The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 20: Xin Ai (middle)

The Yellow Turbans outside the city launched another siege.

Xun Zhen kept his story short, and said to the officers, "The lord of the government has long since sent the imperial court a request for help. It may take half a month, but five or six days later, news of reinforcements from the imperial court will surely come. However, it is a mob. The cities of Jia and Xiangcheng are not as strong as our Yangzhai, and there are not many guards. Although they are lost, they have nothing to do with the overall situation. When the imperial reinforcements arrive, our army will be victorious.

"Masters, the court and the county government have been raising you for many years, and tens of thousands of people in the city are now watching you, raising soldiers for thousands of days, and using them for a while, just like Xiangcheng's commanding Wang Lin who fled without a fight and was infatuated by infamy. In the county, like the magistrate of Jia county, the chief of Xiangcheng, Wei Kong, Gu, and Xie of Xiangcheng, although they died, they were still honored and praised by the people of the county, you choose!"

These officers were different from Wang Lin.

According to the provisions of the "Three Mutual Laws", Wang Lin was not a native of this county, but most of these officers were natives of this county, and most of them were from local noble families. In other words, Wang Lin could just walk away, leave a bad name at most, and be settled by the imperial court at the most, but these officers must not be like him, whether it is for their own reputation or for the interests of the family, they cannot. run away.

Therefore, these thirty or so officers, whether they were sincere or reluctantly brave, all answered in unison: "My generation should fight to the death!"

"Okay. Everyone goes to their own team, ready to fight."

Xun Zhen had never defended the city before. Although he had fought thieves and led his troops to conquer the Zhuangzi of Bocai and Bolian, "offensive" and "defense" were two completely different military concepts.

Moreover, fighting thieves and breaking Zhuangzi were only small-scale military operations. To be precise, they were only small-scale "paramilitary operations", which were incomparable to the current large-scale city defense battle.

To be honest, he has no experience in this area, at most he has read some military books. "On paper, it's superficial, and I don't know that I have to do it." Fortunately, his opponent, the Yellow Turbans, had no experience in combat, and was not even as good as him and the county soldiers guarding the city, so he was able to persevere for a day and a night while being besieged by tens of thousands of enemies.

However, after the "fierce battle" yesterday, he consciously had a little experience with defending the city. He thought that defending the city today would be easier, but unfortunately, it is not only him who "has the experience", Bocai and the Yellow Turbans passed through yesterday The training, also have some experience on the siege.


On the second day of defending the city, just before dawn, the Yellow Turbans launched a fierce offensive.

Beginning at Mao Shi, the attack continued until noon.

Bo Cai organized at least 6,000 people, divided into three echelons, and took turns to go into battle.

The fall of Jiaxian and Xiangcheng County greatly stimulated the morale of the Yellow Turban soldiers. After yesterday's battle, they had gained some experience in siege. From the very beginning of the battle, Xun Zhen clearly felt the ferocity of their offensive.

The Yellow Turban soldiers clinging to the top of the city were no longer the same as yesterday. Almost all of them were clothed. There were a few soldiers in armor. At the same time, the number of knives, spears, and crossbows also increased to a certain extent. The siege equipment is not like yesterday, only the simple ladder and the thick wood used to hit the city gate, two solid siege vehicles appeared, and a watchtower was erected on the position of the Chinese army in the distance.

Needless to say, these weapons and instruments must have been obtained from Jia County and Xiangcheng County.

Although Jiaxian and Xiangcheng counties do not have arsenals, there are county soldiers after all, and the powerful and powerful clans in the county also have weapons in their possession, and they can always find some weapons.

Because of the fatigue tactics of the Yellow Turbans, the guards had not rested well last night. At dawn, they ushered in the enemy's uninterrupted attack for three hours, and they were all exhausted. In one morning, the more than 800 county soldiers guarding the east city wall suffered nearly 100 casualties.

"This can't be done. We only have so many soldiers, and one is dead. There are many thieves. They are not afraid of casualties, we are afraid. We have to find a way to turn the situation around." After repelling an attack by the Yellow Turbans, Xun said Zhen gathered Xun You, Xi Zhicai, Zhong Yao, Du You, Xin Ai, who were scattered all over the city to assist the commander, and Xin Ping and Xin Pi, who were later in the city, and squatted behind the crenels.

