Although the emperor was a little vigilant, he did not bring the matter to the court for discussion. First, the matter was just speculation and no conclusion was reached. Second, the courtiers thought similar to the emperor, and they all looked down on the small small countries around them, even if they were taken out. Discuss it, and there is nothing to discuss, it's probably a "let it go" appearance.

However, the emperor did not ignore it either. He gave Mu Yan the full power of the matter and gave Mu Yan great power. If there is a real change, Mu Yan can cut first and then play and mobilize the Qingzhou army.

If this matter really complied with Su Yi's premonition, the burden would be too heavy on Mu Yan. The emperor sent the prince to investigate the clan. The status of the prince will not be shackled by the clan.

The prince smiled.

The emperor told him that although he knew the hatred in his heart, he should put the overall situation first. After the emperor told him, he felt that this kid might not be obedient, so he pulled the queen to persuade him. After the queen persuaded, she felt that even though she had been told, the prince was young and vigorous, and if he could not say that, he was stunned by the bad memories of the clan. So after discussing with the emperor, the queen sent a letter to Su Yi.

Su Yi was confused for a moment after receiving the letter, and he spit out to Mu Yan: "Since your Majesty and Empress are so uneasy, why don't you change them to investigate? The Second Highness can also do the job."

"It's just because you don't worry, it will be handed over to His Royal Highness." Mu Yan said, "This is also a kind of training for His Royal Highness."

Su Yi pouted. Use this kind of event to sharpen it? Not afraid of trouble. Forget it, feudal society is like this, so he won't complain. Although the trough has been vomited out.

After Su Yi spit out the slot, he began to ponder the letter to the prince's brother. He knew that the younger brother's hatred of these people would only be stronger than himself, and general persuasion might not be really useful. Su Yi thought about the character of her baby brother, and said that for this kind of enemy, we want them to live well, and live to see us at ease. This is a soft knife. Raise them well, imprison their freedom, let them have ambitions but can't do anything, that is the real revenge.

Su Yi urged the prince to keep a gentle smile and a calm and natural attitude. No matter how the other party howled, he must not show an angry or sad expression. When you look at them, you have to look at the jokes and look high. The more calm you are and the more you don't put them in your eyes, the more uncomfortable they are.

You know the overall situation and everything, we won't tell you, but you must take your attitude and torture them psychologically.

The prince thought about a hundred ways to torture those clan families. After receiving Su Yi's letter, the prince thought and the eldest brother was right. To slaughter them, they can be slaughtered at any time, and to keep them is to make them suffer every day.

If you let them see their aloft and calm side, they must vomit blood behind their backs?

The better our family's life is, the more uncomfortable they feel like a knife.

The prince decisively gave up his previous plan, he decided to treat his uncles and cousins ​​like a spring breeze.

But Su Yi's letter was burned after the prince hesitated. The eldest brother has no reservations about him, but he wants to protect his external image. How can the eldest brother be related to hatred and conspiracy?

Even if the queen asked, the prince only said, the eldest brother told him to put the overall situation first.

Su Yi's letter was delivered directly to the prince, and even the emperor did not open it. He is also very open-minded sometimes, knowing that to leave some space for others, not everything is controlled in the palm of his hand.

Except for the prince, only Mu Yan had read this letter from Su Yi. Mu Yan also gave Su Yi some opinions, how to write it more inciting people. Su Yi is far inferior to Mu Yan when it comes to thick black. Su Yi only started, and Mu Yan made up a lot of reasons. Su Yi looked at the letter she had written, and even she was convinced by herself.

Perhaps it is the best revenge to provide them with delicious food and let them watch Yu Chao getting better and better in their own hands?

"You think too much." Mu Yan said helplessly, "Do you know how much taxes those clan families cost every year? With that little money, what can't you do? It's just a helpless act. Who made the first emperor pay that kind of death? ."

Su Yi sarcastically said: "The first emperor is a fatherly heart."

