32. Have fun with them

“Captain, the cargo ship of the Emerald Arms Company, was hit by a torpedo.”

On the Gallic ‘Horizon-class’ guided-missile destroyer, the first mate shouted to their captain.

“I know, it’s been shot, what can we do.

Don’t worry about them first, they will not sink for a while.

Tell the sonar to find out for me the unidentified submarine, they are our enemy.

If you don’t find them, the next time you get hit by a torpedo, it may be our battleship. ”

The captain of the guided-missile destroyer, with a solemn look at this time, said to his first mate.

“Sonar man, did you find that damn submarine?”

The first mate immediately asked the sonar officer on his battleship.

“I’m looking for it, but I can’t find it!”

It’s like they’ve disappeared suddenly!

That’s weird!”

At this time, the sonar officer on the Gallic guided-missile destroyer was also very depressed.

Because, he really couldn’t find Li Rui’s nuclear submarine.

Before he found it, it was also that moment, and then the other party was like disappearing, and he couldn’t find it.

This makes the Gallic sonar anxious.

“Can’t find it? Can’t find a trace at all? How is it possible?”

After hearing this, the first mate of the Galleur did not believe it.

You know, these Gallic guys are still very confident in the performance of their guided-missile destroyer.

It is equipped with extremely advanced flash pendant sonar, and their sonar players are also very good.

It is said that once the location of the other party’s submarine is discovered, it is basically difficult for the other party to completely get rid of it, and they are tracked by sonarists.

At least the general location can be known.

But now, their sonar crew can’t even find the general location of the opponent’s submarine.

“Unless, a very quiet submarine comes.

Could it be from the Hairy Bear Country, or from the Dragon Country?”

At this moment, the captain next to him said in a deep voice.

Because, since their sonar crews, how can they not find each other now, it means that the other party’s submarine is very stealthy.

At this time, there are only a handful of Guo Jia in the world who can have such a stealthy submarine.

But most of them are on the side of Clown Country and Xi Gull, but they will not come to deal with themselves now.

The only most likely ones are the other two big powers, the hairy bear and the dragon.

“Damn, if the Dragon Kingdom’s are okay, they’re still more sensible.

But if it comes to the hairy bear people, then we will be in big trouble.

That’s a bunch of crazy people, let the sonar keep looking.

Be sure to find each other.

In addition, our anti-submarine helicopters will also be sent out to conduct anti-submarine operations. ”

The captain of this guided-missile destroyer was very uneasy at this time.

Soon, on board their guided-missile destroyer, an NFH-medium anti-submarine helicopter took off.

Let anti-submarine helicopters also join the search.

“Boss, that freighter has been hit by a torpedo. ”

Hei Da was in the Ghost nuclear submarine at this time and reported to Li Rui.

“Well, I see it. ”

Li Rui nodded.

Just after their torpedoes were fired, until they hit the Emerald Arms freighter.

Li Rui’s system activated the ‘attack real-time live broadcast function’, so that Li Rui could see the torpedo attack process throughout the city.

I witnessed the scene when the torpedo hit the freighter.

At this time, Li Rui’s Ghost nuclear submarine was actually not very far from the Gallic’s ‘Horizon-class’ missile destroyer.

It was about five or six miles away, but the sonar of the other party could not detect them at all.

“Boss, what are we going to do next, continue to attack this Gallic guided-missile destroyer?

Or return to this?

The freighter of the Emerald Arms Company is basically impossible to plug the hole, and it should be no problem to sink. ”

Kuroda continued to ask.

Li Rui smiled and said, “Our real opponent this time is this guided-missile destroyer of the Galls.

The freighter that took out Emerald Arms was just a random move.

Our nuclear submarines have never competed with these top warships.

Today is a rare opportunity, how can we leave easily.

Why don’t you have to have fun with these Gallic guys!”

“Understood, boss. ”

“Prepare another torpedo, launch. Then quickly evacuate, change positions. ”

Li Rui gave an order to Hei Da.

Then, the specific operation, there is a black big execution.


A few seconds later, four kilometers behind the Gallic guided-missile destroyer, five hundred meters underwater, Li Rui’s Ghost nuclear submarine fired another torpedo.

The torpedo then went straight to the guided-missile destroyer of the Gallics not far away.

“Found it!”

And at the moment when the Ghost nuclear submarine on Li Rui’s side launched a torpedo.

His stealth weakened again, so that the sonar on the Gallic side found out.

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