The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 86: Famous in the news of the county and other states (Part 1)

After Zhang Zhi was executed, not only the nobles and tyrants in Yangzhai took their breath away, but also courted Xun Zhen, making him quite the same as when Cao used a five-colored stick to kill Jian Shuo and followed his father. Also" style, and his prestige in the army has also been greatly improved. .+?(.+nbsp;\\s*

The sources of Xunzhen’s followers were very diverse, including Qingxia and villagers from Xixiang, clansmen from the Xun and Yingyin Liu clans, iron officials and disciples, people from various counties who joined the army due to wars and revenge, and subordinates. The dead man chosen from among the prisoners of the Yellow Turbans. When facing the enemy, they would unite under the banner of Xun Zhen, but after the war, although Xun Zhen treated them with kindness and power, and never gave them any rewards, it is not too much to expect to get all their sincere allegiance in such a short period of time. Realistically, now through Zhang Zhi's incident, Xun Zhen clearly felt that the awe of the whole battalion of soldiers towards him had risen to a new level.

Taking advantage of this shareholder wind, he put the decision to reorganize the army on the desk.

First of all, he fulfilled his promise to the Tieguan disciples, asking Prefect Wen to absolve the meritorious people from their crimes, grant them titles, and transfer the Tieguan disciples who were willing to stay and follow him into the county soldiers.

Second, compensating for the casualties and letting the remaining soldiers decide whether to go home or follow him on the expedition.

These two things are simple to say, but quite troublesome to do.

The easiest thing to do is to ask Prefect Wen to absolve the meritorious ones among the Tieguan apprentices and grant them titles.

After doing this, Xun Zhen ordered Le Jin, Jiang Hu, and Xiao Xia to gather the Tieguan apprentices and let them choose to stay or stay, saying: "If you don't want to join the army, I will not force you, and I will send you the travel expenses. If you are willing to continue to join the army, I have asked the ruler of the government to transfer you to the county soldier, and if you have meritorious service, you can become a military officer in the county soldier."

Most of the Tieguan disciples were desperadoes. As Xun Zhen had guessed earlier, most of them chose the latter, and only a few dozen chose to go home. Xun Zhen said what she said, and paid them the toll on the spot. He is so benevolent and righteous, and the iron officials and disciples are very grateful. Those who have already decided to stay will not talk about it. Dozens of people who plan to return home have changed their minds because of this, and decided to stay and become county soldiers.

A few days ago, Prefect Wen issued an order of Dao Xun, ordering the army soldier Cao to enrich the army. Xun Zhen reported the names of these iron officials and disciples, and turned them into county soldiers smoothly. In the middle of the county, there were more than 1,000 county soldiers. Together with these hundreds of iron officials, there are now more than 2,000 people. Xun Zhen appointed Gao Su, Feng Gong and others as officers, and selected some from Xixiang Qingxia and Xun clan, and also transferred to the county soldiers to hold military posts.

The order of prefect Wen's earlier to the county soldier Cao contained two aspects. In addition to enriching the county soldiers, he also ordered the county soldier Cao to draw up a new plan for the training of the county soldiers. Following Xun Zhen's order, Xu Zhong worked out a plan and presented it to Xun Zhen. After Xun Zhen read it, he made some revisions and presented it to Prefect Wen, who approved it.

After two days of work, the county soldiers and the iron officials and apprentices handled it properly.

Then comes the second step of the reorganization: compensating the casualties and reorganizing the parts.

There were more than 3,000 soldiers who followed Xun Zhen to the battle, and now there are less than 3,000 soldiers left, and hundreds of people were killed. They did not send them to the homes of the deceased because they had not yet settled down at the time. Now they can distribute the pension money to their families.

Since the beginning of the Han Dynasty, there have been very few generals with such benevolence and righteousness, which made the soldiers firm up their determination to follow Xun Zhen. Not only that, but aside from the topic, after those who gave pensions to the fallen soldiers returned, Xun Zhen was surprised to find that they brought back quite a few people, some brought one or two, some brought more than a dozen, and some in total. One or two hundred people were all the clansmen or villagers of the fallen soldiers. Because they had never seen a case of sending pensions to the dead, and because they were convinced of Xun Zhen's prestige, these people came to join the army specially. Of course, this is all later, needless to say.