Mu Yan was inconvenient to say more about the Yi family. He hugged Su Yi and patted Su Yi's shoulder comfortingly: "Everything is over."

Su Yi took a deep breath, hid his emotions, and changed the subject: "It doesn't matter if they have any contacts with Goguryeo, Baekje, or Waguo in addition to economic contacts, but these countries have to guard against it. If they can directly Just hit it, and if you can’t, you have to do something.”

Mu Yan said, "You are very cautious about these countries."

Su Yi shrugged: "Who shows me the future? You also know that in the future, China will fall behind and be beaten. Who will not eat a piece of meat from these neighboring countries? Even countries on the other side of the sea will come to China. The country divides food, not to mention neighboring countries?"

Although the Korean stick was also miserable at that time, let's pull it in at this time.

Mu Yan's expression immediately changed: "You should say it earlier."

"It's okay to say it or not. When China is backward, the whole world is the enemy of China. What if you say it?" Su Yi said, "If you are backward, you will be beaten. This is the truth. The future will be brought now. It’s boring to say. Let’s focus on what they are doing now. You don’t have to care about them too much. Before China fell behind, the countries established in these places were also our ministers or allies."

Mu Yan smiled bitterly: "This is not to say that you can not care if you don't care."

"Anyway, remember that there is no eternal friendship between countries, only eternal interests." Su Yi said, "As long as we are strong, we don't have to be afraid of anything."

Mu Yan sighed. He didn't know this. After Su Yi showed him the vast land outside China, his heart was always full of worries. Even though Su Yi said that the current means of transportation would not allow these countries to go too far, and ran to Yuchao to make trouble, Mu Yan's worries did not alleviate at all.

Since they can pass, it means that others can come. But now, it's just that others are not strong enough, they are not weak.

And after the "magic medicine" incident, they found that there was a powerful empire in the west that was not inferior to them, but because of the obstacles of the plateau and the Gobi, their soldiers could not come to China.

The "magic medicine" has the shadow of the Romans. Although it seems to be a private act, what if their king suddenly remembered targeting China?

As Mu Yan watched all around China, he felt anxious about enemies on all sides.

Su Yi wanted the emperor and courtiers of the Yu Dynasty to feel nervous, but Mu Yan's anxiety was too much. Su Yi tried his best to analyze the current situation of the surrounding countries, so that Mu Yan would not worry about someone in the Yu Dynasty every day. Called when the war was traumatized.

But there is still fighting in the north, this is really no way. Su Yi still remembered the "Five Random China", at least not so far, not bad.

Due to anxiety, Mu Yan became more active in the construction of sea-going ships. Yu Chao's shortcoming was the navy, and suffered a lot when he fought in Jiangnan. Later, although the navy was taken in from the south of the Yangtze River, the war on the river was different from that in the sea.

The ships of the marine merchants of the Yu Dynasty were good, but they did not have a maritime army. After all, China has always been accustomed to fighting on its own one-acre three-point battle, and never thought of sailing overseas.

After listening to Su Yi talked about so many naval battles, the emperor also wanted to get the navy up. At least he can protect his ships to make money at sea. Now Mu Yan heard that Baekje was a "power on the sea" and that the Wa country could also "cross the sea to be a robber", and discovered that these two countries may be in collusion with the princes, and it is impossible not to worry.

When Mu Yan was in a hurry, Su Yi was also thinking about how to equip his navy with some weapons.

The navy is no better than land, and is close to each other. The most important thing for the navy is long-range strikes, and boarding operations are after long-range strikes.

In the days of the Chinese dynasty, it was natural cannons and guns. Now there is no gunpowder, just bows and arrows. But at sea, how useful bows and arrows are is really hard to say.

Su Yi thought, maybe he should get the gunpowder out earlier, but not now. Su Yi no longer feared the butterfly effect of the things he brought out, but he had to consider the acceptance of this society. Now that he has taken out too much, let's wait for Yu Chao to digest it. Now everyone is in the era of cold weapons, and there is no need to improve weapons.

