: The Death of Logic

Orianna stopped suddenly.

Her sharp fingers would pierce Caitlin’s eyes in the next second, but suddenly, she couldn’t move.

Electricity flickered on Orianna’s body, her eyes widened, and she made the sound of “creaking, creaking” metal clasps all over her body.

“This… is…” Orianna’s voice faltered, and this beautiful doll backed away as if broken.

The attraction of the hex golem also faded due to the abnormality of its owner. Caitlin was finally relieved. She lay down on the ground, clutching something in her hand, which was the vibrating toy.

“That logic guy…” Caitlin struggled to get up from the ground, “Tell me that this toy has an electric shock function… Ha… Ha… I didn’t expect it to be so powerful, is he trying to stun me… ”

Kaitlyn looked at her body, the clothes on her body had been torn by Orianna until only fragments of cloth were left, almost no different from not wearing them.

Caitlin didn’t bother to cover up anything anymore, she could only walk towards the Hex Seiko rifle that fell on the ground in a happy state.

Caitlin suffered some internal injuries from the shock wave of the Hex golem, and the electric current released by the toy just now also affected her. She felt her internal organs were writhing and her muscles were fighting, and she finally walked to the Seiko rifle. Pick it up and aim the gun at the [resources’ group]: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0′. 5,,8″5.;6 Orianna: “Ollie…Miss Anna…

I am not…your enemy…”

Over there, Orianna also slowly escaped from the influence of the electric current. She stood up staggeringly, her slender metal body creaking as if it might break at any moment: “Yeah…Miss Caitlin…you didn’t What did you do wrong, you didn’t do anything wrong…but…”

Orianna grabbed her face vigorously, scraped her cheeks with sharp nails, and made a shrill voice: “Then can you tell me… how to resolve this jealousy in my heart?”

Caitlin stared blankly at Orianna’s face. She cut her beautiful cheek, that metal face that couldn’t express or shed tears.On the face, there are deep scratches like tear stains.

Kaitlyn never thought that she could feel such overwhelming sadness from a mechanical puppet.


Caitlin couldn’t help putting down the gun in her hand: “I… I don’t know… Orianna… In fact, you don’t need to be jealous. Logically, he must love you more than anyone else. He will definitely not fall in love with me, You see, last time he saw that you were abnormal, he immediately threw me out, even if he was making out with me, he said

And it’s all about you. Compared with you, I am nothing in his heart, I am just paying off the debt…

Strange… Strange…”

Caitlin touched her face in surprise.

She wept.

The light in Orianna’s eyes flickered: “Look…Miss Caitlin…you…are jealous of me too


Caitlin wiped her tears in disbelief: “No…it’s impossible, I don’t understand logic at all…”

Caitlin stopped abruptly.

She couldn’t say what to say next.

The turbulent waves of emotion in her chest seemed to break Caitlyn. She had never felt such anguish before. This was a feeling she had never experienced before.

She guessed what it was, but she didn’t dare to confirm it.

Orianna walked slowly towards Caitlin: “You love him…you love him…you love him…”

“No… I didn’t…” Caitlin desperately denied, “I just… I just like doing those things with him, I just want physical pleasure, absolutely nothing else!”

“You love him…you love him…you love him…” Orianna repeated mechanically, like a broken machine

The phonograph that has been used. “No! It’s not like this!” Kaitlyn wanted to explain, but her eyes were blurred by the continuous tears, and her chest was blocked by the gushing emotion. She wanted to use the strongest evidence to prove that it was not true Yes, but she couldn’t say a word.

Having solved countless cases, Caitlin, who is eloquent and eloquent, completely lost her sharpness and ability, and was replaced by a helplessness like a little girl.

“You love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love He you love him you love him you love him you love him…” Orianna

His words pierced Caitlin like machine gun bullets, and the body of the mechanical doll also moved quickly. The hexgolem let out an extremely unpleasant metallic whine, and charged towards Caitlin.

Caitlin quickly dodged and dodged the past. She wiped away the tears from her eyes. The Hex Seiko rifle was adjusted to the “capture” position. With the trigger pulled, a rope was ejected from the lower auxiliary port of the rifle. The net, with a faint electric light entwined on the rope net, rushed towards Orianna.

“You love him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Orianna’s sound-generating device seemed to be completely broken, and the heart-piercing roar was extremely distorted. It also responded to the owner’s mood, a powerful gravitational force burst out, and the terrifying cyclone directly smashed the rope net.

Caitlin, who was wearing high heels, couldn’t stand still, and was pulled by this powerful attraction. She hurriedly

Using a Seiko rifle stuck to a step on the ground, resisting the gravity with difficulty.

“Orianna!” Caitlin yelled, “Stop it! Logic wouldn’t want to see you like this!”

“You love him!!!!” Orianna seemed to be completely incapable of listening to any voices, and now she seemed to want to kill Caitlin completely.

“It can’t be done! Orianna is broken!” As a Piltover native, Kaitlyn knew that the broken machine had something to do with it.

How troublesome, Orianna’s entire mechanical body is now out of control because of her strong jealousy. She has lost all reason and has been reduced to a killing machine.

“We can only let logic fix her after the fact.” Caitlin made a decisive decision. She had already decided to destroy Orianna, otherwise she would be the one who died.

Caitlin disassembled the Seiko rifle. In the empty slot of the rifle, there was a secret weapon that Caitlin would only use at critical moments.

Hextech capture clip.

This was originally a trap used to capture prisoners, but Kaitlyn could only use it as a gamble.

She snapped the latch of the trap and threw it at the Hex golem.

In an instant, the trap fell apart.

But in the center of the trap, a sesame-sized Hex crystal has not been broken, and it is struggling in the powerful cyclone. Then broken.

