The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 99: What do you do to confuse the enemy?

w Huangfu Song, Zhu Jun, Zhao Qian, the captains of the five schools of the Northern Army, Fu Xie, and many Sima and generals in the tent had heard Xun Zhen's words, and they were startled at first, then shocked. Fu Xie sighed, "Sima is brave."

Huangfu Song hesitated, Xun Zhen's plans and plans were too dangerous. He liked Xun Zhen's talent and didn't want him to take risks. If he fell into the "thief", it would be too late to regret it.

Xun Zhen saw his hesitation and knelt down and said: "Today, the yellow scarves thieves in every state are piling up one after another. Brother Zhang Jiao from Jizhou has more than 100,000 troops, peeping at the capital. Although the yellow scarves in Yingchuan are fixed, there are still yellow scarves in Runan and other places in Yuzhou. Thieves, Nanyang and Yanzhou also have a large group of thieves. If we can't quickly fix the Yellow Turbans in Runan, the consequences will be unmanageable. Now our army's morale is low, if we fight against the thieves again, we may not be able to win. Improve morale, and through this method, our army can also know the details of the thief camp. General, please order!"

Xun Zhen was right in saying that there were only two mobile troops in the imperial court. One was led by Lu Zhi, and in Jizhou, the other was under Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun. The Yellow Turbans in the land will leave the country to attack, and as a result, the "thieves" are bound to be unstoppable, and Luoyang will be in danger. At this time, there is really only a quick victory over the Runan Yellow Turbans.

Although Huangfu Song loved Xun Zhen's talent, he had to agree to his request, saying, "Okay, I'll follow Sima." He asked Xun Zhen, "It's very dangerous for Sima to go here, so what do you want? , I can do it, it's useless."

Xun Zhen said: "You only need ten yellow turban thieves' clothes and let Zhen go to see the yellow turban young marshal among the captives, nothing else is needed."

Huangfu Song, Zhu Jun, Zhao Qian, etc. looked at each other and said, "This is easy to handle!" He immediately wrote a military order and handed it to Xun Zhen. Xun Zhen took the military order, gave a military salute, and strode out of the tent to see the yellow-robed young marshal among the prisoners.

After he was out of the account, Zhu Jun patted the table and said, "Xun Jun has the courage to be a hero!" Zhao Qian said, "Xun Boxiu is called 'the world is a good friend', generous and hardworking, the hero of the world, today Xun Sima is even better than Boxiu."

What did Xun Zhen say? It actually caused everyone in the tent to be amazed and admired? It is also simple to say, and can be summed up in four words: "Go deep into the tiger's den". He planned to take a few people to infiltrate Liu Pi and Wu Ba's camp to see the truth.


With the permission of Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun, Xun Zhen went to the prison camp first. In these two days of fighting, although the scale was not large, the Han soldiers also captured a hundred and ten Yellow Turban soldiers. Entering the prisoner camp, Xun Zhen showed Huangfu Song's military order, and the camp school ordered ten sets of yellow turban prisoners' clothes, and then called the commander of the hundred and ten yellow turban soldiers and handed them over to him.

While in the captive camp, Xun Zhen inquired carefully about the layout of the camp, the commanders of each battalion, the patrols at night, and the passwords.

The backbone of the Yellow Turban soldiers were mostly Taiping Dao believers, and their religion was maddening. Two of the two or three young commanders captured were mad believers of Taiping Dao, and they refused to reveal the military secrets in the camp. Xun Zhen didn't talk nonsense, she was about to behead the two, and asked the last one.

This last little handsome leader was not a follower of Taiping Road, but a rogue Qingxia in the township. Seeing that Taiping Road had no trouble in attacking the city and breaking the county, he joined it to win some wealthy women. He saw that although the young and heroic Sima of the Han army was friendly, but after the two handsome leaders refused to answer his question, they killed him without any hesitation. He didn't dare to hide Xun Zhen's question, and answered all honestly.

Xun Zhen's question, some he knows, some don't, but that's enough, as long as he can perfunctory to get past it.

After asking this little commander, Xun Zhen had a general understanding of the battalions, guard patrols, overall layout, etc. in the Yellow Turban Barracks. He immediately took the clothes of the Yellow Turban soldiers, returned to the main camp, and summoned all the soldiers. General, said: "Tonight I want to do a big event, this is very dangerous, those who are willing to stand up from me."

The generals just sat down on their knees, and they were all stunned to hear him say such a straight-forward remark.

Some people thought in their hearts: "Dangerous thing? But what is it?" Xun Zhen only said that there was a big thing to do, and it was very dangerous. Suddenly, someone shouted, "I would like to join you!"

