The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 47: Identify the flags and watch the drums

"Wei Liao Zi", written in the Warring States Period, is a famous military book, which was read by Xun Zhen, Xun You, and Xi Zhicai.

When Xun Zhen talked about the military training plan earlier, he said: "The leader of the Wu will teach you, the leader of the team will teach you, the leader of the team will teach you, the leader of the team will teach you, the leader of the team will teach you, and the uncle will become the leader of the team." This sentence is from "Wei Liao Zi" in "The Military Education?".

There is another sentence in the article "The Military Education?": "The generals are different from their flags, and the soldiers are different from their chapters. The left military chapter is on the left shoulder, the right military chapter is on the right shoulder, and the middle military chapter is on the chest. Book. The chapter says: "A certain person, a certain scholar".

This sentence speaks of flags and emblems.

In addition, there is also an article in "Wei Liao Zi" called "Jing Zu Ling", in "Jing Zu Ling", it also says: "For those who have passed through the army, the division of the scriptures is divided into three parts: the Zuojun Cangqi, The soldier wears Cangyu; the right army white flag, the soldier wears white feather; the middle army yellow flag, the soldier wears yellow feather. There are five chapters: the first row of cang chapters, the second row of red chapters, the third row of yellow chapters, the fourth row of white chapters, and the fifth row of black chapters ."

Putting these two sentences together, it means: "The troops are divided into three armies, and the flags of each army are different. The left army uses the blue flag, the soldiers wear Qingyu, the right army uses the white flag, the soldiers wear white feathers, the middle army uses the yellow flag, and the soldiers wear yellow feathers.

"In the three armies, the badges of each soldier and soldier are also different. The badge of the left army is worn on the left shoulder. The first row is cyan, the second row is red, the third row is yellow, the fourth row is white, and the third row is white. The five elements are black; the badge of the right army is worn on the right shoulder, and the color of the soldiers in each row is the same as the former; the badge of the middle army is worn on the chest, and the color of the soldiers in each row is also the same as the former.

"At the same time, the 'armor' and name of the soldiers should be written on the badge."

Before crossing, Xun Zhen thought that the management of the ancient army was relatively simple, but after crossing, he realized that there were so many different badges. ——These things are not only written in military books, but in practice.

The internal management system of the Han armies was roughly the same as that described in "Wei Liao Zi".

After the flags of different colors are raised and the badges of different colors are put on, the soldiers will know their positions, and the officers will know who their soldiers are at a glance. This is not only beneficial to training in peacetime, but also to mobilizing and killing enemies on the battlefield.


Military flags and badges are also a kind of armament materials, which are stored in the treasury of the county soldiers.

When Xun Zhen went to collect the weapons yesterday, he brought them all by the way.

Although there were only six subordinates, 1,200 people, but for the convenience of commanding, Xun Zhen divided them into three armies according to the Art of War.

Yue Jin and Wen Ping were the left army. Jiang Qin and Chen Bao were the right soldiers. Xu Zhong and Gao Su were in the army.

According to the five elements: the left is cyan, and the music and the text are the blue flags. On the right is white, with Jiang and Chen playing the white flag. The center is soil, which is yellow.

These three-color flags are six "general flags" with curved lengths, and there are "general flags" led by the head of each colony and the team below.

The flag of the left army commander is upper red and lower blue, the flag of the left army commander is upper green and lower red; the flag of the right army commander is upper red and lower white, and the flag of the right army commander is upper white and lower red; The flag is red on the top and yellow on the bottom, and the flag led by the Central Army is yellow on the top and red on the bottom.

The team further down is Shi, Wu.

Shi and Wu do not have to give flags, they are distinguished by epaulettes. The shoulders of the left army are blue, the shoulders of the right army are white, and the shoulders of the middle army are yellow. One and two, and the left and right are distinguished. The epaulette of the left wu is worn on the left shoulder, and the epaulet of the right wu is worn on the right shoulder.

According to the different arms, the tail color of the epaulettes is also different.

It took more than an hour to distribute the flags and epaulettes, and the next step was to teach the new soldiers to identify them.

There are three training tasks today: identifying the flags of the song, Bentun, and the team, identifying the epaulettes, and lining up practice.

Flags and epaulets are cumbersome to say, but they are not difficult to identify. By noon, the new pawns were basically recognizable. Now that the flags and epaulets have been learned, it is time to practice in line.