The shattered Hex crystal burst out with huge energy in an instant, and a super explosion swept everything. . 0′. 5,,8″5.; Caitlin in 6th gear curled up, and at the moment of the explosion, that is, the moment the attraction of the puppet disappeared, a blow from the highest gear of the Hex Seiko rifle shot out, and the reaction Let Caitlin fly straight

went out.

Her body rolled in the air, she almost thought she was dead, the shock wave of the explosion damaged her internal organs, she rolled and landed on a distant roof.

But the severe pain of falling to the ground did not come as she imagined. She just felt as if she had stopped and was wrapped by something gentle and soft.wrapped up.

Caitlin’s eyes were full of blood and tears, and she seemed to see a figure in the blurred light.

A woman with long azure hair and pointed ears.

Then, Caitlin lost consciousness.

When Caitlin woke up, she had already arrived at the hospital.

She looked around in confusion, only a tall blue-gray figure standing beside her bed.

“You are very lucky to have survived that kind of explosion.” Camille said, “Maybe it’s because of God’s blessing.”

“People in Piltover don’t believe in gods…” Caitlin sat up from the bed. She felt weak all over, but there was no pain anywhere.

“You didn’t even suffer any skin trauma, but just fainted. How could it not be a miracle?” Camille sat gently on the side of the bed, picked up an apple and began to peel it.

“What am I capable of? Let a lady from the Philos family help me peel apples.”

“If you peel it for me, you can eat it. No matter what, I owe you one.”

Caitlin was a little surprised.

She recognizes Camille, or rather, everyone in Zaun in Picheng knows her. She is the chief secret agent of the contemporary Philos family, and she is also a daunting half-reformed person.

Everyone knows her, but no one wants to see her.

Caitlin has dealt with this Ms. Camille several times because of her work, and her impression is that she is a cold and ruthless person who does things quickly.

There can only be one reason why such a person would help her peel apples in the hospital.

“You did the task of protecting the logic?” Kaitlyn asked.

“Don’t ask about things you shouldn’t ask.” Camille said.

Caitlin understood. Camille basically acquiesced when she said this.

“Where’s Wei?”

“That Zaun girl got into a fight with Urgot and suffered some minor injuries. The problem is not serious, and she is resting at home for the time being.”

“What about logic?”

Camille handed the peeled apple to Caitlin.

“Thank you.” Caitlin took the apple.

“Logic is dead.” Camille said.

The apple fell to the ground.

“After defeating Urgot, he immediately rushed to where Orianna was.” Camille was expressionless, “When he arrived, there happened to be an explosion, and he rushed in to save her and died with her Sea of ​​fire.”

Caitlin said in a difficult tone, “Where’s the corpse?”

“Found it.” Camille said, “His corpse is correct. The body tissue samples have been checked by the Forensic Medicine Department of the Piltover Guard and myself. It is him.”

Caitlin couldn’t believe it at all.

That logic, that unfathomable logic, just… died?

But the words came from Camille’s mouth, and Caitlin had to believe it: “Ms. Camille…I hope…about this matter…I can know as much as possible…”

“The logic is dead, it’s as simple as that, your mission has failed.” Camille stood up, her knife leg making a crisp clicking sound on the ground, “When you recover from your injury, you can continue to work as a guard in Piltover, Both you and Vi will receive a bonus in an amount that will satisfy you.”

After speaking, Camille disappeared on the balcony.

Caitlin was not satisfied at all, not at all.

She immediately tore off all kinds of tubes on her body. Anyway, it was just a nutrient solution, she didn’t need it.

She needs the truth.

Caitlin was running on the street in her hospital gown, attracting countless looks, but she didn’t care. She rushed towards the Piltover guards, and her appearance really scared many of her colleagues.

Caitlin directly broke into the forensic department, grabbed a person and said, “Where is Logic’s corpse!”

Section 485

“Ah? What logic?”

“The corpse of logic! Check it out for me!”

Of course, the policeman from the Forensic Medicine Department recognized Caitlin, but he had never seen such a crazy Caitlin. He was so frightened that he hurriedly checked the file: “Yes, yes, there is one named Logic, the body is in the No. 6 morgue , the number is 2200-4396, but you need to have documents to check the corpse…”

Caitlin didn’t care about this, she immediately rushed to the morgue and opened the mortuary.

A scorched, mutilated corpse, it was impossible to identify who it was just by looking at it.

Caitlin clenched her teeth: “That’s right! The relic bag! There must be relics collected at the scene!”

Caitlin ran to the relic room again, and found the corresponding relic bag according to the body number.

Several burnt rings.

There is also a well-preserved vibration toy.

Caitlin looked at the relic bag, and suddenly laughed: “All his things are damaged… Only this thing happened to be still there…”

Caitlin laughed, and she kept laughing and laughing until the laughter turned into sobs.

“Ah… logic…” Kaitlyn murmured, “Maybe I’ll never know if I like you or not…”

She took out the vibrating toy, thinking back to the ridiculous games she played with him, she still couldn’t believe that the guy who played tricks on her died just like that.

“I haven’t paid off the debt I owe you…” Caitlin sighed.


The toy suddenly vibrated.

Caitlin was taken aback. She patted the toy: “Is it broken? I can’t close it… I’ve withstood the impact of that kind of explosion, and it’s normal if it breaks…Huh?”

Caitlin quickly realized something was wrong.

The toy vibrates very regularly.

“Password! How is this possible…” Caitlin’s eyes widened, and she immediately began to decipher, “Two long…three short…”

After the interpretation, Caitlin covered her mouth, sobbing uncontrollably.


There will be a period later.

– logic

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