Steelmaking methods are still being tested, and new steel weapons have not yet been popularized. At present, no matter whether it is manpower or material resources, it is not suitable for taking out gunpowder, which will increase the burden on the country. You have to take a bite to eat, and you have to walk step by step.

But this does not mean that there is no room for improvement in weapons. For long-range weapons, trebuchets, bed crossbows, and the legendary Zhuge crossbow. Before the development of muskets, these long-range weapons had developed to a very high degree. Su Yi had studied these before, and now he can draw the drawings. He once painted the Zhuge crossbow. It is said that the Zhuge crossbow has been manufactured and used in the Northern Xinjiang War.

Su Yi doesn't think that what he draws can be directly applied. Although the more developed it is, the more developed weapons should be, and his drawings should also be the most advanced. However, the manufacture of weapons should be adapted to local conditions and time. To be suitable for installation on ships, it must be able to be manufactured on a large scale under today's technical conditions.

Su Yi wanted to take the drawing to the Mohist to study it, but he hesitated thinking about the Mohist's "non-attack" thought.

To say that these weapons are only used for national defense forces, Su Yi himself does not believe it. There is a large area of ​​fertile land overseas. After Yuchao stabilizes and develops, why not go out and take a look?

After Su Yi got along with these Mo family members, he admired these simple ancient scientists more and more, and was unwilling to deceive them.

After Su Yi hesitated, he told them the truth, and said that although these weapons are now used to defend others and **** ships, they may not be used in wars in the future, so I hope they will think twice and see them willingly. .

Zhang Fu was surprised.

The Mohist family actually built many siege and defense machines, which were very famous during the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period. If they are asked to make new weapons, they are not surprised. Everyone knows that the Mo family is good at this. But it is really rare to be as straightforward as Su Yi.

Sure enough, as Su Yi said, he may not agree, but he must respect everyone's thinking.

And Zhang Fu is indeed thinking about whether he is now dependent on the court of the Yu Dynasty. If the court asks the Mohist school to do something that goes against the Mohist school's thinking, whether he will do it or not.

If Su Yi is still there, maybe he doesn't need to worry about this. After that, let's talk about it later.

The Mohist has gone through many blows, and has cultivated an optimistic spirit that only looks at the present.

Zhang Fu quickly replied, they don't make weapons, but they can help make weapons for ships and defenses.

Su Yi was very happy.

He looked at many weapons, but he really didn't pay attention to the defensive ones. How to guard against other people's bows and crossbows, how to prevent others from boarding ships, these all need to be studied. It is great that the Mohist family can help with the research.

After Su Yi and Mu Yan "joint stocks", they made a lot of money. And he has almost no place to spend money. So Su Yi waved a big hand and generously let the Mo family use money in his private library to buy materials. This feeling of being a big boss is really good.

Seeing that Su Yi was not only not angry at all, Zhang Fu was so trusting and generous, and he was even more grateful to Su Yi. The Mohist group of scholars who were finally free to study the various basic knowledge given by Su Yi took the initiative to put aside the books in their hands and devote themselves to the invention of defensive machinery.

As for those weapons, Su Yi directly threw them to Mu Yan. It used to be made by the craftsmen of the Weapon Battalion, so let's leave it to them now.

Seeing that the ship hadn’t figured it out yet, Su Yi had taken out all the weapons. His heart was very complicated. He always felt that he could not follow the steps of Su Yi, so he worked harder, and finally got tired and fell ill. Very scared.

Mu Yan has always been in good health and has never neglected to exercise. This kind of people who don't get sick often come violently when they get sick all their lives. Su Yi was frightened at first, but later saw that there was no danger, but was lying in bed to recuperate for a period of time, so he went to molested the sick beauty every day. Mu Yan could see that he couldn't eat, and his teeth were tickled with hatred. He wrote several pens to Su Yi in a notebook, and waited to find it back when he recovered.

