The Most Powerful System

Chapter 355 S.H.I.E.L.D. seeks the whereabouts of the savior

Five interstellar invasion giant ships with a length of 20 kilometers also carry countless alien warriors equipped with high-tech weapons and equipment, and even the most powerful nuclear weapons on earth have not been able to destroy their shells, and even Not even a single crack was created.

This caused the heads of state and generals to fall into disappointment one after another, and the disappointment was mixed with an unknown fear of the near and far future.

Of course, in addition to the military forces ruled by various governments, there are actually some superheroes on the earth who cooperate with the government or are not governed by the government but firmly safeguard the interests of the earth.

However, the heads of state and senior generals do not think that there are so few superheroes that there may not be five hundred superheroes in the world combined, and they will be the opponents of this alien force.

Furthermore, even if the hundreds of superheroes could be given a try, it would be a huge time-consuming and labor-intensive problem to organize them all over the world on this battlefield.

And maybe by the time those superheroes have traveled thousands of miles to get here, the earth's civilization has already been destroyed and devastated.

All in all, expecting those superheroes to solve this disaster isn't much of an expectation.

It is true that they can be properly counted on, but the fate of the earth must not be left entirely to them.

However, among the hundreds of superheroes, the heads of governments and senior generals of various countries have great expectations for the Terminator who has saved the earth and is known as the "strongest superhero".

Said that the Terminator has the ability to prevent this super-large-scale cosmic force invasion disaster, most of these heads of state and senior generals have a trusting attitude, and basically have no doubts about the strength of the Terminator.

But the main problem at the moment is not whether the Terminator can solve this god-level disaster of human genocide, but they don't know where the Terminator is at the moment, and even the monitoring records of the Terminator's whereabouts in the last month nothing.

I don't even know where the Terminator is, so how can I contact his old man for help?

And if his old man is not on Earth, he really can't get in touch if he wants to. After all, the Earth's mobile phone can't dial Galaxy Communication.

"Director Fury, is there any news of the Terminator yet?"

In the UN Security Council room, US President Ellis asked Commissioner Fury, who was standing on his left.

To the left of President Ellis is S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Nick Fury,

On the right is the Secretary of Defense, and the three represent the United States at an international conference that will determine the fate of the planet.

"Mr. President, since the beginning of this month, the Terminator has come to various war zones around the world to help sweep away all the giant beasts from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, and after finally rushing into the Mariana Trench on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, his figure has disappeared from our S.H.I.E.L.D. in all monitoring equipment systems.”

Director Fury manipulated the authority instrument on his wrist a few times, and projected a three-dimensional holographic display screen in the opposite void, showing the last scene of the Terminator's appearance as tracked and monitored on the screen, "Everyone, please see, The scene on the screen where the Terminator dashes to the bottom of the ocean is the last recorded activity on Earth."

Having said that, Director Fury adjusted the authority device on his wrist that was connected to the confidential database of S.H.I.E.L.D., and switched the picture on the projection screen to the next scene.

The photo in the next scene shows the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean, which is more than 10,000 meters deep. The shooting date is the beginning of the month.

"Look, there is a cave emitting a faint blue light. According to the analysis and evaluation of several senior scientists of our S.H.I.E.L.D., this should be a wormhole. The hundreds of them are comparable to the ancient creature Godzilla, right. The beasts that are ravaging the cities of our human civilization are burrowing out of that wormhole tunnel."

"And wormholes, cosmic space tunnels known as Einstein-Rosen bridges, tend to connect two different space ports."

"One end of it is on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean on our earth. There is no doubt that the other end is naturally connected to the planet where the beasts live."

"According to our current speculation, the Terminator is very likely to go deep into the seabed, enter the wormhole tunnel, and go to the lair of those giant beasts."

Under the careful listening of the heads of governments and senior generals of various countries, Director Fury switched the holographic display screen again.

The content of the picture displayed on the screen this time is that the underframe structure of the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean has collapsed, and the area within a radius of several kilometers has become a dangerous area of ​​gravel accumulation, which is completely devastated.

The original wormhole tunnel is no longer visible in this ruin.

It seems that only the faint blue light emitting from the center of the ruins to the surroundings can indirectly prove that a wormhole tunnel connecting other planets is buried in this mountain of rubble.

Ordinary sharks on the seabed, big creatures like whales, and even those alien giants with a body size of 100 meters are all unable to cause this destructive scene comparable to the catastrophe of the seabed.

Therefore, there is no doubt that this generous piece of work is probably made by the Terminator guy.

"Because of the depth of the seabed more than 10,000 meters, it is extremely difficult to achieve real-time monitoring with our current technological means, so our S.H.I.E.L.D. only regularly shoots the latest scene at the bottom of the trench every other day. Photo. And this photo of the buried wormhole is the latest follow-up data that we just collected yesterday by S.H.I.E.L.D.”

Director Fury frowned and continued to explain to everyone present, "It can cause destructive power several kilometers in a radius, obviously those sharks and whales can't do it, including those alien behemoths, it's hard to do it, not to mention the self-termination. After the attackers took action, in the past month or so, there has not been a giant beast on our earth, which further proves that the scene of the destruction of the seabed structure was not made by the giant beast."

"At the same time, according to our nuclear radiation detection results near the trench, there is no sign of a nuclear explosion on the seafloor, so it is not difficult to infer that it is very likely to be caused by the Terminator."

"And this also means that the Terminator should return to Earth!"

Chief Fury concluded his presentation with a logical inference summed up by senior SHIELD agents.

The return of the Terminator to the earth means that in this alien giant ship invasion disaster, the earth has great hope.

After listening to Director Fury's statement, especially his last sentence of concluding inferences, the heads of state and senior generals of various countries present immediately began to discuss.

And everyone's discussion is mainly divided into two factions, and the center of the debate between the two factions is the Terminator known as the savior.

One faction advocates that it should not completely rely on the Terminator who sees the dragon and see no end, but should use all the weapons and means currently available to the human government, even if it pays a heavy price, causing a large number of casualties of human compatriots and the destruction of civilized buildings. It is also necessary to defeat the five cosmic giant ships and establish the sacred and inviolable majesty of human beings and the determination to defend their homeland to the death.

Another faction advocates that while passively resisting delaying time, retreating nearby residents while waiting for the superheroes, especially the Terminator who has saved the earth several times, to come again.

The two factions are arguing hotly on this issue...

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