Just looking at the appearance, this worm is probably much older than Viking.

Viking is already a rare "old worm" among the higher zerg.

Usually the Zergs in Viking's grade seldom come out to work again. Their lives are only a few short years left. Perhaps a small accident will bring their long life to an end, and more. Insects will choose a favorite place for themselves to finish the last days.

This worm in front of me may be the same.

An elderly male lay horizontally on the luxurious and spacious bed. The curtains of the bed were overlapped and hung from the ceiling. These things blocked Gu Yuwen, who could not see clearly. He could only vaguely fluctuate from the bed. Judging the state of this worm in the breath of strength.

The mental power of a normal worm is as robust and powerful as the heartbeat of a human, but this male worm is weak and imperfect. When Gu Yuwen first saw Gu Can, Gu Can’s state was already miserable enough. I didn’t expect this worm to be in a state. It's too late.

Gu Yuwen finally understood why the insect emperor seemed to be invisible and didn't care about Zerzu things, why the power struggle between departments was even aware of the male insect who had just returned to the emperor star, but the insect emperor Still as indifferent as if nothing happened.

Because he is going to die soon.

In other words... he should have died a long time ago, and being able to survive until now is nothing more than hanging himself with all kinds of things.

The life of the Zerg is so long that once it enters the aging stage, many insects cannot accept it, and the male insect in front of it is the same. The bed curtain moved slightly, and the attendant standing upright on the side turned respectfully to him: "Your Majesty, please go over."

Gu Yuwen stepped up the stairs step by step.

Gu Yuwen felt strange when he first entered the house. The area of ​​this room is so large that the frame is extremely high. Gu Yuwen's visual observation may be more than ten meters, so large that the female can spread its wings and fly a few times in the house. Chongdi’s bed is placed in the middle of the house. His bed is located in the platform space above a large cone-shaped tower. It is a bit like a pyramid that has been cut off and one point is seen against the decoration of the house. Going up is almost like an altar...

Even the bed was made as if he was about to become the throne... Gu Yuwen took a deep breath.

Male worms above S level don’t need to perform the messy etiquette to the worm emperor. Gu Yuwen, a modern man, is going to kneel down on other worms. He might hesitate for a while. The male worms are not walking fast. Treat him. When he arrived at Chongdi's bed, the waiter who had been waiting for a long time took the initiative to open the curtain for him and invite him in.

Only then did Gu Yuwen realize that there was something different inside.

He just couldn't see clearly because of the angle at the bottom of the steps. Only when he reached the top did he realize that the space in the "veil" was really big. The elderly males were pierced with tubes of different models and colors, dying and leaning on them. The unidentified liquid continuously inputted in the tube dangles his life. On the headboard of the exquisitely carved precious wooden bed, there is a small circular plant-specific cultivation pot about the size of a take-out box, and the inside is layered. Very thick black soil.

Is it a decoration? Put precious plant ornaments in such a place? Gu Yuwen glanced inadvertently, Xuan Ji quickly retracted his gaze.

Gu Yuwen could feel what seeds should be buried in it, but this seed didn't react at all, and didn't know whether it was alive or dead, but the male was keenly aware of the energy fluctuations in the tube that belonged to the plant.

The fluctuation was much weaker than that of the Lingzhi he planted himself, and it also had some unexplainable smell of sweetness.

He vaguely understood why Chongdi had so many plantations, and why those natural plants could always exist in the black market. Just as some things in plants are of great benefit to Gu Can's replenishment of the source of insects, there are also many records of plants in the history of Zerg rescue.

——He has reached the **** age a long time ago, and he just barely breathes a sigh of relief with the material extracted from the plant.

So, where did he get these plants?

With the aid of supernatural powers, Gu Yuwen even knew more about many plants than Viking. This was a mysterious and intuitional thing that only he could comprehend. He has counted the number of plants that Gu Can needs to repair the worm nucleus many times. If it is a high-level spiritual plant that happens to have a healing function, it would be okay. I am afraid that thousands of low-level plants may not be enough for him to consume a day.

In summary, it is a waste of time, energy, and money. Just like Gu Yuwen's idea of ​​using other female nucleus extracts to fill Gu Can's source of insects, the simpler thing is to stay busy. Not enough toss.

As for the black market merchant insects... Maybe even the insect emperor bought seeds from the black market merchant insects. How could the Zerg suppress these merchant insects who reselled the seeds?

But Gu Yuwen couldn’t understand that basically all the plant cultivation materials for the higher zergs are from Viking. This field is almost the Viking’s word. Basically, every worm who studies natural plant-related majors can interact with the Vikings. Only insects are inextricably linked.

Does Viking know about this?