Xin Ai pressed her knees, half stood up, and looked down at the city.

Because the Yellow Turbans were severely lacking in armaments, all the weapons that fell under the city, whether they were swords, spears, hoes, or even broken arrows, were all picked up by the Yellow Turban soldiers when they were retreating.

The only thing left at this time was the ladder that was pushed down by the guards and the scattered corpses.

The cloud ladders were made in a hurry and are not very strong. After falling to the ground, most of them split into four or five pieces, and scattered wood and branches on the ground.

Most of the corpses belonged to the Yellow Turbans, and there were also a few soldiers of the county. Compared with yesterday, today's Yellow Turban soldiers are high in fighting spirit. Only Xun Zhen saw with his own eyes that three county soldiers were hugged by the Yellow Turban soldiers who climbed to the top of the city and fell under the city.

After a day and a half of fierce fighting, the snow outside the city had long been trampled into mud by the soldiers of the Yellow Turbans, and now it was soaked with blood. With the corpses and the broken and scattered ladders, it gave people a huge impact, which made people unconsciously recall just now. fierce battle.

There were about a thousand soldiers of the Yellow Turbans who launched the attack just now. After half an hour of fierce fighting, after paying hundreds of casualties, they were ordered by the generals of the Central Army and took the initiative to leave the battle. The living soldiers either helped or carried the wounded. The moat retreated to the rear, and at the location they passed, more than a mile outside the moat, another fourteen or five hundred people were gathering.

It can be predicted that the next siege will be the 14500 people who are gathering.

Xin Ai and others have seen this scene many times this morning.

At first, the Yellow Turbans would shout slogans when they attacked or assembled, but after the first hour, after the guards repelled two attacks in succession, perhaps because of the high casualties, they stopped. No matter if they made a sound, whether they attacked or assembled, they were all silent. However, there are times when silence is more powerful and chilling than shouting.

Xun Zhen knew very well that if the momentum of the Yellow Turbans' attack was not interrupted, the guards on the city would not be able to hold on for long.

Casualties are one reason, but not the main reason. Although more than 800 soldiers have already suffered nearly 100 casualties, there are still tens of thousands of people in the city. No matter what, they can still organize thousands of young people.

The main reason is "morale". Seeing the waves of Yellow Turban soldiers rushing towards them as if they were dying, one wave back, another wave, silent and firm, as if endless, no matter how daring people are, it is inevitable that they will fall into despair.

Although the moths are small, if there are thousands of them and they are overwhelming, no matter how big the fire is and how high the flames are, it will be extinguished. At this moment, the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army are moths, and Yangzhai City is the fire.

Xin Ai retracted her head, picked up the dagger at her feet, slapped it twice, and said nonchalantly, "It's easy to reverse the situation."

"What's the best plan for Yulang?"

"While the thieves are retreating, give me a group of people, and I will take them out of the city and kill them for a while."

The leather armor that Xin Ai was wearing was originally a black background with vermilion patterns. At this time, the armor was covered in blood, and the original color could not be seen for a long time.

His beautiful face was also stained with blood.

In order to protect against arrows, he originally wore an iron duffel, but later he became so aggressive that he thought the duffel would get in the way, so he took it off and threw it away. Without the protection of Dou Sun, in a previous battle, the bun was broken by the enemy's current arrow, and now the long hair is scattered behind the neck.

To be honest, his performance in the past two days really surprised Xun Zhen. Since the time of travel, Xun Zhen has met many children of the gentry. Not to mention, the people who are in the city now include Xun You, Zhong Yao, Du You and Xin Ai's clansmen Xin Ping and Xin Pi, but Xin A is completely different from them. . Although Xun You and the others also braved the enemy's attack, they insisted on staying at the head of the city, assisting Xun Zhen in commanding the battle, and for their own safety, they basically changed into armor, but they could really be the same as Xun Zhen, personally leading people to kill with troops. Xin Ai was the only one in front of the enemy.

