61 shots, change positions

“Find, at all costs, find out that submarine.”

Immediately, the British captain gave a stern order.

At the same time, I also wondered how Li Rui’s submarine could avoid the monitoring of their sonar and get so close.

It was when this British captain gave the order.

The captains of the other four warships all gave the same order.

“Guys, we need to spread out, expand the search area, and find that submarine.

If my guess is correct, that submarine is probably a very small pocket submarine.

Therefore, he was able to avoid the detection in front of us and exploit the loophole to hit a freighter.

Now our ships are scattered, expanding the search area and entering anti-submarine operations.

Find out this cunning guy and finish him off. ”

Immediately, the captain of the ‘Flower Moon-class’ frigate on the Gallic side shouted to the other ships in the public channel at this time.



Immediately, the captains of the other ships quickly agreed, immediately dispersed, intensified the search, and each entered anti-submarine warfare.

“Captain, no, the hole in the bottom of the ship cannot be blocked, our ship is going to sink.”

And at this time, the freighter in front that was torpedoed could not hold on at this time.

“Sink well, don’t think about plugging holes.

Quickly got on the lifeboat, ready to abandon the ship and escape. ”

A middle-aged captain with a big belly came out and shouted to everyone.

The sailors quickly put down their lifeboats and prepared to abandon the ship and flee for their lives.

“Hey, I’m so lucky, the first one to be sunk was my ship.

After you go back, you can receive a huge compensation.

Hehe, Anderson is probably cursing at this time, he must envy me. ”

The middle-aged captain with a big belly glanced at the broken boat on Anderson’s side in the rear, smiled, and then boarded the lifeboat to escape.

And at this time, Anderson was indeed cursing later.

At this time, Li Rui’s nuclear submarine quickly dived after firing the first torpedo to prevent it from being tracked.

At this time, Li Rui and Hei Dai were already well aware of the advantages and disadvantages of their own nuclear submarine.

The advantage is that it is super stealthy, super maneuverable, and does not need to be exposed to the surface for oxygen.

The disadvantage is that the moment the torpedo is fired, his ultra-stealth will weaken, giving the enemy the possibility of discovery for a moment.

At the same time, the weapons in the nuclear submarine on Li Rui’s side lagged behind.

But now, Heida is already very experienced and knows how to use operations to make up for these two small shortcomings.

Launching a torpedo will stealth briefly fail?

Do not be afraid, after launching a torpedo, we immediately dive, quickly maneuver, change positions.

Naturally, the enemy could not attack him.

As for the backwardness of torpedo performance, it doesn’t matter, anyway, there is super stealth, it’s a big deal to attack closer and better.

Anyway, the principle is very simple, Li Rui’s nuclear submarine fights his super stealth ability, and he will change places with one shot.

At this time, Li Rui’s nuclear submarine quickly dived and then sailed to other positions.

“Did you find it?”

The captain of the Italian ‘Mistral-class’ frigate asked his sonar at this time.

“Report to the captain, not for the time being.”

“Keep looking.”


Several other warships also dispersed and entered anti-submarine operations, but they also did not find Li Rui’s Ghost nuclear submarine.

“Strange, how could it suddenly disappear?

Even a pocket submarine can’t be so fast!

It has already appeared just now, how can it suddenly disappear. ”

At this time, the captains of the other warships also fell into such doubts.

“Guys, if you find this submarine again, you can find his location and launch torpedoes.”

We need to be proactive. ”

Soon, the captain of the British side made such an opinion.



“Also, the cargo ship that was hit by a torpedo just now, their crew has abandoned ship.

Inform the other ships behind and let them rescue these crews. ”

Soon, Anderson’s side received orders to rescue the crew members who had fallen into the water.

Not long after, a pot-bellied captain and a few sailors were rescued by their men.

“Haha, Anderson, I’ll just say I’ve always had better luck than you.

How, now verify. ”

As soon as he came up, the pot-bellied captain smiled and shouted to Anderson not far away.

Anderson gloomy face, said impatiently: “What’s the matter, the next one to sink is mine, look at it.” ”

“Haha, that’s not necessarily!

After that submarine emerges, it may immediately run for its life.

After all, there are still many warships around our fleet looking for him.

Maybe he’s all gone by now.

Your ship has no chance of sinking! ”

The pot-bellied captain said with a smile, not paying attention to Anderson’s gloomy gaze, and then went to a cabin.

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