Everyone looked at it, but it was Dian Wei. Another person stood up and said, "I would also like to join you!" But it was Chen Dao.

Dian Wei and Chen Dao were latecomers. Although Xun Zhen trusted and loved them, but because they were new to the country, Xun Zhen didn't know whether they had the ability to lead troops, so for the time being, they didn't send any troops to go with them, but kept them by her side. .

These Tiandian Wei watched Xu Zhong, Liu Deng, Chen Bao, Jiang Qin, Xun Cheng, and Xin Ai leading their troops, and he was jealous and thought, "If they can do it, so can I!" Desperate to make a contribution. Chen Dao had a grudge against Liu Pi and was eager to get revenge. Therefore, when Xun Zhen said that there was something dangerous to do at this time, the two of them rushed out to answer the order without even thinking about it.

The two of them were latecomers, how could Liu Deng, Jiang Qin, Chen Bao and others be willing to fall behind?

Liu Deng jumped out and shouted, "What you say is to kill a thief. How can you kill a thief without me? I'll go with you!"

Chen Bao, Jiang Qin and others also rushed to go with Xun Zhen.

Among so many people, there is one person who does not need to be asked, and that is Xu Zhong. Everyone was scrambling, and Xu Zhongan couldn't sit still. He didn't speak, and Xun Zhen didn't ask him. The two were familiar with the tacit understanding, Xu Zhong knew that Xun Zhen would definitely take him with him, and Xun Zhen knew that Xu Zhong would definitely go with him.

The people in the tent were eager to fight, Xun Zhen smiled and said: "This matter doesn't need so many people, ten people are enough." After a moment of indulgence, he thought, "Xu Zhong, Dian Wei, Liu Deng Yongrui, the three of them want to Come with me. Chen Bao is witty and calm, and he wants to follow me too. Gao Bing is good at crossbows, Su Zeshan is good at bows and arrows, both of them will also follow me. This is six people,..." Looking around, he chose again Chen Dao said in his heart, "Although Chen Shuzhi is a newcomer to me, he is also a brave warrior. When he rescued Zhou Xun, he killed and scattered dozens of yellow turban soldiers with one person's strength. I have seen him compete with his own soldiers in the past two days. He is far superior to them. Today, I rushed into the formation and killed more than ten enemies. He is a useful person." He chose Yuan Zhongqing and Zuo Bohou, and said in his heart, "These two have been by my side for a long time, serving as my guards. I am familiar with their temperaments and dispositions, they have served me for a long time, and they have a tacit understanding with me, so they can also go with me." So there are nine people, plus he himself is exactly ten.

This time, he was going to visit the Yellow Turban Barracks at night, which was not too pleasant. Ten people were just right. After deciding on the candidates, those who were not selected are still vying for self-recommendation. Xun Zhen smiled and said, "I can't bring too many people this time. You can all return to the headquarters, restrain the members, and wait for me to return."

He left the nine people he selected and Xin Ai, and after the unrelated people left, he ordered his personal soldiers to guard outside the tent, forbid anyone to approach, and told them his plans and plans. While speaking, he secretly noticed the changes in the expressions of the crowd, and found that none of the nine people, including Xin Ai, showed shock and shock. .

He said to Xin Ai, "Yu Lang, you take your knights to correspond with me outside the thief camp."

Xin Ai was not happy and said, "You took them to the thief camp at night, why did you leave me alone outside to respond? I'll go with you too!"

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "Yu Lang, you have an outstanding appearance. If you enter the bandit camp from me, I'm afraid you won't be able to hide the bandit soldiers."

Xin Ai is so beautiful and attractive. Everyone laughed, but Xin Ai had no choice but to accept Xun Zhen's order.

The plan was settled. When night came, Xun Zhen and Xu Zhong, Dian Wei, Liu Deng, Chen Dao and others went to the handsome tent to tell Huangfu Song, Zhu Jun and others, and then quietly left the camp.

Xin Ai waited for a while after they left, gathered the knights of this song, and went out to the camp.

At the gate of the camp, the guarding halberds asked them what they were going to do. Xin Ai showed Huangfu Song's handwritten letter and said, "The general sent me to go out to the camp for inspection." took them out.

Xin Ai took 200 horses out of the camp, and found Xun Zhen and others who were temporarily hiding under a hill outside the camp.

Xun Zhen and the others had already changed into the clothes of the yellow turban soldiers, with the yellow turban on their foreheads. Xin Ai hadn't told the cavalry about their mission to leave the camp, when suddenly seeing so many people dressed as yellow turban soldiers, a few of the knights jumped in horror and were about to draw their swords and charge.