Xun Zhen saw that it was noon, and sounded the drum on the stage. Each song was temporarily disbanded and returned to the camp, and then resumed training after dinner.


The training of the new pawns is methodical.

Guo Tu, Wang Lan, Du You, Zhang Zhi, Fei Chang and others who were watching from the top of the city had different thoughts.

Zhang Zhiwan's son, his mind is not on this, and he gets bored after watching it for a while. Fei Chang, who is incompetent, can't understand, the two of them will go home from the city first.

Guo Tu and Du You saw noon and saw that the new soldiers had returned to the camp for dinner, and they also went home.

The two of them are a strategist and a thief Cao Ye. They are both important officials of the county and the thieves and soldiers retreated. The city is "hundreds of waste waiting to be rebuilt", and many official documents are waiting for them. They are very busy. In the afternoon, the two of them will leave Didn't come again.

Wang Lan didn't leave, and ate something on the top of the city. After the new pawns finished their meals and left the camp and resumed training, he continued to watch until night fell, and the first day of training was over before he went down to the city. .

After leaving the city, he drove his horse directly to the prefect's mansion.

Prefect Wen was waiting for him at the residence behind the mansion. When he saw him coming in, he put down the bamboo slip he was reading and asked, "How is it?"

Wang Lan knelt down on the ground and replied: "The officials watched the whole day at the head of the city. In the morning, Xun Ye distributed the tooth flags and epaulettes to the new soldiers, and taught them to identify them. 'Team', they practiced for a long time in a queue. The whole day, except for dinner, Xun Yue sat on the high platform outside the camp without leaving half a step. Xi Zhong and Xun You were there in the morning and didn't see each other in the afternoon. They may have fallen asleep while returning to the tent. "

"Did you sleep in the account?"

"The official heard that Xun Ye, Xi Zhong, and Xun You didn't sleep all night last night."

"I haven't slept all night. So, Xun Zhen hasn't slept for two days and one night?"


"He's quite concerned about training new pawns."

Wang Lan smiled and said, "I can't help him not paying attention. Five days later..., no, today has already passed, and it should be four days later that he will send his army to the south. Pocai is a crowd of 100,000 people, although it is a mob, it should not be small. Look, it's about his own life, how can he not care?"

"Oh, it's good to be on your mind, it's good to be on your mind!"

At this time, Prefect Wen's mood was very complicated. He didn't like Xun Zhen, but at this moment he had to rely on Xun Zhen, hoping that he could rescue the five counties of Runan after he went south.

The night has come, and the indoor candlelight is dancing.

Prefect Wen just looked at the bamboo slips for a while at the candlelight, his eyes were a little astringent, he rubbed it, and asked, "Did you see Zhong Gongcao when you came?"


"Go find him later and ask him: Has Ding Zhuangke recruited enough? If he has enough, hurry up and send it to Xun Ye."

Prefect Wen promised to supply Xun Zhen with hundreds of Ding Zhuang and enough for him to get 2,000 new soldiers. These hundreds of Zhuang Zhuang did not fall from the sky, they had to be recruited in the county, and Zhong Yao was in charge of the recruitment.

Wang Lan replied, "No."

Prefect Wen nodded, picked up the bamboo slip, and looked down again.

Wang Lan didn't leave immediately. He hesitated and said, "Ming Mansion, there is something that the officials don't know whether to report."

"What's the matter?"

"Today, not only did the officials go to the top of the city to watch Xun Yu train his troops, but Fei Cheng, Guo Tu, Du You, and Zhang Zhi also went there. During this time, Du You mentioned: It's a pity that his family is not from Yangzhai, otherwise he can choose some elites from the clan. Courage, give Xun Jue to strengthen his prestige. The subordinates took this opportunity to test Zhang Zhi's meaning."

"Oh? What did Zhang Zhi say?"

"Zhang Zhi has no intention of helping Xunyu go south. Guo Tu said: Guo, Huang, Chunyu and other big clans also have no intention of doing this. Only Xun's in-laws, Xin, are willing to help."

Wen Taishou's family belonged to the Nanyang clan, and he knew the thoughts of the clan very well. He thought: "You don't need to tell me, I know they won't come out!" He nodded and said, "I see. You go down."


