The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 31: Defeating the Enemy (Part 1)

At the second moment of Shen Shi, Bo Cai's Chinese army beat the drums of war.

Dozens of drums rang out at the same time, making a thunderous sound. Even at the top of the city, the sound of the drums is clear.

It's a pity that no matter how loud the drums are, it is difficult to vent Bo Cai's anger. The humiliation of killing his brother, teasing and scolding can only be washed away by a knife and blood.

With the sound of the drums, there was a commotion in the Yellow Turban camp.

In the camps outside the west city wall, south city wall, and north city wall, knights rushed out one after another, rushing towards the central army.

on the city head.

Xun You pointed and said: "There are tens of thousands of thieves and a large number of people. They are originally a rabble, and they are scattered outside the four walls, and the communication between each other is slow. This must be the thieves in the three thieves camps in the west, south, and north suddenly heard the sound of war drums. I don't know what happened, so Pegasus went to the Chinese army commander to ask Pocai... After the inquiry, they will probably send troops."

Xi Zhicai said: "What Gongda said is very true, the thief army should send troops right in front of you. . . . In my opinion, if they can launch an offensive within half an hour, then for our army, or There will be a hard battle, but if they fail to send troops within half an hour, our army will easily win the battle today."

Prefect Wen was puzzled and asked, "How do you say this?"

"Zhong Gong and Cao Chen entered the bandit camp and lied about offering the city. All the generals of the bandit army knew about this. Now, not only have we not offered the city, but Zhong Gong and Cao had just stepped up to the city and scolded him loudly. He insulted Bo Cai even more. That's it! The righteousness of a man will not be humiliated. If the generals of the bandit army are ashamed of this and share the same 'the enemy's wave of talent', then they will definitely send troops quickly, and the offensive can be launched in at most half an hour. In this way, the enemy will come in shame, It's going to be a tough fight for me."

"What if they fail to send troops within half an hour?"

"If they fail to send troops within half an hour, it means that the generals of the thief battalion are not ashamed of this and do not share the enemy with Bo Cai."

"Different from the enemy?"

"That's right. Zhong Gongcao said: When he went to the bandit camp this morning to submit the 'submission letter', Bo Cai was originally unwilling to accept our army's dedication to the city, but he couldn't stop the persuasion of other bandit generals, so Cai had no choice but to agree. It can be seen that the generals of the thief camp have already started to retreat, and most of them no longer want to fight with our army or attack our fortified city. If you fight against me, you will not have the will to fight. It is easy to win."

Although Wen Pin was not weak and had no official status, he was of the same clan as Prefect Wen, and because he served as a nephew by the side of Prefect Wen, after listening to Xi Zhicai's explanation, he suddenly realized and said with admiration: "Xi Jun is really tall. That's right. After hearing your words, the bandit army hasn't moved yet, and I've already regarded it as a prisoner! I just think I can catch it with my backhand."

The Yellow Turban Army is an "army" that has just been "formed". It is composed of Taiping Taoists from more than a dozen counties in the county.

Bo is their handsome Qu, but the reason why he can be this handsome is just because he has the highest prestige, it does not mean that he can completely control the whole army. Under him, almost every county has its own "Xiaoshuai", and below the county, each township has its own "Xiaoshuai".

In short, it is not so much that Bo is the "leader" of the Yellow Turban Army, but rather that he is the "leader" of the followers of Taiping Road in this county. When a battle is won, the young marshals in the counties and townships will obey his orders. If they lose, the young marshals below will inevitably have their own thoughts.

In such a situation, as Xi Zhicai said, even if Bo Cai used his identity as "Zhang Jiao's disciple" and "Qu Shuai of this county" and used his previous prestige to force the young marshals in various counties and townships to agree to send troops, The young marshals in the counties and townships also certainly have no fighting spirit.

As long as Bo Cai's direct line is defeated, the rest of the people will be scattered as birds and beasts.

Wen Taishou said worriedly: "If the generals of the thief camp can't share the enemy, it is naturally the best, but what if they share the same 'the enemy's wave'? Although I don't know the military affairs, I also know that 'the soldiers will win'! If so, isn't our army in danger?"

Xi Zhicai smiled slightly and said, "There is no need to worry about Mingfu. Whether the thieves are "sorrowful" or "not sad," the winner today will definitely be our army."


"Through the deceitful surrender, half of the 'Qi' of the bandit soldiers has been drained. 'One rush, another decline, and three exhaustions'. The bandit soldiers' 'Qi' is now between 'Zai' and 'Three', even if They share the same hatred for the enemy, at most it is 'Zai', the army of qi decline, why fear it!"

He paused and added: "What I called 'hard fighting' just now is relative to 'easy victory'. Mingfu doesn't need to worry about it. . The possibility is far greater than their common enemy. If this is the case, our army can easily win."