Su Yi knew that Mu Yan would "keep his grudges", but he still had the attitude of "wine now and get drunk now", and continued to tease him happily.

When Mu Yan was sick, he did not delay Qingzhou's government affairs. It's just suffering Qi Yun.

Su Yi laughed, shouldn't these two people take turns to get sick? One is tired and the other is on top, and when the other is getting better, the other is tired and ill.

Looking at Qi Yun's dark circles under the eyes of the two giant pandas comparable to national treasures, Su Yi felt that she might be right.

So Mu Yan stayed in bed to handle government affairs in order to prevent his deputy from falling down.

Su Yi felt distressed, so he started to lay hands on Mu Yan. Su Yi was once pressed by his elder brother to go to work in the company, and he also took relevant management courses. Although Su Jin finally gave up the extravagant hope of letting his younger brother follow him under Su Yi's stumbling, Su Yi had indeed learned it. At this time, when he picked it up again, Su Yi actually felt that he could still remember what he had learned before.

Since Su Jin can have that extravagant hope, even Su Yi is not that mud can't support the wall. But what Su Jia's eldest brother didn't expect was that Su Yi's talent was not that mud could not support the wall, but his thought was.

After a change of time and space, Su Yi took the initiative to deal with these troublesome things because he felt sorry for his lover, which was even more troublesome than managing a company. Su Yi also provided advanced classification methods, table making methods, and began to promote Arabic numerals and addition, subtraction, multiplication and division tables...

What the **** is behind...

By the way, abacus can't be left behind. This must have. As for why Su Yi knows abacus, this is a sad story. As a rich N generation who is one step ahead of others, Su Yi has a lot to learn when he was a child. I have been learning piano, but I have no emotions and I have not embarked on a professional path. Calligraphy is a kind of edification, but how to write is full of craftsmanship. Abacus is the last to develop the brain. Su Yi uses a calculator and then programming.

It’s just abacus, as long as you learn the formula and remember the formula, you can quickly pick it up after practicing.

The abacus is a very magical thing. When we made the big mushroom, there was no supercomputer, or even a calculator. They were all made with an abacus. Yes, our mushroom eggs are made with an abacus.

It can be seen how powerful the abacus is.

As a state governor, many of Mu Yan's work is wandering in the ocean of numbers. Seeing the string of numbers in capitals and the mess of bookkeeping, Su Yi called them all back, teaching them to count in Arabic numerals, sort them in tables, and bring them up again.

Under Su Yi's vigorous promotion, coupled with these is not difficult, soon the people below mastered this symbol, and improved the accounting method.

Later, in order to increase efficiency, Su Yi introduced the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division tables, so that the staff below were familiar with it, and then let people create an abacus and began to teach people how to plan.

The first thing to learn is of course the Mohist group, and then they go to teach others. After Mu Yan recovered from his illness, the following major changes regarding the numbers involved were listed clearly. Compare the lowercase numbers with the uppercase numbers. Even if you want to change it, it's difficult.

In addition to these things that Suyi is good at, Suyi has also improved some management methods. Even though he is not an official, the decree he issued in the name of Mu Yan has been implemented. Mu Yan listened to him and signed him, but if it was wrong, he sealed it for approval.

After Mu Yan recovered from his illness, these things had to be returned to him again.

Qi Yun sighed, if Master Su enters the court as an official, he must be a capable minister, but it is a pity that Master Su is unwilling.

Mu Yan thought more about it.

This country should have belonged to Su Yi, but Su Yi refused. I used to think that Su Yi's temperament was too simple to be an emperor, but now it is more suitable for him to be an outsider. But now it seems that if Su Yi becomes the emperor, he might be a good emperor. It's not that Su Yi doesn't know how, but just doesn't want to. If it is forced, if Su Yi is in that position, he can still do a good job, maybe better than what the current sage does.

Mu Yan was a little sorry.

