Liang Gang did not expect that Sun Ce's advance would be so fast.

He never expected that Sun Ce would attack the city overnight after simply building siege equipment.

Just when Liang Gang and others were discussing matters in the prefect's mansion, they heard shouts of killing coming from the direction of the south gate.

"What happened!"

"Go check it out quickly!"

Liang Gang quickly stood up and shouted to the guards outside the door.

"Here."The guards immediately obeyed.

At this time, under the night, countless torches were seen flashing outside the city.

Looking from a distance, there were at least tens of thousands of people.

This frightened the defenders on the city.

However, There are tens of thousands of people.

Sun Ce adopted Zhou Yu’s strategy and made a large number of torches outside the city.

One person held two torches in his hand, and there were a large number of torches on the ground behind the crowd.

But as night fell, far away Looking from afar, how can one judge clearly?


Liu Qi wrote again, wanting to meet Liu Bei.

At this time, Liu Bei was in the study room of the Yamen. in his handHe has a scroll of letters and is flipping through them carefully.

Guan Yu was not by Liu Bei's side.

In the evening, Guan Yu heard that Zhang Fei had been captured by Zhuge Liang's men, so Guan Yu went to investigate.

Liu Bei seemed not to care about this matter, but Guan Yu was dissatisfied with Zhuge Liang's behavior.

After all, Zhang Fei and Liu Bei are sworn brothers. If Zhang Fei does something wrong, it will be Liu Bei who will handle it.

However, Liu Bei's attitude on this matter was unusually silent.

However, even though Guan Yu left, Liu Bei was worried that Guan Yu would be arrogant and cause greater trouble for Zhuge.

Therefore, Liu Bei sent Jian Yong to accompany Guan Yu.

At this time, only Chen Gong and Sun Qian were left with Liu Bei.

The security work of the county government was left to Chen Dao.

Liu Bei read for a while and suddenly felt a little upset and angry. He always felt that something big was about to happen.

So, Liu Bei put down the slips and walked out of the room


Sun Qian came up and asked.

Liu Bei shook his head and said,"Let's take a walk.""

Chen Gong glanced at Liu Bei and said nothing.

Liu Bei stood on the porch, facing the moon, looking thoughtful. Yesterday

, Liu Qi sent an envoy to contact him again.

Liu Bei knew what was going on, but he did not dare to go to Jiangxia.Because

Liu Bei is worried that Jiangxia has Cai Mao's eyes and ears.

If he offends Cai Mao, he will not be able to gain a foothold in Jingzhou.

"Alas, troubled times."

Liu Bei shook his head lightly. Although he has great ambitions, he is currently limited by Xinye. He can only train his military horses diligently and wait for the day when he can perform.

At this moment, a fast horse came to Xinye City

"Open the door quickly!"

The knight on horseback shouted under the city gate.

On the city tower, it was Wei Yan who was responsible for guarding the city.

Wei Yan looked at the men under the city and asked,"Who is coming?"

"I have something important to see Mr. Xuande."

The man at the bottom of the city shouted loudly.

Wei Yan was confused when he heard this, but he still didn't dare to open the door and said,"Wait a moment."

So, Wei Yan sent someone to report what happened here to the county government.

Liu Bei was in the county government. When he heard that someone was coming to see him, he sent people to bring in people from outside the city.

The suspension bridge was lowered, and the people under the city were Welcome into the city


The visitor's name is Dong Ye, Dong Cheng's nephew.

After Dong Cheng's death, he stayed in Luoyang and was responsible for liaising with ministers in the palace and court.

At this time, Dong Ye entered the backyard of the county government office.

When he saw Liu Bei, Dong Ye knelt down and took out an edict from his body.

Liu Bei was completely confused by Dong Ye's kneeling.

What to do!

Dong Ye said:"This is the blood edict of the emperor!"

This edict was indeed written by Liu Xie. It said that Zhou Cheng controlled the imperial court and was called a Han official, but he was actually a Han traitor.

Liu Xie hoped that the princes from all over the country would rise up together to help him take charge of the court and build up the foundation of the Han Dynasty.

And with the contact of Dong Ye and others.

They have contacted more than a dozen ministers loyal to the Han Dynasty, hoping to find an opportunity to jointly kill Zhou Cheng.

Just like killing Dong Zhuo.

Liu Xie wrote sincerely in his letter.

Among them, it was also confirmed that Liu Bei was a descendant of Prince Jing of Zhongshan, and Liu Xie also called Liu Bei his uncle.

When Liu Bei saw this, his heart was naturally filled with excitement.

After all these years, who recognizes him as a member of the Han clan?

Now with Liu Xie's bloody edict, he is finally justified

"The emperor's uncle is a clan member of the Han Dynasty and the queen of Prince Jing of Zhongshan. Nowadays, the Zhou thieves are becoming more and more rampant. If they cannot be eliminated, they will become Han thieves sooner or later. I know that the emperor's uncle is loyal and righteous, so I call upon you today to raise an army together with other heroes and wait for an opportunity to kill the Zhou thieves.……"

Liu Bei recited silently, and after finishing reciting, he sat speechless.

Kill the Zhou thief?

Who kills whom! _Please download the novel without underlining

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