me.”

“Emotional recovery?” Kaitlyn and Wei thought of something similar to psychotherapy at the same time, probably talking, revealing the truth and so on.

The two policewomen felt that there was no problem, so they agreed.

They didn’t notice that Giggs, who was silently eating mashed potatoes, showed a treacherous smile.

“My full name is Orianna Levik.” Orianna began to introduce herself, “Colin Levik’s daughter.”

“Colin Levik?” Kaitlyn thought the name sounded familiar.

“Prosthetic master Colin Levik?” Wei asked in surprise.

Wei’s words also awakened Caitlin’s memory.

Colin. Livik is one of the most famous craftsmen in Piltover, and has won the “Top Ten Outstanding Craftsmen of the Year” for many times.

The name of the engineer”.

Colin is good at making precision prosthetics. He has given hope to many disabled people, and has also successfully used armed prosthetics in the military.

Colin was less than forty years old when he became famous. Such a young and talented craftsman naturally received the expectations and attention of the entire Piltover.

But Colin suddenly disappeared.

He left Piltover and disappeared.

Some people said that they saw him go to Zaan and opened a dilapidated workshop in Zaun. He was very haggard all day long and seemed to have owed a huge debt.

“Father disappeared because of me.” Orianna’s voice remained calm, “The cause was the large-scale leak of Zaun gas fourteen years ago.”

Section 476

“That incident again?” Caitlin and Wei couldn’t help but look at the fool. It was that incident that made this man have two personalities.

At this time, the fool was pressing his face against Orianna’s chest, looking very happy, but Caitlin and Wei both felt that although Orianna’s breasts were not small, they were made of metal.

Maybe comfortable?

“I was a member of Piltover’s volunteer team supporting Zaun at that time.” Orianna patted the fool’s head and said softly.

“It’s no wonder that you are completely out of tune with Zaun. It turns out that you are Mrs. Piltover…” Caitlin was still surprised. “So, you were actually a human? A human with flesh and blood?”

“Yes.” Orianna thought for a while, and seemed to think that she should nod at this time, so she nodded, “Father objected to my going to such a dangerous place, but I still went secretly regardless of dissuasion. At that time, Zaun… It’s more serious than I thought, even wearing a gas mask, I can still smell the pungent gas,

I remember that I entered Zaun crying and vomiting. ”

“A person with a kind heart…” The two policewomen thought at the same time that they must be noble and enlightened enough to save people in a city that has nothing to do with them regardless of their own safety.

“The rescue was very difficult. We distributed anti-gas supplies to the first batch of Zaun people… I met him on the lower floor…” Orianna looked down at the fool, “A little boy was dying in the poison gas. He looked very pitiful, just like the sick puppy I raised when I was a child… So I couldn’t hold back and gave him my own gas mask.”

Everyone was silent, only the fool gently touched Orianna’s face, his eyes were full of love, and Orianna’s eyes overflowing with hex energy responded in the same way.

“So, I passed out after inhaling an overdose of poisonous gas. After that, I don’t remember anything.” Orianna slowly recalled, “I just felt like I was having a long, long dream. in the fire,

There is no way to escape. ”

“The strong poisonous gas burned your whole body.” Wei sighed, “Everyone who has been injured by poisonous gas feels this way.”

“Not only the whole body, but also the lungs.” Orianna said, “The body of mine you see now, except for part of the brain, is no longer my original body, because they are all necrotic. My current body was built for me by my father and the little fool.”

“Fool?” Caitlin and Wei looked at the fool.

“Hey!” The fool smiled brightly.

“My father sold all the family property, bought materials to continue my life, and built my body. Many prohibited items were not available in Piltover, so he moved to Zaun.” Orianna said, “Father is a genius , he designed a plan, a brand-new artificial lung, a brand-new mechanical body, but a complete

The whole original hex crystal is used as the energy core. ”

“Native hex crystal…” Caitlin and Wei knew how precious that thing was.Most of the hex crystals that can be bought in the market are man-made. Although they are also expensive, they can be bought with money.

But native hex crystals can’t be bought even if you have money.

Those are crystals mined directly in Shurima. The quantity is very limited and extremely precious, and it is said that

Much stronger than man-made crystals, Kaitlyn and Wei have only seen it a few times, and their own weapons can’t do it

Use native crystals.

“Your father got it?” Wei asked.

“No, he didn’t.” Orianna looked at the man in her arms, “It’s a little fool.”

The mining of primary crystals is limited, and all of them have been mined so far. In the foreseeable future, we will not be able to obtain more primary crystals.

For the sake of the unity of the major families and the stability of Piltover, it is now decided that the primary crystals that have been allocated will be held by the major families, and the crystals can only be circulated within the major families, and no family is allowed to leak them.

Violators will be jointly sanctioned by other families.

——Prohibition of native crystals

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