Su Yi had been secretly acting as the temporary agent of Mu Yan's governor's power, and Su Yi had notified His Majesty the emperor. His Majesty the emperor certainly allowed it, anyway, with Mu Yan watching, Su Yi just needs to help.

When Su Yi made these movements, His Majesty also regretted why Su Yi could not come back. You can't call him his father, you can't inherit his throne.

If it were not for Su Yi's repeated emphasis, he would not be able to come back, he would suffer a "scourge", would be sick, be injured, and even be life-threatening. If Su Yi is just unwilling to "take away" his brother's position as prince, it is just a psychological factor, the emperor will definitely be bossy. Regardless of whether Su Yi is willing or not, he will directly throw the position of prince to Su Yi, improper and appropriate.

In the emperor's heart, Su Yi is still his first heir.

Seeing Su Yi's talent now, the emperor felt even more uncomfortable.

His son is good with everything. Why can't God just let him inherit his throne? What a violent thing.

It's all the fault of those lords. The emperor used his saliva to stick a blank page on the small book he had already filled, and then wrote a note on it.

Su Yi didn't know the emperor's regret, but he heard Mu Yan's sigh.

Su Yi snorted coldly: "Don't think about it, I don't want to do these troublesome things."

Back then, his elder brother was so bossy that he couldn't get him into the company, so he had no choice but to let him live the comfortable life of the technical nerd he wanted. Who else can force him to do what he doesn't want to do?

Speaking of it, he has changed a lot now, and has taken the initiative to do a lot of things, which is not easy anymore. Back then, he was so at ease, what he wanted to do and he never considered others or the future. Gone are the little days of no-brainers.

Su Yi lamented her carefree childhood.

It is rare for Su Yi to treat his previous life as a childhood.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

When Mu Yan fell ill, the prince had already rushed to where Xu Wang Fengyi was.

Wang Shizi and his wife and brother were sent to the capital by Mu Yan long ago. This time they were taken by the prince to "home" together.

The prince’s trip was not all smooth sailing, and it was said that he had encountered assassinations on the road.

Due to poor traffic and poor news, when Su Yi learned that the prince was assassinated, the prince had completed the task and was about to return to Beijing. This prevents Su Yi from being too frightened. If the news were received the first time, Su Yi might be flustered for a while, and no matter what he rushed to the prince, it would be useless for anyone to persuade him.

Although the prince said that he was completing the task, the gain was not great. When Xu Wang killed himself, he was only doing business. Xu Wang Shizi went to Qingzhou to take care of the business. In addition, King Xu even beat him, saying that even if the elder son shouldn't leave the domain, Mu Yan actually locked him up and hit the eldest son's wife and brother. It was too arrogant and he had no royal family. He clamored to participate in Mu Yan's book.

Of course the prince was also killed. Since the elder son shouldn't go to Qingzhou, and Mu Yan has not seen the prince Xu, it is excusable to think someone pretended to be. Someone pretending to be royal relatives and nobles, this is a major event, Mu Yan's move is very reasonable, but Xu Wang Shizi made such a big mistake and should be punished.

In the end, although it was not possible to find out whether King Xu really only had economic relations with foreign countries, after all, when the prince was arrested, King Xu had already received information, and when the prince went to investigate, there was nothing to find out. However, the prince punished Xu Wang for the fact that Xu Wang Shizi went out of the domain privately.

Xu Wang Shizi first suffered from jail, and then suffered the board, which was very miserable. Seeing Wang Xu's appearance, he looked like he couldn't wait to establish another son.

It's just that Xu Wangshizi is the eldest son, and national laws cannot be changed.

As for the attack on the prince, it was the work of a group of northerners. It seems that it has nothing to do with the king, but because of the Northern War.

The group of hustlemen seemed to have sneaked into the capital long ago, waiting for an opportunity, this time they followed the prince south.

Of course the emperor did not believe it. With Su Yi planting seeds of suspicion in his heart, and encountering the assassination, the emperor became more and more suspicious of whether the prince really had an affair with foreign countries.