When Bocai was besieging the city, Zhong Yao once recruited a civilian husband. This time is different from that. That time it was to defend the city, to protect the homeland, this time it was to go south, to "rescue the people of the five counties in Runan". Ordinary people are not soldiers. If it is to protect their homes, they are willing to fight against "thieves", but now Yang Zhai has nothing to do, "going south to attack thieves"? Few people want to go.

Fortunately, when Le came in, he brought with him a lot of people and warriors from the north of the county. These people either had their homes destroyed by "thieves", or they were simply warriors who wanted to join the army. Seeing the recruitment order, they were very active and signed up one after another. . With this group of people as a foundation, Zhong Yao ran all over the county in the daytime, promising a big reward, and reluctantly summoned some people. Together, the two groups will be enough for 800 people. number.

Eight hundred plus the 1,200 people, a total of 2,000, has completed the task assigned by Wen Taishou. Zhong Yao was willing to call more, and he could be considered to help Xun Zhen, but the people were unwilling to answer the call, so he couldn't either.

When Wang Lan came out of the prefect's mansion, he had just recruited all the people and was going to the mansion to report back. At the gate of the mansion, the two met, and Wang Lan relayed the order of Prefect Wen to him.

Zhong Yao said, "In this case, I won't go to see Ming Palace."

He looked up at the night and said, "It's not very late, I'll go see Zhenzhi."

He had been running around all day today and was very tired, but because he cared about Xun Zhen, he couldn't take a rest, he turned his horse's head and headed out of the city.

When they went to the camp outside the city, Xun Zhen had not yet settled down to sleep, so Xun You and Xi Zhicai were called, and the four of them held candles and talked at night.

The content of the discussion was nothing more than the situation in the five counties of Bocai, Taipingdao, and Runan, when the imperial reinforcements would arrive, and guess what the situation in the neighboring counties would be like.

Early the next morning, Zhong Yao went out of the city again and shared the eight hundred recruits with Xun Zhen.


The training content of the second day is: identify golden drums in the morning, and continue to practice queues in the afternoon.

When Zhong Yao was recruiting Ding Zhuang in the county yesterday, he told the people the truth and told the story that Xun Zhen was going south to attack thieves. Although most of the people in the county are reluctant to answer the call, this does not prevent them from being curious.

The people did not know how many "thieves" Bocai had under his command, but they witnessed the situation when Bocai besieged the city a few days ago. There are rumors in the market that Bo Cai has millions of people under his command.

They were curious: Xun Zhen's nickname is "Milk Tiger", but that's just a title, does he really have the guts like a tiger? Dare to go south with one or two thousand people? The "millions" under Bo Cai's command changed to ordinary people, and it was too late to escape! If it weren't for the fact that the traffic outside the city was cut off, and the people didn't know where the thieves of Bocai were, Yangzhai would have become an empty city at this time. But Xun Zhen, who was not waiting in the city, actually took the initiative to "go south to attack thieves"?

On this day, there was a lot of discussion in the county.

After hearing that Xun Zhen was training outside the city, some people climbed to the top of the city to watch.

The head of the city is an important military area. Most people can't go up. Those who can go up are "somewhat related". For example, there are relatives and friends who are officials in the county.

Yesterday there were only a few people such as Fei Chang and Guo Tu, but today there were one or two hundred people, and the noise caught Xun Zhen's attention.

Sitting on the high platform outside the camp, he turned his head to look at the city.

The 800 Ding Zhuang brought by Zhong Yao have already started training, and Xi Zhicai is arranging "Shwu" for them on the field far away from the audience.

Xun You was on the stage, and Zhong Yao had not left yet, and was also on the stage, and the two of them also looked at him from a distance.

Zhong Yao frowned and said, "How can Qianshou be allowed to come to the hustle and bustle in the city's defenses? This wave of thieves will retreat. If there are more thieves, the city will be in danger!" Huo Ran stood up, and was about to step down with his sword.

Xun You grabbed him and asked with a smile, "Where is Yuan Chang going?"

"I will go to the city and order the guards to disperse the people!"

"In my opinion, it doesn't have to be."

"how do I say this?"

"I can take this opportunity to let the people see how we train new soldiers!"

