Today's Merlot is still not an opponent of Diss City, but Merlot has such a huge military power. Before Diss City wants to take advantage of Merlot Town, it must consider whether it is worthwhile.

"Interesting, let Willick prepare it, let's meet the envoy." Aslan wiped his hands with a handkerchief and said casually.

Baron Jimmy is a typical bully and fear of hardship. He is a good player in developing agriculture, but he is somewhat unsightly in the military. Although the territory has an army of 1,000 people, there are fewer than 300 soldiers that can be used for combat, and the rest are poorly equipped. Farmer, even the daily training has not been completed.

Karon arrogantly entered this city lord mansion, which was too crude in front of him. He originally wanted to laugh at the shabbyness of the city lord mansion, but then he was shocked by the gorgeous and exquisite furniture in the city lord mansion.

These pieces of furniture are concise in shape, sculpted lines, well-made, and polished and polished. Any piece of furniture is more exquisite and beautiful than the main seat of the lord. Although there are no valuables such as half gems, it does not reduce the value of these furniture Luxurious.

This is an essential luxury, not a luxury decorated with precious gems.

"I heard that the lord of Merlot came from Kyoto. It seems to be true. Except for the nobles who came from Kyoto, there is such precious furniture."

Caron felt awe-inspiring, and it seemed that the task this time was not small.

But soon, he saw hundreds of soldiers often come from the city lord's mansion in a fierce manner, making him feel thumped and thumped.

Especially the leader Lai Anning, he has seen the barbarian warrior known as the strongest in the Merlot area.

"Could it be that this lord has completely subdued the entire Laianning tribe." At the thought of this question, Karon couldn't help turning pale.

If this is the case, then the task assigned to him by Baron Jimmy would undoubtedly be similar to sending him to death.

After the town guards surrounded the city lord's mansion layer by layer, Aslan took the knight guard with his whole body armed to the teeth and arrived late.

Compared with the number of people in the Town Guard, the Cavaliers Guard can only be described as the elite of the elite, all of which are the existing Aslan-accessible intermediate-standard equipment, shining brightly in the sun.

Aslan walked into the hall slowly, and slowly sat down on the main seat. The maid offered two cups of black tea. Aslan just said "please!" and took a break with tea.

After spending a long time in the training ground, I almost made my voice hoarse. Take a good rest. After the recruits are trained, I only need to show my existence. The training will be left to the Cavaliers Guard.

The hall fell into a weird silence, Aslan drank tea leisurely, Karon looked at the heavily armed knights around him restlessly, and finally gritted his teeth and said: "Lord Sara! I represent Baron Jimmy. Come visit you."

"What then?" Aslan asked without looking up.

Caron was choked immediately and wanted to say that routines shouldn't be like this. Shouldn't you ask me why I came here to visit?

"Our lord wants to purchase a batch of grain from your territory." Karon said very aggrieved.

"Oh! That's it!" Aslan drank the black tea in his cup and said with a smile on his face.

"I'm really sorry, I can't help your lord, see off!"

Kalong didn't even react, so the knights of the knight guard held his hands and lifted directly out of the city lord mansion.

It wasn't until he was thrown out the door that Caron realized that Lord Sara was crazy, right?

"Know what you are doing! Do you want to go to war?" Caron exclaimed angrily.

The long sword from Lancelot's waist jerked out and placed it on Caron's neck.

"Go to war! My Merlot army will be with you at any time! Go back and tell you your lord, 20,000 people seem to be a lot, and you can kill them all in ten days at most."

Karon's body began to tremble, what he just heard! The other party is going to slaughter the city.

Are all lords from Kyoto all crazy?

"Okay! You guys wait for me." Kalong didn't forget his identity, and fled in embarrassment with a harsh word.

As he fled, his men were released, their armor and weapons were stripped, and he was even more robber than a robber.

On the way, Caron asked a lot of people in the Merlot area and got a very terrifying piece of information.

This Lord Sarah was a complete tyrant, and within half a year of coming to the Merlot area, he slaughtered several villages, hundreds or even thousands of lives.

And I'm so happy. He is very military and has only a few thousand people under his command, but the army is almost over one thousand.

After Caron received the news, his body trembled more severely. He didn't expect their neighbor to be so terrible.

"It must be reported to the lord as soon as possible, so that the territory can prepare early."

The news that Karon received was indeed from the villagers in the Meruo area, but it was a bit exaggerated. The village slaughter never happened. It was just that some villages turned to Meruo town.

The villagers were thought to have slaughtered the village until they went to the building. As for the killing of thousands of people, it was impossible. During this time, Aslan suppressed many small bandits and village tyrants and killed hundreds of people.

It was only after being misrepresented that they became a thousand people. As for thousands of troops, this is true, except that 500 of them are the construction corps. Although they are also in the army, they are not weapons, but tools. It's just working with a salary, but it belongs to the city lord's mansion, so it is called the Construction Corps.

Their main task is to build roads and reclaim wasteland.

Aslan never imagined that after Caron’s mission this time, Diss City’s attitude towards the small town of Merlot was completely changed. He even spread the name of the Merlot tyrant throughout the Merlot area, and even several surrounding areas. area.

Three days later, Aslan set off for Billy City in advance, not because he didn't want to go, but because he didn't want to go.

The money vault in the small town of Merlot is about to run a mouse.

During this period of time, there were only expenditures and no income. There was still more than a month before the next taxation. It was too far to quench the thirst, so Aslan planned to set off for Billy City and bought a batch of iron ore and salt by the way.

This time, Aslan traveled lightly without even carrying any goods. Fifteen people and fifteen horses were on the way.

Before coming to Merlot, Aslan’s last place to settle was Billy City. At that time, he walked from Billy City to Merlot for ten days, but this time it only took him. In less than three days, even Aslan's body was a little overwhelming, let alone Will Xin, an old man who was over half a hundred years old.

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