Xin Ai and Xun Zhen are also different.

Xun Zhen killed the enemy mainly to play a leading role. From later generations, he was deeply influenced by the tradition of a certain glorious heroic army, and knew that "follow me" was the only way to make soldiers brave and fearless than "give me".

Xin Ai is different. In the past few battles, Xun Zhen worried that he would be injured or killed in battle. He had a good relationship with Xun Yu and Xi Zhicai, and he was also a relative of the Xun family, so he often took time to pay attention to him. Two of his characteristics were found.

First of all, in terms of swordsmanship and combat skills, he is not too high, and his strength is not too great, far inferior to Xu Zhong, Liu Deng, or even the young man Wenpin; but secondly, he is very brave, like a tiger going down the mountain, if you use Described in four words, it is "fighting without fear of death".

Xun Zhen really couldn't figure it out, how could such a handsome, woman-like son of a nobleman act like a desperado on the battlefield?

Maybe it's true as the saying goes: the less you are afraid of death, the more you can't die.

Although Xin Ai encountered danger many times during the battle, he saved the danger every time. So far, he has never been injured even once! You must know that even Xun Zhen, who has been closely guarded by Xu Zhong, Liu Deng, Cheng Yan and others, has already been injured twice!

If she can't figure it out, she can't figure it out. Xun Zhen doesn't have time to explore why Xin Ai is so different from other gentry children. For the time being, it can only be summed up as: Some people are born for war.

After listening to Xin Ai's words, Xi Zhicai said with a smile: "Yu Lang took the initiative to ask Ying, his bravery is commendable, but in my opinion, now is not the time to attack."

Xun You nodded, agreeing with Xi Zhicai's opinion, and said: "The thieves are quite clever. First of all, they used the tactics of exhaustion last night to exhaust us, and today they are attacking the city with the might of the city. Our defenders have the upper hand and are waiting to work; now they have the upper hand. If we ignore it, we can expect that after repelling their attack today, they will harass us again tonight~www.wuxiaspot .com~ In this way, we can't sleep at night and fight endlessly during the day, we will become exhausted soldiers. If this is the case, we will definitely lose. Yulang is right, we need to go out of the city to fight back, but Brother Zhicai is also right, now Not yet."

Xin Ai asked, "Why?"

"The thieves are organizing the next siege of the city. The sight of tens of thousands of thieves outside the city is here. It can be said that they are strictly guarded. If we go out at this time, it will not be good."

"so what should I do now?"

Xun You and Xi Zhicai looked at each other and smiled at each other, but they didn't say anything. Instead, they gave Xun Zhen the limelight.

Xi Zhicai said: "The soldier Cao Rong is resourceful, brave and good at fighting. In the past two days, he took the lead, first went out of the city to defeat the enemy, and then he put on armor and held the soldiers, walked on the edge of danger, and led the guards to repel the attack of the thieves. If not for Cao Rong, he would have My city is afraid that it will be lost. Since Cao Rong, the soldier, has called us to discuss this matter, we must have a plan for this. We are all ears.”

I don't know if it was because I was tired yesterday, or because I was timid and scared. Today, the prefect Wen didn't show his face all day. He only sent Han Liang, the chief bookkeeper, Wang Lan, and Guo Tu, the planner. Go to all the walls to supervise the battle. Xun Zhen is now a well-deserved defender of the city. In order to enhance his prestige, it is best for him to do this kind of "showing off".

Zhong Yao, Du You, Xin Ping, Xin Pi, and Xin Ai squatted around Xun Zhen for half a circle, and asked in unison, "What does Xun Rafter mean?"

"Zhicai and Gongda are right. Now is not the time to attack. From yesterday to today, the thieves have been attacking the city for two days without a break. We are tired, and they are also tired! Pass our military orders and make the guards of all divisions fight. Spirit, hold on for another afternoon, and when night falls, I will personally lead the elite and go out to attack them!"

Fighting a war is about taking the initiative, and being beaten passively is not acceptable. There is only one way to turn things around: take the initiative to attack.

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