Zhong Yao looked down the stage: In the morning sun, outside the moat of Wei Lan, on the vast training ground, 1,200 new soldiers and 800 soldiers were divided into seven pieces. The new pawns are identifying the golden drums as a team, and the Ding Zhuang are being organized.

That's all for Ding Zhuang. The 1,200 new soldiers were all wearing armor and holding swords. The flags were flying in front of each song, tun, and team. Before each team, there was a gold medal, a drum, and an instructor. The instructors beat Jin and drums first, and after demonstrating different Jin drum sounds, they explained them in detail one by one.

Throughout the venue, the sound of golden drums rang incessantly. The golden sound is crisp and the drum sound is vigorous. In accordance with the sound of the golden drum, the new pawns advanced or stopped, or beat or retreated, shouting from time to time to kill. Several voices converged, rushed into the sky, and resounded throughout the four fields. Between the actions of the new pawns, the dust is flying, which is very spectacular.

Zhong Yao understood what Xun You meant.

He suddenly realized and said, "Is Gongda trying to use this to demonstrate the might of our army and to inspire the hearts of the people?"

"Of course. Bocai retreated, and the people's hearts should be encouraged. As for Bocai's thieves, don't worry. After setting up the camp yesterday, Zhenzhi selected a dozen elite cavalry and scattered 20 miles away to serve as sentries. If there are thieves coming, there will be a warning message in advance."

"If that's the case, then let them watch from the front of the city!"


On the top of the city, the people pointed and discussed.

"Aren't Xun Ju's soldiers all new soldiers? They don't look like new soldiers! Look there, the golden drums are sounding, the soldiers are wearing armor and holding swords, advancing and retreating to kill, really mighty!"

Watching everyone echoed: "Yeah."

"Isn't it!"

"I think it's three points better than the usual county guards!"

Tieguan disciples and slaves have a certain degree of discipline and organization. After a day of training yesterday, especially the half-day queue practice in the afternoon, today looks like it on the surface.

One person said: "That's it! Don't you look at who is training? Xun Ruhu! Millions of Bocai thieves have been repelled by Xun Jun, not to mention the mere one or two thousand people's training? It was broken a few days ago. Thief, Xun Jun personally led his disciples out of the city several times, charged into battle, and beat Pocai's thieves to the ground! What kind of hero? If he had such skills, he would not have promised Fu Jun to send his troops south in five days."

The crowd echoed again: "That's true."

"It is."

Someone asked: "Is the noble man in black standing on the high platform a milk tiger?"

"Which one?"


Someone who knew Xun Zhen said: "No, the one you are referring to is Zhong Gong Cao. Did you see it? The one sitting under the banner is Xun Ruhu! A few days ago, the thieves besieged the city, and I responded to Zhong Gong Cao's move. Once a civilian husband, who only served meals to the county officers, had seen Xun Ruhu. He even said a few words to me!" Speaking of which, the man was proud and proud.

The reason why Bo Cai was repelled was mostly due to Xun Zhen's credit. The people of the city know this. Because when talking about having a conversation with Xun Zhen, this person is very proud. A look of envy appeared on the faces of the surrounding audience.

Some people didn't like it, and asked deliberately, "Yesterday, Zhong Gongcao was recruiting Ding Zhuang again. Seeing how happy you are, do you think you've applied for it again and been recruited?"

The person who spoke earlier was suddenly embarrassed, and said hesitantly: "I was supposed to be called, but my mother doesn't follow me..."

"So, you just didn't answer the call?"

The person who spoke before turned into anger from shame, and said angrily, "Didn't you also go?"

"I, I, ..." This time it was the person's turn to falter, "I" for a long time, and he said, "I was also going to be called, but, just, alas, my youngest son is still little!"

Everyone stopped talking, and all looked out of the city.

Just now, they were looking at the 1,200 new soldiers. Now, they are looking at the 800 soldiers.

Either because they have an old mother at home, or because their youngest son is still young, or simply because they are timid, or because of other reasons, they did not respond to Zhong Yao's recruitment. , seeing the 800 spirited Ding Zhuang who were called upon, suddenly felt a sense of shame, and at the same time, there was a sense of admiration for these brave warriors who had the courage to call.

The sun is shining and there are no clouds.

