Chapter 245 Only You

Li Xu suddenly sighed: "Zixuan and Yuan Yuan really don't look like they were born to me."

Hearing this, Ji Ziang was happy: "Is it only me?"

I didn't say him, it must be only him!

Li Xu turned her head and looked at Ji Ziang with sympathy: "Yes, only you look like it!"

Hearing this, Ji Zi'ang was even happier, hugging Li Xu's arm and acting like a spoiled child: "Mom, what do I look like!"

"Your brother and your sister are smart, good-looking, and good-looking. They are popular everywhere. I was not like this when I was a child."

Ji Ziang listened to Li Xu's words and blinked.

what happened? Why doesn't it sound good?

Seeing that Ji Ziang didn't react, Li Xu let out a long sigh.

She hugged Ji Ziang and comforted: "It's still only you, the most like mother."

Ji Ziang laughed again, lying in Li Xu's arms, quite proud.

Li Xu and Zhang Kun looked at each other, both of them couldn't help laughing.

Ji Zixuan quickly finished writing the big characters, Li Xu handed it to Zhang Kun, and Zhang Kun put it on the table at the door.

"Tomorrow you're in the old store, and I'll go to the new store to help Chunli. She's definitely not busy herself, not to mention it's her first day at work."

Zhang Kun nodded: "Okay, don't worry."

At five o'clock the next day, Li Xu got up.

After simply packing up, I went to the new store.

Hu Chunli had already come, and the door had already opened.

"Where's Jingyi?" Li Xu asked.

Hu Chunli pointed to the hut: "Sleep in it!"

Li Xu gently opened the door and glanced at it. Hu Chunli had already laid the quilt on the small bed, and Yang Jingyi was nestled in it at this time, with only a small head exposed, and she slept soundly.

Li Xu came out lightly and closed the door.

"It's hard work. Today is the first day. It won't be so early tomorrow. Just come here at seven!" Li Xu said.

Hu Chunli smiled and shook her head: "It's not hard work, where can I find a job where I can bring my children to work, I'm quite content."

Li Xu went outside and hung the cardboard shell hanging on the handlebar to the outside wall with tape.

It's only after six o'clock, and the sky is still a little dark.

But the sky has already lit up with fish maw white, and the words on the cardboard can be clearly read.

Li Xu just hung up for a while when two middle-aged women came in.

Hu Chunli hurriedly greeted: "Welcome, what do you want, you can put it on yourself."

The two middle-aged women walked around the store together, muttering.

"It's cheap and fresh. Go back and tell Lao Li and the others, come and buy it!"

"It's not bad. I also told Lao Xu and the others that it's so close, so I can go to the vegetable market in the future, so I can do more work at home in the morning."

The store is so big, Li Xu and Hu Chunli naturally heard what the two of them said.

So when they chose to pay the bill, Hu Chunli took a few tomatoes from the side and put them in their bags.

"Give you a few tomatoes to taste, and thank you for helping us promote it."

Although the two tomatoes were not worth much, the two middle-aged women were quite happy.

After all, it is a white thing, not to mention that Hu Chunli is smiling and has a good temper.

Immediately said: "Okay, we will definitely publicize it for you when we go back."

After the two left, Hu Chunli looked at Li Xu somewhat uncomfortable.

Li Xu said before that since she was invited to see the store, other people would not interfere too much.

Therefore, Hu Chunli has full authority to handle the items in the store.

However, after all, it wasn't her own thing. Hu Chunli was still a little nervous when she sent some tomatoes just now.

Seeing Hu Chunli's expression, Li Xu praised: "You did a good job just now, but sometimes you have to be more generous."

Sending a few tomatoes can help attract more business, and this transaction is quite cost-effective.

Hearing Li Xu's words, Hu Chunli breathed a sigh of relief.

After another half an hour, the number of people in the store gradually increased.

Seven to eight in the morning is the busiest time of the day.

It was mainly Hu Chunli, with Li Xu helping out.

In the future, Hu Chunli will be watching this store, and of course, Hu Chunli will still show her face more.

Make good dealings with these people, they are also willing to come.

The first day opened, the price was cheap, plus it was Saturday again.

From seven o'clock until nine o'clock, the people in the store never stopped.

Even with two people, it's still a little busy.

There were people coming and going in the store, but Yang Jingyi was not affected at all, and slept very sweetly.

It wasn't until after nine o'clock that Yang Jingyi opened the door in a daze and shouted, "Mom..."

Hu Chunli was busy and instructed without looking back: "Take your toothbrush and towel, there is a thermos in the toilet with warm water in it, wash your face and brush your teeth."

Yang Jingyi sighed and returned to the hut. She quickly took out the toothbrush, toothpaste and towel, and went around to the bathroom in the north.

Li Xu looked at it and was a little surprised. Now Yang Jingyi has become more independent than before.

Seemingly seeing Li Xu's surprise, Hu Chunli whispered while no one was there: "I also figured it out, I can't follow her all the time. I couldn't follow her all the time. Now I'm working, and I can't anymore. , so she still needs to exercise her independent ability."

Li Xu nodded and agreed: "Appropriate independence is still good for children."

Yang Jingyi is still very good, and she followed Hu Chunli from morning to seven o'clock in the evening without much trouble.

Tired of staying in the house, I went to the door to play for a while.

When you get tired, come in and lie down for a while.

After going through these things, Yang Jingyi has changed a lot.

In the past, she was most annoyed by Hu Chunli following her, wishing to run wild outside every day.

Now I've been in the store with Hu Chunli for a whole day, and I can't stand it anymore.

After closing the door at night, the two of them counted money in the store.

Because it is half price, although it sells a lot, but the money is not much, only 134 Li Xu picked up her wallet with a newspaper and said: "You can handle this money yourself, it is daily You can take it home or hide it in the store. Just give me the whole money every few days, and we’ll settle the account at the end of the month.”

Every time Li Lei and Li Yong came to deliver the goods, they would record the quantity.

With the quantity, after deducting the loss, the price is fixed again, and the monthly turnover of the store will almost come out.

It fluctuates a dozen or twenty yuan up and down, which is normal.

So there is no need to keep accounts, Li Xu also knows it. At the end of the month, calculate the money and give Hu Chunli the commission.

She calculated the commission, and the daily net profit of the store was between seventy and eighty.

A month is between 2,000 and 2,500, and it is counted as 15 points.

Hu Chunli can get a minimum of 300 yuan a month. If she works hard, she will not be very tired at 4,500 yuan a month. If she works harder, it is not impossible to get 6,700 yuan a month.

(End of this chapter)

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