The feudal lord became obedient again, and the emperor couldn't do anything with them for the time being, but the Sima family was all caught up. Who made the people arrested this time have their family members?

The rest of the family also laughed at them. They had long known that the emperor was at odds with the other vassals, so their family went to the side of the vassal, plainly saying that they were unfaithful to the emperor.

Although other aristocratic families could not be said to be more loyal before, after the Mu Family, Wang Family, Wei Family and other families changed their directions in a clear-cut manner, most aristocratic families moved closer to the emperor's side. When the emperor is strong, the aristocratic family will weaken. This is the unchanging truth.

Now that the emperor’s military power is in control, and the people’s aspirations are, even if the family wants to do something, they have to look at the success rate.

Besides, there is still Master Su Tian.

Master Su Tian supports His Majesty the Emperor, so they should rest. His Majesty the Emperor is the direction of the sky, the emperor of the true dragon.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Although these aristocratic families had suffered successive losses, the Sima family, who still showed the atmosphere of a major family, was not so optimistic about the drama. But in mid-February this year, the first spring test was released. Sima Hu made a blockbuster. He won fifth in the test, second in the hall test, and won the title of second place. He was directly awarded an official and stayed in the court. It was a joke of Sima's family.

They all remembered how the Sima family treated the second room back then, how they drove Sima Hu out of the house. The Sima family has always wanted to erase Sima Hu's talent and suppress Sima Hu's future. But gold is gold, and it always shines when it should shine.

The rest of the family laughed at the Sima family, no matter how their family fights, at least they are still their own family. For their own talented people, they are trying their best to attract and train them. Infighting can't be damaged internally, and it can't hurt one's own vitality. Otherwise, you will ruin yourself internally without waiting for others to deal with you.

They said back then that the Sima family's generation, Sima Hu is somewhat capable, and even stronger than the Sima family's boss. The boss of the Sima family is more than tricky, but lacks tolerance.

Looking at it now, it really is.

Simahu was suppressed by his family, but with his talents he won the second place and became famous in the world. The emperor personally asked for advice and brought flowers on horseback. The scenery is endless.

Looking at the scenery of Simahu, the rest of the family members were vaguely envy. It seems that this is really beautiful, and it seems to be more ostentatious than being an official in the court.

So some family members who were very confident in their talents also went to the end and tried, many of them were broken, and many of them stood out.

Compared with Simahu's gossip in the capital because of Sima's family affairs, the other two have fewer topics.

But it's just a few.

After all, they are the first batch of jinshi, no less attention.

This time the champion was Xie Chun, the eldest son of Dr. Xie Huan of the Imperial College. Xie Chun had a long history of talent and was well-known among aristocratic families, and his father was a great Confucian scholar. Even though the aristocratic family laughed at him as pedantic, he still had to praise his knowledge. Xie Chun won the top prize because of his family history, and he deserves his name.

Tanhua is a poor student named Zhao Cui. It is not only a poor family, but also a poor family, not only a poor family, but even from a poor family, even entering Beijing to rush for the exam is a entanglement. This person is just in his early thirties and has been unknown. This time, he won the position of flower hunting, and it can be said that he jumped over the dragon gate.

Because of Sima Hu, the family also wanted to be successful; because of Xie Huan, the officials of the non-family found another way; and Zhao Cui's success was the most critical fuse for the prosperity of the imperial examination. There are no mathematicians in the world, they are unknown, they want to promote themselves, but they can't even enter the family. The poems and songs they wrote were thrown into the wastebasket, and their debates with others would only be met with scorn and ridicule. They don't seem to be able to see the Qingyun Road no matter how much they learn.

Now that they have passed the imperial examinations and passed the various examinations, they can not only see Qingyun Road, but can even set foot on it.

Although the road to the imperial examination was very difficult, despite the cold window of ten years, few people succeeded. But at least there are roads, not as before. Every road is blocked and there is no hope.