At this moment, the hearts of these people are only ashamed and admiration. They have not had time to think: these eight hundred strong men are all warriors, but in the near future, how many of them will survive the battlefield? Perhaps, this is the price of being a warrior, and it is inevitable to die in battle. But some things have to be done by someone. They die only physically, but leave behind an uplifting spirit.


The training on the second day was the same as yesterday, and it stopped at night.

The people have things to do, few people see the night all the time, and only seven or eight people stay until the end.

These seven or eight people knew each other. After going down the city, they smiled at each other, bowed to each other, and went home.

Some go to the west of the city, some go to the south of the city, some go to the north of the city, and some go to the east of the city.

Chengxi Huang, Yan Zhu, Chengnan Chunyu and other clans, Chengbei Guo, Xin and other clans, Chengdong Zhang, Zhao family.

It turned out that these few people were not ordinary people, but the guests and servants of the powerful families in the city. They all went to the city to spy on Xun Zhen's military training on the orders of their clan's parents.

Although the Guo, Huang, Chunyu, Zhang, Zhao, Yan and other families were not willing to help Xunzhen go south, they were either officials' families or gentry families. Renjie, they all saw the risk of Xun Zhen going south, and also saw what kind of consequences this "risk" would bring to Yang Zhai, just like Prefect Wen's concern: If Xun Zhen was defeated, what would Bo Cai return to the north? manage?

Therefore, they could not be indifferent, and they all sent guests or servants to the city to peep.

The Xin family sent a guest who knew about military affairs. After returning home, he reported back to the Xin family’s parents: “Xun Ye did three things in total today: teaching the new soldiers to identify golden drums in the morning, teaching the new soldiers to line up in the afternoon, and putting Zhong Gong Cao on the way. The eight hundred people recruited were made into Shiwu, and weapons were distributed."

Xin Pi, Xin Ping, Xin Ai and other Xin family disciples were also present.

Xin Ping frowned and said, "Teach new soldiers to identify golden drums in the morning? There are many golden drum orders in the army, which are very complicated. Only one morning is enough?"

The guest replied: "The orders in the army are indeed complicated, but I have observed them today, and Xun Ju seems to have simplified them, and most of them are not taught, but only teach the drums to advance, the drums to strike, the gold to stop, and the heavy gold to be taught. back."

"Teach only these four?"


Xin Pi interjected: "Advance, strike, stop, and retreat, if you only teach these four things, one morning is enough." He pondered for a while, and then said, "The new soldiers are only infantry, not knights, so there is no need to consider walking and riding the golden drum. Although these four orders are simple, they are practical. They are not good for dealing with elite teachers, and they are just right for dealing with rogue thieves like Bo Cai.”

"The little guy thinks so too."

The Xin family's parent asked, "Where's the queue? What queue did you teach?"

"Xun Jue first ordered the new soldiers to follow the line and Wu Li to stand still. After standing for an hour, he taught them to stand on the spot, sometimes turning left, sometimes right, sometimes lying down, sometimes falling back. In this way, practice again. It lasted for half an hour. Finally, I taught them to jog around the high platform in 'teams'. I heard from the county guard at the head of the city that Xun Ye also taught the formation of new guards yesterday afternoon, and he trained in the same way."

The parent of the Xin family said: "Stand still, turn left and then fall, and jog around the platform, as if teaching formation?"

Xin Ping and Xin Pi were full of reading military books, they lowered their heads and thought for a while, and said, "It's like."

The parent of the Xin family asked again, "How did Xun Ye do it for the eight hundred Ding Zhuang and distribute the weapons to them?"

"You soldier Cao Shi Xizhong made Shiwu for Ding Zhuang himself. In the afternoon, Wucheng was compiled, and Xun Yue personally distributed weapons to them. Before distributing the weapons, he, Xizhong and Xun You first divided Ding Zhuang into several groups according to his height and physique. Then they were given different weapons. The short ones were given spears and halberds, the tall ones were given bows and crossbows, the strong ones were given banners, the brave ones were given golden drums, and those who were thin and short were left behind. On the one hand, no weapons were given, and they were probably used as chores in the army."

Xin Pi said with admiration: "The "Sima Law" says: 'In any battle, it is not difficult to form a formation, and it is difficult for people to form a battle. It is said in the "Wu Zi": 'The order of teaching war, the short one holds spears and halberds, the old one holds bow and crossbow, the strong one holds banners, the brave one holds golden drums, and the weak one is supported by servants "The wise man is the mastermind." Xun Xun's move to divide the armament is in line with the teachings of "Wu Zi", and has won the essence of "Sima Law"."