Having said that, Prefect Wen couldn't be relieved after all. He held down his sword and looked at Bocai's central army with anxiety.

A quarter of an hour passed.

The guards at the head of the city are in their respective positions.

In the distance outside the city, the knights from the west, south, and north camps successively arrived at Bocai's central army and gathered into Bocai's handsome tent.

The drumming of Bo Cai Zhongjun stopped.

Two quarters passed.

Xu Zhong and Jiang Qin came to report: "The one hundred and fifty guests are in their places, and they are ready to enter the tunnel."

Near outside the city, the commotion of the Yellow Turban soldiers who were startled by the sound of drums gradually stopped, and in the distance, Bocai's central army was silent.

It's half an hour!

All the people in the city were heartbroken. In the distance, Bo Cai's Chinese army remained silent.

The sun is like water, bringing the warmth of the afternoon, drying on everyone's body, the wind is blowing, and the clothes are warm.

The head of the city was solemn, and no one spoke.

The guards held spears and stared at the Yellow Turban soldiers near the city. Prefect Wen, the county officials, and the parents and children of the wealthy families in the city watched Bocai's central army from afar, holding their swords.

Prefect Wen rubbed his eyes, broke the silence that had been kept on the city head for a long time, and asked, "The bandit soldiers have not moved?"

Guo Tu, who had always had a serious expression and stared at the outside of the city, showed a relaxed smile and replied, "No movement."

Prefect Wen, the officials, and the parents and children of the noble families let out a sigh of relief.

Five quarters of an hour passed, but still no movement.

Six quarters passed, but still no movement.

At the right time of You Shi, the war drums of the Bocai Central Army sounded again.

The dozens of knights who had previously gone to the Central Army rushed out and returned along the same path.

Not long after they galloped out, dozens of knights came out of the army with small flags and went to the battalions scattered outside the east city wall.

Nonstop, the knights passed through camp after camp, waving little flags along the way, as if shouting something. Wherever they passed, the soldiers of the Yellow Turbans assembled one after another. Looking over from the city, the entire Yellow Turban camp suddenly boiled.

One by one, the Yellow Turban soldiers were like waves, merging into a stream. A stream of small streams, driven by the camp's little commander, rushed to the predetermined meeting point and merged into a river. Then, under the leadership of the headquarters, the rivers moved closer to each other and merged into a monstrous ocean.

After half an hour, all the Yellow Turban soldiers outside the east city wall entered a state of preparation for battle.

At the same time, drums also sounded outside the other city walls. Along with the sound of drums, the Yellow Turban soldiers outside the city walls also began to assemble. However, unlike outside the east city wall, they did not mobilize the entire army, only about half of the troops were assembled, and the rest were reserved as reserves. The assembled centaurs were divided into parts, just like a hundred rivers returning to the sea, bypassing the city wall and merging outside the east city wall.

The number of Yellow Turban soldiers outside the east city wall was already the largest. At this time, with the support of the other friendly troops outside the city wall, the more troops and horses, the greater the momentum. In rough calculations, there are probably no less than 40,000 people. In other words, almost half of the Yellow Turban soldiers are here.

Everyone could see that the Yellow Turbans were about to start an attack, and their main direction of attack was still the East City Wall.

Outside the city was no longer as quiet as before, with tens of thousands of people shouting and shouting.

The drums of the Bocai Central Army stopped for a while, and then they sounded again.

This time, the drum beat was very fast, like a thunderstorm falling, and it was full of enthusiasm.

The tens of thousands of yellow turban soldiers outside the east city wall all turned their heads and looked at the central army. Without the slightest warning, they held up the various weapons in their hands, and shouted loudly: "The sky is dead, and the yellow sky will rise. The year is in Jiazi, and the world is prosperous!"

"Is the person who took the lead in drumming and shouting, Bo Cai?"

After being reminded by Xun You, the people at the top of the city realized that among the dozens of drum carts lined up in the Bocai Central Army, a shirtless man was replaced at the front one at some point.

This dynasty has been in peace for a long time, how have the county officials, the parents and children of the wealthy family ever seen such a momentum? A faceless face.

At this moment, Xi Zhicai was overjoyed.

He said, "Our army is victorious!"

Wen Taishou said in a trembling voice: "The generals of the bandit camp entered the central army, and Cao Shiyun, a right soldier, said: 'As long as the bandit army does not send troops within half an hour, our army will win easily'. From today's point of view, although the bandit army is The soldiers that were dispatched after half an hour, however, were in full bloom, with vigour like a rainbow, and there was no sign of 'regression'. I am afraid that our army will not be easy to win. At this moment, why did Cao Shi, the right soldier, say that our army was victorious? ?"

Xi Zhicai pointed to the sky and smiled without saying a word.

Everyone looked up at the sky, only to see thousands of miles in the sky, and the clouds were blooming.