After caring for the dead, the next step is to reorganize the army.

Aside from the iron officials and disciples, there are still more than 2,000 soldiers. Among the more than two thousand soldiers, there are young and strong, some are old and weak. For example, in the transport camp allocated to Xun Cheng, most of them are old and weak. Now that the war in Yingchuan County is over, they will go out to fight in the county, and then bring these old and weak with them. It was not suitable, it might drag the whole army, so Xun Zhen gave each of them a sum of money and told them to go home. There were more than a dozen old and weak homeless, their homes were destroyed by the Yellow Turbans, and they had no relatives to vote for, and nowhere to go. Xun Zhen took them in. Anyway, he had asked Xun Cheng to go back to Yingyin to buy farmland and land. , The manor has been established, and there are not many people resettled.

The old and weak were eliminated, and the remaining 1,800 strong people were all from Yingchuan County. There were more than 300 people who could not leave their homeland. Tolls were issued and they were released home, and there were 1,500 people who stayed. Xun Zhen selected 1,200 brave people who were good at fighting and prepared to use them as part of the work. With the consent of the remaining 300 people, they turned them into their own guests and followers. At this point, the modification is completed.

The military system of the Han family: 200 people per song. The 1,200 people he left behind can just make up six songs.

He gathered the strength of the whole army, added all the captured battles with the Yellow Turbans, collected 200 available war horses, selected 200 soldiers who were good at cavalry and archery, and first formed a cavalry song called "Tuqi", appointed Xin Ai as the chief of this song. Then two hundred ng armors were assembled. Based on Liu Deng's original trapping song, they formed a 200-strong army of armored soldiers. On the basis of Xu Zhong's bowmen, they formed a 200-man bow and crossbow force, called "Breaking the Enemy", with Xu Zhong as the leader. A total of 200 people from the Xun clan, Yingyin Liu clan, and Xixiang villagers were selected to compose a song. Because these people are all descendants of the clan, they are from Yingyin, and the Xunzhen people are called "ru tigers", so it is a sign of closeness. As the "Tiger Warrior", Xun became the leader. The remaining 400 people composed two songs, which were also given good names, respectively, led by Jiang Qin and Chen Bao.

Six songs, five for infantry, and one for cavalry. Xun Zhen put the cavalry song beside him and directed it himself, compiling the five infantry songs into one. Although there are only 1,200 people, they have a complete range of arms, including cavalry, archers, armored soldiers, and light infantry. After the formation was completed, Xun Zhen held a small-scale military parade. He stood on the platform and looked at the tigers and wolves standing neatly in the middle of the camp. He was quite satisfied. Xun You and Xi Zhicai, who were on the left and right, said, "How does Erjun look at my righteousness?" He felt that this seemed a little bit "the villain's swallowed this sentence back.

In a blink of an eye, half a month has passed since the demise of Bocai and He Manzhi. Xun Zhen said in his heart, "The imperial decree may be coming down soon. My ministry has just been reorganized and needs to be strengthened to cope with the situation. Coming war."

He was someone who did what he thought of, and gave the whole camp half a day to rest. From the next day, except for Xun Cheng, who was going to Yingyin to buy farmland and set up the three hundred soldiers who had turned into guests of Xunzhen’s sect and were attached to him, he couldn’t do anything. In addition to participating in the training, the remaining soldiers of the battalion were trained in a unified manner, under the supervision and command of Xu Zhong, Liu Deng, Xin Ai, Jiang Qin, Chen Bao and others.

Xun Zhen has a public position and cannot be there all day. After every day, she will come to the camp once, and choose a song from the soldiers in the camp to check the training situation of the day. If she performs well, she will be rewarded. If they do not do well, they will not punish the soldiers, but the officers at all levels below the Qu Chang. In this way, every day, the soldiers practiced, practiced archery and martial arts, and rehearsed formations.

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