I stepped back a little reflexively, then put out fighting style, changed my left hand, and resisted the attack with my palm properly.

A pleasant fragrance came to my face.

There is no doubt that it is a woman who covers her face. Her face is wrapped in a translucent silk scarf, which makes it easy to appreciate her beautiful outline.

But why did this strange woman attack me?

As I hesitated, the woman suddenly flashed around to the right side of my body and hit me in the abdomen.

I leaned slightly and avoided, but I couldn't fight back. After all, the other side was a woman, and it must not be ordinary people to appear in the president's daughter's room. However, I was really surprised that I had just arrived in country y and had no hatred with anyone. The president's daughter called me here and sent masked women to attack me. What was the intention?

Masked women see me just to avoid but not fight back, can not help but intensify the attack. After a few more fists were used to avoid me, she stepped back half a step. Suddenly, she was on one side of the body, and a standard but not too strong swing leg flew towards me.

This time, I didn't give in, but I bowed my body, sank my shoulders a little, and covered the offending leg with my right arm.

But this moment, I was shocked.

This slender and delicate leg reveals the unique beauty of a beautiful woman. In that beautiful crystal women's sandal, there is a beautiful and delicate little foot wrapped around it. The long skirt on her body slipped to the root of her thigh due to the tilt of her body. The whole beautiful leg was white, clear and round.

For a while, I didn't know what to do. I was about to let go, but I didn't expect that the basic skills of this woman were too poor. Through my fight, I was nervous again, and suddenly lost my body's center of gravity, and fell backward.

Seeing this situation, I quickly stepped forward, put an arm on the back of the woman's neck, held her, and then twisted her body, led the woman to a 180 degree rotation, helped her find the center of gravity, and she firmly rested on my arm bend.

I was just about to let go, but the veil on the woman's face suddenly slipped down automatically.

In front of me was a beautiful girl's face. It seems that the girl is about twenty years old. She is wearing a white suspender dress and a circle of platinum ornaments on her neck. Her hair is that kind of natural orange color, with high nose, big eyes and beautiful eyebrows.

She smiled, so naive.

I seem to be intoxicated by her sweet smile, so that I forget the fight just now. Although she attacked me, I couldn't imagine her as my enemy. There was no animosity in her delicate face. Beautiful big eyes, flickering, seem to contain countless secrets. So, I even forget to release her, so I hold her neck, look at her, hold on.

I was thinking, is she miss itafini?

Through her dress and temperament, as well as all aspects of comprehensive analysis, it is almost beyond doubt.

“I’msorry。” The girl's beautiful shoulders trembled a little. She took her head away from my arms and straightened herself.

"You are miss itafini?" I know she's apologizing for her way of appearing, smiling awkwardly and speaking to her skillfully in English.

Looking at this beautiful white princess, I wanted to shake hands with her to show etiquette, but I didn't expect miss itafini to embrace me with American etiquette. I was flattered. She was very fragrant, but it was a very different fragrance from Chinese girls.

"I'm itafini." Ivanli waved me to sit down and broke the silence first: "Mr. Zhao, am I surprised to invite you here? By the way, did I scare you just now? I know your Kung Fu is very good. I took the liberty to try it. It's worthy of reputation. I know you have a Chinese idiom called "Friends of the armed forces". Am I right, Mr. Zhao? "

I was shocked that she was speaking Chinese!

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