The guest said, "I heard from the county guards in the city that before, Xun Ye distributed ordnance to the more than 1,000 new guards in this way."

Xin Ping, Xin Pi, and Xin Ai turned to the head of the Xin family who was sitting on the main seat at the same time.

The head of the Xin family stroked his beard and smiled: "The Xun family's military training is quite organized. A few days ago, the thieves were besieging the city, and he took his guests out of the city to attack him. This is wisdom. Wisdom and bravery are combined, worthy of the name of the Xun family's milk tiger, no wonder he has become famous in recent years! George, Yulang, I grant your request! You can go to the clan and choose the brave."

It was a big deal to help Xun Zhen go south. Xin Ping and Xin Ai were only juniors in the clan, and they couldn't be the masters. The final decision had to be made by the parents. After a day of observation today, the Xin family parents agreed to their request.

Xin Ping is okay, Xin Ai is happy.

The head of the Xin family said, "Although Xun's family is wise and courageous, this time he went south to defeat the crowd, and the outcome is still unpredictable. Yulang, although I allowed you to choose someone to help him go south, I didn't agree to let you go. Go south! What do you like?"

Xin Ai was in a hurry, leaned forward, sat down and said, "Ai has been rambunctious since childhood, wandering as a career, reading "Zhuangzi" and wandering around, feeling that life in this world is like a drop in the ocean, but also feels like a white horse passing through a gap, fleeting in a blink of an eye, because I don't know. Where my body is going, because I feel that it is boring to understand this world, until a few days ago, the defenders of the city and the thieves fought, in the breathless gaze of thousands of county soldiers in the city, and in the wild shouts of 100,000 thieves. A good horse, galloping out of the city, entering it, rushing out with the sword in his hand, and returning triumphantly, will know the joy of life! With a sword of seven feet, you will take risks and risk death, and you will be welcomed by all the people.

"A few years I first met Zhenzhi at Wen Ruo's house. At that time, he had just asked himself to be the director of Fanyang Pavilion. He talked with him, and he said nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing amazing, just like an ordinary human ear. A few days ago, I saw him again at the head of the city. He led the crowd out of the city, fought thieves and soldiers, beheaded generals and flagged, and went forward without a break, as if he had been reborn. …, parent, I am Xin Shi and the Xun clan are as famous as the prefectures and prefectures, and they have a marriage relationship, and the public today does not let Ai Nan go, because he wants the world to laugh at me, the Xin clan, and make the world think that only the Xun clan has heroes, and my Xin clan has no heroes?"

He took his hands from his knees, knelt down from the table, and said loudly, "Ai wish to let the world know that my Xin family is also a hero!"

Xin Ping praised: "Yu Lang's ambition!"

Xin Pi smiled and said, "This is the ambition of a hero."

Xin Aisheng's beauty is not only loved by the county people, but also loved by the clansmen.

The parents of the Xin family liked him very much, and really did not want him to go south from Xunzhen, but seeing his generous expression, listening to his encouraging words, and knowing that his determination was hard to change, he hesitated a little, made a decision, and said, "Okay. You have this ambition, and as a parent, I can't stop it!" He got up and lifted Xin Ai, patted his arm vigorously, and said, "Let the world know that my Xin family is also a hero!"


1. The internal management system of the Han armies was roughly the same as that described in "Wei Liao Zi".

In the Han bamboo slips unearthed in Sunjiazhai, Datong, Qinghai, it is recorded: "...the flag, the death is different from its emblem", "the left part is Sima Zhan Hu Qing, the front part is Sima Zhan Hu Chi, the right part is Sima Zhan Hu Bai, and the rear part is Sima Zhan Hu Qing. Sima Zhan (Hu) is black", "the left epaulette is green, the front epaulette is red, the middle shoulder...".

There is also a difference between officers and soldiers: "The color is different, five hundred (official names, about the same as the colony) are distinguished by the color of the upper teeth, and the color of the lower teeth of the officers (team leader) and the lower ones, even by the epaulettes, and the fifth by the epaulettes on the left and right. Don't say goodbye, and the soldiers are separated by the color of the epaulette and the tail."

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