The Lost Fruits

Chapter 51 - Fire...?

Back to China, things are still the same as they were, nothing changed, as if this war they are in is following a pattern, Shan Yu appears, most of their army gets burned. When he is not around, the Chines wipe out the Huns. A continuous circle that wouldn't be possible if not for China's army size that has exceeded one million soldiers nearing two. The life of the soldiers suck, but they all embraced it, for their motherland, for their families, home, and life, they all accepted their fate and prepared to defend everything with everything they have. Even if their enemy is a man burning monster, they have no other choice.

All men ready for war. But...what about that one single female that is pretending to be a man? Mulan...The little girl, yet brave and courage daughter has endured hell during the past several months. Like a soldier, she didn't disappoint and did her duty without fail.

However, that duty came with a cost. Currently, the situation was calm and no fights have begun in the last two days. Away from the camp, Mulan was sitting under a tree taking cover under's shades to cool down.

"Hey! hey! heey! how is my little soldier doing, ey?" Mushi; the small red dragon jumped off the tree and landed on Mulan's steel-like Stomach.

"Mushu..." Mulan leaned on the tree and spoke "...Nobody saw you?" she asked.

"No soul saw me, I was like a Ninja!" Mushu said with a prideful expression "Nobody can outmatch the great Mushu! but anyway, here take this and put it on your wound, we need to get you fixed before any trouble breaks out." Mushu gave her a jar of cream-like medicine and a few bandages.

Mulan took off her leather armor and applied the cream on her sword wound "It is mostly closed...but still hurts." She said with a frown.

"Of course it will hurt. You did not rest and kept fighting, it is a miracle that your wound is not infected." Mushu leaned on the tree and played with a small rock. In all honesty, if it was not for Mushu stealing medicine regularly for her to treat her wound, Mulan may be dead at this moment. It wasn't a major fatal wound that can threaten her life, but since she couldn't reveal her body to anyone, she had to keep quiet and endure her choice's consequences.

"Mulan, are you still not going to leave the battlefield?" Mushu sighed as he asked. "You know...Soldiers are getting burned alive, and there are too many of them, they don't bother to check who is dead anymore, they are only wary of spice. We can get out of here by faking your death."

Mulan sighed and looked at him "Are you scared?" She asked. Since the day she became a soldier, Mulan's behavior and speaking pattern have changed, she became less...Talkative. Only speaking the minimum, sleeping her conversation short. She also became braver, fiercer, and deadly.

Hearing her, Mushu stood up on his two behind feet "Who is scared?!!" He shouted "Don't you know that I am a fire dragon? If I ever meet this Shan Yu I will show him who is a better fire breathing monster!" Mushi rolled his none-existing sleeves as he started to do some shadow boxing.

Mulan chuckled at how cute her little guardian can be, it has been months since the first time they met. While at first he was just trying to get her back with every trick he has up his sleeve, he quickly abandoned the idea after seeing Mulan's hard-battle face. Though he still tries to persuade her, it proves an effective each time he does as such.

While in their little conversation, an explosion came from the camp. Mulan stood up sharply with a frown "What is going on?" she spoke. She saw fire from the army's camp down bellow. "Shan Yu?" she mumbled. Mulan quickly got her sword from the ground and ran down to regroup with her squad.

"Ah! Little girl! wait for me!" Mushu ran behind Mulan "I swear if I die I will come back to hunt!!" He said as he jumped on Mulan's shoulder. "You hear me? and if YOU die, I promised you that I will go to your grave each full moon and piss on it!"

Mulan quickly entered her camp and saw countless soldiers circling around some people. Mulan quickly made her way swiftly between the other soldiers. Soon she reached the second line where she can see what is going.

In front of them, Shang Li; this division's general is standing in front of three people with white coats "Was that supposed to scare us?" Shang Li raised his sword's tip and pointed at the trio in front of him "You're Magus, right? are you Shan Yu's subordinates?" he asked.

One of the three hooded people smirked "Shan Yu? who the hell is that? But you should let us go in our way before we kill you all for blocking with our path." One of the men in the back revealed his face with its blue hair and golden eyes.

Shang Li stood his ground and spoke "State your reason, this is a war zone and you don't seem like a citizen of this kingdom. I suspect you for trespassing if not invading."

"Tsk..." Xero sighed and raised his hand "We warned you..." Flames started forming on his hands "Then die all of you here." Following his words, every archer draws their bows at them, hundreds of them aiming for their bodies.

The leader of the trio raised his hand "Xero, stop it! we don't want unnecessary trouble." He said.

"Ebo, they are blocking our path," Xero spoke with a displeased tone.

Ebo didn't pay him any attention and sighed "Forgive us if we came off as threatening but we mean no harm to your people here, we have a mission from the Nomrood Academy that we must accomplish."

When Shang Li heard the name Nomrood, his eyes widened "Nomrood?" he mumbled "That Magic school?" Shang Li realized that he is standing in the presence of potentially powerful Magus at the moment, but he still wasn't affected by their statue "Mission? care to elaborate further?" he asked.

Ebo clicked his tongue, if it wasn't for the fact that they are in someone else's territory, he wouldn't be wasting time like this with some magicless man "We are looking into a disturbance in the element of fire, as keepers of the magic balance in the world, this is our sacred duty." Ebo said.

Shang Li thoughts about their words for a second "Fire...?"


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