When the soldiers of the Yellow Turbans shouted in unison, Fei Chang, the county chief, was shocked by the thunder, and was almost incontinent on the spot. He wanted to slump on the ground, but luckily someone beside him responded quickly and caught him in time, which saved him from making a fool of himself in public. He asked tremblingly, "What does Cao Shi, the right soldier and right soldier, point to the sky, what does that mean?"

Xun You smiled and said, "What Zhicai means is that the sky is about to twilight."

The early spring is short, and it is almost half an hour at this time. At most, there will be more than half an hour, and the twilight will come.

"It's getting dark, what happened?"

Xun You felt that he had explained it clearly, but Fei Chang was still puzzled, turned his face to look at him, and said to himself, "I explained it so clearly, but he is still puzzled, so stupid, no wonder he would He was despised by the people of the county, and was called the 'Niaozhuan county chief'." Too lazy to explain, he turned his head and looked closely at the formation of the Yellow Turbans.

Fei Chang once told Xun Zhen's right and wrong in front of the former prefect Yin Xiu, and because of him, Xun Zhen was almost humiliated at Zhang Zhi's house. Xun Zhen was later fired by Prefect Wen because of his slanderous words. Xun You did not have the slightest affection for this guest of Quan Huan's family.

"After dusk, it is night. Night battles require elites. With the tens of thousands of people like Pocai, it is not easy to command during the daytime, let alone night? Before today, Pocai was self-aware and knew his own weaknesses. He never attacked the city at night, and usually retreated before dusk, but today, he changed his normal behavior and launched an attack before dusk. This shows that he has lost his mind because of his rage. "Wei Liaozi" "It is said: 'Generals, wide can't be provoked and angry', and anger will lead to confusion. "Wu Zi" said: 'Because of anger, the teacher said Gang', just easy to break. Although the troops have not been handed over, our army has won."

There will be more than half an hour at most, and twilight will come. It is impossible for Bo Cai to capture the city within half an hour. The posture he is posing now is obviously to fight all night. However, where is the night battle so easy! As for the tens of thousands of people in Bocai, just give him a counterattack, and his offensive will probably fall apart immediately.

It was Zhong Yao who answered Fei Chang.

Although Fei Chang was unbearable, he was certainly a guest of Quan Huan's family, but he was the county chief and a lower-ranking doctor, and was appointed by the imperial court.

Although Zhong Yao looked down on him, when discussing matters in the county government office, he often contradicted him so that he could not stand on stage. In private, he never had any contact with him. Privately, but at the top of the city, and in public, he didn't want to watch him make a fool of himself in front of others. In any case, he is a court official and represents the face of the court.

Fei Chang suddenly realized, with a happy expression on his face, as if he was clutching a life-saving straw, and asked, "So, our army is sure to win?" As long as you say "win", the battle is sure to be won.

Zhong Yao is upright and courageous, otherwise he wouldn't be alone in the "thief camp" in the morning, and he couldn't stand Fei Chang's cowardly attitude. To boost his morale, he still replied, "Not bad."

"This is good, UU reading this is good!"

Fei Chang's unbearable ugliness, few people in the city paid attention, and their eyes were all cast outside the city.

After the Yellow Turbans shouted, they stepped on the drum and moved towards the moat.

The forward walked two miles outside the city and stopped.

Fourteen or five messengers rushed from the central army to the front to convey Bocai's orders.

The people in the city watched intently, guessing what order Bo Cai had issued. It didn't take long for them to know.

The front of the Yellow Turbans and the battalions behind them moved slowly to both sides, leaving a passage for fifty people to walk side by side.

The main force of Bocai, who had been in the Chinese army since the day of the war and rarely fought, was led by a drum cart and walked out of the central army camp along the passage to the outside of the moat. , before the army. Along the way, the drums kept beating.

After reaching the destination, the drummer in the drum cart jumped out of the car. This drummer was the shirtless man that Xun Youshi had directed.

He stood beside the car, facing the city head, with tens of thousands of yellow turban soldiers behind him, spreading his arms, several attendants who followed behind the car held armor, pockets, knives and other items, and put them on him one by one. At the end, an attendant knelt on his knees, held a halberd in his hand, and presented it respectfully.

He caught the halberd, leaned on the ground, held the saber with the other hand, raised his head, and stared at the city.

The sun is clear and the river flows. The eyes of the people at the top of the city all fell on their bodies, and the tens of thousands of Yellow Turban soldiers outside the city gradually became quiet.

It seemed like a long time had passed, and it seemed like only a moment had passed. He slowly raised his halberd, pointed it diagonally at the city, and said a word.

The attendants who surrounded him repeated his words loudly: "Break the city, bloodbath! The children Jinbo will be taken by Er and others. The first person who falls into the city will be rewarded with a hundred gold. The one who takes Xunzhen's head will be rewarded with a hundred gold. Those who take Liu Deng's head will be rewarded with a hundred gold!"

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