Seven hundred and seventy first entry from death

Wei Li.

Every year in this season, Wei Li will be very lively.

The Spirit Blossom Festival will attract people from all over Ionia to come here to express condolences to their dead relatives, friends, and lovers, and to listen to the last words of the dead to them through the Blossom of Spirit Flowers.

Whether it’s good for the dead or the living, it’s a kind of comfort.

Wei Li is a magical land, and the Blooming Spirit Flower bred here is as persuasive as it is, and over time, the name of the god of death spread from Wei Li throughout Ionia.

They called the god of death [Qian Jue], which means “family” in Ionian.

She is a blue-haired girl with a mask. The living cannot see her face, and only after death can she get a glimpse of it.

The blue-haired girl is very quiet, she symbolizesThe peace of life and death, whether life or death, everything is quiet.

The blue-haired girl is accompanied by a moody white wolf. The white wolf can’t control itself. It will kill at will, which symbolizes the impermanence of death, even if it is an unreasonable and sudden death.

This also corresponds to the Ionian view of life and death. They will praise life and death at the same time, and have awe and understanding for life and death.

Therefore, although there is not a temple dedicated to Qianjue on the entire land of Ionia, this does not mean that the Ionians do not respect the god of death. The idea is that there is a festival of spirits due to too much respect. exist.

But this year’s Spirit Blooming Festival is different from the past.

Wei Li’s illusion can be easily entered by Lothar today, but when everyone entered, what awaited them was not the expected festive event.

Instead, there was a dead silence.

Pedestrians walked on the street dejectedly and in despair. All the shops and houses had their doors and windows closed, and there was no sign of any children playing on the street.


The impact of the war is unavoidable even if you hide from the world. The simple and simple Ionian civilians are no longer what they used to be, and they have become terrified.

Lothar and others disguised themselves, so Nami naturally had to cover her whole body, because she is a vastaya, and some vastayas do not have a good relationship with humans, and Nami is a mermaid that Ionia does not have. , Therefore, in order to prevent the Ionians from having unnecessary suspicion, Nami must not leak a little skin.

Neither Ashe nor Diana are Ionians. Because of the mixed race of the Noxus army, non-Ionians are usually misunderstood as Noxus spies and are hostile, so They also hid themselves in cloaks.

Only Lothar and Syndra have the appearance of Ionians, so they don’t need to pretend.

Syndra didn’t move in the air like usual, but walked down-to-earth on the ground. Maybe she returned to her hometown and wanted to experience this land for herself. She put her arms around Lothar’s arm, and the two were like a young couple. Wei Li walked.

Section 501

“It seems that the Blossom Festival will not be held.” Syndra said with some disappointment. She has longed for the Blossom Festival since she was a child, longing for the candy and masks on the festival festival, but she never thought that she would still not be able to participate when she grew up.

“Why?” Ashe watched an old man struggle with a cane, but in order not to expose his identity, he still resisted not going to help.

“Because the earth has been damaged.” Syndra looked at the ground under her feet, “Ionia has been damaged, the spirit of nature has been weakened, and the earth has not enough power to support the Blossoming Flower, so naturally the Blossoming Festival cannot hold.”

“How could this be…” Nami whispered, “Then Ionians can’t meet their dead relatives…”

“Yes.” Lothar also said, “Although there is no way to help the people here, the large number of deaths caused by the war will definitely attract the god of death to come here. We only need to find a blooming flower and make it survive. We will be able to open up the passage to the realm where the Ionian dead souls temporarily live, as long as we can enter there, we will not have to worry about not finding the god of death.”

“How to make the Blossoming Spirit Flower survive?” Ashe asked.

“Did you forget that your blood alliance is a necromancer?” Lothar laughed. “It’s common for me to master life and death.”

“Reaper…” Ashe was a little excited. Although she had already met God, but the status of Reaper was so special, she still couldn’t help but want to meet him.

Losa led all the girls to walk up the Weili River. The Blossoming Spirit Flower must bloom on the side of the purest river, so it can only be seen upstream.

Because the Blossoming Spirit Festival was not held, there was no one on the mountain at this time, and the clear spring water was immediately welcomed by all the women.

In the Freljord, mountain spring water is very precious, and it is only possible to have a little bit in summer, so Ashe took off her shoes, walked into the spring water and drank.

Nami naturally also likes clear water. The fresh water is completely different from the sea water where she lives, but it still makes her feel kind.

Even Diana, who had no material desires, took off her cloak and began to wash her face with mountain spring water. As a high mountain ethnicity, she has been with mountain spring water since she was a child.

Although Lothar really wanted to play in the spring water with the girls, he still had to get down to business first.