Xin Ai stopped them and scolded: "See who it is!" The knights saw through the hazy moonlight that the head of the group was Xun Zhen, and the next nine were Xu Zhong and Liu. Deng and others were all surprised.

Xun Zhen ignored them, called Xin A over, pointed to the Yellow Turban Barracks in the distance, and said, "I've climbed up and watched the past two days, and I have seen the defense situation outside the thief camp. Yulang, you can bring someone nearby to meet me." There is a river in the north of Xihua City, and Liu Pi and Wu Ba's barracks are in the west of the city, facing the river to the north, so the defense here is the most lax.

Xin Ai responded. Xun Zhen looked up at the night, and said, "It's already three quarters of Xu." Xu Zhong and the other nine people said, "Let's go."

After they left, Xin Ai's knights did not know what they were going to do and asked Xin Ai. Xin Ai told them about Xun Zhen's plan, and the knights were all surprised and convinced of Xun Zhen's courage.

In order not to be discovered by the enemy's rangers, Xin Ai ordered the horses to wrap the horses' hooves with cloth, dismount the horses to rest in the hills, and then put them on the horses after an hour. , quietly went to the predetermined location while the night was dark. Along the way, I encountered three groups of Rangers, one was from Han soldiers and two were from Yellow Turban soldiers. Regardless of whether it was a Han soldier or a Yellow Turban soldier, in order not to cause any disturbance, Xin Ai and the others avoided it. After half an hour, they sneaked to the location designated by Xun Zhen for them.

The name of this place is Niedui. Nearby is the place where King Wuding of Shang was buried. After Wuding died, his accompanying King Nie guarded the tomb for three years and died here. Later generations sealed a large mound for King Nie's tomb. It's called "Nie Dui". Xin Ai had read this story in a book, but this was the first time he had come here, and the night was vast. In ancient times, there was also a city called Wa, which, according to ancient books, was the capital of the Nuwa clan.

Looking here, you can see trees and fields near and far, the river north of the city, and a lake in the distance. I couldn't see clearly in the confused night, the trees were dark, the rivers and lakes reflected the moonlight, and I subconsciously felt the cool water on my face.

At this moment, Xin Ai does not have the affection of hanging on the ancients, nor the ease of enjoying the scenery. He carefully observed the enemy camps several miles away. At this time, when it was about midnight, most of the fires in the Yellow Turbans barracks were extinguished, and it was pitch black. Occasionally, there were one or two lights shining in the camp, which might be soldiers on patrol. It could also be the leader of the Yellow Turbans, Qu Shuai, who has yet to sleep.

He calculated in his mind: If Xun Zhen was discovered by the Yellow Turban soldiers when he came back, how should he use the terrain to deploy his troops and rescue him, and he also calculated: If Xun Zhen was lost in the Yellow Turban soldiers' camp, how could he break into the enemy's camp and rescue him? back.

After making up his mind, he didn't dare to stand on a high place for a long time, but he didn't want to go down, so he simply lay on the top and glanced at the ambush of the knights below. Two hundred knights and horses were sitting on the ground, and there was no one around. , only the nervous breathing of the knights, the horse's mouth is tied, but there is no need to worry about the sound of the war horse. He turned his eyes to the enemy camp again, thinking: "If Xunjun and the others went well, they should have sneaked into the Yellow Turban Camp at this time. I don't know what the situation is? The Yellow Turban Camp is so quiet at this time, they should not have been discovered."

He has always prided himself on being brave, but at this moment, looking at the Yellow Turban military camp that stretches for several miles outside the city and has more than a thousand tents, he thinks that Xun Zhen and the others may be sneaking under the cover of the night, but he can't help but squeeze them for them. sweat. If Xun Zhen was discovered by the Yellow Turbans, there were only ten people in Xun Zhen, and even if he tried his best to rescue them, he still had no certainty that he would be able to rescue them.

Waiting for someone is the most difficult, let alone in such a dangerous situation.

Xin Ai had been looking at the Yellow Turban Barracks. Later, because the night was getting darker and darker, looking into the distance for a long time made his eyes dry and tingling. He closed his eyes and asked in a low voice, "What time is it?" Someone below replied, "It's just past the ugly hour."

Xin Ai said in his heart, "Xunjun and the others left at 3 o'clock in Xu shi, and probably should have entered the thief's camp at the end of Hai shi. Now it has just passed the ugly hour, and two hours have passed." come out?"

Someone suddenly said softly, "I think I heard movement." The knights below heard the words and hurriedly stood up with their swords in hand.