Moreover, even if you can't pass the Jinshi examination, or pass the examination, you can be a husband or a small official in the county office, so you can have something to eat. After being admitted to Juren, you can fill the vacancy and become a petty official.

It's just a small county magistrate. For most poor students, why not count as "Qingyun Road"?

After the Spring Examination, the imperial examinations flourished a lot in various places. Perhaps the aristocracy is still waiting and watching, but almost all the poor students of the pro-family flocked to see the imperial examination as the first important thing in their lives. If you are left behind, you will be the same as before, thinking of relying on the clan to be an assistant.

Perhaps this situation will change in the future, but now everyone believes that the imperial examination is fair, a gift from the emperor, and a gospel for scholars. In the ignorance of the family, the emperor dug the corner of talent.

But the people who look down on these poor families are just worried about the fact that there are too many officials in the poor families and they will squeeze their official positions, but they didn't expect deeper problems.

When the emperor dug their corners, they broke their roots. What can they do with just a little bit of their own people?

The township and spring exams are held every three years, but the children's exams are held every year. Qingzhou, as a place where scholars have gathered since ancient times, this year's children's test is also very strong, with many famous people participating.

Some of these celebrities are in the middle and some have failed. After all, poetry and painting can be done, but when it comes to imperial examinations, it may not be. As a result, people who specialize in imperial examination examinations gradually emerged, and various exercises and the like began to sell well.

Su Yi felt that this was one of the ways to make money, so he started a five-year imperial examination and three-year simulation.

In order to help the Mo family preserve the classics, Su Yi produced block printing and movable type printing. This time his printing really showed its power. Various simulation questions and scriptures were quickly shipped out from the workshop. The high quality and relatively low price made readers love it.

Seeing that the book business was quite good, Su Yi started a business in the city. He asked the printing workshop to pick up the list of bookstores in the city, any collection of poems, collections of scriptures, and collections of articles, as long as they are paid, they will be printed.

Su Yi also published some scripts and printed a lot of scripts. That storybook sells better than some poetry articles.

After Su Yi made money, he printed a lot of technical books at a loss, such as how to weave, how to grow the land, how to build a house, how to improve farming tools, and so on.

After the rise of the imperial examination, every family with a small amount of money would let their children and grandchildren read and calligraphy, even if they were farmers. Therefore, more and more people are quickly literate. At least, there must be a literate person in every village. These books will always come in handy. Although it may not be sold now, it will definitely be useful in the future.

Science and technology are primary productive forces. These things they have finally worked out can't just be left there and ignored, printed out, and they will always be passed on. Even if there is a war or something in the future, the culture is dated. As long as books are passed on, these production techniques will always be restored.

Even if it is really impossible to recover, when future generations of descendants excavate these books archeologically, they will sigh somehow, our ancestors are so smart, it turns out that science and technology have reached this point.

After Su Yi made enough money, and after discussing with Mu Yan, he published engraving and movable type printing, as well as the improved methods of paper and ink. Although in the eyes of many people, this fact is too stupid, but when they see that the author is Master Su Tian, ​​no one says it is stupid.

This is how Su Tianshi educates the people.

New paper, engraving and movable type printing will make books cheaper and make the spread of culture easier. This is a great event for scholars.

Although Su Yi's reputation in the folks was high enough before, it is only now in the hearts of some scholars that his status has risen.

Some scholars have problems with their eyes and their heads. They don't think that people's livelihood is a major issue, but that it is a mundane matter and is intolerable. But now Su Yi is doing elegant things, and scholars' things.

Su Yi is just huh, who told you that I am a scholar? I am a Taoist priest, I am a heavenly teacher, don't judge me by your standards.

Su Yi is indeed deliberately promoting cultural knowledge, making books more common, and allowing more people to read books. If there is a chance in the future, he still wants to do more literacy, but now he hasn't thought of how to do it.

But this is not an elegant thing. It is the same thing as the promotion of corn, potato, sweet potato and cotton.

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