Lothar walked to the edge of the spring and gently picked off a pink flower.

“This is the Blossoming Spirit Flower? It’s so beautiful…” Nami carefully touched its petals.

“Isn’t this flower open?” Syndra asked, having never seen a blooming spirit flower.

“The blossoming of the spirit flower does not mean that it itself blooms.” Lothar looked at the flower, “but that the power it carried was liberated, and now that the land of Ionia is damaged, this power has dissipated , so I will use a sacrifice to reactivate it.”

“What are you going to do?” Ashe asked.

“Death.” Lothar said surprisingly, “I want to implant the Blooming Spirit Flower into my heart, connect with my soul, and then commit suicide, so that I can go to the Realm of the Dead in Ionia.”

“What!” Except for Diana, all the girls were stunned, “Suicide!”

“Why are you so surprised.” Lothar shrugged. “I’m a necromancer. Death is not my enemy, but my closest friend.”

Ashe looked worried: “Are you sure you want to do this? It sounds dangerous.”

“Trust me, as long as you stay by my side, it’s fine.” Lothar touched his beloved wife’s hand to reassure her. “And I’ve died many times, and it won’t matter if I die one more time.””I believe in Mr. Lothar!” Nami has no doubts about all of Lothar’s decisions, “Miss Ashe, you should also trust Mr. Lothar!”

Syndra curled her lips: “Dead…then can we die with you?”

“Unfortunately, I can’t.” Lothar directly dispelled Syndra’s thoughts, “Although that place is full of Ionian souls, it is reasonable, but it is not an absolutely safe place. You are there I can’t use your abilities, and I don’t have the extra energy to protect you when I go with you.”

Ashe still seemed a little worried. At this moment, a plain white hand rested on her shoulder.

It was Diana, who rarely took the initiative to talk to other people: “Lothar has a sense of propriety.”

For some reason, Diana’s words were very persuasive. Ashe relaxed her shoulders and said helplessly, “Okay…”

Lothar smiled slightly, and then started quizzing: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0′. 5,,8″5.;6 Prepared for the ceremony.

He first drank the nectar of the Blooming Spirit Flower, then took off all his clothes and lay down in the spring water.

“[Vicious Nails].” Ou Chen chanted the spell, and a short dagger made of black mist appeared in Lothar’s hand, and he stabbed him directly into his chest.

There was no blood gushing out, but there was still a gap in Lothar’s chest that exuded a faint green light, and he gently put the stem of the Blooming Spirit Flower into it.

Then, Lothar closed his eyes.

All his vital signs stopped, his breathing, pulse, and heartbeat stopped moving, and his skin quickly became bluish-white, as if he was dead.

Ashe couldn’t bear to watch this scene, and buried her head on Syndra’s shoulder.

“Don’t worry, he will come back.” Diana said.

Syndra glanced at Diana: “Why do you trust him so much?”

Diana thought for a while, and finally came up with an answer: “It should… be the same reason as you believe him.”

Lothar opened his eyes.

The world in front of his eyes was filled with a strange color.

White, pink, and bright, like the most romantic spring, everything, from the sky to the earth, from trees to flowers, and even the invisible and intangible things like air, made Lothar feel comfortable.

“Hmm… This is a bit different from the Realm of the Dead I imagined…” Lothar scratched his head.

Although this realm is a place for the dead to live temporarily due to the particularity of Ionia, it is still considered a temporary underworld in the final analysis, but this beautiful scenery really makes it have nothing to do with the underworld.

Lothar found himself standing in front of a torii gate. There are such torii gates in many places in Ionia. It symbolizes the division of boundaries. One side is the boundary of humans, and the other side is the boundary of gods.

“Hmm…” Lothar stepped in without hesitation.

Walking through the torii gate didn’t change much. Lothar saw a stream beside the road with gurgling water and many cherry-colored petals floating on it.

Then, Lothar heard the crisp sound of bells.

He followed the sound, and at some point, a little snow-white fox was sitting right in front of him.

“Fox?” Lothar walked forward, wanting to touch it.

The fox is also very well-behaved, allowing Lothar to touch its chin, head and belly. When Lothar touched its tail, he thought there was only one fluffy tail, but in reality it had nine.

“Nine tails?” Lothar stared into the little fox’s eyes, and he suddenly remembered someone.

The little fox let out a “beep”, broke free from Lothar’s grasp, then walked slowly along the road, and looked back at him.

“Do you mean let me follow…” Lothar stood up, “Okay, let’s see what secrets this place has.”


For the Ionians.

The other side of death is not necessarily a place of pain.

——Idioms of the Blooming Soul Festival

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