Xin Ai hurriedly opened his eyes and looked into the barracks of the Yellow Turbans. It was still pitch black, he couldn't see anything, and it was silent. Then he looked in the direction of the speaker's finger below. The person was referring to the field dozens of steps to the left.

The night was deep, and everyone looked at them, some holding their swords, some holding their bows and crossbows, but there was no one in the field. After waiting for a long time, the wheat seedlings rustled, as if some small animal had fled away. . Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and let go of the hilt of the sword. At this moment, there was a sudden burst of sound from the Yellow Turban Barracks in the distance. , it didn't take long for the fires to light up one after another, and the entire camp that was several miles long was out of the darkness, like a starry river.

Xin Ai secretly groaned badly, and thought, "Xunjun and the others have shown their traces?" The caring knights ordered, "Get on the horse! Come with me."

These knights also guessed that it was Xun Zhen and others who were discovered by the Yellow Turban soldiers and felt bad, but Xun Zhen had always been kind to his subordinates. When they got off, no one hesitated, and they all flew on their horses, or drew out long knives, or picked up spears and halberds, or pulled up strong bows, followed Xin Ai out of this ambush, and ran towards the noisy Yellow Turban camp. go.

More than two hundred rides in the night like a stream of iron, and like an arrow galloping across the boundless field.

They forgot their lives and did not care about death. Not long after they left, they saw chaos at the camp gate of the enemy camp on the opposite side. At the front, two knights with bows broke their tails at the back, and the rest guarded a man with a knife, like chopping melons and vegetables, killing a team of yellow turban soldiers guarding the gate, and then chasing a team of yellow turban soldiers. Killing back, killing generals will make a **** road, break out from the barracks of the Yellow Turbans, and run out. After they came out, the Yellow Turban soldiers near the camp gate were chaotic for a while. Under the scolding and shouting orders of a young marshal on horseback with a spear, they reorganized and chased out of the camp.

Xin Ai shouted, "The group of people that came out of the bandit camp must be Xun Jun and others! Hurry, hurry, hurry up with me!" Two hundred cavalry galloped, and they were a mile or two away from the Yellow Turban Barracks. When I came across this squad of knights. There were about ten knights in this team. Xin Ai raised his sword and said, "Don't let arrows!" With sharp eyes, he saw that although the ten or so knights were wearing the clothes of yellow turban soldiers, they were Xun Zhen and the others.

Xin Ai saw that the people ahead were Xun Zhen and the others, and he ordered the knights to speed up, urging them to catch up, and catch them.

At this time, hundreds of people chased out from the Yellow Turban barracks, holding torches and weapons, shouting and chasing after them. Xin Ai rushed past Xun Zhen and others with two hundred cavalry, then turned the horse's pocket back, and after breaking up for Xun Zhen and others, he controlled the horse to adjust the direction and ran to the base camp. Xin A rode on the horse to the Yellow Turban. Looking at the army barracks.

The Yellow Turban Barracks, which was still very quiet just now, was in chaos at this time, with drums and horns blaring loudly, and there was chaos everywhere.

Because the fire was blazing in the camp at the moment, I could see it clearly, and if I looked from a distance, I could see a panoramic view. I saw the soldiers patrolling the Yellow Turbans, like countless streams, led by the leader. Next, bypass the overlapping and hurriedly gather at the camp gate. Xin Ai saw that there were many yellow turban soldiers with disheveled clothes rushing out of their tents. It was estimated that these soldiers were sleeping when they suddenly heard the chaos and were at a loss. Maybe they thought it was a night attack by Han soldiers, or He thought that there was water in the camp, so he came out in a hurry, and even ran out naked because he was too impatient.

Hundreds of Yellow Turban soldiers shouted and chased out of the camp gate. Xin Ai withdrew his gaze, turned around, and escorted Xun Zhen and the others on their horses to the Han army barracks. The soldiers chased by the Yellow Turbans were mostly infantry, and they couldn't catch up. There were sporadic cavalry chasing them, and they were all shot and killed by Xin Ai's cavalry. .

The chaos in the camp of the Yellow Turbans attracted the attention of the Han army. The guards at the gate were vigilant and guarded.

Xun Zhen stopped his horse at the camp gate and looked back. There were no Yellow Turban soldiers chasing after them. From the distance, he could see the fire in the Yellow Turban camp, and the noise could be heard in the Han army camp several miles away. He couldn't help but sigh with regret.

Xin Ai asked, "Mr. Xun, what are you sighing for?" Following Xun Zhen to look back at the enemy camp, seeing the chaos in the enemy's camp, he couldn't help but ask, "Mr. Xun, how did you sneak into the thief's camp and stay in the thief's camp again? What did you do here that caused the thieves to panic?" m

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