Plants are recognized as a money-burning thing in the entire universe. Although mechas also burn money, as long as there are no major problems with the old mechas, the price on the second-hand market is still high. Plants will die if they are not careful. There is no loss for the compensation...Except for Gu Yuwen, who spends credit points as game currency, basically no male is willing to spend so much money to buy plants. The insect emperor can have this financial ability. But from the degree of his physical weakness and the time he disappeared in front of the people, it can be roughly estimated how long he has been in bed. This is a bottomless pit that even Gu Yuwen can't imagine, even if he is a bug emperor... .. Can you really afford this sky-high price?

The male looked down and said nothing.

The male worm lying on the hospital bed raised his hand to him with difficulty, beckoning Gu Yuwen to come closer.

Whether it’s to Chongdi or Gu Yuwen, this is the first time the two worms have met in the true sense. They have seen each other’s photos and images on StarNet, but no matter which worm it is for ...This time the invitation was particularly abrupt.

——He was so weak that he could be pressed to death by raising his hand.

Gu Yuwen stood up straight, letting the elderly male look at it generously.

The higher zerg race is the same as many races in nature. Males tend to have higher looks. Most males tend to be more visually inclined, while females look tough and capable. At present, Gu Yuwen is undoubtedly the number one Zerg in terms of face. Before him, the title "best-looking male" has been hovering between the royal males and several other high-level males. Each male Worm has a fan with a large number of votes. The number of votes that had been anxious for many years was finally decided after Gu Yuwen arrived...

When the old male was young, his appearance was not bad, but he is now skinny and skinny, with hollow eye sockets that look like skulls deeply sunken in, and dry, shriveled tan skin on his face... Nothing can see the slightest trace of that year.

Although thin and withered, his eyes are very bright, which is extremely contrary to his dying appearance.

He raised his hand with difficulty, and gestured to Gu Yuwen to let the male worm sit on the side of the bed without restraint.

Obviously it was the first time we met, but he kindly gave Gu Yuwen the illusion of visiting the pests at home.

On the other side of the Chongdi’s bed stood a dozen female insects. Several of them were staring nervously at the monitoring screen beside them. Thousands of special pipes connected Chongdi’s body to the instrument, conveying unknowns. While monitoring his health, the remaining female worms stood aside respectfully and prepared to listen to his instructions.

His lips were squirming slightly, his voice was low, and his speech was intermittent. If it weren't for Gu Yuwen's excellent hearing, I might not be able to tell what he was saying.

——It is some very beautiful scenes. First, I expressed regret for not being able to welcome him back to Emperor Star in the first time, and then welcomed his return on behalf of the entire royal family. If you have any difficulties, don’t worry, you can directly ask If the imperial worms ask for help, they must treat the Emperor Star as their own home.

Anyone who faces such a worm that will suddenly die of breath without knowing when will whisper unconsciously, every time the worm emperor says a few words, he will stop for a moment and breathe out loudly for a while, breaking the gong throat. Whistling as if pulling an oversized bellows, the medical insects next to them all hurriedly came up, and the control instrument that adjusted the flow rate of the nutrient solution was running busy and ecstatic.

It took a long time for the Emperor Chongdi to recover.

He seemed to want to say something when he saw that, Gu Yuwen couldn't stand it anymore.

The male greeted his life at school, and after a few more greetings...The conversation turned around and it led him to the topic of buying the Obsidian Galaxy.

To Gu Yuwen’s expectation, the insect emperor didn’t ask anything. He only said that he had already issued an order so that the various departments would give him convenience as soon as possible. The male insect himself would enjoy the benefits from the government department no matter what he did. Privileged access, what he meant was that the royal family would not hinder his behavior.

Gu Yuwen thanked him while thinking about the meaning of his words.

The old male worm only said a few words before panting for a long time. Just as Gu Yuwen was about to find a chance to slip away and let him rest, he suddenly mentioned the history of Gu Yuwen.

"We don't...do not doubt your origin and identity. The male worm's identity is already clear, but you...don't you want to know who your ancestor is?"

Thanks, I know. Gu Yuwen was expressionless.

The old male worm tilted his head and said, "Chongxing’s and Chongxing’s databases don’t have your information," he panted wildly. If it weren’t for the medical worm standing next to him, Gu Yuwen couldn’t help but want to fight. A distress letter. "But, but... there is a hidden database inside the royal house."

"It is two completely independent systems from the male worm database of the empire...you may be able to compare your information in this database."

The insect emperor's personal waiter whispered to him: "Your Majesty means that perhaps you can find your origin in this archive database that only the previous insect emperors know about!"

"I know your majesty, you have amnesia, male worms are creatures of love, don't you have any curiosity about your origin?"

Gu Yuwen kept his eyes silent.

He turned his head, and a waiter bug had already pushed the blood test equipment forward.

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