The Lost Fruits

Chapter 11 - No, You Are Not Serious!!

On his way back from Rahba, Ace didn't use his power to move but rather he took it easy and relaxed as he instructed his camels to return home. Being a member of the D family and one of the selected few to bear the conqueror Haki enables him to speak and understand everything around him when he wants to.

Ace looked at where the border and the battle was supposed to take place between Agrabah's forces and Jahilons and he noticed some smoke rising up, he assumes it because of the cannons he saw in camp.

'I could just go and end the war with a fire fist...but it is not my war.' he thought. He has been thinking about this for a long time now.

He has been thinking about if he really wants to return to his world, a world where only fighting awaits him. He has spent his life and childhood training and fighting to be someone he really doesn't want to. He lost to teach and that was it, teach outsmarted him and defeated him. So why should he care for a rematch? Is it because he wants to protect his two brothers...?

'Sabo and Luffy are very strong, together with the revolutionary army and Luffy's fleet, they can take care of Teach...I left him with a hole in his c.h.e.s.t and took one of his arms, and I believe I saw his last arm being burned and skinned by my lightning...' Ace thought, all those factors were spinning like a tornado in his head '...I killed his entire fleet and only a few of his generals are still alive.'

Ace smiled and sighed "I deserve to enjoy my life after that battle with the Blackbeard pirates." He said. In the Horizon he could see Agrabah's palace, it is just a matter of half a day until he reaches Agrabah.

In the Palace...

The Sultan was in his office with Jafar who was all smiled, something which didn't escape the Sultan's eyes "You seem happy since you have returned from your investigation at the Morjan company." The Sultan said.

"Hm? Yes. how can I not be happy." Jafar said, "Our troops are gaining some momentum in their battle and our economy is flourishing like never before, this is something to be celebrated." Those were his words, but deep down he was laughing and dancing from excitement as he has already found the diamond in the rough.

The Sultan smirked and put his feather pen down "Then you will be happier to go and help General Hamza on the battlefield."

Holy Music stopped playing in Jafar's mind as he looked at the Sultan's face slowly "W-What did you say...your grace?" his voice was weak and shaky.

"You heard me." The Sultan confirmed "I am sending you to the border to assist General Hamza, General Asad has died alongside Captain Amir and Commander Soufian. You will go there tomorrow, he needs someone to assists him in strategizing their battles and I can't think of another person other than you." The Sultan walked to Jafar and stood in front of him "Your answer...Jafar?"

Jafar's hands trembled as he clenched them in a hard fist, his eyes looked at the Sultan and he was about to loos it "I...I will not go!" he said.

"I beg your pardon?!" The Sultan said after Jafar's refused his order.

"I said I will not go!" Jafar towered the Sultan with his hight and looked at him in the eyes "I will not go to that damned place to die! you will not send me away! Do you hear me?!" Jafar used his staff on the Sultan and hypnotized him. The Sultan became lost and his eyes died down and his voice weakened "Yes...I have heard you." He said slowly.

"Then what will you do?" Jafar asked the Sultan with his staff still facing him.

"I will not send you, I need you by my side." The Sultan said. Jafar smiled and sneered at the foolish Sultan. Silence descended on the office but it didn't last for long as the door burst open revealing a beautiful woman in a blue dress.

"Father!" she called. Jasmine entered her father's office with her personal maid; Dalia, snapping him from his trance. She noticed Jafar with her father and smiled "Oh! Jafar, you are still here? I thought you would be in the border by now." Jasmine said with a faint smirk that didn't escape Jafar's notice.

'So it was you...' He mused. "Unfortunately, princess Jasmine, I am still needed in court, so I will still be around." He said.

Jasmine's smile dropped a little and she looked at her father "What is the meaning of this, Father?" she asked. The Sultan looked at her and Jafar's hypnotization was still in effect, The Sultan returned to his seat and took his feather pen again and started writing.

"I still need Jafar by my side to rule the Kingdome, he will not go to the battlefield." The Sultan said. Jasmine was shocked. She believed she had Jafar cornered, she used the death of the generals in the border as an excuse to send him away so she can have more power in court and gain more support to the throne and free herself from the cursed never-ending marriage proposals.

"I...I see. well, It is good that Jafar is around to help you, father. I will be in my chambers if you need me." Jasmine turned to leave as her face twisted in anger, Dalia bowed and followed behind her princess. Jafar scuffed at them and decided to hurry his plans.

"If you excuse me, your grace." He bowed and left the office, he called his personal guards and ordered them to get the diamond in the rough tonight.

In her chamber, Jasmine was fuming with anger "I had him cornered, I had him!!" she said as she gritted her teeth and bitten on her nails "How did he convince father?" She wondered.

Dalia looked as her princess was raging at her failed plans "Calm down, your anger won't solve your problems."

Jasmine sighed "I know..." She walked to her balcony and then took a deep breath, she looked at the northern section of Agrabah and then she remembered "...Has there been any news about ser Ace?" she asked. Her voice turned sweet and more feminine.

Dalia grinned and walked behind Jasmine "Aah! the lover boy is out of the city and our little princess can't wait to see him again!"

"What? no! I am not waiting for him, it is is just that it was my idea to send him to the border and I don't want him to be harmed because of me." Jasmine stiffened and started fidgeting.

Dalia chuckled at how cute her princess was behaving "I know, I know, we all say the same at the beginning. Maybe I should have shown you your face when you come back every night and tell me about your day with him." Dalia raised her hand and took Jasmine by her arms and shook her a little " I am just glad that you found someone that you like...but...You are not meant to be together."

Jasmine frowned and got a little angry "What?"

"You're a princess, he is a commoner, you can't continue like this, you will break your heart." Dalia was worried about her princess the moment she noticed her feelings for him even though Jasmine was oblivious to it.

"No, he is not a commoner..." Jasmine said and released herself from Dalia's grip "Soon he will be given the title of a Shaikh." She walked to her bed and played with Raja who was sleeping all this time.

"Even so, that do--" Before Dalia could finish her words, she realized something and looked at Jasmine with disbelieve "No! you can't be serious! Are you really going in that direction with him!"

Jasmine smirked and chuckled "I told, I will choose my spouse."

Later that night....

Aladdin was done from his work and left the company after closing the iron doors with Abu "Let's go, Abu! we are going to enjoy some lemon juice tonight!" Abu jumped on his shoulder and danced in joy. The two have found themselves in love with lemon juice after being paid and able to buy anything they want.

As Aladdin took a turn, his face met a flashing fist right between his eyes, he grunted and fell to the floor "Ugh!! what the hell?!" when he looked up, he saw a man lift a wooden log and bring it down on him. Abu shouted and tried to escape and bring help but he was cough and then put into a cage.

"Let us go." One of the men that attacked Aladdin said.

"Lord Jafar is waiting outside the city." the other added. Three carried Aladdin together and headed outside the city.


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